Restarting the myth

Chapter 495 First: I want to go to heaven, I want to see the Son of God

"It's too difficult..."

Mikal raised his hand and patted his head, sitting on the chair without a clue.

Reza, with his quick eyesight and quick hands, created an identical long table with his mind, so that Mikal would have a table to support him when he raised his hand to his forehead.

Madonna, how much do you remember about the extraordinary actions of the Holy Son when he was young, those actions full of divine brilliance? "

Reza took a step forward and reminded: "It doesn't have to be a grand event, it's just a small thing. It's only through small things that you can see the big things. Only by going deep into life can you resonate."

"Only in this way can believers understand the greatness of the Son and see his noble character, extraordinary wisdom, compassion and selflessness for all living beings..."

The Holy Son comes to the world to bring salvation, bears all the sins, and pays for the original sin on behalf of mankind... "Only in this way can believers be inspired. The Holy Son is born as a human being. What the Holy Son can do, everyone can do." Do it.”

Reza Waibi Waibi said a lot, all of which were general principles without specific examples.

Xifei looked confused. She knew the truth, but she didn't know what Wayne looked like when he was a child. She first met Wayne at the train station when he was already in his twenties.

Our Lady, think about it again, these chapters are very important. The more you talk about them, the more times you will look back at the chapters of Our Lady in the Bible. "

Reza looked serious: "In the future, these chapters will be placed in the Cathedral of Our Lady, and a separate biography of Our Lady will be widely circulated for all believers in the Holy See to admire."

"Cathedral of Our Lady?!"

Xifei's eyes lit up, she didn't feel sleepy anymore when she mentioned this.

That’s right, Our Lady of Heife Cathedral. "

Reza respectfully described the cake, what it was like to be Saint Xife, what statues and statues, what it was like to write books and biographies, what it was like to have hundreds of millions of followers, and with a set of punches, Xife was grinning from ear to ear.

That's right, Wayne is her son, her biological son who was born in ten months of pregnancy.

Xifei was eager to give it a try, and stopped at the edge of her mouth. Qian Baba said: "His Majesty the Pope, tell me..." You are joking, just call me Reza. In front of Our Lady, the Pope is just a possessor. Name servant. Reza bowed.

He is really good at it!

"Okay, Xifei blinked, feeling light and unreal.

The more respectful Reza's attitude became, the stronger the untruth became, and the pressure that followed became greater and greater. She pursed her dry lips: "Reza, you may not believe it, but I just Remember, you’re ten months pregnant and when you turn around, Wayne is already an adult.”

Having said this, he looked at Auston: "He is Wayne's father, and his memory is better than mine. He remembers Wayne's feats as a child better than I do."

Auston nodded slightly. His memory is indeed very good. Wayne, a child, has bullied men and women since he was a child, and has no respect for his elders. Let him tell you that he can say that he is different. Holy Mother, this gentleman Not qualified to tell the story of the Son. "Mikal closed his eyes and said loudly!


"You are the mother of the Son, and the father of the Son is the Heavenly Father. Although this gentleman is very similar to the Son, and is fortunate to have the same surname as the Son, but his presence or absence does not affect the existence of the Son. I am so Say you understand?"

Xifei was stunned for a moment, then she forced a smile and nodded seriously, indicating that she understood.

Megan didn't react at all. A professional housekeeper would never laugh no matter how funny it is. Auston's whole face turned black in an instant. Why is Wayne's biological mother Hea Fei, and he is dispensable? Where did that heavenly father appear from and how did he become Wayne's biological father? If all of this is written into the Bible, wouldn't he be criticized wherever he goes in the future?

Can't stand it, absolutely can't stand it!

Auston slammed the table and stood up. He was not Wayne's biological father, that's right, but Heaphy was not Wayne's biological mother either. Veronica was the product of his and Heaphy's blood. This misunderstanding must be explained clearly today.

Halfway through standing up, I saw Xifei smiling brightly, with a proud face as if my son should be as good as he is, he opened his mouth and sat back down.

Thinking again of Our Lady of Heife Cathedral and the new Bible that has been circulated around the world, Auston closed his eyes and silently said sorry to Veronica.

