Restarting the myth

Chapter 192: I will report this to His Majesty and punish you for the crime of disrespect.

November 24.

Cathedral train station, waiting hall.

A team of 20 to 30 people in the investigation team were carrying suitcases and preparing to board the train.

The leader was Wayne, the leader's secretary Mona, and the rest of the members were from the Investigation Department under the Ministry of Magic.

It was said to be a subordinate department of the Ministry of Magic, but in fact it was outsourced. They worked for the Ministry of Magic with Austin's salary and had no establishment, which was the so-called temporary workers.

As the heir of the Landau family, Wayne was equivalent to their boss.

This group of people had different functions, including civil servants such as accountants, bodyguards with guns, and magicians trained by Austin.

It sounded like the private armed forces of the landlords.

In fact, it was not.

The times had changed. It was a constitutional monarchy. There were no big landlords or big families. It was impossible for private soldiers to have private soldiers. Austin called it a security company.

Other Tulip families had more or less similar temporary workers. Because the families were engaged in different fields, the composition of temporary workers was different.

The main feature was flexibility!

For example, the Collins family, which focuses on magic, has Yvette as a legendary wizard, teaching several students, and the students have their own students;

For example, the Fleming family, which has devoted itself to the military, promotes meritorious people, and the meritorious people are willing to lead by example;

Another example is the Julian family, which sells tobacco and lottery tickets. The industrial chain is no smaller than that of the Landau family, and it truly provides food and clothing for millions of boatmen.

Each Tulip family has bred a small ecosystem and an extremely complex interest group. Because the times have changed, this system is not bureaucratic, but represents emerging democracy, overthrowing the rule of the aristocracy, and truly keeping pace with the times and adapting to the times.

Back to the point, Wayne, with his secretary in his left hand and his dog in his right hand, looks around and looks for the mustache that is very likely to appear.

If the information is correct, the mustache has escaped from prison again.

Should I call the police this time?


The dog is a Doberman, Wayne's number one loyal dog, Abin.

As a knight, he was ordered by the old Buddha to confiscate his property and behead him. In order to meet the occasion, he brought a dog and an owl, completing the double configuration of the court's hawks and dogs.

The owl is a snowy owl, a former pet of the sun goddess, now named Axue, a cat that is active during the day.

It is all white, with nothing to cover up, and is locked in a cage for Mona to carry.

The dog is really dead.

Whether it is day or night, taking it out for a walk is definitely a supernatural event.

Since seeing the dragon blood transformation of the Ministry of Magic and the twin androids of the Moonlight Church, Wayne is no longer taboo to take Abin for a walk.

In order to prevent being mistaken for the undead dog of the Death Knight, Wayne performed a skin replacement operation on Abin.

He cut off a piece of his own meat to fill Abin's undead skeleton, and then the moonlight was the skin, the nature was the hair, and the sun was the beauty contact lens. After the three-piece beauty process, Wayne said that this dog was an elf dog and people believed it.

Anyway, Mona believed it.

As the saying goes, if you keep thinking about something, it will definitely come true. In Wayne's expectant eyes, the little mustache appeared.

He led his two younger brothers and walked towards Wayne with a step that was not related to his relatives. His face was ferocious and he looked like he was going to eat people.

Sensing the malice of the little mustache, Mona frowned and stood in front of him. Abin also growled in his throat and grinned with sharp fangs.

"It's okay, we are one family."

Wayne patted his butt and dog head and said with a smile: "I borrowed a sum of money from him some time ago and didn't pay it back. He was afraid that I would leave, so he came to collect the debt."

As the heir of the Landau family, which was extremely wealthy, Wayne could not lack money for anything. No one would believe such a lie.

Mona frowned: "Boss, it is his blessing to be borrowed money from you. This person is a little ungrateful."

Abin panted and it felt the same way.

"Borrowing money is not the purpose, but the means. I have a use for this person. You wait here, I'll go over and talk to him."

Wayne put the dog leash in Mona's hand and strode towards the mustache. When he got close, he opened his hands and enthusiastically called out the other person's name: "Mustache, long time no see."

"Damn bastard, my name is not Mustache!"

