Restarting the myth

Chapter 545: Final Epilogue

Chapter 546 Finale Postscript

Accompanied by a strange light, a huge red warship appeared in the Earth's field of vision.

The shield burst into a dazzling red light, the flames were fierce like fire, energy grooves appeared around the hull, the defense system and weapon system were all activated, and the war machine above all else came.

War Knight!

The War Knight ushered in another evolution. I wonder what kind of cruel environment he adapted to before he could evolve into this super battleship that stretches for hundreds of kilometers in front of him.

Wayne's sight passed over the War Knight and looked at the world behind the scenes with a halo flashing.

In front of my eyes, it was pale.

The passage flashing with strange light was like a bunch of open flower buds, and like the hideous mouthparts of a parasite, with four huge tentacles stretching out, and the inside of the spiral cavity was covered with densely packed inverted sharp teeth.

Wayne's mind sank into it, pale everywhere, unable to peek into the true appearance, vaguely aware of the phantoms of three riding war horses.

Just when he wanted to see it clearly, his mind was lost and he lost contact.

"What a huge size, what is that thing?"

When Wayne frowned, the Starry Sky Battleship activated its main gun, and a dazzling red beam of light burst out from the muzzle of the battleship, piercing the innocent full moon and shooting straight towards the God's Chosen Continent.

Like the anger of the gods, it penetrated the clouds, tore the tranquility of the night, and illuminated half of the sky.

A strong sense of oppression swept across the world, and the entire sky was completely burned. The earth trembled at this moment, the mountains collapsed, the rivers changed course, and countless cities and villages turned into scorched earth in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was covered with smoke and dust, and there was a dead silence.

The Starry Sky Battleship tested its firepower for the first time, melting an incredible deep pit in the center of the God's Chosen Continent, and the second beam of light rose again, this time, it chose to operate at full power.

Buzz buzz buzz————

After the trembling buzzing sound, the red beam of light wiped out the broken moon, severely damaged the God-chosen Continent, overturned the rivers and seas, tore up the sky and earth, penetrated the entire continent and broke out from the back.

Looking far away in the starry sky, the planet where the God-chosen Continent is located was penetrated by red light, the ocean boiled, the sphere broke into pieces, and immediately began to disintegrate.

It didn't disintegrate.

The broken planet stretched out pale tentacles along the splitting trend, and the deep pit that penetrated tore open white cracks. An eyeball that occupied the entire God-chosen Continent suddenly opened, and violent thoughts poured down, crossing the stars, twisting the starry sky battleship to bend and deform.

The defense shield collapsed instantly, and the starry sky battleship changed with it, switching its form, and turned into a humanoid body of incalculable size.

Each hand held an arm weapon, the left side was the battleship's main gun, and the right side was a red energy blade.

One knife, one planet, one gun, one string of candied haws, the war knight was so strong that it could not be stopped.

On the other side, the twisted God's Chosen Continent also completed the mutation. The entire planet turned into a wriggling meat ball, with the eyeball in the middle, and the tentacles dancing in disorder, stirring the energy of the starry sky and drifting towards the War Knight.

Around it, the alienated starry sky breeds a large number of white foam veins, climbing the invisible starry sky like blood vessels, rhythmically, multiplying, and expanding, dyeing all the visible and invisible objects around it pale.

The changes are not limited to the surroundings. Every starry sky in the box is mutating. The paleness is like a crazy multiplying cancer cell, growing exponentially, polluting the surface of the starry sky and the inner space.

For the vast star system, the speed of mutation is not very fast, but for the War Knight, the opponent's size is obviously a bit oversized.

The tentacles that are huge enough to cover the stars attacked, and the War Knight smashed them with a shot. The body evolved out of the ordinary and grew rapidly, trying to compete head-on with the planetary meat ball in size.

A tentacle waved down, disrupting the complex cosmic energy, knocking the war knight aside, and squirming its tentacles towards the flashing halo behind the scenes.

The war knight's energy eyes glowed red, and the red blade tore through the sticky white mist space, jumped into the planet's flesh, and began to destroy it crazily from the inside.

The surface of the planet's flesh bulged, and a huge red mushroom cloud exploded. The body suddenly shrank a circle, and then, continuous and intensive explosions followed one after another, a large amount of black mud rolled, and the planet's flesh had a tendency to collapse from the inside.

The white foam grew and squirmed, the flesh solidified, and countless tentacles inside squirmed and gathered, squeezing the war knight who was growing bigger and bigger.

This level of battle has already exceeded the scope of destroying the world, and the stars will collapse at any time, collapse the surrounding space, and wipe out all visible and invisible material energy.

A pale ocean spread out in the starry sky, and the two great kingdoms of God rose and fell in the ocean, leaving the planet's flesh behind, and went straight to the behind-the-scenes world.

The war knight wanted to stop it, but was stopped by the planetary flesh. He could only watch the pale sea enter the world behind the scenes.

This is a disordered and pale world. Through the spiral sharp teeth mouthparts, the interior is a space of its own, with starry sky, earth, mountains and rivers.

But everything is presented in a pale form.

Three figures riding war horses are suspended in the air.

Wayne took a step forward, jumped out of the kingdom of God, tore off the human skin on the surface of his body, and appeared as a pale knight.

The six goddesses did not follow. In the kingdom of God, they can still fight with the four knights of the end of the world with their authority. No matter whether they can beat them or not, at least they have the qualification to leave the kingdom of God...