Sorry, kid, you can only be a daughter-in-law from now on. Mr. Auston, please don’t be angry. Let me explain to you. Deputy Mikal didn’t mean that.” The relationship between the Father and the Son must be set, and everything can be changed, except this.

If Auston feels aggrieved, the Bible will try to downplay the number of appearances of St. Auston, which is even more dispensable!

Auston could still bear it for Lao Zi's sake, and became even more angry after hearing Reza's comfort.

Xifei laughed continuously, not to mention how happy she was to watch the bastard eat. She listened to a few words from Mikal and Reza, and roughly understood what the new version of the Bible meant.

Just make it up.

Whether it is true or false is not important, suffering and divinity are the most important!

"I remembered... Xifei clenched her fist and coughed twice: "When Wayne was born, he was about this big, sallow, thin and malnourished. At that time, the Landau family was experiencing internal and external troubles. There were family branches seizing power internally, and there was pressure from the royal family outside. In order to protect the newborn Wayne and avoid being harmed by all forces, I stayed in the earthen house on the outskirts of Lundan. No, it was an earthen house. The cowshed in Fangbian..."

Wayne was only a month old. Auston sent him away and picked up a girl named Veronica who pretended to be a family member... There were a lot of gossips and rumors about the Landau family circulating in London. Heaphy chose A slightly unreliable story, emphasizing the difficulty of Wayne's birth by adding a classic tragic drama.

On a stormy night, there was lightning and thunder, and the roof of the cowshed was ripped off.

They are all old routines with nothing new, but Mikael and Reza thought it was okay. They could add some polish and the chapter about the birth of the Son would be ready. "Is there a possibility that when Our Lady gave birth to the Holy Son, she had just been engaged to this gentleman, and you yourself were still a pure virgin." Mikal suggested.

Auston slapped the table and stood up. This is unreasonable. Don't bully others too much.

Mr. Auston, please sit down first. Don't be angry. Deputy Mikael means no harm... Reza tried to smooth things over again, but it was of no use. Auston couldn't listen to this and led Megan away in stride. He really, really loves his wife in the reception room. As long as Xifei likes it, he is willing to play the role of an honest man in the Bible.

Megan looked back three times in one step, she wanted to listen for a while longer.

Unfortunately, Alston walked too fast, so he could only keep up with him reluctantly, and looked forward to the release of the new version of the Bible, so he could buy a copy and study it carefully.

Without Auston by his side, Heaphy immediately lost his inspiration and offered several old-fashioned materials, but Mikael shook his head and rejected them.

What should I do? Being a mother is not easy!

Heaphy racked her brains and her eyes lit up after a moment: "My adopted daughter Veronica may know some secrets about Wayne when he was a child. She is next door. I will call her over."

When the camera turned, there were three more golden retriever heads in the reception room. Platinum was also gold.


"The Holy first love is the Holy Son?"

They looked at the Pope and the long-titled deputy Mikael in confusion with three faces. They felt that their men were very good, very good. However, when they thought of Wayne sitting high on the throne with his wings worshiping him, they couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Heaven sweated.

The sins in heaven are not limited to this. First, there is something wrong.

Mikal is full of majesty, and his arrogant face does not seem to be fake. The deputy king of heaven comes to earth, and he has no reason to joke about the honor of heaven. The three little ones have to believe it even if they don't believe it.

The bastard who came to the door in the middle of the night and accused Chris of having a harem was really the Holy Son. He has now entered heaven and became the second leader of heaven after the Heavenly Father.


"It's unimaginable..." He died without looking back. "

The three little ones introduced themselves as the fiancée, girlfriend, and first love of the Holy Son. Their expressions continued to be shocked, and they didn't look very smart.

Why are they all pagans and not a single nun from the Holy See? "

Mikal frowned to express his dissatisfaction, and suddenly remembered that there was really a nun, and his face became even more ugly.

It’s better not to have any!

After being approached by Xifei, the three Veronica girls learned that Wayne would have a biography and that they would all have the opportunity to appear, so they actively provided material.

"I'll go first, Wayne and I started dating when we were six years old... Bang!