Mustache was arrested three times in a row and rescued from the police station by his superiors three times in a row. He was not angry to death by Wayne, which shows that he is in good health and has a lung capacity far beyond that of ordinary people.

He pressed Wayne's shoulder and angrily took him to the corner of the waiting hall.

The two younger brothers were dressed in black, wearing hats and sunglasses and standing aside, warning other passengers not to get close.

The originally low-key meeting immediately became conspicuous after the three of them did something.

Wayne rolled his eyes. Although he didn't need to act in his own territory, as an intelligence officer, could you respect his professional ethics?

"Wayne, you've found yourself a good backer!"

The mustache's eyes were blazing, and it was obvious that he had wanted to beat Wayne for a long time.

"What Wayne, there is no Wayne, watch your tone when you speak."

Wayne opened his coat, showed off the Knight Commander medal pinned on his suit, slapped the mustache on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "The one standing in front of you is Sir Wayne, I have a good chat with the Queen, and I am also friends with your top leader Cumming Fleming. If I were you, I would never speak so loudly."

The mustache trembled all over, snorted and couldn't speak, his whole face flushed.

"It's good that you understand, I don't want to tear my face with you, it's all for the country, it's not easy."

Wayne patted the mustache on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Work hard, and you can get the Queen's honor like me in the future."

After that, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" The mustache stopped Wayne.

"What's wrong again, do you want to go to jail?"

"Damn it, can you please stop talking about this? Because of you, I have become a joke in the Sixth Department."

The mustache was indignant and explained why he wanted to meet Wayne several times.

After his narration, Wayne finally understood the reason. The first encounter on the train was purely accidental. The mustache was not to rob the train, but to play the role of a robber to steal the suitcase of the target person.

In order to cover up his identity, he pretended to be real and outsourced to find a few real robbers.

Then he was sent in by Wayne.

It was also because of that time that he found that Wayne left London without permission and did not obey orders to carry out the mission, which led to the next two encounters.

Time went back to 1937, Wayne had not yet crossed over, and 'Wayne' had not been targeted by the Church of Death.

On the orders of his superiors, the mustache found Wayne, awakened his dormant memory, and asked him to act as a double agent to deliver half-true and half-false intelligence to Frank.

At that time, Wayne thought he was a Frank, and had a fantasy about his colleague Lily. Because of the century-old friendship between the two countries, he hated the Windsor who was not a human being, and vowed to return to his hometown to get married after this battle.

After the memory awakened, his position changed. He was a Windsor, and because of the century-old friendship between the two countries, he hated Frank.

When he was in a dilemma, he chose to play badly, sealed the radio station, and except for occasional contact with Lily, he spent the whole day in the bar drunk and dreaming.

The mustache had a sharp eye and saw what Wayne was thinking at a glance. After obtaining the approval of his superiors, he prepared to start a series of ideological education work on Wayne.

Then he went to prison for three times, becoming a joke of MI6.

It was not that the mustache did not want to retaliate, but that his superiors did not allow it. After investigation, Wayne, the stinky salted fish, turned over and hooked up with the Landau family.

Superior: Don't do it yet, let's see.

As time went by, it became clear that Wayne was not something that the mustache could easily move. His status had risen, so now they had to discuss it.

The mustache took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Sir Wayne, your background determines that you cannot be separated from MI6. The Iceman Project took a long time. As the most successful agent, Frank will definitely contact you. MI6 hopes that you can actively cooperate and convey some wrong information when necessary."

The mustache was concise and to the point. It was true that Wayne was from Windsor, but Frank didn't know and really thought that Wayne became the heir of the Landau family by picking up girls.

In this case, Wayne's value soared from an ordinary intelligence officer to a senior agent.

Regardless of whether it was a gamble or not, he succeeded anyway.

The class leap made him a favorite of Frank's intelligence organization. The mustache dared to assert that in the future, someone from Frank would contact Wayne and send him the latest radio station.

Wayne frowned and asked tentatively: "Is there a possibility that we are not enemies with Frank, and it is meaningless to send them false information?"

"You are right, but similarly, we can't be friends with Frank." The mustache said seriously.

