Restarting the myth

Chapter 463 Jealousy: Wayne is here

The demons were stunned. Lust and Pride combined... It's not impossible.

Beauty is only worthy of the strong. Lust is the most beautiful woman in hell, and Pride is the most powerful man in hell. They are a match made in heaven.

They are well matched.

The demons were not surprised that Lust made many friends and had many guests. If Pride married her, he would have hundreds of brothers in the future.

The devils don't care about this. Angels care about it. The devils care more about fist power.

Lust's fist power is unquestionable. In the whole hell, except Pride, no one dares to say that they can win Lust.

Once the two are combined, hell will usher in a new pattern where the couple is high above and the five demon kings become foils.

This is unbearable!

No, they don't agree to this marriage!

The Demon King Council quarreled, Gluttony and Rage spit, Greed and Laziness scolded, and Envy looked at Pride's empty chair with jealousy.

He didn't covet Lust before, but when he heard that Lust was going to be Pride's wife, out of jealousy, he suddenly started to covet it.

Lust shouldn't be married to Pride, and Jealousy is better and should marry him.

When he was in a state of excitement, he suddenly remembered something was wrong.

If he married Lust, with Lust's fickle daily life and Pride's jealousy of him, there was no guarantee that Lust would be invited to the First Abyss Heaven to attend the social dance.

No doubt, it would be seven days, for sure.

But if it was the other way around, Pride would marry Lust, and Jealousy would be the one who invited Lust to the dance.

There's a way!


Jealousy slammed the table and stood up: "I, Jealousy, support this marriage!"

As he said that, he winked at the demon kings.

The demons were stunned at first, and then suddenly realized, and expressed their support for this marriage, and wished Lust to have a son soon. After the seven demon kings, Hell was happy to get seven small demon kings.

Lust: (_)

A bunch of bastards, what do you mean by winking at her? Do you think she is a slut?

In the past year, she has not slept with anyone except the Bat Demon. Her private life is very reserved, okay!

Red lightning struck the island, and Pride was the last to appear. He hung his black suit on the chair, sat down elegantly, and looked at...

Hey, why are you all laughing?

"Pride, I agree with this marriage." Jealousy said loudly with a red face pointing at Lust.

Pride looked in the direction and saw Lust sitting on Wayne. He thought to himself that what he said made sense, and he also agreed with this marriage.

So he was laughing at this matter, which was indeed worth being happy about.

The Son of Heaven and Lust of Hell got married. What a devilish operation, and he, Pride, was the first to agree.

What, he was not the first?

It's absurd, what level are you guys, snatching my Pride's first place!

Pride snorted coldly: "Envy, it's not up to you to decide whether to agree or not. You have to nod and agree. Only when I say yes can you say yes."

As expected of you, you are still so arrogant! x7

"Do you agree or not?"

"Shut up, you don't need to ask me!"

Pride glared at Envy fiercely, straightened the sleeves of his white shirt, and said elegantly but majestically: "I, Pride, agree with this marriage."

After saying that, he laughed, and was very happy about Lust and Wayne.


Seeing Pride laughing so happily, Wayne couldn't help but cooperate with him.


"Okay, okay!"

Envy was so happy that he grinned. Thinking of pressing Pride's wife under him and teaching her everything, he was immediately excited: "Great, we all support it. I wish you and Lust a happy marriage. So, when are you two going to get married?"

Hurry up, everyone is waiting to get your wife!

"What does this have to do with me?!"

Arrogant's eyes widened, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

I'll say it again, he likes graduates, fresh graduates, and those who study dancing. It's better if they believe in God, have studied in a seminary for a few years, and can recite a passage from the Bible fluently.

This is a plus.

As soon as the door closed, the graduate held the cross in his hand and shouted, "Where can the devil escape?"

Then he was chased by the devil all over the room.

That's right!

What is lust? It doesn't fit his aesthetic at all. He would marry anything but lust.

"How can it have nothing to do with you? Look who's sitting under lust's ass?"

