Restarting the myth

Chapter 455 Demon God

"Come on, Brother Jealous, you are one of the seven demon kings of hell..."You will definitely win!"

Soskna murmured, looking at the magnificent battle, praying that the Lord of Jealousy could defeat Wayne.

From the original sure win to the current silent prayer, he did not realize that he put Wayne on the same level as the Lord of Jealousy, and lost the confidence to compete with Wayne, and was defeated!

In the depths of the dark ocean, the terrifying beast crawling in the abyss let out a long roar. This was a shock from the soul, causing the ocean to be magnificent, illusions to appear, and the Lord of Sin to rise and fall!!

The violent breath of destruction came out, and the power of jealousy was so strong that it was chilling. If he had not sealed the space himself, the terrifying energy fluctuations would have swept to every corner of hell in an instant. Facing the increasingly powerful Wayne, who was growing at an astonishing rate, the Lord of Jealousy put his body in the abyss, The sea monster that can devour the whole world has been brought out.

The abyss was divided by the seven demon kings, one into seven, and each of the seven demon kings occupied a layer. Except for the number one evil force in hell, Pride, the remaining six of the seven demon kings are almost equal in strength, and there is no ranking order. They are evenly matched with anyone.

Having said that, there is a ranking where there are people. Heaven still has a ladder system of three, six, and nine levels, not to mention hell where the seven deadly sins gather.

If there is no front, middle, and back, hell can't expect to counterattack the lobby. Internal friction can kill them. Under the leadership of Pride, he occupies the first layer of the abyss, higher than all the demon kings, and then... Pride: I'm saying something fair, I'm not fanning the flames, the facts are in front of us, hell is a reasonable place, the strong is strong, the weak is weak, the weak are not worthy of riding on the head of the strong. You fight, whoever wins takes it. The second level.

Knowing that Pride was leading the pace, the six demon kings still fought. Ten years later, they left Pride aside and held a demon king meeting alone.

No more fighting.

Pride laughed every time he passed by. The devil was instigating us to kill each other. He treated us as a joke. The six demon kings decided that instead of fighting without any results, they might as well sit down and have a good talk. In the case of a tie in strength, they voted for the ranking of the seven deadly sins, and used the level of sin to determine the ownership of the second to seventh levels. According to the level of sin of the seven deadly sins, the seven layers of the abyss are Pride, Envy, Wrath, Laziness, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust.

At the same time, in order to avoid disputes, the seven layers of the abyss are called the Seven Abysses. No one is above anyone else, blurring the concept of space between the upper, middle, and lower levels. The seven abysses are equal to each other.

Having said that, Envy is still dissatisfied. After the second in Hell , happy to be the second in the abyss, and there is a pride pressing on him wherever he goes.

Once he is jealous, he is not jealous if he can tolerate it, so he is dissatisfied with Pride. Back to the book, Jealousy named the second abyss as the Boundless Sea, which is simple and dazzling. He fell into the sea of ​​sin and could not reach the other side forever. He could not be redeemed, and could only keep falling. The final outcome was that he fell into the deep sea and was swallowed by a sea monster. Normally, Jealousy's body will not appear in hell. There is a thinking clone stationed in the territory of hell so that he can be angry with Pride at any time.

Other demon kings are similar. Their bodies are in the abyss, and they leave a clone in the territory. The exception is the King of Lust. There is not even a clone in the territory. He made the seventh abyss Paradise Lost into the number one red light district in hell. She personally sits in charge and plays a lot every day. Where is the second red light district?

This question is asked. Succubi have been monopolized. Where else can they be? In the hell territory of the Lord of Lust.

So, when it comes to the Lord of Lust, the devils are all submissive. Back then, the Angel Legion chased a bunch of weaklings everywhere, and the Succubus Legion of the Lord of Lust made great contributions. Without her efforts, the Ambassador Legion could not have achieved such a glamorous record. Let's get back to the point. Jealousy's body is located in the Boundless Sea, which is powerful enough to rival the realm of the Kingdom of God. Among all demigods, he is also a top existence. The mighty energy gushed out from the Boundless Sea and poured into the human-shaped Jealousy body. With the influx of a large amount of thoughts, this body began to reorganize. The huge body was as black as ink, like a black demon mountain standing tall.