Wayne shook his head: "I have embarked on another path and completely cut off my past. If I continue to work for MI6, then I have walked this path in vain, don't you think so?"

"Sir Wayne, you have failed this country!"

"How is it possible."

Wayne casually lifted his coat: "With such a big medal, how could I have failed this country? You are so bold that you dare to say that the Queen is blind and self-righteous. I will report to His Majesty, I'll punish you for disrespect and take off your fish roe bag."

"I didn't say that!"

The mustache man hurriedly said, stamping his feet angrily: "Anyway, I've said everything I should say. You are an agent for one day and you will be an agent for life. Only MI6 laid off employees, and no employees resigned privately."

"Who are you trying to scare? You don't know how much the Queen likes me. Let her cut off your MI6 project funds and see how arrogant you are."

Wayne pouted, indicating that he was scared. He had already made a class transition, how could he bear this grievance?

He waved his hand to call for the accompanying team of bodyguards. Several big men rushed up and pressed the mustache man and the other three there.

"Wayne, what are you doing?"

"What else can I do? Send you, the escaped prisoner, back!"

Because of the riots here, the station police quickly approached the melon eaters and laughed foolishly in the crowd. As they laughed, they remembered that they were policemen and asked why the conflict occurred.

Wayne accidentally revealed his medals of honor, pointed at the three men with mustaches and said, "Prison escapees, there is a wanted order, the credit goes to you."

Windsor is not short of nobles, medals are everywhere, the police officers were not scared by Wayne's identity, and would not listen to his one-sided words.

But the team members had good temperaments, full of senior civil servants, the police officers did not dare to neglect, and escorted the three men with mustaches to the station police station.

For a while, the praise of the son of the beach resounded throughout the waiting hall.

"If you have the ability, continue next time, I can't punish you!" Wayne whispered, and left the crowd surrounded by bodyguards.

Suddenly, he saw a golden head among the crowd, grinning happily, not very smart.


Wayne: (一`一;)

Why is this little fool at the station, carrying a suitcase? I haven't heard that she is going on a long trip?

Sensing Wayne's gaze, Willie wanted to hide, but Wayne took two steps forward and grabbed her collar and pulled her out from behind the suitcase.

"Wayne, what a coincidence, you are here to see your friend off too!"

"Well, who are you seeing off?"

"For you!"

"Who told you that I..."


"Then why do you bring a suitcase?"

"What if you invite me to travel with you? The train doesn't wait for anyone, so I brought it with me."

"Uh, did you buy a ticket?"

"Not at all!"

Willie put one hand on her waist and the other on the suitcase, feeling very righteous.

Seeing Mona holding the dog leash, she called her sister and shook off Wayne and came up.

"Who said this guy is stupid? He is obviously a smart guy. He almost bypassed me." Wayne found the entourage and ordered them to temporarily add a train ticket and a boat ticket.

No, two.

Wayne looked around and sent out his perception to find Veronica. According to the experience of Dragon Heart Island, Willy came, and Veronica must be nearby.

The dragon blood girl is so arrogant. It is impossible to let her chase a man, but it is no problem to let her chase her bestie.

Then he thought about Veronica's initiative to leak information to Willy, and Willy took the initiative to open the way ahead. This wave is clearly a high-end game.

"The abacus beads have broken on my face. If I am not thick-skinned, I can be broken to death..."

Wayne sent out his perception to find Veronica, but failed three times and gave up decisively.

He guessed that the person had already come, and he couldn't lose face, let alone play Willy's straightforward ball, so he hid aside.

"It's hide-and-seek. I know the rules. I'll play you when I find you." Wayne was thinking, and the last two members of this trip arrived.

Two ladies, one big and one small.

They came from the office building of the Minister of Magic. The older one was a clerk, and the younger one was a clerk's assistant. They were not temporary workers, but had formal staff.

According to Austin, the two clerks came from another knightly order of the Queen.

The Windsor royal family has three knightly orders on the surface: the Royal Guards of the Army, referred to as the Royal Guards; the Royal Horse Guards, referred to as the Glorious Knights; and the Garter Knights, which are also known as the Garter Knights with the garter as their symbol.

Unlike the black-gloved Tulip Family, the Garter Knights are the Queen's protectors. The supreme knight system of Windsor is also the white glove on the Queen's hand.