That's okay, at least they won't be killed instantly by the four knights.

Wayne looked at the three knights of the end of the world in front of him.

The Famine Knight riding a black horse had a dead look on his face, looking sick as if he had the plague and could die at any time. He was wearing a black armor, his body was thin and slender, and he had a black sword on his waist. His eyes were dull and lifeless.

The black warhorse was also dry and not round at all.

If we understand the Famine Knight literally, both the man and the horse have not eaten for a long time and are starving.

Wayne looked at the Death Knight, who was even starving. The Famine Knight was at least skin and bones, but this one didn't even have skin. He had a gray robe wrapped around a gray skeleton, holding a death sickle in his hand, and riding a skeleton warhorse.

Unlike Wayne and Rone's Death Knight form, the Death in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was dead silent inside, and both the man and the horse had dark eye sockets, without the flashing light of the soul.

The Death Knight was stereotyped, completely gray, unlike Yelian who jumped back and forth between gray and green, making the positioning of death unclear.

The last Plague Knight, in Yelian's memory, Plague called Yeloin his former self.

This knight seemed to have good food, with a white robe and hood, wearing white light armor, strong body, tall and mighty.

But he didn't look good.

There was a mass of superimposed hyperplastic tissue on his face, without facial features, just like a diseased pale heart, beating at a constant frequency.

Like master like horse, the four knights of the apocalypse were all like this. The Plague Knight's warhorse was strong, except that it had no face and its fur was a little pale, and it was no different from a normal horse.

"Tsk, I waited so long, but none of them looked like humans..." The pale knight's face cracked, a tentacle stretched out, and he opened his mouth to mock.

The big eyeballs on his chest emitted chaotic whispers, and he went on stage with full firepower, trying to pollute the three knights.

The road of evolution is full of dangers. If you are not careful, you will be polluted by the environment. Wayne has a hunch that as long as he can devour the four knights, he will definitely become a strong man who creates the environment.

Not to mention becoming an ancient god on the spot, he will definitely be able to leave the box!

"Wayne, I have read the new Bible you wrote. The chapter of Revelation is too coincidental. It is not a prophecy. You are from outside the box." The Plague Knight said.

When he spoke, the hyperplastic tissue on his face would rise and fall with the voice. The dull voice gave people a feeling of drowning and suffocation. It sounded weird at first. If you listen to it twice, you will feel itchy all over your body and want to peel off your skin.

Wayne is not a human and will not be affected.

In fact, there is no one present.

The Famine Knight is an aggregate of the law of negative information, an extremely pure god. In terms of purity, goddesses such as Yelian and Idenis can only be regarded as evil ways.

The Death Knight is also. He has been formed a long time ago. He was interrupted by Yeloin and passed on to Aztimo and Yelian successively. He is an absolute death god.

Plague Knight...

There is no clue at present.

"Yes, I come from outside the box."

Wayne readily admitted that in this battle, either the Four Horsemen of Doom will die or he will live. At this juncture, there is no point in hiding it.

"I see, this is probably your specialness. You have been favored by the ancient gods because of this, and you have received the gift without falling into madness." Plague Knight said slowly.

Wayne did not explain anything, and nodded: "What about you, you call yourself Elohim, but I only see pure void in you, without any trace of holy light. Are you the forging of Elohim?"

"I am Elohim, but Elohim is not me. I was born because of him, but I am not his forging."

Have you, a group of Doomsday Knights, collectively studied philosophy? Why do you talk in a set of ways? Do you dare to speak human language?

"Speak human language, what is your relationship with Elohim!"

"Elohim decomposed himself and abandoned everything. As the embodiment of his desire, I have the ability to pollute everything." Plague Knight said bluntly.

What does it mean to decompose yourself?

Wayne was stunned when he heard this, not understanding how to translate this.

"The Elohim have countless desires, the desire to evolve, the desire to be strong, and the strongest desire is the greed for knowledge. These desires control him and make him dare not go further and fully accept the knowledge of the ancient gods."

As a villain, Plague Knight is undoubtedly qualified. Seeing Wayne's confusion, he patiently explained: "Wayne, although you are a follower of the ancient gods, you don't understand the ancient gods. The ancient gods have no emotions. They were born at the beginning of the universe and are the product of the collision and convergence of infinite information..."

"The Elohim faced the true appearance of the ancient gods, listened to the wisdom of the ancient gods, saw the knowledge and saw the emptiness. The same is true in reverse. It is precisely because of this Only with this kind of ruthlessness can the ancient gods not be swayed by desires and carry infinite knowledge. "

"As living beings with flesh and blood, we can only become ancient gods and become as great as them if we give up flesh and blood and abandon desires."

Speaking of this, the Plague Knight's emotionless voice became obviously more fanatical: "The moment he saw the ancient gods, Elohim was not only not crazy, but also received the gifts of the ancient gods. He gradually understood everything and gradually grasped the truth. At that moment..."

"He has become a god in the traditional sense!"

The gods in the traditional sense are the gods defined by the Cosmic Empire, including Yelian and Idenis.

"Elohim became a god, and his evolution was also opened by the ancient gods. His desire became extremely strong. He longed for evolution and more knowledge..."

"Until now, I don't know if Elohim has gone crazy. I only know that he has absolute reason and uses reason to control his desires, step by step to get where he is today."