Wei Li was too subjective and active, and she started telling lies as soon as she opened her mouth. It took a lot of force to calm down.

Looking at this scene, Mikal thought thoughtfully, his eyes lit up and he said: "The Holy Son is the blood of the Landau family, but in order to protect him, he can only live as a servant child of the Landau family."

The eldest lady who was picked up was arrogant and willful, and was unreasonable when things happened. She felt jealous when she saw the humble saint being favored.

"Reza, remember to add a few scenes. The eldest lady hangs the Holy Son in the stable, and rides a horse to beat him with a whip... Mikal liked to mention the material, and the inspiration came immediately, and he said happily: "The Holy Son He is pure, has no fiancée, and no girlfriend. All the women around him are all saints redeemed by him! "

Vice Prince Michael, your wisdom is unparalleled. I have been in power in the Papal States for many years and I have never seen a wise man who can compare with you. "

Reza wrote and boasted on the table: "You are worthy of being a God-like person in the kingdom of heaven. I used to think that God-likeness refers to strength, but now I realize that God-likeness is not only strength, but also wisdom. I used to be too self-righteous and too self-righteous." I'm so narrow-minded that I'm not as smart as you."

"Shut up, don't say anything irrelevant."

Mikal glared at Reza, with a curve of dissatisfaction at the corner of his mouth] The pope, he is indeed a talent, the Holy Son has such a good vision, and his deputy is sincerely convinced, this is what a Cherubim should look for.

Reza flatters Wayne, and Mikal defines him as a bug, lamenting that heaven is occupied by worms, and it will end sooner or later: Reza flatters him, and Mikal defines him as a talent. Such talents are of great benefit to heaven. Hope the more the merrier.

It’s so real!

"Wait, wait a minute, what does the paragraph about picking up the eldest lady mean? This paragraph must also be written into the Bible?" Veronica raised her hand to speak.

Mikal ignored it, and Reza explained the reason with a kind look. Others may have been made up, but this birth story is genuine. It has been passed down by word of mouth throughout Lundan, and there is also the conclusion that the Virgin Mary sealed the coffin. How can it be false?

Veronica glared at the old witch and learned that the Virgin enjoyed an exclusive cathedral, as well as biographies, customized statues and other super benefits, so she rolled up her sleeves and decided to fight her to the death.

The old witch is so vain that she even sold her daughter. Today, she must look good!

Didn't think so.

Stopped by Chris, she raised her hand and sealed Veronica, unable to move!

Willie turned her head and shrugged her shoulders. The arrogant and arrogant young lady fit the image of Veronica perfectly. This is what the Bible should write.

There are also two of them, the eldest lady's playmates, who grew up together. Every time they bullied the Holy Son, they were both present. In the end, they were influenced by the Holy Son and became saints together. "Mikal talked about his happiness, saying that even if inspiration comes, he can't stop it!

Willy:) The three little ones all expressed their dissatisfaction, but it was useless. Mikael was used to being arrogant. He was not the Pope. He didn’t care what the three little ones thought. He only wanted the Son to show his divinity to show the world of the hall. Glory and great justice.

Reza took notes beside him, which was enough to cover several pages.

After writing about the grievances and tortures that the Son suffered at Landau Manor, it was now the turn of the Son to step out of the manor, see the injustices he saw on the way to school, and experience the redemption.

Mikal thought for a while and got a vague outline. He looked at Xifei expressionlessly: "My Lady, does the Holy Son have any other pagan girlfriends in Lundan?"

"Yes, which one do you want to see first?"

I knew it!

Mikal was silent for a moment, and then said: "Let's all meet together and collect the list of saints so that we can sort out the Son's path to salvation. Reza, please remember, these saints have all been together before they see the Son. He is a pagan who cannot save himself from all kinds of evil, but he only understands the seven virtues because of the Son’s teachings and forgiveness.”

Reza nodded.

He felt that Mikael's operation was very inappropriate. The circle was indeed round, but Mikael weakened the power of the pillow whip wind and blew it casually. The Holy Son relented and the new Bible blew.

Reza knew this and said nothing. He was humble and did not dare to say anything. He did whatever Mikael said.

Heaphy called Megan and called people around.