Jealousy pointed at Wayne: "Look at that stinky bat. Lust has been talking about love with you. You two have been flirting for a while."

"That's right, you've been hiding it so well."

"Brothers are all lying, you two really have feelings for each other!"


The demons praised him unanimously, and Lust cooperated with her shy face, covering her delicate face and arching in Wayne's arms.



Listening to Wayne's laughter, Pride's face turned black. What a shameless son of God, after playing with Lust, he asked Pride to take the blame.

Looking at Lust who had found an honest man, six devils waiting to play with his wife after marriage, Pride was so angry that he trembled all over.

Really thought he was an honest devil!

"Pride, say something!"

"There's nothing to say, it has nothing to do with me."

Pride said unhappily: "Open your eyes and see clearly, the thing that married Lust is the bat demon under her ass, and they are the loving couple."

"Open your eyes, the bat demon is your clone."

"Is there any difference?"

"Arrogance, you are a mature devil, be more honest. Of course it took a little time to play with lust, but that was before marriage. She will definitely be lustful after marriage. You have to believe in the power of love."

"Arrogant, trust me, I'll make a great wife."

"That's right, you have to believe in love if you are arrogant. As long as there is love, lust can be pure and the seven deadly sins can become seven virtues."

"Yeah yeah!"

The demons were making noises, exhorting each other with kind words, the demons were dancing wildly, and the whole meeting place was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

The arrogance was not in the atmosphere. He banged the table and glared at the demons: "Please restrain yourself. If you stop now, you can still maintain your dignity. I will help you be decent, but you won't be so decent."

The same slap on the table, arrogant slap on the table is much better than jealousy. Seeing his calm expression, the demons stopped talking and said nothing.

She gave up her lust as soon as she felt better, and regained her calm expression.

She made up the rumor about Arrogance in order to take revenge on Arrogance for snatching the chapter of the Seven Deadly Sins of Lust. It was expected that Arrogance would not be able to explain it, and today was destined to be fun.

As expected, Pride did not reveal the true identity of the Bat Demon.

"Arrogance, is that bat demon your clone?" Jealousy refused to give up.

Others are afraid of arrogance, but he is not afraid of being beaten. He is already the master of clowns. Would he be afraid of this?

Laughing to death, the Lord of Clowns is afraid before him, and he is still afraid of the Lord of Clowns after him, so isn’t his role as the Lord of Clowns in vain?

"Shut up, whether he is my clone or not is none of your business."

Arrogance looked at Envy coldly, his eyebrows were ferocious, revealing a bit of his true appearance.

The big devil has a beard, and his thick black hair is spread messily on his shoulders. Each strand seems to be alive, dancing wildly with the flames of anger.

On the left and right sides, there are two twisted upward horns, which are covered with mottled cracks and exude an evil aura.

The eyes were deep and dark, like two black holes that swallowed everything. There was no white of the eyes, only endless darkness and indifference.

The bridge of his nose is high and sharp, and a row of fangs flashing cold light is exposed when he smiles. His ashen face is covered with scars, shaped like lightning, criss-crossing his face, like war and killing, like conquest and terror, giving people a sense of suffocation. sense of oppression.

Arrogance: ╰╯

Looking at this face, I was jealous on the spot. After sitting down in grief and anger, I vaguely felt that the other devils were laughing at me. My face turned green and white, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

Why should you be cowardly? He is a positive person. If he persists a little longer, he will get through it!


Arrogance snorted coldly, secretly channeling trash, skipping the topic of the bat demon clone, and got straight to the point: "Jealousy, why did you convene the Demon King's Council? I warned you last time, this is the highest level council in hell, not your circus."

"This time is different!"

In order to be able to suppress his arrogance, Jealous raised his voice: "It was a mistake last time. I was fooled by Wayne by accident. I have found him, and he is here."

Right here? x3

Arrogance, Lust, and Wayne were shocked and didn't understand where the news was leaked.