Demon King () Demon God () There are 72 demon kings in hell. The seven great demon kings spread out the other demon kings and called themselves demon gods. In addition to subjective arrogance, there is also an objective and actual gap in strength. Other demon kings are not worthy of being ranked on the same level as them.

The demon god stood in front of the boundless sea, his long hair dancing, exuding a breathtaking aura. His whole body was pitch black, with no mouth or nose visible, only a pair of cold eyes opened, the fishy yellow pupils were as deep as the sea, and two terrifying divine lights were emitted, as if two lightnings bloomed in the boundless darkness, enough to shake the entire hell and erupt in an instant.

At the same time, black chains rushed at the feet of the demon god, and after the rustling friction sound, they were entangled into three different images of hell beasts: snakes, cats, and dogs.

These are the three symbols of the Lord of Jealousy. The beasts have willow locks around their necks, and the black chains are reins, which are held in the hands of the jealous demon god.

The overwhelming energy roared down, and the space continued to collapse and reorganize around it. The powerful force could instantly tear apart the mind of a legendary wizard by just pulling out a strand.

Wayne held the sword of the abyss, his body suspended in the air, looking at the boundless dark demon god, a drop of cold juice flowed from his brow.

Such a great pressure, I don’t know if I can withstand it!

Wayne felt that he could fight the dark demon in front of him, but the giant beast crawling in the boundless sea was obviously beyond the standard.

Using the analogy before the time travel, what's the point of traveling through time!

Wayne has become stronger repeatedly, refreshing the Lord of Jealousy's understanding. He realizes that if he doesn't go all out, it is impossible to leave Wayne the King of Jealousy who goes all out. It also refreshes Wayne's three views, making him more aware of the Seven Deadly Sins. Having a clear understanding of the Seven Virtues, it’s no wonder Hexuno was so disgusted when he gave it to him. The gap in strength was like an abyss, and no one would be happy to "devour him!"

The dull voice of the Lord of Jealousy came from the boundless sea, the black hair of the Demon God's Exorcist danced, and the boundless darkness wrapped down, crushing Maltia's territory into pieces as soon as the night fell.

Maltia's face was pale, without any trace of blood. She hurriedly sent a message to the Lord of Jealousy, vowing to dedicate her loyalty, but only asked not to involve her in the battle.

There was no response, and he didn't even bother to deal with the jealousy.

Martia was so unlucky that she was sitting at home without provoking anyone. When she saw a strong man who wanted to eat something hot, he invited him to go home and do it.

As a result, her family was gone, she was about to lose her life and her territory was abolished, and the authority closely related to the territory disappeared. Martia's strength dropped drastically, from a first-rate demon king to a third-rate one.

Being weak and without the right to speak, she could only admit that she was unlucky and pray that Wayne's strength would stop here. Faced with the big devil who went all out, he would be gone in an instant.

Otherwise, if the big devil fights more and more fiercely, she, the witch who is forced to watch, will definitely be gone in an instant.

If you are braver, there will be no sound, "Hohohoho". The civet cat, vicious dog, and giant python received the order, and the chains around their necks rattled. As the three monsters sprinted, there seemed to be an infinite stretch of trend.

The vicious dog arrived first, its eyes were fierce, and it opened its mouth full of fangs and bit into Wayne. The vicious dog was as big as a small mountain. It roared in the smelly black wind and dripped poisonous saliva. The smell almost killed Wayne. Send it away directly.

He floated up, dodged the bite and swallowed him, and waved the black sword of the abyss in his hand. The wolf slashed at the back of the evil dog, tearing up a wound and knocking the evil dog to the ground. He was in mid-air, and there was another blow. Zhang Xuepen rushed over with a big mouth. The civet cat was agile and stepped in mid-air, as if it could travel through space at will. With two flashes, it had Wayne in its mouth.


