Restarting the myth

Chapter 106: Promotion?

The next morning, Wayne asked Fla to drive Chris back to school, and personally opened the car door for the senior sister and teacher.

Students are dull, please forgive the inconvenience caused.

After finishing homework last night, Wayne invited Chris. The detective agency has been decorated and is about to open. It is currently lacking a trustworthy accountant.

Involving accounts, you must find an acquaintance.

Veronica and Willie recommended Chris to him together. I don’t know if the latter intends to put her name on it and receive a salary every month.

Whether it was Veronica and Willie who recommended it is not important. The important thing is that the three of them are in a good position and Wayne doesn’t want to separate them.

Equilateral triangles and isosceles triangles are both stable, and neither can be missing!

When she heard that it was Veronica and Willie who recommended it, Chris readily agreed.

Her personality is like this, very gentle, will not refuse friends’ requests, and if there is a conflict of position, she will often consider friends first.

Before the car left, Wayne gave Fla a look, and Fla understood. On the way back to school, he would say some good things about Master Wayne from the side.

In short, this is a very elegant gentleman, whether in love or marriage, he is the first choice.

After the car left, Wayne asked Willie to walk on the street together and walked to the Commercial Street Detective Agency.

On the way, Wayne bought a few newspapers and magazines and read the latest news and gossip.

There was a piece of news that caught his attention. At the end of September, the Prime Minister of the Windsor Cabinet will go to Prussia to attend the four-nation summit and sign an agreement on Prussia's recovery of lost territory.

Wayne did not comment. From a God's perspective, this was undoubtedly a stupid move, but in terms of the current situation, it would be better to delay it for a while, and compromise was also a helpless move.

Seeing Wayne's solemn expression, Willie leaned over to look at the newspaper. It was boring news and had no meaning at all.

But soon, Wayne saw another piece of news in the magazine. It was very important, more important than the four-nation summit.

[What exactly are stockings, and why do they make the whole of London crazy about them]

In magazines, female models wearing stockings are bright and beautiful, and their straight long legs and stockings complement each other, showing all kinds of styles.

Slightly smaller photos are taken from the streets of London. Women with imperfect figures wear stockings, which can cover up their leg defects, improve their temperament, and make them look dignified, elegant, and beautiful.

Even their appearance has been raised a few points.

The stockings have been launched on the market. As Wayne expected, they have been highly sought after as soon as they were launched, and the rave reviews directly cleared the inventory.

The factory's production speed cannot keep up with the sales speed, and the price of stockings has been rising steadily, and the market price is adjusted almost every day.

There is a long queue in front of the mall. Most of the customers are women, but there are also men. The stockings have become a popular item that is praised by everyone. In the mouths of consumers, except that the price rises too fast and the sales volume is too small, there is no disadvantage.

At the same time, the brand company that sells stockings, the brand of Healy Valentine, has also successfully entered the fashion circle of London.

The magazine also wrote about the designer of the stockings. Although there was no photo, Wayne's name became a confidant of the women in London overnight.

Men also felt so. After the initial misunderstanding, male compatriots felt that Wayne understood too well.


Stockings, a consumable, are simply an invention across the ages.

It's just a little expensive!

"Tsk, how come it's only been a short time, how come it's a consumable? What are you all thinking about? The world is really going downhill..."

Wayne whispered and refused to associate with LSPS. He didn't understand at all that stockings were invented for female compatriots to wear beautiful skirts confidently in summer, and there was no messy purpose.

Willy leaned over and looked at the model in the magazine, frowned and pouted: "The photos are all deceptive. The model's legs are too long. Ordinary people don't have this effect when wearing stockings. This is defrauding consumers."

"You can't say that. Your legs are also long. You must look good in stockings." Wayne understood and said directly what Willy wanted to hear.


Sure enough, Willie changed her face in a second and dragged Wayne to the commercial street to buy stockings.

"No need to be so troublesome, I have a few pairs in my room, you can try them, if the size doesn't fit, I'll ask the manufacturer to send a few more pairs." Wayne approved Willie's behavior of giving benefits.

"Hey, why do you know the manufacturer?"

"Look here."

Wayne pointed to the name of the designer in the magazine, and then pointed to himself.

Willie opened her mouth wide and said in disbelief: "When, why have I never heard you say that you are a fashion designer?"

"Low-key, I don't want too many people to know, it's my personality, I'm not a person who likes to brag, for example, I didn't say anything about the last movie I made." Wayne never forgets to establish his personality.

If it weren't for his too big ambition, he is still playing a balance, and the muscle guys are really big, he would have eaten up a free girl like Willie and put on his pants.

Willie nodded repeatedly, and her admiration for Wayne reached its peak at this moment.