Arrogance suspects lust, lust suspects arrogance, and Wayne suspects arrogance or lust.

Thinking of being exposed in the Demon King's Council, he hurriedly put his hands in front of him and held his hands in front of him to suppress his shock.

As expected of him, he mastered the essence of the devil in the shortest time and perfectly integrated into the painting style as soon as he went to hell.


Several other demon kings happily waited to see the performance of the clown master. Although the old jokes were repeated and there was nothing new, some of the jokes at the level of the demon king were fine, so you shouldn't be too picky.


Jealousy took out a glass bead from his arms and slapped it on the table. He blew out two puffs of hot air from his nostrils: "Here he is. I spent a lot of effort to catch him. I called you over to see clearly. I'm not lying. This time you have to believe it even if you don’t believe it.”


Arrogance doesn’t believe it, Wayne is under Lust’s butt; Lust doesn’t believe it, Wayne is right under her butt; Wayne doesn’t believe it, he’s sitting under Lust’s butt.

The glass beads are fake. Jealousy kept telling the truth and no one believed him. He broke his guard and lied and told nonsense. x3

The remaining four demon kings didn't believe it either. From the beginning, they didn't believe that Heshuno had lost his purity. Devils know the devil best. They were more willing to believe in purity among the seven virtues than jealousy among the seven deadly sins.

The Archangel will not lie to us! x4

"Jealousy, the thing inside the ball is fake, right?" Lazy lazily revealed the truth and revealed the thoughts of the demons.

"There is no evidence. Why do you say it is false? Have you met Wayne?"

Jealousy sneers, a lazy person interrupts without any basis, and disrupts the order of the venue without quality. He has nothing to say about jealousy.

With a snapping sound, Envy crushed the glass beads in front of everyone. After a ball of white foam squirmed, a very anthropomorphic creature emerged.

In terms of appearance, it has a little bit to do with void, but...

Wayne thought he had seen this thing somewhere.

After thinking for three to five seconds, he immediately rolled his eyes.

I recognized him, and it was the unlucky Soskna. For some reason, the part of my mind that had descended into hell was beaten into a paste by jealousy, and kneaded into its current shape.

"He is Wayne!" Envy raised his head and said proudly.

wωw ♦ttκǎ n ♦¢○

"No way, I recognize his thinking. He is the demigod of the Abyss Python clan, named Soskna. He almost became my client before." Greed mocked.

"I also recognize that I gave him his territory in hell." Gluttony nodded in affirmation.

It is difficult to deceive the devil, and it is even more difficult to deceive the big devil. If nothing unexpected happens, the character of the clown master who lies all the time will be more stable.

And because of this lie, all the previous truths will become lies!

"Yes, he is Suoskena, but you only know one side of the story."

Jealousy looked at the demons with a serious face: "Wayne is Suoskena. He sneaked into hell early. All kinds of ambushes and acting are just to make us take it lightly. He deceived all of us."


The demons didn't say anything, letting Jealousy continue to make up stories. If there is no unexpected twist, Jealousy will not be able to make them laugh today.

Jealousy pretended not to see it and shouted at Soskna: "Wayne, let me ask you, did you take away the purity of Archangel Heshuno? Are you a weapon made by Heaven? Did you sneak into Hell to cover up Heaven's just plan to invade Hell?"

Sosskna's mind had long been beaten into a paste. He nodded blankly after hearing the lines he had practiced many times: "Yes, you are right."

"What did I say? I didn't lie. It was always Pride that led the rhythm. He is an undercover agent of Heaven!"

Jealousy was very excited and spoke quickly: "Wayne, let me ask you again, answer honestly, is the Lord of Pride an undercover agent sent by Heaven to Hell? Did he tip off Heaven and sabotage the last war? "

"Yes, you are right."


Jealousy roared to the sky and laughed out loud with his arms raised.

In the laughter, there was the relief of washing away the grievances, the indignation of the late justice, and a bit of freedom and indifference, as if forgiving the late justice.