The big mouth was closed, but nothing was bitten. Tianling Gai was hit hard and hit the vicious dog with a bang. The next second, the giant python came out of the ground. Wayne was about to avoid it, and the surrounding space suddenly solidified. The entity saw the demon's body's fishy yellow eyes out of the corner of his eye, and was swallowed into its belly by a huge mouthful.

But that's it!

The King of Clan Jealousy secretly said that it was natural that the seven demon gods and other demon kings were one by one. Wayne's ability to defeat Ngoyima did not mean that he had the strength to compete with him. As long as he was serious and waved the chain in his hand, he could...hiss La! !

The black light disemboweled him, tearing apart the monster's belly. Wayne jumped out with a sword, his body covered in some sticky black liquid. The three monsters are symbols of jealousy, which can be regarded as an extension of his thinking and a forged product of his thinking. , is also his clone. It has no absolute entity. It is converted into energy by the information of the seven deadly sins, and then composed of matter produced by the collision of energy. In essence, the three monsters are the seven deadly sins. The black blood on Wayne's body is partly energy and partly matter. , it was not intuitive information about the Seven Deadly Sins, but for some reason, he found that his body could directly absorb these energy substances and trace them back to their origins to return to the original information.

Wayne's expression was strange. He couldn't do it before. If he wanted to eat the Book of Greed, he had to rely on everyone's investment. Suddenly he could eat whatever he wanted... "Is it because of demigods?"

He murmured, decisively denying this speculation.

The realm of magicians is common. If he can do it, other demigods can also do it. Only he can do it, and it can only be related to the evolution of his life essence. Wayne's spirits perked up and he looked at him with jealous eyes. In Shine, thanks to the jealous old iron who arrived at the critical moment and put pressure on him to evolve in order to adapt to the environment.

Without the pressure of the Seven Demon Kings, he would not have gone so fast!

The black liquid on Wayne's body made a corrosive sound of acidic substances. To outsiders, it seemed that his body could not withstand the energy pollution and was slowly decaying.

Maltia breathed a sigh of relief and found that praying was useful. She continued to pray with greater intensity. The jealousy of the clan also thought so. It is not arrogance. The gap in strength lies here. Wayne cannot and cannot resist his dirty beam and turn you into a Familiar seems to be a good choice, but not now. I want to take you to the Demon King's meeting, and then transform you into my appearance in front of Heshuno. "

The eyes of the demon god's body narrowed slightly, and a strange wave spread out. The surrounding space collapsed and withered. Wayne's body fixed in mid-air aged rapidly. He was forced to change back to his original appearance, with a head full of black and gray hair, hanging down like weeds. The skin on the lower back was loose and no longer firm. In just three seconds, it turned into old rotten wood.

However, his back is straight, his body is still strong, and his pair of bright black eyes make him a handsome old man with great spirit and temperament. Wearing a crown and pretending to be the Pope is more than enough. "Wayne, I am God here. I can do what I want." Everything he did... Dingqing, the body of the demon god, looked at Wayne: "As for you, your life is vulnerable. Do you still have the strength to fight at such an old age? "

Maltia looked horrified, looked at her face and stepped back, fearing that she would age like Wayne, "It's fake."

Wayne spoke calmly. Time had accumulated dignity on him, and there was an undoubted intensity in his old voice. "Fake?!"

"This is not who I really am. It has never been..."

Wayne raised his hand and pressed it on his face, pinching and watching the wrinkles lengthen and then become smooth.

A ball of skin was pulled off by him and turned into pale slime in his hands. He tossed it casually and threw it to the ground like garbage.

Under the jealous and surprised gaze, Wayne's old appearance regained his youth, and then his facial features blurred until they disappeared.

Instead, there was a pale knight with wrinkles all over his body, like a sickly armor. On his chest, vertical cracks opened, revealing a demonic eye full of greed.

Invisible tentacles spread out around the pale knight, and with a sticky squirming sound, the pale knight expanded and grew taller, becoming as big as the body of the jealous demon.

