Restarting the myth

Chapter 11: Creator, Heavenly Father


The pale palm scratched the hood of the car, leaving dried blood and scratches. The evil ghost slowly climbed up from under the car. The translucent body had multiple fractures, and the terrifying face could stop a child from crying.

The evil ghost had no head, and the neck cavity was gray and bloody. The child didn't cry because he was directly scared and fainted.

In an instant, Wayne's face became paler than the ghost: "Oh no, oh no, this car has been in an accident, and the victim is here to claim his life."

"Ghost, ghost..."

Wayne saw the ghost, and William in the passenger seat naturally saw it too. He pointed forward in a panic, trying to drive away the ghost with a warm light.

He didn't point.

Veronica raised her hand and pressed on William's shoulder, interrupting his spell: "It's not the victim, it's a trap set by the Death Walker. Using magic will make the Death Walker aware of it, which is not conducive to our capture operation."

Veronica didn't want William to alert the enemy. She had enough of the curse. She would catch the Death Walker no matter what on this trip. As for the scary ghosts, they have no attack power and can only scare people. The car will leave when it drives out of the range of the spell.

So, be brave and nothing will happen.

William looked disgusted. He knew that Veronica was right, but...

"It's easy to say, but you should open your eyes!"


Veronica didn't say anything, turned her head and looked out the window. With a click, another ghost hand hit the car window, which frightened her little face pale and shivered instantly.

Coming back to her senses, Veronica squinted and took another sneak peek.

Scared, but still wanted to see.

"If they can't touch us, just pretend they don't exist. Just slow down a bit. Besides, ghosts are transparent and don't affect driving."

Monica said with her eyes closed.

"Open your eyes too!"

William shouted loudly. Seeing the beautiful girl and cat hugging each other tightly in the back seat, he wanted to join them immediately.

Unfortunately, he couldn't join them. He was in the front seat and could only hug Wayne.

Turning around, Wayne slowed down and drove with his eyes closed.

"Damn, you're driving!"

William was not scared to death by the ghost, but was scared enough by Wayne. He hurriedly pulled up the side window and roared at Wayne to look straight ahead and drive safely.

William took two years to get his driver's license. As a self-aware road killer, he strictly restrained himself from touching the steering wheel. At the same time, he also deeply understood a truth: whether the car will have a car accident or hit someone depends on whether the driver can abide by traffic rules.

For example, a passerby abides by traffic rules and sits on the sofa at home watching TV. There is a small garden between the road and William is confident that he can drive him away.

Because he was too self-aware, William was more afraid of car accidents than ghosts. When he saw Wayne driving with his eyes closed, he was so scared that his voice became sissy: "Veronica, why don't you just kill them? I'm scared."

"You are a believer of the Sun Goddess, but you are afraid of ghosts."

"So what? Is there a rule that believers of the Sun Goddess cannot be afraid of ghosts?!"

William was about to cry: "Besides, I'm not afraid of ghosts, I'm afraid of Wayne. He drove without looking at the road and drove with his eyes closed."


In the back seat, Veronica and Monica realized the seriousness of the problem and shouted loudly.

Looking from a distance, the blue sedan covered with translucent ghosts shook violently.


After a while, the blue family car drove normally. As Veronica said, the ghosts would leave on their own after driving out of a certain range.

Wayne in the driver's seat asked to change the driver, but was rejected. Everyone in the car was afraid of ghosts, and no one was willing to open the door and get out.

William was the fastest to dispel the fear. Seeing that Wayne was still in a state of fear, he could not help but warn: "Wayne, I didn't expect you to be afraid of ghosts. Believe me, you will encounter similar situations many times in the future. Get used to it as soon as possible and don't embarrass us magicians."

The magician's face has been completely lost by you!

Wayne snorted and defended: "I am a conservative. Ghosts and the like are too advanced. I can't accept them."

"Forget it, you are obviously afraid of ghosts."

William had a bad taste and said with a smile: "How about this, I will tell you a few love stories about ghosts to help you overcome your fear."

"Serious? Forget it if you are serious."

Wayne glanced at William and knew that the other party wanted to scare him. He said with a cold face: "Speaking of horror stories, I have a scary one here. From childhood to adulthood, I have been relying on this story to scare myself in the first half of my life."

"Tell me about it."

William swallowed his saliva quietly.

In the back row, Veronica listened attentively, afraid, but wanting to listen.

"It was a dead night without moonlight. A child said to his mother, 'Mom, there is a child under the bed...'"

Wayne told the story in a rhythmic way: "Mom looked under the bed and there was indeed a child under the bed, who looked exactly like the child on the bed. The child said...Mom, there is a child on the bed!"

"Then what?"

William's face changed and he pressed against the car window tremblingly. Veronica in the back seat held her breath and hugged the black cat Monica tightly.

The cat felt unable to breathe.

"Then... "

Wayne slowed down the car, first looked at William meaningfully, and then said in a deep voice: "Mom beat the twin brothers."


