Restarting the myth

Chapter 391: Seventh Abyss

Night, cold moon.

Today, Borobi is much more lively than usual. Many SS members appeared on the street, wearing neat uniforms and walking in a hurry, as if they were catching some important criminals.

After enthusiastic passers-by provided clues, nothing was found.

In the barren mountains on the outskirts of the city, the Secret Technology Development Bureau, the First Research Institute.

In the woods two kilometers away, Wayne put on a shadow cloak: "Don't move here, don't make any noise even if there is a fight, and wait for my orders."

The protagonist tonight is not him, but Heya and Dilda. It is rare to have two active cannon fodders to step on the mines. He will not choose to fight unless necessary.

Making a fortune in silence is the kingly way!

"Understood." x2

After Wayne disappeared, Regina exclaimed softly, covering her butt with a horrified face: "Otilia, tonight is real, I didn't lie."

"Well, I know." Otilia nodded calmly.

"How do you know?"

"Last night you falsely accused the boss of touching your butt, and he was very upset when he found out, so..."

"Wait a minute, why did the boss know?"

"I told him!"

Otilia raised her eyebrows and said favorably: "He is a man who hates evil and is soft-hearted. He knew that his secretary was lying, but he couldn't bear to punish her, so he simply let the lie come true, and you didn't lie."


Regina rubbed her butt, suspecting that she was a part of the love game between this couple.


On the other side, the shadow cloak is invincible. It is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the pope of the dark church. Wayne put on the cloak and easily completed the infiltration.

A proper infiltration is not an infiltration that kills all witnesses.

Office→ Archives→ Safe→ Laboratory.

Wayne went through the process with ease, put on his pants and was about to leave.

At this moment, a team of SS sergeants came to the First Research Institute. The person in charge personally greeted them, and the two golden mages in charge were also squatting in their offices.

"What a great prestige, this guy seems to have some value..."

Wayne stopped, hid in the shadow cloak, and looked at the leading officer.

The man was dressed in an officer's uniform, with an upright posture and meticulously combed hair.

His facial features were firm and deep, his nose was high, he had a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle, and his face with clear lines exuded a sense of majesty without anger.

Looking at the shoulder badge, the rank is district captain.

Don't think it's worthless when you hear the captain. The SS is the direct line of the head of state, which is roughly equivalent to the central army of someone. The district captain has a high gold content. Compared with the contemporary Wehrmacht, it is roughly equivalent to a senior colonel.

One step further is a major general.

August and Finn, who were contaminated by Wayne, were called generals by Weaving, but they were not. It was just a compliment to the project leader. Strictly speaking, they could only correspond to lieutenant colonels.

"General Christian, please come this way."

The person in charge, Rohr, opened the way in front and took Christian into the laboratory.

The laboratory is located dozens of meters below the bunker. It is divided into three floors and has two dedicated elevators. Wayne had explored it before. The lowest floor is the transformation room of the devil container. It is empty and no experiments have been carried out.

The truly valuable data and information are locked in the safe in the archive room, and Wayne copied a copy.

The elevator roared to the third underground floor. The person in charge, Luo Er, put on a white coat and turned on the power with a group of researchers.

The lights came on, illuminating the entire underground space.

In an instant, the air was filled with an indescribable smell of fishy and sulfur, as if it was a stench coming from deep underground.

The surrounding walls were covered with various strange symbols and patterns, which flickered with faint light under the lights, and were mottled and very strange.


In the center of the laboratory is a huge black stone platform. The ground around the stone platform is engraved with complex magic circles, and various strange instruments and test tubes are placed.

As the power was turned on, the researchers operated the instruments, and the strangely colored liquid in the test tubes kept bubbling and making gurgling sounds.

Christian looked at everything around him with satisfaction and ordered his men to bring up a black briefcase.

After opening it, there was a tube of black and red blood inside.

"General, did you find it?" Luo Er was overjoyed.