The three monsters, which were so menacing just now, look a bit naughty and cute when viewed from a high position.

"The life of the void..."

In the deep sea, the most original voice of jealousy came out: "No, this should be the power of heaven. I see, you are a reincarnated angel..."

“Who are you, what is your real name in heaven, and why have I never heard of you?

It is not impossible to regard the beings in the void as angels in heaven. The styles of the two are generally similar. The Heavenly Father followed the route of the ancient gods, and the angels he created are some and most likely dependent beings. Of course, evolution cannot be ruled out. Guinea pig on the road, "I have no real name in heaven, I am a human being."


The enlarged Dadi Knight raised his hands flat, and the palms and fingers were extended and elongated, turning into two Dadi sharp blades! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two giants, one black and one white, walked. As they walked, the sky and the earth roared and shook continuously. The demon raised one hand, solidified the space, accelerated the passage of time, and corrupted the frozen body of the pale knight into mud. His big eyes suddenly shrank, and the huge The thoughts were gathered into a thread and slammed into the solidified space, creating a crack in the space with a click.

The immovable body turned into white foam, flowing out along the cracks. The next second, it reorganized into a huge pale knight. Wherever the invisible tentacles passed, it blended into the space like a companion, rendering everything from the inside out. White.

The void's pollution ability is very powerful, and it can be called a dimensionality-reducing blow against any form of life, but Jealousy has never seen a void life that is more polluting than Wayne.

The angels in heaven, those old friends couldn't compete with the pale reorganization, wielding a sharp blade with his right hand to chop the demon, who raised his sword to meet him, when the black and white touched, there was a loud thunder, the thunder exploded, the space was shattered, and black turbulence Raging down like a river of death dancing disorderly, sweeping across the sky, leaving behind unpredictable traces. The pale knight raised his left hand, and the sharp blade collected under his belly extended and shot out, piercing the demon god's head. The demon god raised his hand to clasp it. Holding the sharp blade, the five fingers of his palm rubbed the wind blade, and the sparks were fired without fear. At this moment, the Demon God felt his hands light up, and the sword he held to resist and the sharp blade held in his palm suddenly melted, and a large amount of white foam splashed in, like a tide in all directions. Pounced.

The white foam grew rapidly in the endless self-reproduction, instantly drowning the Black Demon God, and the remaining force rushed towards the boundless sea. The Demon God waved his black sword and struggled in the white foam. Several tentacles swept in, wrapping around his hands, feet and neck, and suddenly retracted. Pulling force in all directions.

The devil's body cannot be shaken, but the position where it comes into contact with the sun foam is still deformed and assimilated into the color of the sky. The message of the seven deadly sins is invincible. At this moment, Baba does not resist, allowing the white foam to swallow it up and sweep it away, drifting with the current into the white ocean. middle.

Jealous of the handsome man, is there anything else you want to say?

If not, I'm going to speak out!

The white foaming tide rolled, a towering pale tsunami rose into the clouds, the white tide separated in layers, the magic eyes locked on the demon god's body, and weird whispers bombarded down. In terms of fighting alone, the gap between Wayne and Envy is not small, but When it comes to pollution, the situation is just the opposite. Jealousy is not his opponent in any case.

If possible, Wayne didn't want to expose his true identity in front of the seven demon kings. If he could beat him, there was a beauty of strength; if he couldn't beat him, he would be a rare species. Jealousy pressed too hard, condensed space, and even moved out of his own body. He thought Can't even run. It would be even worse if he didn't run away, people said jealously. Thousands of succubus ladies took turns to humiliate him. They knew that he was a pure animal, with max endurance. There were so many succubus ladies on the wheel that he would hardly be tired. Usually, sooner or later, the truth about his lack of human nature will be exposed. Rather than being exposed passively, it is better to be proactive.

Fluttering whispers filled the ears. Following the body of the demon, the body of jealousy poured into the boundless sea. Due to the obstruction of the domain, it was unable to contact the sea monster in the first place. The big eyes were stunned, silently watching this. I remember this scene in my mind, and I guess what the Kingdom of God, which is located above the realm and the realm of gods, will look like when it faces pollution.

