Restarting the myth

Chapter 297: Frank’s jokes never get old

The eldest lady's villa.

Wayne saw three heads playing cards together, so he shamelessly inserted himself in, reshuffled the cards and started a new round of strip poker.

No stripping, but there were stickers, and soon Willie's face could not be seen.

Good vision does not mean good luck. Her luck is really average, and she can't even catch up with the hot queue.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Wayne? Long time no see. The last time I saw you..."

Veronica thought about it, and suddenly realized: "I remember it, it was several years ago. If you don't go home, you won't be able to catch up with my wedding."

Weird and sarcastic, obviously not Veronica's style.

Wayne didn't think much, and knocked Willie on the top of his head with a knife.



Willie covered her head, feeling very aggrieved: "Veronica is talking, Willie didn't say anything, why hit Willie, Willie is so pitiful!"

"Veronica can't say such smart words!"

If you like to listen, say more!

Willy shook her head and tilted her head to snicker.

This caused Veronica's extreme dissatisfaction, and the unbreakable alliance of three people instantly cracked, and the little broken boat leaked on the spot.

The reason why it didn't capsize was because Senna was too scary.

Wayne glanced at Chris, who was smiling unchanged: "I'm almost done with my work. I will be a little free in the next few days, but only in these few days. The Queen just made a national broadcast, and Windsor and Frank declared war on Prussia. Austin can't handle it alone."

Strictly speaking, Wayne is not busy, and the work is done by his secretary Mona, but in order to manage time reasonably and efficiently, he must enrich himself.

Only when he is enriched, the three magical girls can be enriched, otherwise they will gather in Landau Manor, and no one will care about them. The only beneficiary is Veronica.

Willy's body trembled, and she stood beside her sisters and asked: "Where is teacher Senna? Where has she gone? I haven't seen her for many days?"

"She is the oracle high priest of the Church of Nature, busier than me. She will naturally return to the church headquarters after the mission is over."

Wayne looked at the three people as a matter of course: "Otherwise, stay in Lendan?"

Facts have proved that the best way to unite the internal forces is often strong external pressure.

Now that the enemy has gone far away, internal contradictions begin to be exposed.

Chris put down his cards: "Veronica, I haven't been home for many days. There are many things waiting for me to deal with. I won't accompany you today, but I will definitely do it next time."

"Me too, my parents have been urging me to go back these days." Willy nodded with a serious face.


You two traitors!

Veronica gritted her teeth secretly, what home, what parents, it's obvious that you want to sleep with her fiancé.

The three of them stared at each other, and the card game ended unhappily. Veronica raised her hand and hugged Wayne's arm: "It doesn't matter, Wayne will stay to play cards with me, you can all go home."

"Okay." x2

As Veronica stared in amazement, the think tank and the general left at the same time, so fast that it seemed as if she had caught the wrong person.

"Veronica, you caught the wrong person, I am not the key issue, they are."


Veronica didn't believe it, hugged the bastard's arm tightly, and took the opportunity to sniff him.

What if, what if this bastard was careless and left evidence?

"Don't be like this, Senna and I are innocent, and she has been gone for many days, even if there is any smell, it has faded." Wayne exposed Veronica's little thoughts.

"She is so beautiful, and so... shameless, you must have some thoughts about her." Veronica snorted coldly.

"No feelings, okay, I am not a casual person."

What about the senior sister and Willy?

Veronica asked in her heart, knowing the answer, but she didn't have the courage to ask it in person.

That night, Wayne stayed at Landau Manor, returned to Wayne's house the next day, and was asked out by Willie to meet her parents on the third day.


West District, restaurant.

When the guests talked, they reduced love and gossip, and exchanged opinions fiercely on the current international situation. Finally, they reached a consensus and talked about Frank jokes.

Frank jokes never go out of style.

At any time and any place, when you feel that the Windsor people are sarcastic and difficult to get along with, then tell a few Frank jokes.

Sitting by the window of the restaurant, the Watson family and Wayne.

The composition of this family is very strange, and it only attracts the opposite sex. The bald father who is a fitness fanatic, the petite 26-year-old mother, the daughter who will be 21 next month, and the daughter's boyfriend, who is also 26 years old this year.