Veronica tilted her head and looked at Reza's handwriting. The more she looked at it, the more she disliked it. She couldn't help but said: "The imagination is too poor. There is no dark side of society at all. They are just small fights. They are far worse than Wayne's diary."


Mikal's body froze, and Reza asked hurriedly: "What diary? Where is the diary? Is there a ready-made Bible?"

What, you call shameless self-promotion the Bible?

Veronica didn't understand, and at Reza's plea, she reluctantly moved her treasured diary from the eldest lady's villa.

There are two large boxes, and the latest diary has been updated to October 1943, which is two years and two months ahead of time.

Future White Notes: "As expected of the Holy Son, omniscient and omnipotent, based on the present and looking to the future, I have learned something again." Reza looked through the diary of 1943 and was amazed.

The shameless face made Veronica look sideways again and again, and she gained a deeper understanding of the Pope and faith.

On the other side, Mikael looked through the diary from 1938, and what he saw was the image of a kind-hearted young man who was broad-minded, helpful, passionate about life, and had expectations for human nature.


Mikael felt deeply uncomfortable. He closed the diary and sat quietly for a moment. He did not open the diary immediately to collect materials. He looked at Veronica: "How did you continue to read such a terrible thing? Aren't you afraid of going blind?"

“Very educational.”

That’s right!

At this moment, the arrogant Mikael learned to be humble and admitted that Veronica was right. He suppressed his nausea and continued to read.

The diary reveals true feelings and is bold and straightforward. Although life is miserable and society is persecuted, the kind-hearted young man never gives up his positive and optimistic attitude.

He abides by etiquette, benevolence and generosity, adheres to the moral bottom line and never retreats, is strict with the law and is lenient to others, and never colludes with evil forces.

He tears apart the darkness with his own hands, brings sunshine with his smile, lends a helping hand to all those in need, and injects new life into the decayed society.

Most importantly, he had a light inside and he brought hope.


Mikal covered his heart, his face turning blue and white, and he looked at Veronica in shock. He didn't understand how a mortal could have such strong perseverance. Even he felt ashamed of himself. Maybe it was love!

Love makes people blind and selective.

Mikal took a few deep breaths, suppressed the uncomfortable dizziness, opened the diary for March 1939, and suddenly his vision went dark.

Around 1939, the kind-hearted young man was no longer limited to Lundan. His footsteps gradually spread throughout the God's Chosen Continent, walking to the ends of the earth for the salvation ideal of equality for all living beings. He was there wherever there was suffering, and where there was injustice.

Mikal closed the diary and pushed it in front of Reza: "You choose the material. The Holy Son has already written it clearly. There is no need for you or me to polish it. You just have to restrain yourself when picking it out, otherwise the believers will not be able to bear it."

Reza couldn't understand what Mikael was talking about, what polishing, what restraint. The Godlike Man's words are still so enigmatic. He thinks these diaries are very good. They are all from the heart and focus on realism.

Chris tilted her head and took over the novel she had published. Although the signature was her pen name, the outline and plot were provided by Wayne. She was just a good example of rounding it off.

"The Holy Son can also write novels!"

Reza's face turned red, and he pointed at the novel on the table tremblingly: "Deputy Lord Mikal, this is the authentic work of the Holy Son, and it is a sacred object [Ah!!"

Why are you so excited? There are already two big boxes! "Mikal snorted coldly.

"But those two boxes are diaries..."


Soon, Wayne's friends in Lundan arrived one after another. It turned out that Lundan was full of insects. Although it was a human world, it was actually hell, so the Holy Son came here. "

Mikal nodded and secretly obtained new materials. He raised his hand to heaven and suppressed the heretics. He pointed at the high priest of the Moonlight Church and said: "Reza, write it down. This saint approached the Holy Son with beauty and was finally influenced by the Holy Son. , I would like to mention that there is nothing good in Moonlight Church from top to bottom.”

Fifilomina: Just wait, I will blow the Pillow Whip Wind when you turn around, blowing you from the deputy king of the Kingdom of Heaven to the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Heaven. "So that's how it is, the Church of Nature is full of insects, it's bright and beautiful in front of people, but it's filthy behind people, so Lord Holy Son joined in." Natural Church.”

