From the very beginning of the battle, the people of the Jing'an faction firmly gained the upper hand.

If the Jing'an faction at this time is a long sword.

Then Lin Feng and Chu Xi are the sharpest blades and tips of this long sword.

The two rushed to the enemy's formation and began to kill like crazy.

Five minutes later, the battle was over.

The Jing'an faction was silent.

Everyone on the other side was slaughtered by everyone from the Jing'an faction.

"So easy?"

After the battle, Lin Feng's eyes were full of surprise.

He knew that he and the people of the Jing'an faction would definitely win the final battle.

But he didn't expect that this battle would end in such an easy way.

In addition to excitement, the people of the Jing'an Sect were more grateful in their hearts.

They all looked at Su Mu and bowed deeply to Su Mu.

They know.

If it weren't for Su Mu, their Jing'an Sect might have been destroyed long ago.

Lin Feng, who has a hole card, although he doesn't think so.

But he was only grateful to Su Mu in his heart.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Lin Feng ordered.

Jing'an sent everyone and began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up.

To say or not to say.

This group of people is also really poor.

After some cleaning of the battlefield.

There were few things that could be seen by everyone in the Jing'an faction.

The reason why this is so is probably related to the fact that the people of the Jing'an faction have obtained a lot of good things.

"Mr. Su, let's go next..." Lin Feng looked around, asking Su Mu's opinion.

Actually around here.

Apart from the Cyclone Pagoda, there are no other buildings.

But Lin Feng felt that there should be something else in this place.

Su Mu looked around, pointed in a direction and said, "I feel that there should be something good over there!" The

direction that Su Mu pointed to was the direction of the word "treasure" on the parchment.

Su Mu's purpose in doing this was definitely not to allow the people of the Jing'an Sect to enter the "Bao" character area.

The reason for this is very simple.

It was to divert the attention of the Jing'an faction.

If at this time, he said that there was nothing else in it, the people of the Jing'an faction would definitely not believe it.

Not only that.

The people of the Jing'an Sect would even suspect Su Mu and keep an eye on Su Mu, so that Su Mu had no chance at all.

Instead of this, it is better to directly let the people of the Jing'an faction go with him.

At that time, Su Mu casually found an excuse, supported the people of the Jing'an faction, and then entered the "Bao" character area alone.

Under the leadership of Su Mu, the group came to a mountain wall.

"No way." At this time, Chu Xi looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled slightly, and directly reached out to pick up a stone at his feet.

Before everyone from the Jing'an faction could react, Su Mu directly threw the stone in his hand in the direction of the stone wall.

Just when everyone thought that the stone would hit the wall.

A magical scene happened at this time.

The stone thrown by Su Mu disappeared directly when it hit the wall.

That is, the stone went directly through the wall.

"This..." Seeing

this scene, Lin Feng's face showed a surprised expression.

Su Mu smiled slightly; "Sometimes, what you see is just what you see."

Gao Mu's words were very awkward.

Lin Feng didn't speak, but just gave Su Mu a thumbs up with a helpless face.

Su Mu smiled modestly, and then walked towards the direction of the stone wall.

Next, Lin Feng and the people of the Jing'an Sect also walked towards this side.

Gao Mu came to the stone wall and passed directly through the stone wall.

The Jing'an faction followed closely and also passed through the stone wall.

When the group of people all passed through the stone wall, they were all stunned in place.

"This..." Looking

at everything in the distance, everyone was stunned.

Even Su Mu, who claimed to have seen the world, was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because he saw, an inverted triangular building.

This is a very rare type of architecture.

If you look closely, you will find out.

This building literally turns the pyramid upside down.

"Is this a pyramid?" A disciple of the Jing'an Sect said incredulously.

Su Mu didn't speak, just quietly looked at the huge building.

"This inverted pyramid looks like it is much bigger than the pyramid of Khufu!" Chu Xi whispered to himself on the side.

As everyone knows.

Of the known pyramids, the largest is the Pyramid of Khufu.

The huge pyramid of Khufu is incredible enough.

But the pyramid in front of you is even bigger than the Pyramid of Nakhufu.

"If it is found here, it is estimated to be the ninth largest building in the world." There was a disciple of the Jing'an Sect who said in a low voice.

Su Mu nodded very approvingly.

"Let's go."

Su Mu walked towards the inverted pyramid.

Lin Feng, Chu Xi, and the people of the Jing'an faction followed closely behind Su Mu.

While walking, Su Mu suddenly stopped.

As Su Mu's footsteps stopped, everyone from the Jing'an Sect also stopped.

Lin Feng came forward at this time and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Su, what's wrong with you?"

Su Mu didn't speak, just looked around with his eyes narrowed slightly.

After watching for a while, Su Mu said slowly to Lin Feng: "Let the people of your Jing'an faction, all get ready." I feel that this place is very unusual.

"If you're not careful, it's likely to be doomed!"

Lin Feng looked around.

He was not around, feeling any danger.

He has a very good advantage as a person, that is, he can listen to people's advice.

Since Su Mu said, this place is dangerous.

Even if he felt that there was no danger, he would definitely do what Su Mu said.

He turned his head, looked at the people of the Jing'an faction, and said very seriously: "Mr. Su said that this place may be dangerous. So I hope that you will be vigilant. "


Everyone in the Jing'an Sect heard Su Mu say that this place might be dangerous.

The mood that was originally relaxed, was instantly raised again.

Su Mu led the team and continued to move forward.

After walking for about half an hour, the group finally came to the foot of the inverted pyramid.

"It's really a dead horse running in the mountains!"

Su Mu sighed.

"Take a break." When he came to the foot of the pyramid, Su Mu turned his head and said to the people of the Jing'an Sect. "After the state is restored, let's go in again!"


The people of the Jing'an faction began to enter a state of rest.

At this time, Su Mu looked in the direction of the right side of the inverted pyramid.

If he remembers correctly, the area of the "treasure" character shown on the map is over there.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone from the Jing'an Sect was not paying attention, Su Mu quietly opened [Tongyu].

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