"Yes, this tube is the devil's blood. According to the church's documents, it is the blood of a certain devil's descendant in the world. It is very precious. I spent a lot of effort to buy it." Christian said proudly.

Luo Er was excited to see the prey, and he rubbed his hands impatiently. He pushed his glasses and said, "General, where is the suitable experimental subject? Have you brought it?"

"I am."

"Ah this..."

Luo Er's heart sank. He didn't dare to joke with Christian's life. If something really happened, he, the person in charge, would be responsible.

"What's wrong? Can't I?"

"General, I'm quite straightforward, I hope you don't mind."

Roll smiled bitterly and said, "We have conducted three experiments on you before, and we are very sure that you don't have the ability to become a vessel for the Demon King. Your loyalty to the Führer deserves recognition, and your mental perseverance deserves praise. After all, not everyone can survive three times intact..."

"Speak to the point!" Christian interrupted unhappily.

"No means no, this tube is the blood of the descendants of the Demon King, it is very dangerous, and it is different from the previous three times. If you fail, your life will be in danger." Luo Er advised.

Save Christian, and save yourself.

"We are about to launch a full-scale war against Frank. Frank is different from other countries. The Führer needs me, and I am willing to sacrifice my life for him." Christian said coldly.

Colleagues were promoted one by one and were reused, but he was the only one who was neither promoted nor demoted.

The reason was that the SS did not keep idle people, and being incompetent was the original sin.

To get promoted and reused, loyalty alone was far from enough. He needed strength, the strength to make himself proud.


"There is nothing to but, they all succeeded, and I can do it too!" Christian took off his shirt, revealing a strong body covered with sutures.

He stuffed a tube of devil's blood into Roll's hand and said toughly: "I have written the suicide note. If it succeeds, the credit is yours. If I lose, it is my own fault."

Do you think the people above will read your suicide note?

Roll's heart was half cold. Under Christie's eagle-eyed gaze, he had no choice but to lead the team to start the blood exchange ceremony.

While starting the ceremony, he said: "General, please think about it again. We haven't determined which devil this tube of blood came from, whether it is the devil king, what if the record of the Church is wrong..."

"Shut up, start directly, I have already gambled my life, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of!"

Because you gambled my life too!

Roll's old face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, knowing that things cannot be violated, he only prayed for God's blessing, and Christian must get what he wants to become a perfect devil king container, and still alive, otherwise he will go to hell with him.

Roll: I am so smart, going to hell is equivalent to aiding the enemy, God, you don't want to see hell becoming stronger, right?

Roll took the black robe handed by the researcher, and a bird-beak-shaped gas mask, looking like a plague doctor, with a retro evil beauty.

The two golden wizards were not present, they were on guard in the laboratory on the first floor to prevent anyone from breaking in and interrupting the experiment.

Wayne stood silently behind the crowd, observing the transformation experiment at close range, judging from the posture, it was not the same routine as Windsor's devil container.

Although Wayne has killed many demons, he has never actively developed a demon container. The data and information all come from the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic in Windsor and begging for alms everywhere.

His theoretical knowledge is very solid. It can be seen that the process of Windsor making demon containers is very gentle, and the main focus is on fate.

That is, I am only responsible for dancing the gods. It is the devil's business whether to respond or not. If the devil does not respond, I will call him next time.

Prussia's operation is completely opposite. He rushed straight to the devil's castle with a door-breaking hammer, shouted "Open the door, SS", and then forced the devil to press the blood handprint.

It's really a bit extreme!

One is praying, and the other is forcibly summoning. Wayne has nothing to do, so he decided to see what kind of moth they can come up with.

The researcher took his position, the power supply started, and after the huge sound of electric current, the mechanical device buried underground roared and operated, providing energy for the activation of the magic circle.

This is what Wayne said about extreme. People invite the devil to come, all for good cigarettes, good wine, and good girls.

When we got to Prussia, the main attraction was a cyber incense burning. There was not even a pure virgin, how could it attract the arrival of the devil.

