Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1426: Brush face long face, mutual benefit

It was sunny the next morning.

It is also due to the sunshine that has been shining over the past few days, making the temperature on the Chinese land continue to be high, providing a decisive and strongest support for the final victory of the anti-African operation.

The women on the streets began to walk out of the house, letting their skirts flutter, bringing the enthusiasm of summer.

Arrived at Yuanqi Technology early in the morning, Wu Tao was confused. After all, it was hot and it was always easy to get sleepy. It was definitely not because of the tossing last night.

In the end, he was awakened by the bustling convoy in front of the gate.

"What's the matter?" The mood of being disturbed by the beautiful dream couldn't help but deteriorate. Wu Tao opened his eyes and saw that he was blocked at the door of the company. This meant that his feeling of return was over, and the first time he encountered One thing is not going well.

Song Zhuang had learned from other security team members a long time ago, so he explained: "Boss, it is said that there are a lot of foreign companies visiting Yuanqi Technology these days, so the registration check has been delayed."

Wu Tao raised his eyes and did not look forward, but looked back and said, "Turn around and enter through the east gate."

The east gate is the logistics gate of Yuanqi Technology, and it is not open to employees and outsiders.

But for Wu Tao, this problem naturally does not exist.

Song Zhuang immediately notified the instruction in the wireless system. Five minutes later, Wu Tao got off the basement of Yuanqi Technology Building and took the elevator to the president's office.

The elevator door opened. When Wu Tao passed by the secretary's office, he found it was empty.

Pushing open the door of the president's office, she found that Liu Ruoxi and Sun Yanyan were personally organizing everything on the desk and file cabinet.

"How did you two do this today? What about the others?"

Liu Ruoxi kept moving and said: "Today, the Lotus product department is going to hold an LCD solution seminar. Several LCD manufacturers technical teams from South Korea, Neon, and the Netherlands have all rushed over. The side was also tense, so Mr. Xiao asked me for someone to go there."

"After all, the secretaries of our president's office are all proficient in foreign languages."

Wu Tao nodded and sat down, and Sun Yanyan's coffee was placed in front of her.

At the same time, there was a printed document in front of him. Wu Tao glanced at it. It was an outline of the theme of the evening report.

No need to look at this, Wu Tao didn't look at it either.

While Sun Yanyan was relaxed, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

That's what she squeezed out after a lot of brain cells died. Regardless of good or bad, she expects the boss to give an evaluation.

At least let her know how far this content is from the boss's own inner standard.

Now it seems that this matter is going to be a mystery.

"By the way, Panis and Jason from Morgan, about a few days from today's trip to Jinling? Are the reception work ready?"

Liu Ruoxi replied: "It is expected to land at 10:30, and the company's team and security team are ready. However, the plan is to arrange a reception banquet at noon. Considering that the boss has a report meeting in the evening, do you need to reschedule this reception banquet?"

Wu Tao took a sip of coffee and said without hesitation: "No need."

Liu Ruoxi was not surprised, so he jotted it down, and then asked: "Then the seminar hosted by the Lotus Product Division today, do you plan to attend?"

Wu Tao continued to shook his head, "Let them send me a copy of the meeting in detail."

At noon, more people came than expected.

There are not only the Morgan consortium headed by Panis and Jason, but also Ivanka from the Trump family, Woody Crown from the Chicago consortium, Wengel from the DuPont consortium, and Lin Sen from the Boston consortium...

But the accident was an accident, and Wu Tao didn't mean to panic at all.

Anyway, as his home court, one sheep is to drive, and a group of sheep is also to drive.

Although these guests are not sheep, the truth is the same.

After the wind reception banquet ended smoothly, Wu Tao completely let these friends go, what should they do.

It is absolutely impossible to arrange them like Molly.

Furthermore, this is a group of hunters who smell meat. As the host, Wu Tao will never do those extraordinarily courteous things.

Anyway, in the end, it's all about the distribution of benefits, see the truth.

However, Wu Tao does not take it so seriously, which does not mean that others do not take it so seriously.

So in the afternoon at the President's Office, when Rena Fujiwara and Alyssa were received, An Dingguo's phone was directly connected to the landline.

"I heard that you have brought a large number of strong international friends?"

Wu Tao was slightly stagnated. He didn't expect An Dingguo to make this call for a while.

After all, international friends are different from international friends.

This group of people has nothing but money.

Otherwise, I won't come to myself to find projects.

So Wu Tao said inexplicably, "Yes, Uncle An, what's wrong?"

On the phone, An Dingguo's voice became agitated, "Can you arrange for them to come to the province for an interview, even if it is a formality?"

Emmm? Wu Tao's heart turned sharply, and he quickly understood the reason, "No problem, they are idle anyway. It's just that there are a lot of consortium representatives coming this time. I don't know if the province will accept them?"

An Dingguo slapped the table, "No matter how much you can receive, can you come?"

"I'm afraid it won't work, Uncle An, I have a college report tonight."

"It's okay, you should hurry up and implement this matter, and I will let Xiao Li contact you."

It's nothing more than a long-faced thing, which is a win-win situation for mutual benefit, and Wu Tao quickly ordered it to go down.

Old Jason was still a little bit slanderous. He felt that Hua Xia Wu didn't pay much attention to the Morgan Consortium this time, and even let the dignified strategic partners enjoy the same treatment as the Chicago consortium's latecomers.

As a result, when I received a call from Jiangdong Province, when I heard the arrangement, the reception specifications were immediately ecstatic and couldn't help myself.

This is the familiar taste, the familiar recipe.

Otherwise, I really have to adjust the jet lag in the hotel for half a day, and it feels like I haven't visited China.

The seminar hosted by Lotus Product Division had been discussing almost all Anyway, until the afternoon when Wu Tao left the company early and went to Jinling University, he still did not wait to submit the minutes of the meeting content.

It seems that the content is too much, the process is long, and the records are organized, and it will not happen in a short while.

But when Wu Tao took out the outline listed by Sun Yanyan in the car, he couldn't help but shine.

Secretary Sun unexpectedly set out specific outlines for the three topics proposed by Jinling University this time.

Although the direction and depth are somewhat general, it is not easy for a new secretary who has just joined the company.

After he knew what he knew, Wu Tao began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Although it is only an ordinary college student report meeting, it is the hope of the motherland and the pillars of the future. Therefore, this report meeting must tell the truth as well as the ideals.

It's not that difficult, and it's hard to find.

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