The Plague Knight exclaimed: "The new gods are the end of ordinary life. No matter how hard you try, you can never enter the realm of the ancient gods. The same goes for Elohim, who has absolute reason. He also has desires and will inevitably be affected by knowledge. There is a change towards the meaning of knowledge, so he enters the box where he completes his self-decomposition.”

"The seven deadly sins and the seven virtues are the power of Elohim. His purpose in creating the Church of Heavenly Father and establishing the Kingdom of God is not to become a god, but to decompose himself and free himself from the troubles of desire, thus making himself helpless. Desires are as empty as the ancient gods..."

Having said this, Plague Knight looked at Wayne: "The Doomsday Judgment is not a judgment on the God's Chosen Continent, but a judgment on the desires left by the Elohim. Only by erasing these embodied desires can the Elohim gain the wisdom of the ancient gods. ”

"How can you assume the wisdom of the ancient gods? Who said the ancient gods have no desire? They hand out candy everywhere and respond to requests. This mentality of looking for fun, bah, this mentality of boundless love, isn't it desire?" Wayne Dismissive.

Elohim is not an ancient god. He only made assumptions about the ancient god after seeing him once, and made up an ancient god in his own imagination based on his personal imagination.

If the idea of ​​God was created by birds, then God must be an animal with feathers; if a cow can draw, then the God it draws must be a cow.

The ancient gods do not need to be created by humans and have always been there since the beginning of the universe. However, the shape of the ancient gods is different. The ancient gods that Elohim saw were the ancient gods that he thought they were, and could only be regarded as one of the many shapes of the ancient gods.

Just like ants observing humans, some humans give bread crumbs, some humans give lighters, and even worse, they untie their belts and give them a world-destroying flood.

When the Elohim saw the empty ancient gods, they thought that the ancient gods were empty. Why, the ancient gods couldn't just be in a daze!

The wisdom of ordinary people is not the wisdom of B numbers, the wisdom of self-righteousness...

Wayne felt that the Elohim were nothing more than that, and it was very possible that the Elohim had gone crazy the moment they met the ancient god, but he didn't know it.

Similar examples can be found all over the God's Chosen Continent today. As a part of the weirdness, people don't think they are weird.

Elohim uses his calmness to control desires, get rid of desires, and make himself desireless. This is a kind of unconscious madness.

If it can't be cured, just wait for death and say goodbye.

Seeing Wayne's disdain, the Plague Knight was not annoyed and continued: "The desires of the Elohim are scattered in every corner of the God's Chosen Continent, not only in hell and heaven, but also in the kingdom of the goddesses, in every living being Everyone has the desire of Elohim, and he created the world inside the box, and all life carries his desire.”

"Now, all these desires have been transferred to you. The Doomsday Judgment no longer needs to judge the world, it can just judge you."


Wayne waved his tentacles to interrupt, and said cheerfully: "You just said that you are the greed of the Elohim. It is not enough to judge me alone, but you also have to judge yourself again."

"It should be so." Plague Knight said calmly.

"What about the three of them? They were born in the box, and they also represent the desires of the Elohim."

Wayne looked at the two knights of famine and death. The evil Elohim created you just to kill you. Take the gun in your hand and follow me. If you don’t do it now, then later!

"It should be so." x2

Wayne: ()

Look at this person's awakening, this state of mind, it's also a clone... Well, let's call it a clone, it's also a clone, so why can his clone, the Bat Demon, only fight against the sky and the earth and the succubus?

What went wrong?

Oh, the Altar of Pride, the composition of the bat demon was influenced by Mikael.

Yes, that's why, because of that pervert Mikael, the bat demon went astray!

"After judging you, we will end our own lives, and Elohim will become an ancient god." The Plague Knight fervently pulled out his pale sword.

He pulled out the white spinal cord from the horse's back, and the foam spread and grew, forming the shape of a knight's sword.

Next to him, the Famine Knight pulled out his black sword, and the Death Knight held the Harvest Sickle.

"Wait a minute, let me know before you fight."

Wayne interrupted again and said in confusion: "Plague, you said you are the greed of the Elohim, so here comes the question. As a greedy person, you should take everything as your own. Why do you have to strictly abide by it?" Elohim’s command?”

Plague Knight laughed for the first time: "I don't have the possibility of becoming an ancient god. Elohim does. If I could witness or even create an ancient god, what an honor it would be. Even death would be worth it."

If you can say such a thing, you are not in your right mind!

Wayne clapped his hands and gave up communication. The Elohim were crazy, and his forged objects were also crazy. The son inherited the liquid from his father.

"Don't worry, last question, where is the Elohim?"


Plague did not answer this question, shook the reins of the war horse, and walked towards Wayne at the same time as Famine and Death.

"I know even if you don't tell me..."

Wayne looked at the ground below. Here is the Elohim, or in other words, here is the body of the Elohim.

The hideous group of mouthparts that just passed through is the mouth of the Elohim. The sky, the earth, the mountains and the rivers are the internal organs of the Elohim, the product of his giving up all desires and returning to blank thinking.

The book of greed, move it!

Wayne cried in his heart. Facing the three knights who attacked, his body suddenly swelled up. The wildly growing white foam connected the sky and the ground. The pale sea rolled back and ran wantonly. The moment it touched the earth, it swept in all directions at the speed of thunder and storm.

The result was not very good. Wayne could not even pollute the four knights now. There was no reason to jump to pollute the life essence of Yeloin.