The devil came to see you show off your LEDs?

Amid Wayne's complaints, the roaring geothermal energy was converted into mechanical energy, and then into electrical energy. The magic circle was fully charged, and the hot temperature gradually dropped.

The air was filled with a depressing and weird atmosphere. A cold wind blew from nowhere, bringing a creepy whistling sound, as if something terrible would come out of the ground at any time.

Christian lay on the stone platform, his limbs bound by iron hoops. Hearing the weird whistling sound, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Roll, the previous experiment didn't seem to make such a big noise. What's the reason?"

"General, I don't know the reason either. While it's still not too late, why not give up." Roll advised for the last time.



"Go on!"

Christian thought for a moment and was determined to pursue power. Luo Er thought this was an ominous sign, but he didn't think so.

It's a good sign!

It must be a good sign!

At the corner, Wayne blew the wind with his mouth, sending out a good sign.

Seeing that Christian was determined to drag him to death, Luo Er raised his hand and drew a cross on his chest. After the magic circle was charged, he divided the devil's blood into six tubes and injected it into the syringe.

Five researchers were called in to surround Christian for artificial injection.

Respecting the background of the times, there is no such thing as automatic injection these days.

After the blood injection, Christian's skin hardened quickly, the epidermis blackened like the stratum corneum, the red blood vessels bulged, and his eyes turned fishy yellow.

The pupils shrank into vertical lines, and the intense pain swept through his body, making him wail and scream.

Luo Er ignored him and led the researchers to quickly evacuate the magic circle area. Once the ritual started, it could not be stopped, no matter how loudly Christian shouted.

If they continued, they might still survive, but if they stopped, they would die.

As Luo Er activated the switches one by one, the colorful liquids in the test tubes surged like boiling water, the pungent smell of sulfur became stronger, the instruments around the magic circle roared, and various liquids dripped into the grooves of the magic circle.

In an instant, the entire magic circle emitted a black light, and billowing black smoke rose up.

"What a strong energy reaction, maybe it really works..."

Luo Er was overjoyed. He saw a fluctuating face in the black smoke, each of which was deeply sinful, which was a manifestation of the seven deadly sins.

As long as the magic circle stabilizes Christian's body and allows it to successfully merge with the devil's blood, a new and easy-to-use container can be formed.

And it is more powerful than the previous containers.

There is no mistake, that's it!

At the corner of the wall, Wayne fanned the black smoke, blowing out a series of ups and downs of faces.

He has always been good at adding special effects.


In the billowing black smoke, a pair of fishy yellow eyes opened, and a terrifying pressure descended. A strong wind swept across, and a visible shock wave spread, shattering the test tubes and knocking down the instruments.

All the researchers fainted under this blow.

Christian on the stone platform broke free from the iron hoop, his legs remained unchanged, his upper body was stronger, his muscles were tangled, and his hedgehog-like long hair dragged on the ground.

The black face had hideous features and fishy yellow eyes, turning into an evil ghost polluted by hell.

There was no hell-style mask, no flaming red lips and pale skin.

From the perspective of experts, Christian's evolution was undoubtedly a failure. Half-human, half-ghost, he was nothing. Throwing him into hell was just cannon fodder.

Christian himself didn't think so. He clenched his fists, and his sharp nails pierced the skin of his palms. He felt the tiles.

This is power!

He became it! !

"Who is it?"

Sensing a shadow flashing in the corner, Christian turned around abruptly, his glowing yellow eyes pulled two residual lights, and his throat growled as if he wanted to eat people.

Christian was stunned when he saw this.

No one.

To be precise, there was a human head floating in the corner.

There was no body or limbs, and the limbs below the neck were amputated, just a head floating in the air.

Wayne pulled down his hood and said with a serious face: "Such a powerful force, even I am ashamed of myself. Which devil has descended to the world? If the head of state sees you, he will definitely make you an air marshal on the spot!"