Mikal pointed to the secretary in the library and said: "Reza, write it down. This saint approached the Son with beauty, and was eventually saved and influenced by the Son, and vowed to pursue the Son."

Otilia put aside the part about seduction, she just doesn’t object to the truth about the Church of Nature!

"It turns out that the dark goddess is so ambitious that in order to prevent the return of the Holy Son, she ordered her saints and knights to tarnish the purity of the Holy Son. There is no good person in the entire Dark Church from top to bottom."

Mikael pointed at the Dark Saint and the Knight: "Reza, write it down. These two saints approach the Son with their beauty and use all kinds of temptations at all costs. This is another difficulty for the Son to overcome on the road to salvation."

Anastasia Weisz: Although, you seem to be right. Mikael met Wayne one by one at the London Wings, and it was just like the interview scene. He was too arrogant, which made all the wings very unhappy. I plan to shed a few more tears to express my grievances when I meet the asshole.

If not, keep grinding.

I won't stop until I turn Mikal into a guardian of heaven!

Mikal had no consciousness at all, and it didn't matter if he offended anyone. When he saw that today's work was almost in progress, he waved his hand and led the Holy See's delegation to check into Buckingham Palace.

In a sense, Buckingham Palace is indeed Michael's family property, and he is the sole leader. People in Heife are in high spirits during happy events and have no intention of going to work. They just wait to see the Notre Dame Cathedral renovated and the statue of the god erected.

At that time, she would go and pay homage in person.

Except for Heaphy, no one else is very happy.

Especially Auston/Veronica, it is written in the Bible that he/she was picked up by an honest person, and the whole world will know it in the future.

Night, Buckingham Palace.

Mikael was sitting in the garden dressed in white, his long golden hair dancing in the wind and shining brightly. A black shadow sneaked in silently and approached the garden quietly.

To be precise, this figure walked openly and freely, entering and exiting the garden freely. Everyone saw him, but no one paid attention to him.

First Julian, the arrogant lord of men.

At this time, Mikal was divided into three, and his true body entered heaven, regaining his true name as a godlike being. Under one person, he could enjoy the glory of eternity.

The two clones respectively play the role of capitalists in the human world, and play the role of arrogance, the leader of the seven deadly sins, in hell.

The capitalist and arrogance are vividly played, unlike the "Mikal..."

First looked at the young man ten meters away with an extremely solemn expression: "Who are you? Are you really Mikal? Why do you feel different to me?"

Mikal did not tell his human self about entering heaven and regaining his true name. At what level, sharing the glory of heaven with him. You are not worthy of seeing this memory. The arrogant clone of hell did not tell him. It is useless to talk about it. At what level, he shared the glory of heaven with him. Compete for a position!

Therefore, First didn't know that the godlike person in front of him was him. He vaguely felt that the other person was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

Mao Xin... is even more arrogant!

"Arrogance, you are very happy in this world!"

Mikal picked up the red wine and sipped it slightly: "What are you doing here? If you want to go to hell, you can just tell me. There is no need to go all the way in vain] I don't want to see you either."


First's heart became angry when he heard this. Some god-like beings have no self-awareness of replicas. If he couldn't tell or kill him, he would have pressed it to the ground and rubbed it.

Mikal, what are you doing in this world? You are very dishonest today. Who are you here for? "

First narrowed his eyes slightly and showed his surging holy will to challenge him: "Also, why can you enter the human world? You should not be able to do this with your ability."

If you are arrogant and can enter Iruma, so can I, Mikal.

Mikal put down the red wine glass, stood up slowly, patted the non-existent dust on his sleeves, and said proudly: "Pay attention to the tone of your words. In front of you is the deputy king of heaven, the god-like one, the strongest angel, the right hand of the throne of God, Mikal under one person!”

His arrogant face made First unbearable, and the string called reason was broken on the spot... and then reconnected.

First secretly said that he could not be angry. Once he was angry, the clone who had no self-awareness would definitely die. The consequences would be disastrous and not what he wanted to see.

Heaven cannot live without Mikael, and we must endure it!

Jie Jie Jie Jie Mikal sneered and dragged First into the darkness with his hand.

