Restarting the myth

Chapter 115: All fear comes from insufficient firepower

The attack came so suddenly. Wayne was pointed at seven or eight guns at the same time, and there was still crossfire. He was so frightened that he stepped on the accelerator and directly put on the death knight's vest. ♦♦  ♞♦

Bullets rained and flames exploded. Wayne stepped out of the car, still a little frightened just thinking about it.

He looked at the killers with fierce eyes and saw the death knight. Everyone present must have been prepared for death.


Two cars approached one after the other and stopped suddenly ten meters away. The two rear-ending drivers looked at the death knight, each with a look of horror on their faces.

They hold pistols, whether they shoot or not.

"It turns out he came for me..."

Wayne murmured, raising his hands to disperse the tentacle-like breath of death.

Gunfire broke out and the scene was chaotic.

The gray tentacles covered a huge area, wrapping around two cars and wrapping around the killers on both sides of the road. Their flesh and blood immediately dissipated and turned into withered bones.

Those who ran slowly were lucky enough to see their companions in front of them turn into skeletons while running, and then they themselves also turned into skeletons.

The skeleton maintained the momentum of the charge and fell forward with inertia. The moment it fell to the ground, it collapsed into flying ash.

Wayne stood in the middle of the field, bullets hitting his body had no effect at all.

Although the death knight's vest has lost a lot of things, it is really easy to use. The immortality alone can render most magic useless.

As for thermal weapons, ordinary firearms are no different from fire sticks in front of the death knight. With a wave of his hand, the parts will rot into waste.

Wayne took out the killers on the left and right, and extinguished his scrapped car with a wave of death breath.

He is a nostalgic person. This car is a relic of Sidney. He has been with him for a month and ten days and has taken Chris to and from school several times. There is no credit but hard work. The sacrifice cannot be in vain. Someone must give it to him. An argument.

Wayne turned to look at the two cars wrapped in the aura of death. Black mist rose around him, and he walked towards the two drivers with murderous intent.

The two killers were scared out of their wits.

All fear stems from the lack of firepower, and it is difficult for the two of them to feel safe with a small pistol.

One person pushed open the car door, ignoring the terrifying corrosive power of death, and pulled the trigger on the approaching armored skeleton.

The bullet came out of the barrel and shot into the thick gray mist. Before it touched Wayne's body, it was withered by the breath of death. Dingdang hit the black armor without leaving even a white mark.

Under the killer's desperate gaze, Wayne reached out and grabbed his face, holding it high in the air: "Who, who asked you to come?"

The killer kicked his legs in the air, wanting to say something, but because he couldn't speak, he could only whimper and beg for mercy.

"Yes, you are a tough guy. I kind of admire you."

Wayne turned to look at another car, and the gray mist dispersed in his palms. The killer he was carrying changed from a plump flesh and blood body to a dry mummy, then split and decomposed, turning into sand and dust and flying away in the wind.

The desperate strength disintegrated all fighting spirit. The last killer opened the car door, threw away the pistol, and cried and begged Wayne to give him another chance.

Wayne ignored him and kicked the killer away, slamming him into the car.

He gave the killer a chance, who gave him the death knight a chance? You only have one life. To be a killer, you need to have the courage to face death.

"Look into my eyes and tell me, who asked you to come?"

"I told you, will you let me go?" The killer subconsciously raised his head and looked at the death knight at close range, his whole face turned whiter than his bones with fear.

"Of course, I promise to spare your life."

"He is our boss. I don't know who he is. I only know that he is very capable. He provides weapons and recruits us to work for him. It has been two years and I have never seen him..."

The killer was incoherent and talked a lot of incomprehensible nonsense.

Wayne heard some important information. The small killer organization had a sponsor and boss. The boss asked them to ambush on the road, roughly described his appearance, and also provided the license plate number.

"I'm done."

The killer trembled and looked at Wayne. According to his promise, it was time to let him go.

"You go."

As if he had been granted amnesty, the killer thanked him excitedly, glanced at the woods on the roadside, and rushed into the gray fog.

After two steps, the skeleton fell to the ground and turned into flying sand.

"What's the rush? I haven't opened the door yet!"

Wayne dispersed the death knight vest and at the same time dispersed the aura of death that filled the surrounding area. Everyone saw that he did not break his promise and was willing to let the other party live. It was the killer who ran too fast and ran into the arms of the goddess of death.

"The goddess's embrace is also something you can touch. I only dare to hug her thighs."

Wayne picked up the pistol on the ground, looked around, removed the license plate of his scrapped car, jumped into a rear-ended car and drove towards Jianhe City.

