Restarting the myth

Chapter 242: Clap your hands and get whatever you want

"Stop fighting..."

Wayne stood in the ruins and talked loudly. He didn't really understand Veronica's nightmare. He only saw that after all the men of the Landau family died, the women went crazy collectively.

To put it in a good way, he was emotional, passionate, and dared to love and hate. He was a man of temperament.

To put it in a bad way, he had intense emotional reactions, was irritable, easily emotional, and had extremely serious violent tendencies.

Many previous examples can prove this point. Not to mention Veronica, Xifei said she would get married and run away from home. When she saw the intimate photos of Wayne and his mortal enemy student, she lost her mind on the spot and demanded an explanation.

The men of the Landau family may be a little dark-hearted. There is a big trash can and a small trash can, but they really can't be gone. Without them, it is equivalent to deleting the limiter of dragon blood.

Wayne howled twice, but the effect was average. The three dragons fought each other and didn't take him seriously at all.

He tried to contact Veronica's thoughts, but because of the confusion of thoughts, he couldn't tell which of the three dragons was which.

It's useless to reason with them, so we can only let them sit down and reason properly.

Physical calm!

"Now it's my turn."

Looking at the three white dragons, Wayne couldn't help but want to play cards, and raised his hand to get a field card - the natural domain.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the three magic gems on his chest intersected, extracting the purest magic power, bringing in the divine formula to transform into a perfect elf.

He was two meters tall, shining beautifully.

The black suit that changed into a combat uniform changed with the body shape, setting off the slender figure. Except for the two rings that were a bit tight on the hands, there was nothing wrong with the other things.

The mind was scattered, and the consciousness of the entire Landau Manor reached unity, balance, tacit understanding, and harmonious coexistence. Every plant and tree resonated with Wayne.

An indescribable breath enveloped the sky above the Landau Manor, awakening from sleep, calm and full of vitality, and also with a trembling majesty.

This breath filled every corner, from a plant to a big tree, balanced and without absolute prominence, together forming a balanced ecology.

Wayne played the role of a communicator, because of him, this piece of nature awakened a common consciousness.

In the sky, the three dragons stopped fighting and stood together under the pressure of a common enemy.

This space is Veronica's dream, which is projected and distorted by the nightmare corridor. Veronica is not the owner of the dream, but she is trapped in it and cannot extricate herself. She is also a part of the dream.

The dream has no owner, no final right of interpretation. Wayne's thinking and ability can be displayed in this space. Although his imagination will not be greatly enhanced, he will not be suppressed. He can only exert 30% of his 120% strength.

"Roar, roar, roar————" x3

The three dragons flapped their wings and swooped down, blocking all the ways on three sides.

As the wind howled, three figures covered the sky.

The dragon opened its bloody mouth and spit out hot dragon breath, which was dazzling red and suffocatingly hot.

The moisture in the air evaporated in an instant, and the destructive force spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, all life turned to ashes.

The sound of the flames burning, the crackling sound of the trees being burned, and the deafening roar intertwined together, composing a symphony that devoured everything.

Wayne's venue card was burned to ashes, and naturally it was no match for the flames. The Landau Manor was covered in a sea of ​​fire, and no vegetation was spared.

But the indescribable breath did not dissipate. On the contrary, it seemed to be sheathed and ready to go, hanging high above the dragon's head, making them more panicked and manic.


In the center of the sea of ​​fire, the wind slowly rolled up, from small to large, and then it was unstoppable.

The vortex of flames rose from the ground, dancing in the sky, distorting the air, and the hot breath rapidly contracted. Black rain clouds formed over the cooling Landau Manor, and drizzled down.

On the parched earth, the charred remains of the burned forests can be seen everywhere. Wayne stood in the black ruins, raised one hand, and compressed the flame vortex to condense in the palm of his hand.

The terrifying affinity of the fire element directly made the dragon's breath rebel and willingly serve him.


The subtle sound of the soap bubble bursting exploded, and the flame in Wayne's palm turned into a wisp of flame and dissipated, returning to the element and returning to nature.

He looked up at the sky, the light green light in his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the three white dragons carefully, picked the smallest one, raised his palm and clenched his fist, facing the target...