Two minutes later, Mikal walked out of the darkness unharmed, sat down with his red wine glass, and took an elegant sip.

First lay on the ground like a dead dog, breathing heavily: "Asshole, you didn't tell me earlier, how could you dare to go to heaven? Who gave you the courage!"

"Lord Holy Son."

First's pupils shrank suddenly, yes, this is true] Heavenly Father ordered that Mikal entered hell and became arrogant, unable to regain his true name and enter heaven. But if the Son, the successor of the Heavenly Father, opens his mouth and disobeys the Son's order, it is infinitely equivalent to disobeying the Heavenly Father's order, which is also wrong.

In a dilemma, the Father does not speak and can only listen to the Son first!

Mikal: Father, you see, it was the Holy Son who asked me to go to heaven, so I went to heaven. I really didn’t want to go to heaven myself, and I couldn’t help it.

"Damn it, why didn't I think of that!"

First was extremely regretful. The newly hired secretary immediately lost his temper. He scratched his neck and said: "Changing the guard. Shift. I want to go to heaven. I want to see the Holy Son. You have been the deputy king of heaven for so long. It’s my turn.”


Mikal gave First a contemptuous look: "Whatever your level, you are worthy of it. Just play with your female secretary in this world!"

Then exchange memories and let me be satisfied, just for a moment! "First's eyes were red and clear, just like the five-minute withdrawal reaction of quitting smoking.

"What do you think?"

I think you are just a bastard. Think about it, for whom did I endure hardship and hardship in this world, and for whom did I recruit so many secretaries? Is it not to satisfy your twisted psychological desires? "First was furious and clamored for a second duel.

If it doesn't work, beat him to death and let his mind return to its original state. "Stop talking nonsense, I don't care about your memory anymore."

Mikal raised his hands, with his white robe on his body and his blond hair flying, he felt that the industrial pollution exhaust fumes in Lundan were fragrant: "My spirit has been satisfied like never before. Your low-level desires will only tarnish my lofty aspirations. You Not only do you not deserve my memory, I don’t even bother to look at your memory.”

Some fresh graduates, some dancing students, some seminary graduates who recite poetry, that is arrogance, he, Mikal, does not have such a strange xp.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie" "Mikal, you will regret it." "

So what, you are arrogant, I am the deputy king of heaven! "

Bastard..." First hissed at the top of his lungs, standing up despite the pain all over his body, vowing to die with Mikal.

The effect was average. Mikal knocked him down with a wave of his hand and said condescendingly: "Enjoy your life on earth and exchange memories with the arrogance of hell. That is one of the few comforts he has. You two had better be honest. otherwise....."

"If you don't do it, some of you will do it because of your arrogance!"

Then exchange memories and let me be satisfied, just for a moment! "Phil's eyes looked red and clear, which was like the five-minute withdrawal reaction of quitting smoking.

"What do you think?"

I think you are just a bastard. Think about it, for whom did I endure hardship and hardship in this world, and for whom did I recruit so many secretaries? Is it not to satisfy your twisted psychological desires? "First was furious and shouted to watch the second one-on-one match!

If it doesn't work, beat him to death and let his mind return to its original state.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't care about your memory anymore."

Mikal raised his hands, with his white robe on his body and his blond hair flying, he felt that the industrial pollution exhaust fumes in Lundan were fragrant: "My spirit has been satisfied like never before. Your low-level desires will only tarnish my lofty aspirations. You Not only do you not deserve my memory, I don’t even bother to look at your memory.”

Some fresh graduates, some dancing students, some seminary graduates who recite poetry, that is arrogance, he, Mikal, does not have such a strange xp.

"Jie" Mikal, you will regret it. "

What about Nawen, you are arrogant, I am the deputy king of heaven! "

Bastard..." First hissed at the top of his lungs, standing up despite the pain all over his body, vowing to die with Mikal.

The effect was average. Mikal knocked him down with a wave of his hand and said condescendingly: "Enjoy your life on earth and exchange memories with the arrogance of hell. That is one of the few comforts he has. You two had better be honest, otherwise ...."If you don't do it, some of you will do it because of your arrogance! "

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