Even more strange is that Wayne is the successor of the Sun Knight, Cushing and Carter are the Knight's squires, and Wayne has also transformed Cushing's mind and body, which is his belief.

Although Wayne deleted this memory, Cushing didn't know the truth and was still a fanatic fan of the Sun Goddess who only lifted weights and wrestled every day, but he did have a strong liking for Wayne.

Cushing knew that Wayne had another girlfriend, which any old father could not tolerate, especially a fitness fanatic like him with a hot temper.

Knowing this, Cushing still had a strong liking for Wayne. He attributed the reason to Wayne's identity as the successor of the Knight. The more he looked at him, the more he liked him. He wanted to let Willie pack her bags and move to Wayne's house overnight.

Cushing: I can't repay you for saving my life and the relationship between my subordinates. I'll entrust my daughter to you.

Seeing that Cushing's eyes were not right, Wayne knew it was time to take action. If he didn't take action, it was hard to say what Cushing would become. It was not impossible to invite him to the gym to exercise his strong sphincter.

"Cushing, I met the Sun Knight Leo in the Frozen Continent. I have something to talk to you alone." Wayne made an invitation and made an appointment to talk with Cushing after dinner, and the latter nodded happily.

Willy leaned on Wayne with a happy face, not considering the emotional dispute between Veronica and Chris at all. It didn't matter if she couldn't beat them. She still had a smart mind and could control the two idiots with a little trick. Sooner or later, she would have the final say in the future.

After the meal, Cushing and Willy were very satisfied, and the only normal person Carter was worried.

She watched Wayne and her husband walk into nextdoor with their arms around each other, patted Willy gently, and whispered her worries.

Carter felt that her daughter was too impulsive. Wayne might be an excellent successor to the God-chosen Knight, but he was definitely not a qualified boyfriend, let alone talking about marriage.

As a mother, Carter had been asleep for fifteen years and had not accompanied her daughter to grow up. Her mental age had also stopped at fifteen years ago. Feeling deeply guilty, these words were weak and powerless, fearing that a strong tone would cause her daughter to dislike.

In contrast, Willy was much more mature. She put one hand on her waist and pointed out her rival, talking about the upcoming victory.

In short, it is normal for her mother to be young and not understand love. She will understand it in a few years.

Seeing that his daughter was determined to jump into the pit, Carter could only pray for her silently and said, "The Watson family has inherited the mission of the knight's squire and has been serving Lord Leo. Logically, after the knight handed over the inheritance, we can't continue to serve the next knight. He has his own trusted squire, but now it seems..."

Carter talked about his helplessness. If Willy insisted on doing so, if she was wronged in the future, it would be difficult for her parents to support her.

Willy listened with a sharp gaze. Yes, she still had the identity of a knight's squire. It was reasonable for her to approach Wayne. Veronica couldn't find any fault with it.

Why didn't I think of it before!

"Willie, are you listening?"

"Mother, you think too much. He treats me very well and won't let me be wronged." Willy was sure and believed in her own vision.

Except for not fighting, she had never made any mistakes in her relationship.


Carter raised her hand and looked at the gift Wayne gave her, ten stockings exchange coupons, which could be used to get stockings for free at any large shopping mall in London.

It is said that this thing has great room for appreciation and will become the most high-end luxury goods in the future.

Carter didn't understand. Everyone loves beauty. She reluctantly thought that her daughter's boyfriend was thoughtful. She didn't know what effect she would have when she put it on, and whether her husband could let go of his good friend in his arms.

Thinking of this, Wayne suddenly became normal. At least he was holding a girl.

After a while, Wayne and Cushing walked out arm in arm. Cushing left with Carter on the pretext of having something to do, while Wayne continued to date Willie.

The two walked hand in hand on the street. Willie lost the fragrance of a single dog and everything she saw was pink. A few hours later, seeing that it was getting dark, she stopped and rubbed her legs.

"Wayne, I'm tired. It's still a long way home. What should I do?"

"There are taxis."