I probably understand why Idnis is not afraid of contamination and can in turn control the contaminated mind. Of course, it has a direct relationship with who the target of the contamination is.

Soskna has a demigod realm, but he still joined the divine realm of faith. When Wayne faced him, he could ignore the resistance of the divine realm and hang him up with his tentacles to listen to him in front of his face.

If it were Clan Jealousy, he could stop it with just his domain. The background of the seven demon kings is here. Soskna can be regarded as an upstart at most, and there is no possibility of comparison. Boom! !

The white foam swallowed the body of the demon god and absorbed all the information of the seven deadly sins. The violent white wave rolled towards the boundless sea, carrying the power of great victory. It was in full swing and roared all the way with unstoppable courage.

In the boundless sea, the giant beast roared below the abyss, setting off a black wave thousands of feet high. The black and white oceans collided and rolled over each other. For a time, there was no winner or lose. The white waves were endless, and the white foam was rising exponentially every second. The growth rate is huge, and it can also pollute the Black Sea when it touches it.

But unfortunately, the boundless sea is not an adjective. There is no other shore to speak of. No one can completely eliminate jealousy unless the gods themselves come to an end.

After an unknown amount of time, the dark tide suddenly rose, and two pitch-black octopus tentacles emerged from the deep sea, each one huge enough to cover the sky.

The two tentacles circled into a ball, and with the authority of hell and the almighty power of the domain, they blocked the condensed space, shrank into a ball, and compressed Maltia's territory into a glass bead the size of a finger, which was vast and boundless inside. , sealed the ocean of white foam, making it impossible to escape and dispersed out of the solidified space. The black vortex that pulled the boundless sea dispersed. The territory that originally belonged to the Abyss Spider Queen Maltia was now mottled and withered, and the space of heaven and earth shrank and stitched together, completely The existence of this area has been erased.

The Lord of Jealousy stood there with a solemn expression. He waved his hand and held the glass bead in his hand. The whispering in his ears seemed to be absent. He couldn't help but swallowed with lingering fear. He didn't know what kind of biological weapons Heaven had developed. He made a little guess. , the reincarnated angel came to the world, and also dispatched two archangels, which were very likely to be related to Wayne. Heaven conducted an experiment in the world, and Wayne was the experimental subject. Ur and Heshuno came to kill him. Take it back to heaven... Jealousy murmured and frowned suddenly: "They must be informed as soon as possible. Wayne has an extremely strong ability to withstand the seven deadly sins. Heaven has developed a void life weapon to target hell. Wayne is The first, but definitely not the last.”

Hell is sealed by heaven. From the seven demon kings to the little evil demons, they are all sealed and unable to leave. With just one breath of biological weapons, there is no possibility of survival in the urn. Cold sweat dripped from jealousy's forehead: "So it's... In this way, it is no wonder that Heshuno, who insists on purity, is willing to fall. This monster's appetite is indeed terrible, and greed and gluttony cannot compare with him..."

"No, you can't say that!"

Jealous face Ning, thinking about the arrogant and arrogant face and the strange taunts of the five demon kings, he felt a burst of evil fire.

Yes, Heshuno lost her purity for another reason. The essence is for the glory of heaven. As an enemy, I should praise her dedication without fear of sacrifice. But loss is loss, and uncleanness is unclean. This is an established fact! "

I didn't lie, I was the one who was wronged! "

"Hell still owes me an apology!"

Thinking of this, Envy quickly made up an argument in his mind that suited his interests. It would not only make other demon kings more vigilant, but also make him innocent.

Thinking of this, Jealousy quickly rose into the sky, wanting to convene a meeting of the Demon King as soon as possible to "Jealousy Brother!"

Seeing that Jealousy was about to leave, Soskna hurriedly shouted to catch up, "Who are you? Who are you with?"

Jealousy stopped and glanced at the black-faced bald head: "It turns out to be Soskner, what's wrong with you kid?"