"No need to struggle. You are just a follower of the ancient god, and he, Yeloin, is destined to become an ancient god." The Plague Knight appeared on a white horse, raised his sword, and rolled the white foam into the sky.

The boundless ocean was boiling, overturned by the invisible force, and rolled back the sky.

In the sky, the two knights of famine and death had been waiting for a long time. One danced famine to devour everything, and the other waved death to wipe out everything.

Nearly half of the paleness was swept away by the two knights.

Plague Knight rode up on his warhorse, his greatsword touched the Pale Sea, and said coldly: "Wayne, become like me, and then accept the judgment!"

Pollution rushed up, covering the Pale Sea with a layer of paleness again.

This is a direct contest of evolution, without crazy whispers, more primitive and more straightforward, the two sides compete to see who has a higher level of evolution and whose life essence is stronger.

As the greed of the Elohim, Plague Knight is extremely confident in himself.

Swish! !

The Pale Sea pressed down and poured all over Plague Knight. The latter stood there with his sword in his hand. Although he was not polluted by Wayne, he did not pollute Wayne either...


Plague Knight was in doubt and waved his greatsword to try to pollute again.

Just when his mind fell into self-doubt, the two great kingdoms of God not far away suddenly opened up, dragging the two knights of Famine and Death into it.

Enter and fight.

Heaven, hell, nature, death, darkness, light, sky...

Under the blessing of the authority of the Kingdom of God, the complementary information burst out with amazing power, positively elevating itself and negatively suppressing famine and death.

The battle of the Kingdom of God was at most fifty-fifty. Wayne did not expect them to defeat the Doomsday Knight, and put the balance of victory on himself.

He fought against the plague, the planetary flesh fought against the war, and the pale sea carrying the Kingdom of God fought against famine and death.

"Book of Greed, move for me, feel the pressure, swallow the pressure, let me go further!"

On the chest of the Pale Knight, the huge magic eye was a chaotic color, and the cover of the Book of Greed in the boundless depths, the big eyeball opened, drawing the energy of all the small eyeballs around, blending into the same chaotic paleness.

Wayne single-handedly challenged the four knights. The boundless pressure made him unable to breathe. The planetary body fighting against the War Knight disintegrated on the spot. The Pale Sea carrying the Kingdom of God was almost dry, and the Pale Knight was pierced through the eye by the sharp sword of the Plague Knight.

For a full fifteen minutes, the battle was one-sided.

Fifteen minutes later, the planetary flesh ball regained its vitality, waving its tentacles to roll the War Knight, who was nearly one-tenth of its size, into its body; the Pale Sea carrying the Kingdom of God continued to roar, and blew the horn of charge again, taking over the power from the exhausted goddesses; the Pale Knight waved his arms with sharp blades to resist the Knight Sword of the Plague, and overwhelmed the opponent for the first time in a head-on battle.

The hyperplastic tissue on the face of the Plague Knight jumped like crazy, and the incomprehensible situation made him rack his brains but couldn't understand it. Facing the continuous attacks of the Pale Knight, he had to dismount and fight on foot.


The pale knight turned into white foam and swallowed the warhorse, reshaping his body back to its original appearance. The warhorse rushed around in his body, unable to digest it, let alone pollute it.

"Not a bad life level. Yeloin interpreted and translated the ancient gods in his own way. Although he is crazy, he is indeed a genius to have come this far."

Wayne tore the space in front of him, wielding the sharp blades with both hands, as fast as lightning, causing the Plague Knight to be exhausted from parrying.

Boom! !

Mountains and rivers broke, the earth collapsed, and the world inside Yeloin was in chaos. The life essence that was originally not damaged by the battle gradually became weak.

Yeloin did not change, and he could only become Wayne.

The pale knight waved the chaotic color turbulence in the sky, slashed the Plague Knight, split the vast land below, and revealed the dark abyss below the bright world.

The Plague Knight fell into the abyss, opened the pale flesh wings behind him, and with the acceleration of flapping wings, he suddenly jumped through the space to Wayne.


Three nearly identical pale blades crossed, tearing Wayne's back, four tentacles quickly emerged, and four more blades stabbed down.

Plague Knight had no defense, allowing the blades to pierce his face and chest, and the faceless face looked at the magic eye on Wayne's chest.

In the mind's sight, the paleness became more and more chaotic and invisible, making him who was gradually understanding everything unable to understand anything.

Moreover, he could not sense his warhorse, which struggled much weaker in Wayne's body than before.

"This, this..."

Even though he had said it many times, facing this incomprehensible situation, Plague Knight still had to say one sentence - this is impossible!

"You are just a follower of the ancient god of Dragon Heart Island. You can't reach such a height. Your desire is so strong. You are eager to pursue evolution, and you will inevitably be abandoned by evolution." Plague Knight's voice was low, and he felt the fear of suffocation.

"I bet everything, and they bet everything too. There is no reason to fail!" The big eyeballs on the chest of the pale knight were hideous and terrifying.

"Yeloim has also gambled everything. He has given up everything!" The Plague Knight's voice became ferocious.

"Then let's compare, whose life essence is stronger, whose evolution is higher and farther..."

Wayne's big eyes suddenly condensed on his chest, and the warhorse that was running rampant in his body completely stopped moving. He pressed down with his arms, and took the Plague Knight straight into the dark abyss.

In the air, a large piece of white foam sprayed, multiplying the Pale Sea, polluting this world for the second time.

The Plague Knight was exhausted from parrying, famine and death could not be extricated, and the war was still fighting against the planetary flesh. This time, no one could stop the Pale Sea from covering.