A woman's love for a man is always a bit of admiration, which is why successful people can always change beautiful girlfriends at will. Sometimes they don't even need to use their money, just consuming their personality is enough.

Wayne patted Willie's head, and the latter subconsciously hooked his arm and whispered: "Wayne, who do you think looks better in stockings, Chris or Veronica? Both of them have long legs."

I'm afraid you're not asking about stockings!

Wayne raised his eyebrows. The strategy here is too fast, and the girl is going to serve a straight ball.

It's not right, it needs to be suppressed.

Wayne pondered for a moment, stared into Willy's eyes and said, "Why are there only Chris and Veronica? I want to add you in, is that okay?"


Willie lowered her head, not daring to look directly, her heart pounding wildly.

"I choose Chrissy."


A series of question marks floated across Willy's head, and she raised her head suddenly: "Then why did you add me in?"

"Veronica is not as good as Chris because she rarely wears skirts. If she doesn't wear skirts, she doesn't have stockings. It's not her fault. I don't want her to be at the bottom." Wayne analyzed rationally.



The turning point came too fast and suddenly, and the deer was killed directly.

Willie let go of Wayne and angrily walked ahead, but not too fast, waiting for Wayne to come over and comfort her.

But no.


Wayne Detective Agency, second floor.

Willie folded her arms and sat on the sofa angrily, mumbling some random thoughts.

Wayne made himself a cup of coffee and stood at the window, quietly looking at the mighty Dawn Detective Agency opposite.

Free is so delicious, he will definitely not be able to beat it.

Fortunately, the problem is not big. The two detective agencies target different markets. Dawn Detective Agency focuses on people who see injustice, while Wayne Detective Agency focuses on cutting off the wealth of wealthy people. There is no competition between the two parties.

Halfway through the coffee, Veronica came uninvited, holding several letters in her hand.

The letter was placed in the detective agency's mailbox. When Wayne went upstairs, he was busy watching Willie jumping around and forgot to check the mailbox.

Veronica handed the letter to Wayne, and when she saw the sulky Willie on the sofa, she immediately said it was incredible. In her impression, the optimistic and cheerful Willie was laughing and joking all day long, and was rarely unhappy.

What's wrong, was he attacked at night by a pervert?

Ba Shu 69 new

Veronica stepped forward and within two words, she was immediately aroused by Willy and became so angry that she pinned her down on the sofa with her backhand.

Wayne was used to daily interactions.

While looking at his best friends playing with stickers, he opened the envelope and looked at them one by one.

The first is a cover letter from Detective Wesley, whom Wayne met in the town of Enlord.

The circle of detectives is either big or small. Wesley received the news and came to apply for a job as promised, leaving a business card.

The second letter was also from an acquaintance, Kerr Poirot, who found out the address of Wayne Detective Agency from the White Glove Association and left his business card to make an appointment for dinner.

Wayne has a good sense of the two detectives. The former has superb professional skills and is a courageous investigator. He can be a good name for the detective agency when he is recruited.

Although the latter is not interesting, there is no problem with his character, especially his aesthetics, which Wayne admires very much. There is no problem with him as a buddy, let alone a friend.

The third letter came from the White Glove Association.

Wayne completed the Dragon Heart Island commission, found out the cause and effect, and the White Glove Association sent the balance check.

Fifty thousand constitutions.

"The client has died. Where can I get the balance? Lao Yinbi performs a full set of performances. He continues to perform even though he knows it is embarrassing. It is really difficult to deal with."

Wayne accepted the check, opened the letter, and read through it.

[Dear Detective Wayne, congratulations on passing the assessment test and successfully activating the association membership level]

[According to the emergency on Longxin Island, the association adjusts the difficulty of the case, and your membership level is raised to blue]

[The current membership level can enjoy many benefits, exemption of membership fees, and the association’s internal detective newspapers...]

The letter is very long and contains a lot of information, such as an explanation of membership levels.

White, yellow, green, blue, purple and black, the membership levels are from light to dark in color, white is to be activated and the association can be withdrawn at any time, black is the highest level, representing the highest detective level of the White Gloves Association.

"It's obviously a White Glove Association, but the highest detective level is black. If you hadn't ranked yellow first, I almost thought it was the equipment level."

Wayne collected the letters from the White Glove Association and opened the remaining envelopes. It was not important to return visits from newspapers and magazines he subscribed to, as well as sales letters.

Wayne didn't know much about the White Gloves Association. He only knew that it was an association that monopolized the Lundam detective industry. Its members were powerful, including church magicians like Kerr.

Low-level detectives handle simple cases, and because the client is either rich or noble, they usually receive a considerable amount of remuneration. They have been in business for three years, and they belong to a high-quality association that can't be found on their knees.

According to Wayne's analysis, senior detectives will receive mysterious commissions, and the cases they handle will be very complex, involving people and heights that ordinary detectives cannot imagine.