Willie didn't say anything, but squinted at her boyfriend. She knew Wayne knew what she meant.

"Well, if you don't want to take a taxi, I'll carry you."


Seeing Wayne squatting with his back to her, Willie was dissatisfied but still stuck to him.

The two continued to walk home. Willie whispered, "Where's the candlelight dinner? You said you would prepare it."

Look, he's in a hurry again!

Wayne pondered for a moment and told his thoughts truthfully: "Candlelight dinner is always available, but don't you think we are too fast? Doing something just for the sake of doing something is not romantic."

What's the use of romance? It doesn't quench your thirst!

"Stupid, you already have seniors and Veronica, how can there be romance." Willie complained in a low voice. Whenever she talked about this topic, she couldn't help but want to shout that she came first.

She leaned over to Wayne's ear and whispered, "After my father and mother came back, I moved out of the gym. You haven't even been to my house."

"They're all at home. Isn't that inappropriate?"

"They've been dating too. They've been dating recently. They've been married for so many years. It's annoying."

Listening to Willie's complaints, Wayne understood something. The progress bar had already been full. He was reluctant to move forward in the name of dating. It was a very selfish behavior. He ignored Willie and only cared about satisfying his own personality of respecting feelings.

He's already a scumbag. How can there be any respect for feelings? If he really valued feelings, he wouldn't have planned to keep the water.

I think Mona is the same.

Wayne shook his head and only thought about Willie in front of him: "Let's go, candlelight dinner, the most high-end local French food, and then I'll take you home."


"What's wrong?"

"Yes, is it too fast?" Willie hesitated slightly, although she began to panic.

"Haha, I have the final say today."


The Cushings are very close to the gym, and rounding off, they are also very close to Wayne's house.

Wayne jumped up on the spot. If the air quality was good, he could see Chris watering the flowers in the garden.

In Willy's bedroom, Wayne stood by the window and asked after thinking for a moment: "Willie, you have done this to me, you must be responsible. Have you ever considered moving to my house?"

The senior sister would be very sad, she regarded herself as the hostess.

Willie wanted to move there and wished she could see Wayne every day. But then she thought about it and her mind became complicated. She struggled for a long time between the sister and the bastard, and finally nodded with gritted teeth.


The one over there was not a sister, but her rival. There was no need to take care of her rival's emotions.

The next day, Willie started the moving plan, packing her luggage little by little, moving only a few clothes each time. After three months, she calculated that all her belongings would be moved.

She didn't care what her rival thought. She didn't care what her senior thought. Wayne must have his own way of coaxing girls.

You can't let her worry about everything. She's not such a generous person!

That night, the dining table at Wayne's house was unusually dull, and the loyal housekeeper didn't dare to show up at the table.

Chris ate dinner expressionlessly, looking up at Willie from time to time. The latter touched her stomach with a happy face. If you didn't know, you would think she was full.

What a bastard! x2


Commercial Street, Wayne Detective Agency.


"Wayne, are you listening to me?"

Ms. Sora, the Frank spy, looked at the absent-minded offline and frowned, saying, "Now is not the time to be emotional. The country needs you very much."

"I understand, but we have become allies and have a common enemy, Prussia. Why do you want me to continue to pass on the information of the Tulip Family?"

Wayne sighed. Recently, his family has not been peaceful, far from the internal circulation he imagined.

Whether it is the gentle and kind Chris or the professional free Willy, they both turned on the cold war mode with him at the same time, looking at him coldly and not talking.

But according to the information passed by Fla, whenever the master is not at home, the two ladies get along very well, and occasionally there will be a few sarcastic words.

Wayne has never seen such a scene and does not understand it. Under Fla's advice, he has been very busy at work in the past two days.

"Wayne, the capital of Bologna has fallen. According to reliable information, the Ross Federation has gathered heavy troops on the border of Bologna. They will not save Bologna. They are ready to divide Bologna with Prussia." Sora said.

I understand, non-aggression, no waves.

You may not believe it, but when I looked at the map last year, I did not find Bologna on the map.