Wayne's reverse horror story is not new, but in this era, it is enough to be called innovative, which directly ruined the atmosphere and made William's subsequent stories bland.

Not scary at all.


The blue car crossed a stone bridge and drove on a slightly bumpy road, with raindrops hitting the car window.

Wayne turned on the wiper switch and saw the shadow of the town in a blur.

Under the gloomy sky, the scattered lights were hazy. The rain failed to wash away the fog, but washed away the noise. Except for the occasional barking of dogs, the whole town was unusually quiet.

Wayne drove into the largest street in the town. Most of the shops on both sides were closed, and only the bars and hotels were open as usual.

At the end of the street, there was a church surrounded by a fence. The cross on the roof was bathed in wind and rain and stood firm, representing the orthodox faith of the town of Kafuno and the entire Chosen Continent.

The Creator!

The belief in the Creator has a long history and is much stronger than the bizarre goddesses. Wayne was very curious why these beliefs could coexist instead of breaking out in a war of faith and fighting each other.

As the orthodox belief that determines the name of the God-chosen Continent, the Church believes in the Father who created all things, and firmly controls the highest power of the entire world in the name of God. Believers of other gods will be labeled as heretics, and beautiful girls like Veronica will become witches, completing the prison, basement, and barbecue grill trilogy.

This is what the God-chosen Continent should look like in Wayne's mind. The current chaos of beliefs is not logical and does not make sense.

There is magic in the God-chosen Continent, and gods really exist, which shows that the Creator Father does have his God.

Since they are all Creators, they are naturally the only ones. What level are you little gods, sitting at the same table with me to eat and snatching the faith in my bowl?

But if the Creator does not exist, but is just a fictitious virtual idol, how can it defeat other gods and become an orthodox belief, and how can it ride on the heads of royal families of various countries to shit and piss?

There are inconsistencies, and Wayne does not understand it very well, thinking about the possibility that the goddesses slept with the Creator Father.

Then I thought, it shouldn't be. If sleeping can make the Creator turn a blind eye, the male gods who missed sleeping would have died long ago.

Unless, the Creator is a universal god, in his eyes, men and women are equal.

Boom! ! !

A thunderclap sounded, and heavy rain came, interrupting Wayne's unscrupulous reasoning. He opened the car door and opened the umbrella.


Veronica in the back seat hummed, and Wayne took the role of the driver and opened the back door to hold an umbrella for Veronica.

Veronica played the role of a rich lady, holding a black cat and walking towards the hotel. She didn't say a word throughout the whole process, and it was Wayne who communicated with outsiders.

At the hotel counter, Wayne put away the umbrella and quickly looked at the layout of the first floor. On the bench on the right, he saw two young ladies in simple clothes.

The makeup was very heavy, the collar was very low, and the necklace was very white.

In Veronica's slightly disgusted eyes, Wayne skillfully gave a look and reached a silent consensus with one of the young ladies, and then reached a consensus with the other one.

All of them!

Wayne asked for three rooms, and faced the familiar inquiry of the innkeeper, and briefly described the difficulties he encountered.

Passing by, it was dark, it was raining, and he needed to rest...

He spoke very politely, but the fatigue revealed in his words made it difficult for the familiar boss to continue to get close to him, so he led the group upstairs and sent dinner.

After the boss left, the two young ladies knocked on Wayne's door, and after entering the door, they saw William, who was eager to try, and Veronica sitting on the bed with a black cat in her arms.

"Sir, in this case, the price will be increased."

"Don't worry, the price will satisfy you." Wayne nodded, indicating that everything can be negotiated.

The camera turned, and the two young ladies snuggled up to each other, as if their souls had been taken away, their bodies were weak, saliva drooped from the corners of their mouths, and their eyes were dim and unfocused.

As you can imagine, they ate mushrooms.

Veronica's way of getting information is still simple and rough. She is vigorous and resolute. She doesn't like to waste time. She asks about the whereabouts of Bloody Mike directly.

The town of Kafuno is not big. Because of the impact of industrialization, a large number of young and strong people have poured into the city early, causing the population of the town to decrease year by year. It is not difficult to find out the whereabouts of Bloody Mike.

Veronica knows the full name of the Death Walker, Mike Nelson, and also knows that the other party is preparing to get married recently. In a town with a declining population, this is undoubtedly a lively event. She is confident that she can ask the other party's home address.

It should be like this, but Bloody Mike is full of moral integrity and did not invite the young ladies in the town to hold a single night party. Veronica's plan was frustrated again and nothing was asked.

The camera turned again, and it was replaced by the hotel owner who was stupid and silly. He was well-informed and knew where Mike Nelson's home was.

"Drive west and cross Oak Forest Road, there is the Nelson family's manor."


Veronica frowned: "What kind of manor, is his family rich?"

"Once very rich, the town of Kafuno was named after the ancestor of the Nelson family. At that time, the entire town's land belonged to the Nelson family, until one night..."

"Everyone went crazy!"

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