Ah, are you no longer a good brother so soon?

Soskner secretly cursed the devil for being ruthless, with a look of admiration on his face, and said honestly: "Great Lord of Jealousy, did you just capture Wayne alive?"

"What's wrong?"

Nothing, I just want to ask, is Wayne dead? "


Jealousy nodded, waved his hand and showed the glass bead: "It's okay to tell you, he is a creation of heaven, he was not born human. Your goddess of darkness was deceived, and so was the goddess of death. The lobby is very ambitious, and besides hell, she also wants to point her finger at Liang. Kingdom of God!”

Speaking of this, Jealousy held his head high and sealed Wayne, which was equivalent to saving order and protecting world peace. Everyone owed him a life.

Goddess is no exception.

Jealousy glanced at Soskner: "Go back and tell the Dark Goddess the truth, saying that she was deceived by Wayne and Heaven. Of course, if she insists on having her own way, she can go to hell, and we Seven Demon Kings will get close to her."

How about the Dark Goddess, the seven demon kings swarm us, she may not be able to kill us all!

Realizing the intentionality in Jealousy's words, Soskner smiled bitterly, knowing that the eldest brother who looked after him would never come back: I will report this matter to the goddess, and please rest assured that the Lord of Jealousy, the goddess will not give up because of a traitor. Descend to hell. "

"It better be this way!"

Jealousy snorted coldly, plunged into the dark sky, and disappeared into the distance.

Soskner shook his head silently. The information was crucial. He should inform the body of the information as soon as possible and ask her to send a message to the Dark Goddess. No, don't worry and tell the goddess after a while.

In case the goddess never forgets Wayne and is still thinking about the god-devourer named Wayne, telling him the information is tantamount to personally saving Wayne and taking him out of the abyss of hell.

Be careful and press first!

Without Wayne, the sky was clear in front of Soskna. The sky was no longer dark, the water was no longer red, and even the smell of hot sulfur was extremely sweet.

He flew unsteadily to his own territory to watch the battle at the level of a slave at close range. He felt deeply ashamed of his previous arrogance, and even shouted at the Lord of Jealousy, why he was so embarrassed.

He's so ignorant, people are just teasing him!

Evolution makes the most sense, and the same applies to the Kingdom of God and Hell. Soskna secretly warned himself that it doesn't matter if he can't call him big brother today, but one day, he will be jealous and call him big brother.

Work hard, struggle, and become a god soon!

Soskna shouted slogans and flew towards the territory. Full of energy, he was very jealous and Soskna left one after another. From the cracks in the scorched earth, a trembling figure emerged, the Abyss Spider Queen Maltia!

Now she calls herself the Spider Queen, which is a bit unworthy of her title. She has lost her home, her territory has exploded, and she has lost her authority. She has not even taken off a piece of clothing to cover her shame.

Martya raised her hand to hold the roundness and looked at a grain of dust in the cracks of the scorched earth. She wanted to cry but had no tears left. Look, this grain of dust is her territory. Strange, I should be dead, why... " Marty looked down and could not see her feet. A piece of sunlight and two points of tight light filled her vision. Although she was seriously injured, it was a miracle that she was still alive. Now was not the time to doubt. She tried to fly into the air, slowly floating two meters, and helplessly landed on the ground.

The injury was too severe, and the mind-shaping clothing could not do it, let alone fly.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The surrounding demons will arrive soon. I am in too bad a state now. If they catch me alive... Martya's face turned black. She saw the scene of herself being blocked by iron chains in the basement. Without thinking too much, she quickly disappeared from the spot.

It is true that she studied at the Succubus University, but being active and being forced to be active are two different things. The former is happiness, while the latter is humiliation. They cannot be generalized.

Maltia did not notice that a patch of skin on her back was abnormally pale, with hyperplastic tissue superimposed, as if the skin was ulcerated.

This pale skin slowly moved and opened a single eye, "What a powerful demon king, if I don't get a piece of land and settle down in hell, I can't be his opponent... "First go find the bat demon and rescue him so that I can get a residence in hell!"

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