"..." x7

This guy is so pitiful! x7

The demons looked at each other, not knowing whether to expose jealousy.

"Asshole, you guys talk, Wayne has admitted it, don't you believe it?"

Jealousy widened his eyes. In order to pursue justice, he stood opposite justice. He lied, what else do you want him to do!

"Jealousy, this is not a question of belief, but a lack of sincerity."

Laziness shrugged on the table: "Your acting skills are okay today, but the lies lack sincerity, unlike the previous times, when you lied to us, you lied to yourself first."

"Not professional enough!" Greed commented.

"Yes, this joke is not funny."

"Jealous, I am very sad, your joke-telling skills have declined."

The demons shook their heads. The Clown Master had spoiled their appetites before, and now their skills have declined. Not only can they not laugh, but they also see the helplessness and desolation of the Clown Master's talent being exhausted.

This is not a joke, but a tragedy.

"You bastards!"

Jealous gnashed his teeth. He didn't believe the truth, and he didn't believe the lies. Then he lied in vain.

"Soskena, let me ask you, did jealousy make you pretend to be Wayne and lie?" Arrogant sneered.

"Yes, you are right." The unlucky guy murmured, asking this question no matter what.

Jealousy: (_)

"I'll do it, let me do it."

Lazy is no longer sleepy, and said excitedly: "Answer me, is Jealousy a clown?"

"Yes, you are right."


"Hahaha————" x5

"Hehehe————" x2

Wayne had just arrived and found that the Demon King's Council was completely different from what he imagined. If he had known that the atmosphere was so joyful and the Great Demon King spoke so nicely, he would have gone to hell long ago.

It hurts to think about it, and I don't know how much fun I missed before.

While laughing, Wayne found something wrong, and looked in the direction of the vicious line of sight. Pride was looking at him with an unhappy face.

Pride: What level are you, and you laugh the same way as me?

Wayne: I always laugh like this.

Pride rolled his eyes at Wayne, who was still arrogant, and secretly said that it was bad luck. If he allowed this kind of stuff to be his clone, the Great Demon King's bad reputation would be over sooner or later.

On the other side, the demons asked Soskna one by one, and asked a few questions about the Clown Lord, and the answers they got were all the same.

Laughing loudly, overjoyed.

"No, I laughed so hard that my stomach burst out."

Laziness wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said happily: "I can't believe that I, a lazy guy, can actually exercise my abdominal muscles."

"I didn't expect that today's jokes are interactive. Only when we join in, the jokes will be complete and really make people laugh." Greed slapped the table in agreement.

"Envy is thoughtful. I won't come to meetings without you in the future."

"That makes sense!"


Amid the laughter, Envy sat down sadly.

He was probably sick, with a lost disease, so sick that he couldn't find justice and righteousness.

But even so, even if he died and was nailed in the coffin, he would shout in the grave with his rotten vocal cords - he didn't lie before, and hell owed him an apology.

The wanton and sarcastic laughter surrounded his ears, and Envy looked at him coldly. He was helpless against the demons and vented his anger on Soskna.

He waved his hand violently, blasting Suoskena's chaotic thoughts into pieces, and completely dissipated with the wind.

"It's over so soon?"

"Yes, I want to ask more."

"Envy is too petty..."

The demons complained continuously, and the meeting ended. It was another happy day.

They didn't get up and leave, waiting for Arrogance to end, first beat Envy and then say a few words.

The Demon King Council without Envy being beaten is an incomplete Demon King Council!

Arrogance didn't beat Envy, at least not now. He knew very well that it was just a warm-up before the meeting, and the real Demon King Council had just begun.

He glanced at the demons, fixed his eyes on Lust, and exchanged glances.

Arrogance: How is it, did you sleep with him?

Lust: No, he turned his face and refused to recognize me as soon as he put on his pants.

Arrogance: So you failed?

Lust: No, he wanted to die on me.