Raised a middle finger.

"Roar roar roar————" x3

Wayne's original intention was to provoke Veronica and use the opportunity of getting close to wake her up.

Don't dream, Willy is in your fiancé's bed.

The plan was good, and Veronica would definitely not be able to bear it, but the mother dragon was unreasonable. The three white dragons all raised their middle fingers in their eyes, and Wayne passively completed the gorgeous group ridicule.

Three figures that covered the sky and the sun swooped down, spewing dragon breath from their mouths, and the flames crossed and descended, burning the earth with red streams of light and dark.

Wayne stood intact in the center of the sea of ​​fire. All the flames approaching him automatically returned to the fire element and returned to nature. He faced the bloody mouth of the white dragon and swung his fist with one hand.

There was a loud bang.

The swooping and gliding dragon roared in pain and was punched by Wayne...

The scales on his lips were cracked in several pieces, the injury was terrible, and his gums were bleeding.

The effect of this punch was outstanding, and the strong output of ridicule made the white dragon even angrier. He folded his dragon wings and crawled on all fours, like a white hill, pressing Wayne forward.

Wayne changed his fists into palms and pushed the dragon with both hands, but was forced to slide backwards by the indescribable force.

The size of both sides determines that their strength is not at the same level. Wayne can break the dragon's scales with a little bit of force, but facing the unreasonable bulldozer, he can only sigh in despair.

The next second, both hands were broken, and the dragon's kiss pressed against his chest and pushed him to the ground.

Good news: This white dragon is Veronica, and it is the first time she actively kisses Wayne.

Bad news: It's too passionate, and Wayne's elf form can't bear it.


Four thick vines rose from the ground, and the surging vitality exuded a bright green light. The four vines locked the dragon's neck, wrapped around the bottom and contracted, and then expanded with vitality, turning into a thick and powerful forearm.

The big hand of nature broke out of the ground, clamped the white dragon and made it whine.

Wayne knelt on one knee, his hands healed freely with the vitality, and suddenly clasped his hands together in front of his chest.

Clap your hands, and you will get what you want!


More and more vines emerged from the ground, first the strong and powerful forearms, and then the whole arms. The vines formed muscle fibers, squirming and contracting, swinging the hundred-meter-long dragon forward.

Head to head, back to back, three white dragons fell to the ground like a pile of Arhats.

Boom! !

The earth sunk into the impact crater, roaring and shaking.

Dust and ashes flew all over the sky, sporadic flames rose high, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye spread around in the form of white waves.

The three white dragons wailed at the same time. Wayne was sharp-eyed and found that the white dragon in his hand had a flash of eyes, and the madness faded and recovered some rationality.

Physical calmness is indeed effective.

Wayne tried to communicate with its mind, but was rejected, and swung it up and smashed it again.

Wailing sounded, the earth shook continuously, and Veronica's eyes finally cleared.

"Wayne, are you alive again?"

"Nonsense, when did I die? It's all hallucinations. Where's your brain?"

It's on you, otherwise how can you be so smart!

Seeing Wayne's anger, Veronica didn't dare to reply loudly, and directly changed the subject, trying to get back the face for the few hits just now.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, go back and follow your lead, kill them first."

Wayne took a deep breath, controlled the giant hand of nature to throw Veronica into the air, and then jumped into the air and landed steadily on the back of the white dragon.

Behind him, the surging fire elements gathered and turned into various weapons such as swords, spears, and halberds.

Veronica copied Megan's dragon shape, and Wayne followed suit and copied his teacher Xifei's dragon knight shape.

It's not that easy to tame dragon blood. Veronica has a trash can on her body, which makes her physically and psychologically uncomfortable. She flapped her wings in the air and turned over to press Wayne under her.

"Don't be willful. This is a rare opportunity. You should master the dragon's body. This is very important for your evolution." Wayne's feet exuded magic power and stuck to Veronica's back.

Dragon blood is soft but not hard. The harder you are, the harder she is. You must be obedient at this time.

Wayne's dragon taming skills have made some progress. Under the guise of "for your own good", he reluctantly reached an agreement with Veronica and enjoyed the joy of being a dragon rider.

I have wanted to ride like this for a long time!