According to this line of analysis, the top brother of the White Glove Association is not Oston on the surface, but should be the Tulip family, or the Windsor royal family behind the Tulip family.

"The hands of the royal family are so big, controlling the overall situation from all aspects, so that if the church wants to develop here, it must abide by the rules of all walks of life..."

Wayne murmured and contacted Wesley and Kerr in sequence.

The former can come to join the detective agency and introduce two or three reliable colleagues. Wayne Detective Agency will officially open on September 1st.

the latter……

No one answered the phone, maybe because I worked too hard last night and haven't woken up yet.

"Wayne, mother wants you to go home for dinner tonight. I have something to tell you." Veronica stopped fighting with Willy and used her fists to cheer up her unhappy bestie.

"What's up?"


"About your service in the church."

After the family had dinner at Landau Manor, Sphy brought the students to the study.

She respected Wayne's attitude and talent, and thought that it would only waste time for the students to sit in the office. Besides, Wayne was not short of the salary of a civil servant, so she simply did not put him on the list of the church.

But the policy has changed recently.

This involves personnel changes in the Church of Nature. When the cake is divided, power is redistributed. The main winners are Sphy and Flora. After the reshuffle, power has ushered in new constraints, which cannot be explained in a few words.

Because of the activeness of the Dark Knight, the Windsor Division of the Church of Nature suffered heavy losses, and the elites from all over the country gathered in Lundan and were almost wiped out. The headquarters ordered Sphy to clean up the mess as quickly as possible, not only in Lundan, but also in the overall situation of Windsor.

In the Life Alliance, the development of the Sun and Moonlight Churches in Lundan is average. The once glorious Heavenly Father Church has been reduced to only one archbishop. Only the Church of Nature has successfully opened up the division, and the power disputes involved are extremely complicated.

The headquarters allowed Healy to draw personnel from Frank. At all costs, the basic base must be maintained. Otherwise, the Church of Nature will lose not only the elite, but also years of investment.

You know, the price asked by the Windsor royal family was not low!

This gave Flora a good opportunity to expand her power quickly. She brought a lot of confidants, each of whom could stand on his own.

Healy could not stop it, so he could only arrange for his confidants to be listed in name and occupy the good positions first.

Healy's confidants are not many, and they can be counted on two hands. If you want to say that the people she trusts most in Lendan are Wayne and Veronica.

"Veronica has already made arrangements. I will list you in Jianhe County as a pastor. Jianhe County is very close to Lendan. You can drive there in two hours from home."

Healy said: "Don't worry, someone will handle daily affairs. You are just listed in name, which is equivalent to gilding. You don't have to stay in Jianhe County."

What do you mean, I am an unemployed vagrant, and I got promoted without doing anything?

Picking up a salary for free and being able to bully the people in the village, it's great!

"Okay, teacher, just make your arrangements. I have no objection."

Wayne did not refuse. The teacher was indeed short of people, otherwise he would not have taken out his precious child.

He asked curiously, "There are dark knights in Lendan. If so many people are sent out, what if the dark knights come to the door?"

"There are me and Priest Flora at the sub-district headquarters."

Syphi was concise and to the point. Ordinary gold mages were not qualified to fight with dark knights. It was useless to stay. It would be better to give blood transfusions to various places to alleviate the chaos of no one in charge of the overall situation in major strongholds.

"In addition, although you don't have to stay in Jianhe County, you have to go there at least twice a month."

"No problem."

Wayne nodded repeatedly and went right away. He was very uneasy with the ancient silver coins in his pocket. He felt that the robber Planck would come to rob at any time.

It just happened that he used the excuse of a business trip to stay outside for a few days.

Also, he knew that Jianhe County had a good university life. He heard that there were many female college students there.

As he spoke, Syphi told Wayne about the division of civil servants in the Church of Nature.

From office errands to first-level deacon, then to pastor, priest, high priest, and promoted to oracle high priest transferred back to headquarters, if nothing unexpected happens, this is the full set of promotion process of the administrative department.

The situation at the headquarters is more complicated. In addition to the oracle high priest, there are two special positions under the Pope: the Great Prophet and the Saint/Son.

Wayne listened casually. He did not plan to be a civil servant, but he was very enthusiastic about his teacher becoming the Pope and always thought about the pure Saint.

"Work hard and get more merits, which will come in handy in the future." Xifei looked at the good student meaningfully.

Unexpectedly, you have the potential to become a son of God.

"Teacher, what is the use of merits?"

"You can exchange for magic. The higher the position, the more magic you can learn, and divine arts are no exception." Xifei tempted. She knew that her students were oblivious to the outside world and only wanted to do magic.

Wayne's interest increased greatly: "For example?"

"Too many, such as life magic!"

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