Arrogance nodded secretly, although it was in line with his stereotype of the Son of God, so Lust continued to work hard. As long as she could sleep with Wayne and make him willing to stay in hell, she could discuss any benefits she wanted.

The chapter of the seven deadly sins was no exception!

Arrogance was serious, but because the devil had no credibility, and he had previously crossed the river and demolished the bridge and severely cheated Lust, Lust did not take these words to heart.

She could see that Arrogance and Wayne were both freeloaders, one talking and the other doing, and they worked together to cheat her body.

It was her bad luck before. If Wayne wants to touch her again in the future, he must pay.

She doesn't care who pays, Pride can pay for it, anyway, you can't have sex for free!

Thinking of this, she patted her hand on her chest, stop touching, the bill hasn't been settled yet!

"Today, I asked you guys to come here, in addition to enjoying the latest hell jokes, there is another very important thing."

Pride unbuttoned his cuffs and said lightly: "It's about the seven deadly sins, and it's also about the structure and future of hell."

The demons were startled. Pride's tone was not good. Who is going to be unlucky?

For a moment, they all suppressed their fear and pretended to be calm and indifferent, fearing that they would be the first to speak out and become the target.

The lust that knew the truth also became nervous. Knowing is knowing, and putting on the menu is putting on the menu. Many people who know the truth will also put on the menu in the end. The two things are not contradictory.

"There are seven deadly sins in hell. The seven deadly sins made hell and also made us seven demon kings. Because of our sins, hell exists."

Arrogant's face became uglier and uglier, and he said coldly: "I thought that the seven of us would always live in peace, but unfortunately, some people are not satisfied with the status quo and want to ride on everyone's head and act tyrannically."

The person you are talking about, can't it be you? x7

"This person is not me!"

Arrogant's tone was still cold: "I have never pointed fingers at your territory, but the traitors in Zhongchu are different. The two of them not only want to be demons, but also want to change and pollute the entire hell, making all the demons slaves."


The demons looked at the demons around them in horror, feeling that everyone was suspicious.

Gluttony and Fury's hearts sank, and they suppressed their fear and remained silent. Their acting skills were first-class and they didn't show any broken buttocks.

"Gluttony, and Fury, you got a new law in the world, called mechanical armament, right?" Arrogant did not act as a riddler, and directly announced the answer.

The two demons were shocked and stood up at the same time.

Gluttony said hurriedly: "Arrogant, you know me, I may eat everything, but I have always been cautious about the rules. I am not a traitor."

Rage also followed suit and argued: "Arrogant, you know me, I am straightforward and say what I want to say, unlike Jealousy who lies all the time. I said I am not a traitor and I am definitely not a traitor."

While the two argued, they were terrified that Arrogant got the information from where, and he also accurately said that the rule information was called mechanical armament.

Could it be...

There is more than one competitor, and Arrogant also got it?

Several unrelated demon kings secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time pulled their chairs away from Gluttony and Rage, admiring the two demons' cunning posture.

I hope they fight, and it would be best if one of them dies! x4

No, it would be best if Arrogant fights two, and all three are gone. x5

"Fools, you brought such dangerous information into hell, thinking that you got the key to become a demon god, but you didn't know that this evolution information already has an owner, and the other party is using you to pollute the entire hell!" Pride's eyes flashed with black light, and he shouted sternly.

"This is impossible!" x2

Gluttony and rage denied at the same time, the former said: "Pride, there is no need to frame you, just say you want to be a demon god."

Gluttony nodded: "Yes, you have always been the head of the seven deadly sins. With your arrogance, you can't stand others walking ahead of you. This is the truth."

"Why, you don't deny that you got the evolution information of mechanical weapons?" Pride said calmly.

"There is nothing to deny. We demons are never ashamed of being strong!" Gluttony said arrogantly.

Rage sneered repeatedly. The machine has a cold side and a hot side. He and Gluttony got the evolution information of mechanical weapons, and their strength has greatly improved. They no longer take Pride seriously.