Wayne was secretly happy. He rode the dragon one against two, and with his powerful affinity for the fire element, the two white dragons on the opposite side were helpless. At the same time, he called on the nature in the field card to obey his orders.

For a while, the horn of the general attack sounded, and the earth rumbled and swayed the waves like the tide, and countless vine roots broke out of the ground.

Meeting room.

The senior executives looked at the perfect elves in the picture and were all silent.

The Great Prophet looked around at everyone and said with satisfaction: "Since no one objects, he is mine."

"I object!"

Senna looked at Wayne with shining eyes, almost drooling, and said viciously: "Wayne is the student of my student. I only have one student, and my student also has only one student. I will not give him to you."

"So what? The vassal of my vassal is not my vassal. Similarly, the student of your student is not your student." The Great Prophet pulled out a famous saying and refused to give in.

"Tubie, with Wayne's talent, he can definitely become the Son of God, the first Son of God in the history of the Natural Church." Senna also argued with reason.

It was not until then that she remembered that when Xifei recommended the two candidates, she emphasized Wayne's talent, not Veronica's dragon blood.

Senna didn't care at the time. As the owner of dragon blood, she was used to being arrogant and never cared about any talent.

No matter how good the talent is, can it have more potential than the dragon?

Now it seems that this is indeed possible. Xifei did not lie. Wayne's talent is higher than Veronica.

"The Church of Nature will not have a Son. How do you think the goddess and the believers will see it?"

The Great Prophet refused to obey and put the cruel facts in front of Senna. The Son can be, but Senna has no power to break the rules. Just hand Wayne over to him and they can still be friends in the future.

Otherwise, he will make up an oracle and Wayne will return to the Temple of the Prophet. Because it is a process, Senna will get nothing.

The two stared at each other, and the Great Prophet was aggressive: "You can see that he is so compatible with nature, which means that he was born with a mission. He is the most perfect successor to the Great Prophet. I have been waiting for so many years and have been waiting for him to appear."

"Nonsense, you already have two students. Virgil and Sersi are both geniuses picked from thousands of miles away. They can communicate with nature." Senna listed the candidates for the Great Prophet and told the old man not to be too greedy.

Especially don't grab the things in the dragon bowl. It took her forty years to wait for Wayne. Try to grab one!

"They are not perfect..."

The Great Prophet didn't want to criticize the students, but it just didn't work. Virgil and Circe were able to communicate with nature because of his years of training and investment.

Wayne is different. He can communicate with nature by relying on his own potential. He is already so strong without being taught. If he is taught, wouldn't it mean that he will go to heaven?

With this kind of talent, he was born to be a great prophet.

"Senna, you and I both know that there is no Holy Son in the Natural Church, and everyone disagrees. No matter what you say, Wayne's final achievement is just an oracle high priest."

The Great Prophet had a loud voice: "On the contrary, he has become my student and will inherit the position of Great Prophet in the future, which will be of no harm to the church and the war of faith."

What does it mean to be nothing more than an oracular high priest?

Old guy, who are you mocking?

Several oracle high priests were furious at the same time. They slammed the table and argued with the great prophet, asking him to speak clearly. Such words that were not conducive to unity must be taken back.

The Pope said nothing, looking at the dragon-riding elves in the picture, and allowed the few people to quarrel.

The Pope likes geniuses. From his position, the more geniuses the church has, the better. They are his assets.

But if this asset threatens the saint candidate he supports, then that's a different story.

The corner of the pope's lips curled up and he said slowly: "I think the great prophet is right. Wayne's talent is destined to be extraordinary. He will become the next great prophet. This is his destiny and the responsibility he bears."

"As expected of the Pope, this is called destiny, and it is not something that some people can object to if they want to." The Great Prophet clapped his hands.

Senna is furious. She lost her ace in the last twenty years, but in this twenty years, she will not give up no matter what.

Wayne should have a firm foothold in the Natural Knights rather than the Great Prophet.

"Guys, can I interrupt?"

In the corner of the long white table, a figure with a blurry face suddenly spoke. He had been silent before, and everyone was used to his low profile.

"Deputy Captain Gavin, what do you have to say?"