Christian did not get the power of hell and was infected with the devil's disease. Hearing this, he laughed arrogantly and pointed at Wayne and said: "You have a good eye, but unfortunately, the first person to appreciate this perfect figure should be the head of state. You are not qualified. I will crush you with my own hands."

"Even if you kill me, you have seen it, and the head of state is destined to pick up what I have used."


"Is that right."

"Roar, roar, roar————"

Christian raised his arms and rushed forward, his toes stepped on the ground, his fists tore through the wind and screamed, rushing straight to Wayne's face.



Heya crushed the magic puppet in front of her with one foot, and behind her was a mountain of "garbage". She looked at the gray space in front of her and frowned immediately.

Soon after Wayne left the church, a large number of SS soldiers surrounded the church. They were all ordinary people. Dilda and Heya didn't want to get involved, so they left easily before the encirclement was formed.

Next, they were repeatedly discovered when hiding, and it was not until they were far away from the city that things got better.

The city of Poro was shrouded in an unknown force, which was very unfriendly to outsiders, especially the three reincarnated angels on the wanted list. Wherever they went, they would be closely watched, and they couldn't hide even if they changed their appearance.

Realizing this, Dilda and Heya did not move around in the city, silently memorized this important information, and moved around outside the city.

At night, the two rushed into the city at the fastest speed and rushed directly to a welfare home marked in the intelligence.

The welfare home funded by the Heavenly Father Church was used to take in homeless children, teach theology, and cultivate them into the most pious people of the Heavenly Father.

In the "correct" intelligence provided by the local Church, this welfare home was a bit weird, and clergy often disappeared for no reason. There were also rumors that strange and peculiar figures were seen, and it was recommended to conduct an in-depth investigation.

The plan to sneak in failed, so Dilda and Heya changed to force their way in head-on. They knew it was a trap, but they still rushed in head-on.

After passing through a layer of space barrier, what appeared in front of the two was a puppet army of more than a thousand people, with average combat effectiveness, and they were quickly torn into pieces.

Heya punched a passage with her fist and passed through the second layer of barrier. The gray world made her hesitate.

"Projection of the abyss..."

The abyss is located under hell and is the paradise of the seven demon kings. Each demon king built a magnificent palace in the abyss, from arrogance to lust, so it is also called the Seven Abysses.

Among them, the most famous is the seventh abyss paradise created by the Lord of Lust.

It is said that there are countless beautiful and enchanting succubi there, with layers of checkpoints and tight defense. The bottom boss is the succubus's master, the Lord of Lust.

So far, no man with a penis can stand out from the seventh abyss.

Those who walked out lying down also left serious psychological trauma, abstained from sex and desire, and lost worldly desires from then on.

It is hard to say whether it is true or not, it has been heard, and the possibility is not high.

As a reincarnated angel, Heya once fought in hell with the army. He saw the abyss from a distance, but did not know much about it. He only knew that the abyss was located below hell and was the dead zone of hell.

In that battle, the seven demon kings retreated to the abyss, and the angel army could not capture it, so they had no choice but to give up the grand strategy of annihilation.

They won the battle, but did not achieve the strategic goal. As a second choice, they sealed hell in all directions to ensure that the devil could not touch the world.

Judging from the subsequent performance of the seal, it was sealed, but not completely sealed.

Suddenly seeing the abyss again, Heya was entangled whether to go in and take a look.


Dilda folded her wings and landed on the ground, holding the Holy Spear of Heaven and standing side by side with Heya. She frowned and said, "It's so familiar. I seem to have seen this scene somewhere."

"The Seventh Abyss feels familiar to you, which means you are about to awaken."

Wшw♦тт kǎnO

Speaking of awakening, Heya couldn't help but think of Wayne and was quite concerned about the stigmata on his tongue.

In principle, it was impossible for the figure of that adult to overlap with Wayne, so she refused to say it and rejected it from the bottom of her heart.

But if it's true...

