The people of the Five Ghosts Sect were all killed by Su Mu.

He clapped his hands and returned to the car.

Looking at Zhou Moyi, who was trembling, Su Mu smiled and asked, "I've never seen this kind of scene, have you?" As

soon as Zhou Moyi heard Su Mu's words, he came back to his senses.

She shook her head slightly: "No." "

She knows that there are aliens in this world.

However, she had never seen Inhumans fight.

"It's okay." Su Mu looked at Zhou Moyi and asked with a smile. "Can you still drive? If you can't drive, I'll drive it.

"I can't seem to drive." Zhou Moyi was also not stubborn at all, she pointed to her legs that were still a little hesitant, and said to Su Mu. "My legs, now I don't stop calling."

"Okay!" Su Mu smiled and opened the door and walked down from the co-pilot.

He opened the door of the cab and said to Zhou Moyi: "Then you come down first, I'll drive!"

Zhou Moyi glanced ahead and shook his head slightly: "I don't dare to go down."

"Then you go through the cab!" Su Mu said helplessly.

Zhou Mo followed the main driver and climbed to the co-pilot.

Su Mu's words sat on the main driver and stepped on the accelerator.

Ten minutes later, they returned to the hotel.

Zhou Moyi's original plan was to accompany Su Mu to go home after eating.

But today's incident is too terrifying for her.

So tonight, she opened a room directly in the hotel.

The top floor, the most luxurious room in the hotel.

Su Mu lay on the bed in the room, lost in thought.

"The courage of these Five Ghost Sect is really big, and they dare to make a move on me!"

"If nothing else, the residence of these Five Ghost Sects should be in this Mingyue City."

"Let's see the specific situation tomorrow!"

Su Mu thought about it, so he went to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already early morning the next day.

After a simple wash, Su Mu came to the hotel's restaurant.

All of Su Mu's consumption in the hotel is not paid. As long as he shows his room card when he pays.

After a simple lunch, Su Mu returned to his room.

Not long after returning to the room, Su Mu's room door was knocked.


Su Mu asked.

"Mr. Su." A very crisp woman's voice came from outside the door. "I'm the front desk of the hotel, I'm here to give you a map!"

"Map?" Su Mu was slightly stunned at first, and then his face showed a sudden expression. "Wait a minute."

Su Mu then got up and opened the door.

A beautiful woman with online looks and figure is standing quietly outside the door at this time.

"Mr. Su." Seeing Su Mu open the door, the beautiful woman respectfully sent the map to Su Mu with both hands. "This is the map you want!"

"Thank you!"

Su Mu took the map and thanked the beauty.

Then he closed the door.

After the beauty left, Su Mu came directly to the living room and unfolded the map.

This is a map of Akatsuki City.

Because Mingyue City is adjacent to Qinling.

So on this map, in addition to Mingyue City, there is also Qinling.

In addition to this map, Su Mu also took out the treasure map in his system.

Map, treasure map, satellite image of the Qinling Mountains.

Looking at the three pictures in front of him, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

"It's really interesting!"

Su Mu looked at the three pictures, smiled and shook his head slightly.

Mingyue City, Mingyue Clubhouse.

This is one of the most high-end clubhouses in Mingyue City.

At this time, in the top box of the clubhouse, a middle-aged man looked at a man in front of him with a gloomy face.

This middle-aged man's name was Han Busui, and he was one of the five great elders of the Five Ghosts Sect.

Five Ghost Sect.

In addition to the sect leader, there are two deputy sect leaders below, and five elders.

"Are you saying that after Han Bing and a few of them went to snipe Su Mu yesterday, they didn't come back?" Han didn't ask the person in front of him.

The person in front of him nodded slightly, his face full of trepidation.

"I see." Han Busui nodded slightly, signaling that the other party could leave.

The other party was obviously relieved when Han Bu casually said that he could leave.

The man had just left.

There was a knock on the door of the box.

"Come in!" Han Bu shouted.

At this time, a woman walked in from outside the door.

The woman walked in style, her eyebrows were springy.

The woman's name is Sister Jin, and no one knows her full name.

She is not only the boss of this Bright Moon Club, but also Han Busui's sister-in-law.

"How's it going?" Han Busui looked at Sister Jin with a hint of nervousness in his tone.

Sister Jin shook her head slightly: "Han Bing is dead."

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Han Busui stood up directly.

The aura of terror began to spread in this room.

This Jin sister is not an ordinary person.

Under Han Busui's terrifying aura, she actually just frowned.

"Han Bing is dead, and the few people who went with Han Bing are all dead." Sister Jin repeated what she said directly herself.

"Su Mu killed?" Han Busui asked Sister Jin again.

Sister Jin shook her head slightly: "I don't know, did Su Mu kill it!"

"Their deaths were so miserable that they were struck by lightning."

Han Busui frowned.

He looked at Sister Jin and asked softly, "If I'm not mistaken, in the relevant information about Su Mu, it doesn't seem to say that Su Mu knows thunder fa, right?"

"That's what makes me wonder!" Sister Jin nodded slightly.

She had also seen the information about Su Mu.

But among the relevant information, none of the intelligence mentioned that Su Mu would be leifa.

"Then do you say it's possible that he can thunder the law, but he hasn't used it?" Han Bu asked Sister Jin.

"I don't know." Sister Jin shook her head slightly, and then said. "Their deaths are very miserable. Even if it was Su Mu's Leifa, the Leifa summoned by Su Mu would not be able to split them into that way. Han

stopped talking.

"Then you say, besides Su Mu, who else will there be?" Han Bu asked Sister Jin.

Sister Jin shook her head slightly: "I don't know." "

Hey." After Han Busui sighed slightly, he said very helplessly. "Then investigate first!"

After saying this, Han Busui's eyes began to turn red.

He gritted his teeth and said loudly: "No matter who dares to kill my son, I must make him pay!" "

Hotel, Su Mu room.

Su Mu, who had already read the map, was full of surprise in his eyes.

After comparing the three maps, Su Mu could be very sure where the address on the treasure map was.

"Prepare a little in the past few days, and leave in a few days!"

Su Mu's mood began to get excited.

He felt that this treasure map must bring him a lot of good things.

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