When he knew this, it was actually in Su Mu's eyes.

This dog-headed bat has no value anymore.

Since it no longer had any value, then its existence was not much necessary for Su Mu.

"You... You...... You. "Seeing that Su Mu's eyes began to gradually become unkind, this dog-headed bat was actually a little afraid." You wouldn't be trying to kill me, would you?

"I've told you everything you want to know. You still want to kill me, isn't that a bit unspeakable?

Su Mu looked at the dog-headed bat with a puzzled face, and smiled slightly: "Why can't you say it?" I think this thing is in the past!

"And I don't seem to have promised, if you say what I want to know, I will let you go!"

What Su Mu said was called a righteous man.

When the dog-headed bat heard Su Mu say this, tears suddenly appeared in the corners of his eyes.

That's right, tears.

It wants to cry now, very much.

Myself was stuck in this place for so many years.

It's hard to wait for someone.

It also did not think that the person he was waiting for was a living bodhisattva who could directly let himself go.

But he didn't expect that what he was waiting for was a living Yan King.

If this living Yan King doesn't say a word, he will kill himself.

Who can bear this?

Anyway, the dog-headed bat is more or less unbearable.

"Discuss." Dog-headed bats don't want to die yet.

At least it doesn't want to die now.

Gao Mu looked at the dog-headed bat with a smile, and said in a rather flat tone: "What to discuss?" Hearing

that Gao Mu was willing to discuss with himself, the dog-headed bat knew that he still had hope.

"As long as you can let me leave today, I can promise you a request!" The dog-headed bat said loudly.

As soon as Su Mu heard this, he immediately smiled: "I said brother, isn't your behavior just drawing a big cake?" I didn't eat the flatbread you just drawn, do you think I will eat the flatbread you draw now? "

Let's be honest.

In fact, when Su Mu saw this dog-headed bat for the first time, he had the urge to kill it.

The reason why Su Mu is like this.

It was because of this dog-headed bat that Su Mu felt an indescribable threat.

This threat is not aimed at Su Mu, but at this planet.

Su Mu felt that if he released this dog-headed bat today.

Then the earth will definitely suffer unprecedented danger.

Therefore, even if this dog-headed bat said all the good things, Su Mu would definitely not let him go.

"Let me tell you a secret! This secret, after you hear it, then decide whether to let me go! "

This dog-headed bat is also really open.

Otherwise, he would not have said such a thing.

When Su Mu heard this, he immediately became interested.

He looked at the dog-headed bat and said with a smile: "Say, I'm going to see what secrets you can tell!" The

dog-headed bat thought for a while, and slowly said to Su Mu: "On this planet, in addition to me, there are many creatures that are stronger than me. "

Time flies, white cloud dog. After so many years, the seals on these creatures have almost loosened. If I were you, I wouldn't waste time in this place! The

words of the dog-headed bat made Su Mu fall into deep thought.

Because Su Mu didn't know if this dog-headed bat was telling the truth.

As a born-again.

In his memory, there seems to be no legend of the birth of super creatures.

"You don't believe it?" The corners of the dog-headed bat's mouth rose slightly, revealing a weird smile. "I know you won't take my word for it easily."

"However, I can tell you very clearly. What I said is absolutely true. Moreover, some of these super creatures are about the same strength as mine. However, there are also some beings whose strength is stronger than me!

Upon hearing this, Su Mu's brows had already wrinkled.

To know.

The realm of this dog-headed bat is the nine layers of the soul.

The one with the same realm as it is, it is in the Spirit Ninefold.

But if it was stronger than it, then Su Mu would not dare to think about it.

"Where are they all sealed?" Su Mu asked the dog-headed bat.

The dog-headed bat was silent.

At this time, it looked as if it was expecting something.

Su Mu was too lazy to waste time with it.

I saw Su Mu's right hand shake slightly, and an electric arc flew straight towards the direction of the dog-headed bat.

The severe pain made the dog-headed bat's face become hideous.

It didn't dare to sell with Su Mu anymore.

"Where, I really don't know. But I know that a strong man on your earth recorded their seal in a manual. The dog-headed bat said slowly.

"Where is the manual?" Su Mu continued to ask.

The dog-headed bat shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Okay." Su Mu waved his hand in the direction of the dog-headed bat and said slowly. "If you don't know, then you can die."

Su Mu raised the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand and pointed at the dog-headed bat.

"Nope!" The dog-headed bat yelled.

But no matter what it does at this time, it will not help.

"Ten Thousand Tribulations Thunder Technique!"

A bolt of thunder and lightning flew directly out from the Chaos Sword Fetus.


The lightning fell directly on the dog-headed bat.

Dog-headed bats, directly scorched and tender on the outside.

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Dog-headed Bat], get reward: 950 points, [Doppelganger] "[


Introduction: One of the seventy-two techniques of the earth, can transform the avatar. The avatar can help the main body fight, and has 100% of the main body's attack and defense power.


Looking at this newly acquired alien technique, Su Mu's whole person was stunned.

The main thing is that this distraction technique is too practical.

In particular, you can inherit the theme's 100% attack and defense power.

As long as when fighting, Su Mu summons this doppelganger.

That is equivalent to the opponent having to deal with two Su Mu.

"Try?" Su Mu said secretly in his heart.


Su Mu tried to summon the doppelganger.

I saw that not far from Su Mu's side, a person exactly like Su Mu appeared.

What action Su Mu makes, this doppelganger will make.

What kind of expression Su Mu makes, what kind of expression this avatar will make.

"Perfect, so perfect!"

Su Mu sighed.

He originally thought that this doppelganger technique was at most to allow himself to have one more attack point.

But if this avatar is exactly the same as himself, it is not as simple as one more attack point.

"But this doppelganger is too much to consume Qi!" Su Mu sighed. "If there is no aura in the future, you still can't summon this doppelganger to fight."

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