Not many people knew that he had returned to Lundan, and it was definitely impossible for Fula. Darcy and Otilia at the Natural Church stronghold had a motive for committing the crime.

The former wanted to climb up, but the latter was angry with the scumbag and left after flirting with her.

Wayne nodded repeatedly and threw these two guesses into the trash can. Bishop Keith's face flashed before his eyes: "It's too suspicious."

Keith was in bad shape today and Wayne didn't think much of it at the time.

After all, Keith is a cathedral leader, a minion of the devil or something like that. He can just pick up a treasure from the warehouse and it's more than enough to protect himself.

Now that I think about it, the other party is most likely under control.

"You, a clergyman, can't defeat the devil. You are not even a match for the devil's minions..."

Wayne didn't know how to complain. He should give some face to the Father Church and put the blame on the Windsor royal family. If the royal family hadn't been too harsh and only one supreme leader, the Archbishop, was left in the country, the Church would not have been depleted of talents and attacked by the devil's minions.

Following this line of thought, Wayne thought of Dean Julian and a group of seminary scholars who were visiting the church.

If I guessed correctly, the whole army was annihilated, and every one of them became a puppet of the devil.

Be braver, the advent ceremony of the Thousand Eyes Demon is in progress.

I hope it's not too late!

"Keith's performance today was particularly strange. There were several times under my nose, and I didn't notice it..."

Wayne stepped on the accelerator to speed up. Afterwards, he regretted it more and more, and raised his hand to slap himself.

I want to hit you for a long time!

Because he has always been lenient to himself, the slap was very light when it hit his face, and he just touched it.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the university town. After such a tossing back and forth, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the hot pot that Fla prepared carefully could not be eaten.

Wayne looked gloomy. Time waits for no one. If he is a step slower, the devil will come. He did not go to the Natural Church base, but went straight to St. Dominic's Cathedral with a pistol.



Bishop Keith confessed in front of the cross. After being controlled by Sigma, he would fall into confusion from time to time. He didn't know why he confessed, but he only knew that he should do so.

Sigma controlled his mind, but could not completely change his will. In comparison, the group of people in the seminary had become the most loyal believers of the devil.

"Bishop Keith, what are you confessing?"

Wayne strode into the church and stopped five meters away from Keith.

Keith's body trembled, and he turned around in surprise: "Mr. Wayne, why are you... back again?"

"I encountered a car accident on the road, and a few ignorant guys tried to scam me. I got angry and killed them all. I am deeply sinful, so I came to the church to confess to God, hoping that he can forgive my sins." Wayne said coldly.

Keith's eyes dodged and hesitantly opened his mouth.

His acting was terrible, and Wayne was more convinced. He raised his eyebrows: "Bishop Keith, can you take me to the warehouse? There are many people here, and I have something to ask you."

Keith nodded repeatedly, walked in front with a quick step and a trot, and Wayne accelerated to catch up. Before entering the warehouse, he reminded Keith again not to forget to sign.

Wayne stood in the first area and did not go deep into the back. There were a large number of sculptures and artworks, as well as replicas of ancient knight armor.

He shrugged his nose. He didn't smell any strange smell along the way, and his tense heartstrings relaxed a little.

It's still not too late, the devil's advent ceremony has not yet begun.

"Bishop Keith, where is the statue of the Thousand Eyes Demon? What do you think about the devil's advent ceremony?"

Wayne pressed on step by step, took out a pistol and walked towards Keith: "I personally think that if the summoning ceremony is held in the church, the slap in the face is too arrogant, so the seminary is undoubtedly a good place."

"Mr. Wayne, you are too excited, put the gun away."

Keith's demeanor changed drastically, and he was calm and unhurried. He smiled and took out the Bible, signaling Wayne not to provoke a clergyman in the church.

"You also know this is in the church!"

Wayne looked into Keith's eyes, suddenly raised his hand and fired two shots. The bullets hit Keith's side one on the left and one on the right. The latter stood still and had no intention of dodging at all.

"It's not that easy to trick me into killing the bishop of the Vatican."

Wayne put away the pistol, stepped forward and accelerated towards Keith, the speed was so fast that a shadow was vaguely left.

Keith failed to hit the target after casting spells continuously. When he came to his senses, he was hit hard in the face. Blood was flowing from his mouth and nose. He was violently flipped over and hit the back of his head hard against the wall.

With a click.

There were several more cracks on the wall.

Wayne did not attack again. He took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood stains on his fist. He stopped to observe the change in Keith's expression. Seeing the latter's bloodthirsty face, he shook his head regretfully.