At the same time, the two knights in the Kingdom of God were driven off their horses and had no choice but to fight on foot. The two horses were swept away by the Pale Sea carrying the Kingdom of God, and gradually lost their lives in the struggle.

Among the four knights of the apocalypse, only the War Knight who was one with the horse had not dismounted.

The warhorse not only symbolizes their identity, but also represents the extension of their power. It is a manifestation of information visualization. Being swallowed and digested by the Pale Sea means...

After Wayne has withstood pressure again and again and evolved again and again, he is finally qualified to stretch out his claws to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Three loud noises sounded in succession.

The first one, Wayne pressed the Plague Knight to fall to the end of the dark abyss;

The second one, two figures pierced through the abyss and appeared in the sky like a reincarnation of space

The third one, the overflowing shock wave shattered the mountains and rivers, stirring the space to burst into pieces of water ripples.

The next second, the fourth loud noise sounded.

The big eyeballs on Wayne's chest burst out pale light, and the chaotic color condensed into a huge beam of light, which instantly cut through infinite space, wiped out half of the Plague Knight's body, and penetrated the sky and the earth, and the aftermath continued to shake.

After swallowing three war horses, Elohim's body became weaker and weaker. The pale sea covering all directions found gaps, penetrated, entangled, and polluted...

But the current situation is not enough.

Wayne stepped forward, the sharp blade of his arm fell off, and turned into a pale sword in his hand.

The sword whistled, tearing the space, and directly reached the head of the Plague Knight.

"Roar, roar, roar--"

The Plague Knight roared like an ancient beast, white foam overflowed and grew, filling the broken body, and the remaining force did not stop, turning into a pale giant about a kilometer high.

The whisper spread in his body, washing the four fields with a violent posture, and in just a moment, the air was imprisoned and heavy, blocking the space of the entire sky and earth.

Wayne's body was fixed in mid-air, and the big eyeballs on his chest whispered, without violence or gentleness. It spread out with an ancient and indescribable momentum, softening the solidified space around it, and after the blockade was released, the remaining momentum continued to press down.

Boom! ! !

The ancient whispers roared like thunder, and like a huge hand covering the sky and the sun, pushing away the ripples like water waves, and came to the head of the Plague Knight again.

The Plague Knight roared continuously, but he didn't win by reasoning. He raised his fists above his head to resist the boundless pressure of sinking.

With a splash, white foam flew everywhere, the Plague Knight's arms collapsed, his head was pressed into his chest, and his body like a torn linen fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, the violent shock wave swept all around, spreading to the entire earth, flattening all the continuous and protruding mountains, and abruptly shaved off a layer of this land.

Dust was everywhere, and a mournful cry could be heard faintly. I wonder if the sleeping Elohim couldn't stand the forced demolition in his body and cried out in pain.

Boom! !

The pale light column descended, crushing layers of space with a deafening roar, extending countless mirror-shattered cracks.

Each crack shook the space and wailed, shaking the sky and the earth to collapse.

The light column wiped out most of the Plague Knight's body again, and the remaining force was not enough, destroying the earth of this world and the dark abyss below like the end of the world.

Once the trend of collapse is formed, the result cannot be reversed. Elohim lost his balance in his body, and the sky and the earth collapsed and entered the countdown to the end of the world.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse failed to judge Wayne as they wished, but were judged by Wayne instead.

Wayne stood in the sky, and the one-eyed man on the chest of the pale knight was confused and seemed to be sluggish, and suddenly stopped the crazy destruction.

Plague Knight flew up to the sky in a panic, looking at Wayne who suddenly stopped moving, and said with lingering fear: "I don't know what you are, and what the ancient gods gave you. You should be extremely powerful, but you have mispositioned yourself. You shouldn't challenge the realm of the ancient gods with a mortal body. You haven't let go of your desires, and you can't become an ancient god..."

"As I said before, you have been abandoned by evolution!"

As if to confirm what Plague Knight said, the planetary meat ball fighting the War Knight was offline and there was no movement. The War Knight, covered in red light, tore open the meat ball and walked out with a terrifying body comparable to a planet.

Plague Knight laughed loudly, and finally felt relieved. Just now, he questioned himself, and even questioned the Elohim, and couldn't help but doubt Wayne's identity.

The one fighting him was not the followers of the ancient gods, but a thorough ancient god.

However, this ancient god lost his power, fell from the peak of evolution, and was climbing back to the height that belonged to him step by step.

Thinking back, how ridiculous this absurd idea is.


Wayne, motionless, stepped forward and stabbed the pale sword in his hand into the Plague Knight's chest. After the sword penetrated, it turned into a wriggling tentacle and drilled into the Plague Knight's body.

Two different life essences entangled, the Plague Knight's limbs and torso either expanded or contracted, and the deformed body became neither fish nor fowl, not even anthropomorphic.

He opened his mouth in shock, wanting to say something, but unable to express his shock in words.

"Let me guess, you must be saying, this is impossible."


It is indeed impossible, you have obviously been abandoned by evolution!

"Although you have no facial features and no eyes, I can understand your eyes..."

Wayne spoke slowly: "Let's see clearly who the war knights belong to now."

The Plague Knight's body stagnated, and he looked to the outside world in disbelief. When he saw it, the bright red coating on the War Knight's body was gradually replaced by paleness. The body was still cold, but it had both a mechanical structure and pale tentacles inside.

