Restarting the myth

Chapter 4: So delicious that it causes hallucinations

Mrs. Reiner wore a black coat, a pair of expensive ladies' leather shoes, and a bird feather of unknown feather stuck in her round top hat.

She was over 40 years old, plump, and her frame size exceeded the average of women, looking quite strong.

As for makeup, I can only say that I tried my best, but the years were too cruel and ruthless.

Wayne thought he was not a person who judged people by appearance, but if the above-mentioned woman winked at him, he would have to admit that he had no other shortcomings except judging people by appearance.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Reiner."

"Me too, Wayne."

Mrs. Reiner took off her leather gloves and opened her arms to give Wayne a hug. You could tell from her shining eyes that she would never let go once she held him.

Wayne declined the warm hug and asked Mrs. Reiner to take a seat in a businesslike manner. He regretted that the commission was not completed. He spent a lot of time and energy, but did not find evidence of Dr. Reiner's infidelity, and suggested that Mrs. Reiner try another detective agency.

Mrs. Reiner didn't take the matter to heart, nor did she accept the deposit returned by Wayne. She expressed her belief in Wayne's business ability and was willing to wait a few more days.

I'm afraid this won't work. Time waits for no one. Dr. Reiner has evidence of your cheating. If you wait any longer, you will suffer.

Wayne persuaded her again. He chatted with Mrs. Reiner for a while and personally sent her out of the detective agency.

"Wayne, was that lady the client just now?" Veronica walked downstairs. She was very particular about her appearance and didn't notice that there was a lot of dust on her nose and cheeks.

Scars are the medals of warriors. Wayne saluted but didn't say it. He nodded and said, "Mrs. Reiner is a guest of the detective agency. She commissioned a family dispute investigation some time ago. Due to some accidents, she didn't get the investigation report today. I have limited ability and advised her to find another detective."

"It's just a family dispute. We can do it. There's no need to give up the business."

"That's what I said, but the situation here is very complicated. It can't be explained in a few words..." Wayne muttered, trying to pass the topic with a vague tone.

"What did you find out?"

Veronica narrowed her eyes. The clues delivered to the door must not be easily let go.

"Well, how should I put it? How about we continue to clean up and wait..."


Wayne's hesitation was regarded by Veronica as a bargaining chip. She decisively opened the way with money and handed over two portraits of the queen.

Wayne accepted it silently. It was a wonderful misunderstanding. He did not reject it and hoped that Veronica would continue next time.

"The situation is like this. Some time ago, Dr. Reiner commissioned... Mrs. Reiner that afternoon... I conducted follow-up investigations on the couple separately. Because Dr. Reiner came first, both reports were given to him. To express his gratitude, he took the initiative to pay..."

Wayne recounted the cause and effect: "The professional ethics of detectives does not allow me to resell the investigation results. I am a principled person and will not accept Mrs. Reiner's commission again, so I advised her to find another way."

Veronica: "..."

According to her education, the word professional ethics is not used in this way.

Veronica rolled her eyes beautifully. This morning, she looked through the diary on her desk. Because reading someone else's diary without consent is equivalent to prying into privacy, it is immoral, so she asked Wayne.

Wayne was sleeping at the time and didn't speak.

Not speaking means tacit consent!

In the diary, the clients spoke highly of Wayne, praising the handsome guy's professionalism and moral standards. The records of the trivialities and bits of life also showed that Wayne was an outstanding young man who was positive and upright.

He abides by the law, he is willing to help others, he injects positive energy into the decadent society, and he is a benchmark for contemporary young people to learn from.

Veronica was shocked after reading the diary, and her impression of Wayne changed greatly. She felt ashamed of her misunderstanding of Wayne's character, and asked William to make more delicious food to compensate for her offensive behavior of peeping into the diary.

Now she understands why such a private thing as the diary was not locked up, but placed on the desk where it is easily accessible.

It's terrible. The female college student feels that she has been played by social garbage!

"Go on, what have you found out about Mrs. Reiner?"

Veronica handed over a portrait of the Queen with an expressionless face. Mrs. Reiner smelled of death and had been in closer contact with the Death Walker than Wayne. If they followed this line, they would soon find the hidden target.

"According to the investigation, Mrs. Reiner is well-known in the dock workers and downtrodden art circles for her charity, and she has a good relationship with people..." Wayne was not guilty of taking money to do things, and he said it all in one go.

From a work perspective, it is reasonable and logical for the detective to tell his assistant about the results of the investigation.

From a business perspective, he did not sell the information to Mrs. Reiner and adhered to his professional ethics.

"To be specific, who are the painter and the dock worker?"

"Why are you asking these questions?"

Wayne frowned: "Assistant Wei, don't make it difficult for the boss. I have received money from Dr. Reiner, and our detective agency will not provide investigation services for Mrs. Reiner."

"It has nothing to do with Mrs. Reiner. Now I am entrusting you to conduct the investigation." Veronica shook the banknotes in her hand.

"Please sit down."


Can't you just struggle a bit?


Lendan can be divided into five districts based on politics and economy. The central district, located in the center, is also known as Innerendan and the City of Endan. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the entire Windsor Kingdom.

There are the best universities, the best hospitals, the largest stock markets, museums, theaters, etc., which are firmly controlled by the new capitalists who have been transferred from noble masters.

The west and north districts are the gathering places of the middle class. The east and south districts are the largest in area and have the worst resources in all aspects. They are the gathering places of ports, industries, and warehouses. Most of the people living here are working class.

Port dock.

The sailors untied the ropes, and the melodious whistles sailed away. The scorching sun, the sea, and the curses weaved a chapter unique to this place.