Thinking of Wayne calling herself 'Walking Lust', Heya felt helpless and hoped that he would wake up as soon as possible, change his mind and regain his former glory, so that everyone could forget this bad black history.

"Seven Abyss, I seem to have heard this name before..."

Dilda's scalp felt itchy, and she felt a dull tingling sensation in her skull, as if something flashed past her.

Heya looked at this scene happily and asked: "It seems that you are about to remember who you are. Yes, this is a good start. In front of you is the projection of the abyss, and there may also be the projection of the devil. There is a certain danger. You Want to go in and have a look?"

Dilda nodded, and his intuition told him that if he went in, he would be able to think of his true name and awaken the memory of heaven.

"Let's go, we're here, being scared away by the devil is not the way we angels should be!" Heya stretched her wings behind her back, her eyes turned golden, and she was ready to fight tonight to completely destroy this abyss projection.

The holy spear of heaven was raised high, and the golden light split the darkness, crushing the screams and clearing a path straight to the end of the abyss.

Dilda spread his wings and followed closely, spreading the holy flames of the Golden Rule around his body, and his aura gradually moved closer to Heya.

Facing the pressure of the abyss, his memory began to awaken!


The First Research Institute, three underground floors of laboratories.

Wayne raised his hand to catch Christian's punch, and raised his other hand to send the shadow cloak wrapped around his body to the portable space.

At this moment, Christian saw clearly that what he was fighting was not a human head, but a human magician.

"Who are you to break into the institute's bunker?" Christian was keenly aware that he had caught a spy.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the key is you. Such a powerful punch, I can't resist it." Wayne looked shocked.


Christian was arrogant for a moment: "Intruder, this is what I should say. If you can take my fist, you will definitely not be an unknown person in the world. Say your name, and I will leave you a tombstone." ”


"Bruce, right? I guess you must be a spy sent by Frank." Christian narrowed his eyes.

Don't tell me, really don't tell me, it's only a few hundred kilometers away from the truth.

Wayne secretly said something bad. He was kind enough to tease the fool, but the fool said that he had the blood of Zhengbaiqi. This was not about repaying kindness with enmity.

He was too lazy to continue being bored, so he waved his hand and punched out, the afterimage flashed, the edge of the punch tore Christian's chest, and five fingers were heard behind him.

Christian lowered his head stiffly, his neck and spine making the sound of bone friction. He couldn't believe that the strength he was proud of was as fragile as paper.

What about the promised promotion and promotion to become the right-hand man of the head of state?

"I will help you fulfill your wish, in my name, Christian..."

Hearing his voice, Christian looked up blankly, and saw a face exactly like his own.

There was a pain in his chest, and Christian was wrapped in large sheets of foam.

Wayne read Christian's memory and confirmed his identity, which he was very satisfied with.

At that time, Khidr was not yet the head of state, nor was he a mustache. He gained a reputation as a "maniac of speeches" in the bar, which attracted dissatisfaction from the authorities.

Khidr led a march in protest. Christian, who was still a young man, admired him very much and joined the protest team, blocking a shot for Khidr.

This shot marked the beginning of his official career.

At the same time, it also made Christian particularly dissatisfied with his own weakness. He wanted to gain strong power and be worthy of being reused by the head of state.

"Be rational when chasing stars. Your thoughts are wrong."

Wayne transformed into Christian. After looking at his new form, he felt it was too ugly. He put the half-finished Philosopher's Stone into his chest and transformed into several powerful and domineering shapes.

Each one is quite devilish.

"It's not that interesting..."

After thinking for a moment, Wayne returned to his human form without deciding on his final form.

Christian doesn't know much about the high-level devil container, and it's not convenient for him to make alms next if the shape is determined now.

Just in case, we'll see what happens when the time comes.

"Dilda, Heya, the plan has changed. I have found another way to penetrate the devil. You can stop."

Wayne muttered and waved his hand to sweep away a gust of wind. When the researchers woke up, he raised his arms and laughed heartily:


"I'm done!!"

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