A large number of complex gears and hydraulic devices were replaced by entangled tentacles, which could be switched freely. They were tentacles one second and turned back to metal the next.

The War Knights rebelled, and all information about the mechanical weapons was received by Wayne.


"Now, it's your turn, Plague Knight, leave your evolution to me!"

Wayne's body melted and flowed into the Plague Knight along with the tentacled sword. From boundless pressure to devouring three war horses, to devouring the War Knight, his life level finally overwhelmed the Plague Knight.

The horror of evolution is that as long as life adapts to the environment, the environment becomes habitable, and then life and the environment are reversed, requiring the environment to adapt to life.

Only the weak complain about the environment, but the strong do not. The strong themselves are the environment!

The moment Wayne overwhelmed the Plague Knight, the two knights of Famine and Death in the Kingdom of God fell into an extremely embarrassing situation. At some point, the sky of the Kingdom of God split open, and a huge one-eye looked down, spreading whispers quietly.

The goddesses think that Wayne speaks very nicely, and every word he says makes sense, making people more and more addicted the more they listen to it.

Famine and Death didn't think so. As information aggregates, foam gradually emerged from their bodies. Their information was contaminated and became the same as the information laws wandering in the void.

The body was out of control, swept away by two huge tentacles, and easily swallowed by the pale sea.

Boom! ! !

The Pale Sea grew stronger, and the Kingdom of God grew stronger. The two knights' messages were received by the Pale Sea. The Book of Greed feasted on it, and its big eyes trembled with excitement.

If the Book of Greed is strong, Wayne will be strong.

Three of the Four Horsemen of Doom were captured, leaving only the last Plague Knight.

The two pale bodies are entangled, and their lives are in a primitive collision. Both sides come up with their own reasons, and then...


Book of Greed started directly, not bothering to waste time trying to reason with the Plague Knight.

Wayne: It only makes sense when we are evenly matched. If you can knock him down with one punch, what kind of truth is there?

Get it you!

The Plague Knight turned around to walk away. His bloated body was as bloated as a ball of flesh. His footsteps became heavier and his body became stiffer. The world in front of him gradually became darker until he was completely swallowed by the darkness.

Run Elohim, there is an ancient god in the box! ! !

The Plague Knight is destined to be unable to remind Elohim that everything he had was taken away by Wayne. Elohim got evolutionary candy from the ancient gods, and at this moment everything was cheaper for Wayne.


The white foam squirmed, revealing the figure of the pale knight raising his arms and shouting wildly, and the hearty laughter echoed freely between heaven and earth.

He clenched his five fingers into a fist in front of him, enjoying the shock caused by the throwing of tiles inside his body... and then he stopped laughing.

Still cannot reverse the pollution!

He risked everything to defeat the Four Horsemen of the Doomsday and protect the world and the people he cares about. Looking back, the world has been polluted by his own hands and he can never go back.

The pale knight roared lowly, raising a boundless sea and pouring into the broken world.

There is one last attempt to contaminate the Elohim's body and obtain everything the other party has, so as to break through the barrier of the box and go to a more magnificent universe.

There, he will gain more comprehensive knowledge, more powerful evolution, and the reversal of pollution will be achieved.

"Bless me, I will succeed."

The white foam washed over the broken body of the Elohim in a violent manner, until it spread all over his body, and Wayne didn't realize what kind of creature he was in.

This is a huge creature with a huge body, comparable to the flesh of the planet. It is like a humanoid, with hands and feet. On the neck, chest, abdomen, arms, thighs and other places, layers of bloated and cumbersome pale flesh were piled up, submerging the arms and legs. From a distance, only the round head and torso could be seen, with big balls stacked on top of small ones. It looked like Incredibly funny and awkward.

The only thing worthy of praise is the Elohim's head, which is as developed as an alien's. The back of the head is high and protruding. The facial features are elongated along with the facial skull. The mouth and nose become extremely long and slender. The position of the mouth is composed of tentacles and a sunken mouth. device composition.

Generally evil!

"You don't even have big eyeballs, and you still think about the ancient gods. Bring it to you!"

Wayne activated the Pale Sea, seized Elohim's body wantonly, polluted the brain, and suddenly discovered a large amount of hidden information.

These information laws do not exist in the God's Choice Continent. It may be that the information in the original box was secretly hidden by Elohim, or it may be the candy he got from the ancient god and kept it to himself without telling Elohim.

The truth is not important, what matters is that Wayne eats it.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch————

The Book of Greed ate happily, and wanted to see when he had ever had such a rich buffet before.

Boom! ! !

Just as Wayne was eating and drinking like crazy, Elohim's bloated body suddenly moved. This super god who was perhaps the closest to the ancient gods let out a roar, pulled his head apart with both hands, and poured out all the contaminated areas. come out.

Large swaths of white foam flowed into the void, converging into a twisted pale mass.

Wayne was so angry that he was not willing to give up. He raised the Pale Sea and rushed up again.

As the storm came, Yeloin raised his bloated arms, folded the starry sky, turned the invisible into the tangible, waved a rain cloth to wrap the Pale Sea, and threw it far away.

The Pale Sea hit the planetary meat ball and merged into it. The tentacles danced, wrapped up the war knight beside him and swallowed him. The body rose high, and the kingdom of God on his head rushed towards Yeloin.

Who am I, where am I, and what happened?