The successive leaders of the Knights, that is, the king, wear the only Order of the Garter. The members range from princes to princes and princesses, from dukes to baron knights, a total of 26 people, each with a garter.

Just looking at the garter is indeed very upper-class, but with the Knights' motto "Shame on those with evil thoughts", the prestige immediately goes up.

The royal family, with the Garter Knights as the center, has cultivated aristocratic elites loyal to the royal family. Although the two clerks are not real members of the Knights, they serve within the system of the Knights and come with the Queen's will.

Without these two confidants, Wayne could not get the Queen's order, and could not confiscate his house, let alone execute his head.

"Sir Wayne, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

The two heads, one big and one small, bowed their heads. Although it was their fault to be late, their posture after being late was very correct and their words were very polite.

Wayne nodded and looked at the two clerks. One was still charming, and the other was young and beautiful. They looked a bit similar, and they should be related by blood.

After a few simple words, Wayne learned their names.

Sandy Saunders.

Denise Saunders.

Aunt and niece, they are indeed relatives.


The Ministry of Magic is rich and powerful, and it has booked six carriages of a luxury train, carrying everyone comfortably from London to Liverpool, a city northwest of Windsor.

First take the train to the port city, then take a cruise ship across the Strait of Ireland to the Republic of Ireland, and then go to Northern Ireland by land.

The route was customized by Wayne. According to him, although the Ministry of Magic concealed the death of Orb, the Snow family did not receive the news and thought that the leader was alive.

But those who know know that everyone has a few friends in the world. The Ministry of Magic is a sieve. It has sold intelligence to make a fortune. In order to prevent the Snow family from intercepting it halfway, it avoided the straight line and chose to go around the Republic of Ireland.

Hearing Wayne's well-reasoned analysis, Auston thought that he was idle and had nothing to do, which was a waste of time.

Even if he encountered an ambush, with the secrets in Wayne, the Snow family would have to send as many as they came.

Because this trip depended on Wayne's performance, it was a test of no small matter. Auston did not intervene and simply let him go. He arranged the route and prepared all the means of transportation to ensure that the whole journey was smooth and reached the destination.

Dining car.

With Mona in his left hand and Willie in his right hand, Wayne slowly solved his lunch on the train. During the period, he fed Willie several times and was particularly fond of her.

Mona: (_)

She also wants to be fed, anything is fine.

Sitting opposite the table are Sandy's aunt and niece. The charming aunt is single, and the beautiful niece has no boyfriend.

Wayne is very good at coaxing women, with witty remarks and humor. In one meal, he coaxed the aunt to be trembling, and the niece laughed and laughed. They all liked him very much.

After lunch, gentleman Wayne sent the two back to the carriage, and then led the big and small away.

Denise looked out and watched Wayne leave, curiously: "The female secretary beside Sir Wayne is so beautiful, who is the girl named Willy, she doesn't seem to be on the list."

"Just the prey of Playboy."


"Both of them."


Seeing Denise's shocked face, Sandy said to her niece earnestly: "Do you think Sir Wayne speaks very nicely, as if he is pursuing us?"

"Ah this..."

Denise was even more shocked, although, now thinking about it, it seems that this is really possible.

"I didn't expect him to be such a person. I thought he was a good man!"

"Don't be silly. If he was serious, why would he invite us to the dining car with two plates of Chinese food?"

"Aunt, it's too profound. I'm a little confused."

"Sir Wayne's meaning is very simple. He is not a good man. He is very good at coaxing women. Let us keep a distance from him." Sandy explained.

"A bad man takes the initiative to reveal his identity and warns us to stay away from him. Isn't this a good man!" Denise questioned.


Sandy raised his hand and knocked on his niece's head, saying weakly: "Stupid, he has written bad things on his face, why do you only hear sweet words?"

"He speaks very nicely..." Denise covered her head and said weakly.

"That's the family education. Do you know who Sir Wayne's father is?"

"The Landau family can only be Mr. Austin Landau."

"That's right, the son follows the father. Let me tell you about the love affairs of this old playboy, and you will know how dangerous the young playboy is."


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