The scenery of the dock is completely different in the eyes of different people.

The dock in the eyes of the upper class is romantic. In the sound of seagulls, the sailors sang a uniform hymn of courage and sailed to foreign countries. They pursued the true meaning of life, explored unknown routes, brought wealth, and sent civilization. Everything seemed to come out of an oil painting.

In the eyes of the lower class, the docks are dirty, full of noisy seagulls, cold seawater, and workers who are like themselves, struggling for their livelihoods and have to be unkempt and covered with stains and sweat.

If this can be considered an oil painting, it must be stepped on with the dirtiest feet, dipped in the smelliest mud and grease.

As an old capital power, the industrial facilities and supporting infrastructure of the Kingdom of Windsor are backward, and it is inevitable that it has embarked on a downward slope of low production capacity. Coupled with the influence of economic depression, war and other factors, the docks at that time were far from the prosperity of the past.

Nearing afternoon tea time, Veronica was enjoying black tea in a restaurant with her black cat Monica, while Wayne and William split up to look for dock worker Pluto.

Pluto is one of Mrs. Reiner's crotch Haikou, who is strong and powerful.

Wayne looked for the other party as usual, but didn't find him. According to his co-workers, Pluto didn't go to work today. He might have gone to the warehouse area or slept at home.

On the way, Wayne unfortunately met William, who was very excited when he saw him, and held him tightly, sighing and complaining.

"Wayne, I just met a young down-and-out nobleman, who was in debt and had to come to the dock to find a job..."

"I suggested to him that since he was in debt, he might as well use his butt to pay off the debt, but he refused. It's a pity. I don't know who will get the job in the future."

"After that, I found a few more, but none of them were as young and handsome as the down-and-out nobleman."

Wayne: "..."

What is this, a gay version of Aquaman, a safe haven for ships, the legendary Wanzai Wharf?

No, it seems that you haven't done anything for a long time!

Wayne refused to communicate with William, and after finding Veronica, he explained the situation. Next, should he go to Pluto's house to continue looking for people, or go to the apartment of the failed art student to have a look.

"Go find a painter."

The failed art student is named Abel. He is a literary youth who has failed the exams repeatedly but has a firm artistic concept. Because he has been funded by noble ladies for many years, his youth has been squeezed out. Without youth, there is no support, and without support, there is no income. Abel could not afford the rent and moved from the North District to the East District.

Mrs. Reiner is not Abel's first sponsor, and her figure and appearance are not the best, but Abel is used to seeing the whip ball, saying that compared with the noble ladies in the North District, Mrs. Reiner can be called gentle and kind.

Cultivating one's character is a yes.

"Abel plans to pursue art in the East District and earn a living. When he recovers, he will return to the North District. He is a person who is unwilling to endure hardships but can endure hardships..."

In the taxi, Wayne told Veronica about Abel's deeds as tactfully as possible. He sat in the co-pilot, and Veronica, Black Cat, and William sat in the back seat.

As he spoke, Wayne looked back from time to time, wondering why Veronica was perfunctory. She was obviously not interested in this commission, but she insisted on investigating it to the end. What was the reason?

The taxi stopped at the street corner. Wayne walked to the third floor of the apartment building. The wooden floor creaked, and there was a lot of household garbage on both sides of the corridor.

The mouse flashed by quickly and disappeared in the cracks of the corners. Everything showed that Abel's life had fallen to the bottom like his body.

Wayne walked on the balcony last time, and this time he walked on the stairs. Just when he wanted to knock on the door, William pushed him open directly, and his fist as big as a casserole hit the wooden door.

The door was opened, and Abel was wearing a single piece of clothing and wrapped in a blanket. He looked at the extraordinary Veronica with a puzzled look, and then he was intimidated by William's dancing chest muscles and quickly closed the door.

It was too late.

William pushed the door directly and almost knocked Abel to the ground.

"Mr. Painter, our lady wants to talk to you about long-term assistance."

Is there such a good thing?

Abel was ecstatic. With Veronica's conditions, let alone assistance, he would do it for free.

Such a spiritual girl can inspire countless creative inspirations with just a little collision. Thinking of this, Abel felt that his body was full of strength.

He did it again!

The camera turned and Abel was tied to a chair with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth.

Wayne: (?_?)

Such a skilled art of torture. If he refused last night, would he have ended up like this?

"Don't be afraid, we are not good people. As long as you answer our questions obediently, we will not only not hurt you, but also pay you a considerable reward."

William grinned and pumped his chest muscles: "Of course, you can refuse, but the end result is that the tender daisy will be ravaged and become as big as a sunflower."

Abel shook his head desperately. He knew nothing.

Wayne rolled his eyes and barely responded professionally. This threat probably wouldn't scare Abel. He came to Veronica's side and whispered, "What's the matter? You said you wouldn't cause me any trouble."

Veronica didn't answer. She took out a glass bottle from her lady's purse. Wayne looked curiously and saw colorful mushrooms inside.

Judging from the color, these mushrooms tasted great.

As expected, the mushrooms were so delicious that they caused hallucinations. Abel was forced to have a mouthful of mushrooms by William. His pupils gradually lost focus, and his whole face was blank and lifeless. He smiled foolishly.

"Who left the mark on you?"

William held Abel's right hand tightly, and a ray of light flashed. A black inverted triangle symbol slowly emerged on the skin on the back of Abel's hand.

This symbol represents death and is the mark of the followers of the goddess of death.

Wayne looked at this scene in surprise, and a wave of heat rose in his chest. The book of greed that could only be seen but not responded to expressed his desire at the moment the light came on.


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