Yeloin looked at the monster in front of him in horror, not understanding what happened, where is the Plague Knight, and why didn't he judge the world as ordered?

What happened to the War Knight? Was he polluted?

How could it be possible? As the purest information aggregate, war, famine, and death cannot be polluted.

Also, who is this monster, and where did he come from?

Yeloin was full of doubts. Facing the attacking tentacles, he folded the starry sky again and again to fight against them. Recalling the danger of being almost contaminated just now, he was still frightened and secretly said that he was lucky.

After Yeloin decomposed himself, he handed the task of the Doomsday Judgment to "himself", that is, the Plague Knight born from his body. Because the Plague Knight represents greed, it is very likely to be distorted by desire and in turn contaminate the body, so he took precautions.

In Yeloin's plan, the Four Horsemen of the Doom will surely win. There is no need to come out in full force. Any knight can sweep across the Chosen Continent.

Destroy heaven and hell, destroy the Chosen Continent and the Kingdom of God, and destroy everything he has left behind.

If there is a possibility of failure, it can only come from within. The Plague Knight rebelled and killed himself.

Backup Plan In Yeloin's brain, he left the last emotion, written as "reverence for life", read as "from the heart".

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is no repetition.

Elohim left a backup plan. If the Plague Knight carried out the order normally and killed everything, he would find the desire for life and fear of death in his mind. He would cut off the last emotion with his own hands, and the ceremony of promotion to the ancient god would remain the same.

If the Plague Knight rebelled and really intended to pollute him, the desire for survival would make him wake up immediately and kill the Plague Knight.

It doesn't matter if he fails to be promoted this time. The box is still there. There are still second, third, and even countless chances. He always has the possibility.

It's better to be careful. Look, the backup plan came in handy.

However, the Plague Knight did not rebel. A Wayne got into the box, holding the Book of Greed and a face that Elohim could not understand.

He couldn't understand the form of Wayne's existence. The more he looked, the more confused he became. Even the other party's principles were unheard of before.

Who is the enemy, where is he from, and why do you want to fight me?

Yeloin was full of doubts, his brain was about to boil, but Wayne didn't give him a chance to ask questions. He launched attacks again and again, dyeing the starry sky that blocked him pale again and again.

Two huge figures passed over the sun, and the pale veins extended on the spot, dyeing the sun pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wave-particle duality that was originally emitted now turned into a distorted whisper, spreading at the speed of light, and assimilating everything inside and outside the space into paleness with the sound of the tentacles wriggling.

"Ancient God?!"

Yeloin was extremely shocked. He had an absolute desire for the ancient gods, and he also had absolute fear. No matter whether the enemy was an ancient god or not, he could not suppress the fear when it arose, and he fled across space.

He knew a shortcut that could escape the box at the fastest speed.

If the box was gone, it could be rebuilt, but if the life was gone, everything was gone.

From a distance, Yeloin saw the edge of the box. The next moment, his heart was hanging again. In the boundless starry sky, a group of irregular and chaotic pale veins climbed and wandered around the inner edge of the box.

Not only that, the whole box also turned pale at a very fast speed, just like an avalanche. At first, it was just a snowflake that collapsed, and finally the landslide could not be stopped.

There was no mistake, it was the ancient god!

However, this ancient god was still immature, as if he had lost his power.

Yelo was deeply shocked by his own guess. In the moment of being stunned, a large piece of white foam flowed out of the surrounding polluted space, spreading to his feet, climbing along his arms and limbs, and all the way to his brain.

A terrifying chill hit his heart, and Yeloin recalled the fear of being dominated by the ancient gods. He was willing to abandon these polluted bodies and remove the knowledge from his brain and throw it away.

These knowledge that he had longed for so much were like a burden at this moment, and he wished he could throw them all away so that he could run faster.

The more knowledge was thrown, the faster the box was polluted, and the more difficult it was for Yeloin to escape.

Suddenly, countless whispers fell from the sky.

He looked up stiffly, and his mind saw an incomprehensible picture in the dark depths of the box.

A huge eyeball was embedded in the void, as if it had grown out of thin air, without a foothold, and it seemed to be attached to everything.

Yeloin's eyes were spinning. After all, he was a madman who had been polluted by the ancient gods. After a short daze, he woke up, left his polluted body, and plunged his severely shrunken head into the inner wall of the box.

As the white foam attacked, Yeloin decisively abandoned the polluted part, and his body dived into the edge of the box, running wildly while throwing away part of his body.

Behind him, several tentacles swept over.

Once, Wayne was chased by the Famine Knight in this way. When William and Philomena in the inner world blew themselves up one after another, he successfully escaped back to the surface world.

The Elohim had given up everything a long time ago, and their other backup plan was unable to be reborn through heaven and hell because they overestimated the filial piety of a certain good man.

He couldn't sense the Holy Son he named, so he couldn't summon him to escape.

After stumbling along the way, Elohim, who degenerated into a human, broke out of the puzzle, escaped from the box, and came to a not-so-busy street.

Looking from a distance, one can see a towering iron tower, and in the corner where he stands, several mice are walking together.

Calling friends, walking around in a swaggering manner, reaching the extreme of arrogance.


When he came outside the box, Elohim saw the long-lost sunshine and couldn't help raising his hands and laughing loudly.

There were no onlookers, and the passers-by were at their limit. I had never seen such a scene before, but a naked drunkard...oh, the creak was quite white, I guess you are an outsider.