"I went to Windsor some time ago. As an investigator reviewing the two candidates for the Windsor division, I was very optimistic about Wayne's talent and gave him a perfect score." Gavin said slowly.

Everyone was confused. With Gavin's status and undisciplined personality, he personally went to Windsor. It was not as simple as assessing candidates.

Thinking of this, they all looked at the Pope.

The Pope didn't want to explain anything, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "Deputy Captain Gavin, please continue."

"I think Wayne's talent is more than just the Oracle of High Priest, and he shouldn't just sit in the position of Great Prophet. This will only waste his talent..."

Gavin ignored everyone's anger and kept silent: "I am optimistic that he will become the successor of the leader and the next chosen knight."


Everyone was shocked, and the Pope couldn't help but straighten his body, wanting to hear the source of Gavin's confidence.

"Candidate Wayne received a natural response with his cultivation as a Silver Mage. From this point of view, he is the perfect candidate for the Great Prophet, but..."

Gavin changed the subject: "He has been studying magic for less than a year. He has not fully realized his talent. He should not stop here. You people cannot decide his fate. Only goddesses are qualified."


Senna swallowed softly. She had already overestimated Wayne's talent, but she didn't expect Gavin to be more optimistic about Wayne than she was. He opened his mouth and called the God's Chosen Knight, pushing Wayne's talent and potential to the peak.

If her student's student becomes a natural knight, who is qualified to compete with her to be the next pope? When she becomes the pope, who will dare to go against her?


If you are bolder, the term of the current pope could end early.

"Gavin, you are too arbitrary!"

The Pope said coldly: "Does Mr. Mulla know what you said? If it is just your personal wishful thinking, take it back now."

Mulla is the current Natural Knight. His term of office is unknown. He is nominally the head of the Natural Knights. Apart from the honor of the knight, he refuses all rights. However, because of the name of the God's Chosen Knight, his identity is the greatest power.

What an honor it is for the goddess to walk on earth as a knight.

As long as Mulla opens his mouth, all members of the Natural Knights will die for him, and even all believers will follow his orders.

In comparison, the Pope is only the highest level of administrative decision-making in the church. He is the elected leader and cannot talk to the goddess himself.

"Mr. Mulla doesn't know. I once asked Wayne that he has no idea of ​​becoming a knight. He has a cognitive defect in his talent. Maybe he is modest. He thinks his talent is too poor." Gavin told the truth. road.

The Pope breathed a sigh of relief. The situation had changed too quickly. The sudden appearance of a genius made him feel that he could not suppress Senna. Although the fault was not with Wayne, he did feel a bit disgusted with Wayne.

Why are you so talented? Do you want to be the Pope?

Go to hell, don’t even think about it, Holy Son, you can only be a great prophet in this life.

Changes occurred late, and the Pope decided to implement Wayne's whereabouts as soon as possible.

In order to avoid Gavin's brain twitching, he really recommended Wayne to Mullah. Mullah was enthusiastic and handed the elemental mantra directly to Wayne.

Can Wayne pass the test of the goddess and become the chosen knight on the spot...

Although it's unlikely, there's no need to take the risk.

The Pope glanced at Senna and directly contacted the Great Prophet. He gave Wayne a bad review in this game and tried every means to make him leave the game.

The Great Seer understood instantly, noticed Senna's mental connection, and blocked her directly.

Don’t contact me again for fear that the Pope will misunderstand me.

Senna probably understood something, snorted coldly, and left the scene early.

I have to meet Wayne as soon as possible, lest the young man can't resist the temptation and really think that the position of the Great Prophet is a hot commodity.

Seeing this, the Great Prophet followed and left the meeting room.

The crystal ball was still playing the picture of the dragon rider elf, and the minds of the senior executives had already left, curious about how the fight between the two would end.

"Since there is nothing to do, let's disperse. After returning, think about the rating carefully. These candidates are all very good." The Pope left an ambiguous word and went to watch the excitement first.

The Pope left, and the others were too lazy to pretend. They said a few polite words and went offline.

"The church has become like this after all." Gavin did not leave. He looked at the performance of other candidates on the crystal ball and gave impartial ratings.

He knew that his rating was not important, but his persistence was important.

"If the leader is willing, the church will definitely not become like this..."

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