It is said that the Great Memory Recovery Technique is specifically used to overcome mental control, hypnosis, and illusion. Why doesn't it work for him?

Or, change the posture and throw a few more punches?


The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and Wayne turned around to see nearly twenty church clergymen rushing over, each holding a Bible and a cross. They didn't say a word when they met, and recited Psalms in unison and began to cast holy light magic.

The recitations became one, and the holy power slowly condensed.

Wayne raised his hand and fired a gun. The bullet hit the light and shadow curtain in mid-air, slowing down in an instant until it ran out of power and fell to the ground.

He did not try with his fists, and green light bloomed in his eyes.

The plants in the back garden grew rapidly, and roots and vines broke out of the ground, entwined the bodies of the clergy, drilled into the throats to interrupt the spellcasting, and tied them up like dumplings.

The defensive light curtain dissipated instantly, and countless vines poured into the warehouse, tying up Bishop Keith who was dazed on the spot.

The magicians who surrounded the Church of Nature in the garden, if not brave, could only be collectively hit by the aura of reduced intelligence.

"Come out, I smelled the stench on you in Lundan."

Wayne looked at the corner of the corridor: "Of course, you can always hide..."

He curled his lips and said with a full of evil taste: "Guess, did I call Lundan to inform the Heavenly Father Church over there that someone is preparing for the coming ceremony of the evil god of hell."

At the end of the corridor, Sigma walked out in a black robe, his face blurred and unable to be seen clearly: "Respected Mr. Priest, I have not offended the Church of Nature..."

Boom! !

The blazing fire wave rushed down, and with the blessing of the storm, the momentum was extremely huge.

Sigma's legs were entangled by vines, and he could not dodge for a while. He could only watch the surging fire waves flood the corridor and crush him with his fangs and claws.


Outside the church, passers-by only heard a loud bang, and then billowing black smoke rose from the inside of the church, as if something exploded.

The corridor in front of the warehouse was broken, filled with thick smoke, and rubble was scattered all over the ground. The wall facing the warehouse was charred and collapsed.

Sigma stood calmly in the hot air. He raised his hand and looked at it, marveling at the extraordinaryness of the Saint's Shroud. With this evil weapon protecting him, elemental magic could not hurt him at all.

Wayne looked at the unharmed enemy in surprise. After a brief silence, he raised his hand and fired a shot.

Sneak attack!

Sigma only had time to raise his arm, with his five fingers open and before he could cast a spell, the bullet pierced his palm and hit his blurred face.

Instantly, this ever-changing face jumped violently.

The enemy did not fall down. Wayne continued to pull the trigger until the magazine was empty. Then he threw away the scrap metal in his hand and waved the storm with one hand, integrating the parasitic spores into every corner of the back garden.

Sigma's face kept jumping. Every time he was shot, a face flickered and dissipated. When Wayne's magazine was used up, he stood intact, but there were a few more bullets at his feet.

Parasitic mushrooms bloomed on Sigma's body, extracting his vitality to thrive, and then secreted more spores to cause secondary and tertiary attacks.

A large number of tiny spores were sucked into Sigma's body, propping up his chest and abdomen, and drilled out through his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

Soon, a tree man full of fungi grew into shape.

Wayne frowned and was speechless. As he watched, Sigma snapped his fingers, and flames surrounded his body. After he stepped out, he was still intact.

What a strange immortal body!

Rather than saying immortal, it is better to say that the enemy was killed by him over and over again, and he was resurrected with full blood every time.

Www♦ t tkan♦ c o

"Mr. Mu Si, can you answer me a question?"

Sigma's blurred face turned to Wayne and asked politely: "If we exchanged names on the day we were born, you and I would exchange positions today. From my perspective, would you become me?"

What does it mean, philosophy?

Wayne sneered and strode towards Sigma: "I am very satisfied with my name. As for you, changing 10,000 names will not change your fate of death today."

Within five steps, Wayne raised his fist.

"Wrong answer."

Sigma smiled slightly, and countless faces appeared on his face. All of them suddenly appeared and rushed to Wayne's face.

Each of those faces had its own thoughts, each of them was independent and self-centered, and each of them was highly collective. They called in unison to let Wayne integrate into the collective and into the new life.

Countless thoughts were mixed together, well-organized but extremely chaotic. The harsh noise made people dizzy and couldn't help but shout along with those voices.

Seeing the fist stop, Sigma smiled even more.

Another self was born.


The fist fell and hit Sigma's face heavily, twisting the face that was frozen with a smile.

"Chirp, it's so noisy!"

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