After laughing for a moment, the Elohim continued to run away. The box could not stop the ancient gods, and the earth could turn pale at any time. It would not be too late to laugh again when they reached the safe house.

On the back side of the moon, the spacecraft that he and Yelian used to arrive in the solar system was stored, and star maps of other universe empires were stored on it.

If he finds a way to create another box, he can still reach the highest realm of the ancient gods.

"Next time I see you, I will never be chased by you..."

Elohim said a harsh word and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already reached the back of the moon.

The spaceship was still there, so he boarded it without saying a word. After launching into the air, he jumped and shuttled several times, started the automatic flight mode, and planned the next stop before slumping down in the driver's seat.

"Why is there... an ancient god in the box?!"

Elohim frowned. It was not surprising that there were ancient gods. The box would always attract strange and powerful beings, but based on his knowledge of the ancient gods, the ancient gods appreciated any form of evolution and should not interrupt him.

Just as he was thinking about various possibilities, an alarm came from the spacecraft. Affected by unknown gravity, the spacecraft deviated from its course and automatically jumped to manual mode.

Elohim ignored the frantic warning and looked at the screen in front of him, his face full of confusion: "Didn't I already leave the box? Why did I come back..."


The camera zooms out, and the spacecraft is slowly traveling in the infinite universe. Directly in front, a huge eyeball opens, whispering and spreading, polluting the nearby planets or wandering asteroids into pale and corrupt shapes.

The spacecraft flew closer and closer, touching the iris of the huge one-eye, causing ripples in the water, and blending directly into it.



In the starry sky, the spaceship moved slowly.

Wayne sat in the cockpit, looked up at the starry sky and the universe, and looked down at his palms.

In the palm of his hand, a squirming pale mass was beating restlessly, stretching out a tentacle from time to time to interact with him.

The highest technological masterpiece of the Randall Empire - the Box of Wisdom!

In the box universe, the Elohim ran in front, and Wayne chased after him, picking up and eating along the way. Finally, he lost the Elohim and successfully lost his way.

Fortunately, the Elohim was thrown out enough, and Wayne's appetite was big enough, and he ate enough knowledge to dye the entire star system where the Box of Wisdom was located pale, and forcefully opened a crack to get outside the box.

In an instant, the sea was as wide as a fish could leap, and the sky was as high as a bird could fly. Countless knowledge gathered from all over the universe, infinitely raising the essence of Wayne's life. After breaking through the final limit, he slowly slowed down.

Ancient God! !

"After two and a half years of learning magic, you will be a god upon debut. This two and a half years is too valuable..."

Wayne muttered, looked at the star map recorded on the spacecraft, and was ready to go to the Star Empire to have some fun.

You are such an ancient god, so not giving out candy is a bit unjustifiable.

Moreover, as an approachable ancient god, he speaks in a calm tone when he speaks truth, so there will definitely be many people who can understand his reasoning.

"But first..."

Wayne turned the spacecraft and jumped back to the corner of the earth.

After becoming an Ancient God, he probably understood what the Book of Greed was like. There was only half of the book, only the cover and a few pages, and the rest did not travel with him.

In Jose's hands! !

To be precise, in Jose's computer! ! !

"To be fair, it's really unscientific that such a great existence as the Book of Greed could be written by two mortals."

"Even if the universe is full of information, 0 and 1 are still information, which is somewhat outrageous..."

In the apartment building, Wayne looked at the sealed door, shrugged, and walked into the house with a faint body.

"Jose, I'm coming in."

The room was empty, with a strong smell of disinfectant and burning protein.

In the corner, the wall was pitch black, probably on the iron frame of the desk. The computers and monitors with charred shells completely lost the possibility of repair.

On the floor in front of the desk, there is a human-shaped pattern outlined in white chalk. Judging from the posture, it seems that he is lying down and walking.


"You walk so sweetly!"

Wayne wailed, then changed his face for a second, raised his hand to touch the computer host, and after a moment, he looked like this.

"No, half of it was taken away by this kid..."

During the time when he just traveled back in time, Wayne ate potatoes during the day and potatoes at night, never leaving the potatoes, hoping that Jose would burn a few for him during the holidays, or that he would burn a few for Jose. Now it seems that no one needs to cook them anymore.

On the night when the Book of Greed was completed, it was rainy and windy, with thunder and lightning. Two aspiring young men celebrated over the phone, and then...

Crackling, clattering.

Wayne was burned, and Jose was burned too.

Wayne was unlucky and traveled to the God-chosen Continent in the box. He was in and out of the box for less than half a month.

As for Jose, Wayne estimated that he did not go far and traveled to a certain cosmic empire.

As the creators of the Book of Greed, both of them had a share of the book, so they split it in half and each took half away.

"Alas, I don't know how he is doing, whether he has been humiliated by the alien witch..."

"Damn it, Jose, don't be afraid, brother, I'm here to save you from the sea of ​​suffering."

Wayne's face was ferocious. When he thought of Jose's good life with half of the Book of Greed, he felt bad. This was his brother who had shared the joys and sorrows with him. Living in a mansion and driving a luxury car was nothing. All the benefits came to him.

The moment he turned around, Wayne stopped where he was and raised his hand to hold up the wisdom box that reversed pollution.

"Well, Jose or something, just a little anxious, in fact, we are not that familiar, let him wait."

Wayne smiled warmly: "I owe a lot of weddings and honeymoons, I will pay this debt first."

"Let me see who to bring out first..."


The whole book is over!

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