If Pride doesn't turn the table today, one of them will turn the table sooner or later.

Just fight, there's nothing to be afraid of. Hell has always spoken with fists. If you have the ability, fight alone!

Gluttony looked at Rage, and Rage looked at Gluttony at the same time. They stopped fighting and formed an alliance on the spot, and pointed their guns at Pride.

"Since you admit that you have obtained the evolution information of the machine, everything is simple..."

Pride raised his hand and clenched it, and a transparent crystal appeared in his palm, which was part of the mechanical weapon information obtained from Wayne before.

Seeing this crystal, Gluttony and Rage's pupils shrank instantly, and their fiery fighting spirit shrank.

Pride not only got the intelligence, but also the evolution information. With the simultaneous strengthening, they may, 80%, or perhaps not be Pride's opponent.

This is a misunderstanding. If you had told me earlier that you had the goods, I would have sat down and talked to you.

Now I apologize to you. You'd better forgive us.

Gluttony and Rage stopped fighting. They were full of thoughts. They pretended to be timid while guessing how much information Pride had.

If he had more than them, or the same as them, they would not say anything. They would take the lead in supporting Pride as the leader of the seven deadly sins.

If he had less than them, or only a little, then I'm sorry. Hell respects strength. Pride is powerless and unworthy of the top spot.

"Two pieces of trash, you really think you have gained so much benefit!"

Pride looked at the two demons with a frosty face, labeled Gluttony and Rage as death sentences, waved his hand and pushed them out, and the transparent crystal floated towards the Lord of Envy.

The Lord of Greed next to him.

Envy: (dis)

You have passed by, why don't you stop, are you jealous of my talent for telling jokes?

Greed raised his hand to catch the crystal and read the information inside. He was immediately ecstatic and wanted to take the information of the mechanical weapon for himself and embark on this promising evolutionary path.

Become a great demon, take the whole hell for himself, kill hell, go straight to heaven, and then trample all the gods under his feet...

"Greed, have you finished reading it?" Pride said lightly.

Greed shuddered, and the moment he came back to his senses, the greed on his face was replaced by fear.

The seven deadly sins were no match for the mechanical weapon. His proud devil body and mind were affected by the crystal, and some of them had undergone mutations.

"What the hell is this!"

Greed screamed, cut off the polluted mind, and cleaned it out of the body.

Pride's eyes glowed with black light, not allowing a piece of land in hell to be polluted. He stared at the impurities thrown by Greed, ignited and burned them to ashes.

Greed was still in fear, and his face was extremely complicated. He longed for a more powerful evolutionary route, but he was afraid that someone had already walked ahead on this road.

For example, Gluttony, Rage, and... Pride.

"Pride, the mechanical weapon has a master, are you sure?" Greedy said.

"Only idiots believe in free!" Pride said coldly.

"Damn it, what did you see? Tell me!"

Envy scolded the Riddler and snatched the crystal from Greedy: "Let me see what it looks like..."

"Don't eat the sour radish, what is this thing!"

"Take it away, take it away quickly!"

Envy hurriedly threw away the crystal and removed the contaminated part like Greedy. While Pride burned the pollutants, the crystal fell into Laziness' arms.

Laziness was stunned and suspected that these demons were acting and colluded to deal with Gluttony and Rage.

After a try, he decisively stood on the side of Pride.

When it was Lust's turn, she refused directly. She had suffered losses before and would never ask for trouble.

The atmosphere in the Demon King Council changed drastically. The five demon kings stared at Gluttony and Rage. The latter two looked livid, wondering why it turned out like this.

"Arrogant, where did you get the information from? Why do you know everything? Are you the master of the law?"

"The master of the law is not me. As for where I got the information's better for the two puppets to take care of themselves first."

Arrogant said coldly and ruthlessly: "You can surpass me and become the leader of the seven demon kings. I don't care about these, but you brought such dangerous information back to hell, and you are so ignorant and arrogant, you..."

"Damn it!"

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