Wayne complained in his heart, and then said: "It is precisely because of this that Prussia is coming with great momentum. We Windsor, bah, we Franks should cooperate with Windsor in good faith and join hands to fight against the shameless sneak attack that Prussia is about to launch."

"No, in terms of geographical location, Franks have no advantage. Windsor just wants us to die." Sora glanced at Wayne and added: "Make money by the way!"

As she said, she took out a document, hoping that Wayne would find out the strategic materials stored by Windsor as soon as possible, as well as the transaction share and quotation expectations for foreign exports, which is very important to Franks.

Sister, you should guard that line of defense first!

Wayne took the document, glanced through it, and then made a promise to Sora: "I understand. I am a soldier trained by the country anyway. I will complete the mission as soon as possible, reduce the losses suffered by our country in the war, and never let Windsor make any more money."

"It's great that you think so." Sora breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Wayne would quit.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Frank Intelligence Agency dare not fight to the death, especially for a big fish like Wayne.

Thinking of this, Sora tried to ask: "When will you get engaged to Austin's daughter, and when will you officially become the helmsman of the Landau family?"

After that line of defense was breached.

Wayne gave the correct answer in his heart and frowned, saying, "I'm already operating it. Auston likes me very much, but you know, he is a smart man with a very high IQ. I can't show it too much, otherwise he will definitely notice something."

"Work hard and make Auston's daughter pregnant as soon as possible. This is very important."

"Well, I'll do my best."

After sending Sora away, Wayne threw the file aside and asked Mona to contact Little Mustache to deal with the file as soon as possible.

After it was done, the wrong information was sent to the mailbox designated by Sora.

Windsor's MI6 and Frank's Intelligence Agency directly connected, eliminating him as a middleman to make a profit, and not spending money in vain. Everyone has a bright future.

"Boss, there's a call for you. It's Knight Juno."

Mona picked up the file and said, "You were negotiating international trade with Ms. Sora at the time. I didn't interrupt you. From what Knight Juno said, she was in a lot of trouble and hopes to see you tonight."


"The princess's manor."


Wayne was stunned when he heard this. What he was worried about still happened. The operation was successful but not completely successful. Juno still couldn't help wanting to get close to him.

Look, they made an appointment to meet in the evening, or at his own home.

"Boss, do you want to refuse her?"

"No, I have to check her and collect experimental data to see what went wrong."

Wayne patted his butt and stood up, saying casually, "You go with me tonight. After the examination is over, I will invite you to a candlelight dinner."

Mona nodded, just like on the map, there was no ripple in her heart.

This is what happens when you eat too much cake.

Every time they say the wolf is coming, the wolf never comes. Not to mention the villagers, the sheep are starting to rot.

That evening, the black car drove towards the Princess Manor in the West District. When it approached, Mona turned the steering wheel and continued to drive forward.

"Boss, there are a lot of spies around, the princess seems to be under surveillance."

Mona frowned and said displeasedly: "She didn't say that on the phone, she deliberately led you here, I'm afraid she has no good intentions."

Wayne was overjoyed when he heard this: "Great, this is a good thing!"

According to Auston's previous statement, Princess Elizabeth had been missing for too long and was involved in the disappearance of Deputy Minister Allen, so she could not explain to the Queen and her chances of appearing in public were reduced.

Instead, Prince Edward was in high spirits and attended various social occasions with the Queen.

It seems that the surveillance around the manor was the Queen's handiwork. This is no longer a warning, but a naked warning.

It stands to reason that the family will not cause trouble for the faith. Since Juno wants to plot and drag him down, it shows that the appointment tonight is not a sacrifice.

The operation was successful, and Healy and Veronica's illnesses are cured!

"Boss, are you going to see her tonight?"

"Yes, why not!"

Wayne closed his eyes and leaned against the chair: "Go down the sewer, I want to confirm her situation in person and teach her a lesson. I have said that the Landau family is loyal to the queen and will not participate in the royal disputes. She actually dared to plot against me."

Speaking of this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Austin has his own persistence and does not want to use his own power to interfere with the royal inheritance.

He is different. He really hopes that Juno will become the next king.

If necessary, he doesn't mind giving Juno a push!


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