Restarting the myth

Chapter 61: There is only one truth

Wayne felt that he was in trouble!

He didn't know who the Death Knight was, but the titles in Yulia's newspaper were longer and longer, and he was obviously a big shot.

Big shots are often petty and have a strong possessiveness. He stole the other party's equipment and horse...

Wayne was not a big shot, so he couldn't guess the other party's mind, but he judged others by himself. If someone rode his beloved mare and whipped the horse, waving his sword while riding, and came to his door and shamelessly asked for help to practice skills...

It's definitely going to be a dead end!

Moreover, the Knight of the Goddess of Death.

Wayne clearly remembered that his contact with the magic world was inseparable from the followers of the Goddess of Death. Because of the mark left by the other party, three magic girls came to his door in the middle of the night.

He finally got rid of the curse, cleaned himself up and mixed into the legitimate church, how did he get involved with the Goddess of Death again?

What is this, looking for death, or suicide?

Wayne wanted to dismount, but Yulia refused. She was not just any undead warhorse. He drew his sword and climbed on her back. Wayne was destined to be her master.

"I'm afraid the Death Knight will come and misunderstand us..."

"It's okay. He has no brains."

"No matter how brainless he is, he still has brains..."

"No, he really has no brains. He lost his head."


Wayne was silent. He lost his sword, his horse, and even his head. The Death Knight was in such a mess.

He imagined the current situation of the Death Knight. Under the moonlight, the headless Skeleton A was groping forward with a guide stick. The cold wind blew through his lonely heart, silently calling for his mount. It was as sad as it was funny.

No wonder the Death Knight didn't find Yulia for so long. He was so careless that he even lost his head. It would be a miracle if he could find a horse.

Wayne pouted. To be fair, he didn't want to give up the power he had obtained.

Especially when wearing the vest of the Death Knight, when doing bad things at night, no, when doing chivalrous deeds at night, you can perfectly hide your identity, and you can achieve more than disadvantages with one stone.

The temptation is too great, Wayne can't let it go, so he decided to take it one step at a time and ride first!

"Yulia, you just mentioned the underground tomb, can you tell me more about this part?"

Wayne has heard a lot of urban legends about underground tombs. The most famous underground tomb is located in Frank Paris, which was transformed from an abandoned quarry. It is said that millions of people are buried there, and the bones are piled up into a mountain. When a pickaxe is dug, bones gurgle out.

There is also a legend of underground tombs in Lundan, which has only become popular in recent years. It originated from the night subway. According to witnesses, the subway was running as usual, and suddenly it drove into a tunnel with a mountain of bones.

The Lundan subway has always been a disaster area for urban legends, with all kinds of things, such as a late-night subway that goes directly to hell, transporting the souls of the dead, and there is no return.

It's very weird!

Wayne didn't understand. He rode his undead horse and walked his evil dog around the cemetery again and again.

Three skeletons gathered together, just like patrolling the territory.


"Why did the Death Knight's warhorse appear in Lendan? The underground tomb is located in Paris. His warhorse will never appear here..."

"There is only one truth. The Death Knight is in Lendan!"


Xifei slapped the table and glanced at the three priests at the conference table: "First, the Dark Knight rose, and then the Death Knight extended his claws to Lendan. I am deeply ashamed of your incompetence. Now, who can give me a reasonable explanation?"


The three priests, two men and one woman, all looked middle-aged people in their thirties to forties. They were silent when they heard the words.

The Church of Nature has been deeply rooted in the Kingdom of Windsor for many years. Because of its geographical location across the sea,

it has always attached great importance to the Windsor Division.

The Church of Nature established a sub-district headquarters in Lundan, stationed at the highest power center, with a high priest in charge of the overall situation and four priests assisting.

For hundreds of years, there was peace and tranquility until the Dark Knight appeared in Lundan!

The knights of the Dark Goddess walking in the world were powerful and repeatedly wiped out the strongholds of the Church of Nature. The Church of Nature organized several roundups and invited priests from the Sun and Moonlight churches during the period. As a result, they were outnumbered and looked very embarrassed.

In the most recent roundup, the Church of Nature dispatched all the elites in Windsor, and everyone gathered in Lundan, vowing to avenge the previous shame.

Hundreds of magicians failed to beat a dark knight, and the supreme leader, the high priest, was beaten half to death on the spot and almost lost his life on the battlefield.

The incompetent high priest was transferred back to the headquarters for recuperation. The darkness eroded his thinking consciousness, and he lost most of his life. It is still unclear whether he can be cured.

The power of the Windsor Division is firmly controlled by four priests. The airborne Xifei cannot issue orders, and the government orders cannot leave the office of the high priest, and has become a mascot with long breasts and legs.

The turning point is the Earth Center Church in Enroeld Town. To be precise, the turning point is the legendary wizard Marshall who calls himself the Lord of the Void.

Marshall is a legendary wizard of the Windsor Division of the Church of Nature. He has made great achievements in war and is well-known. Because of his outstanding achievements, contributions to the Kingdom of Windsor, and unparalleled influence, he was canonized as a noble by the royal family.

It can be said that Marshall made an indispensable contribution to the completion of the Windsor Division's Lundan headquarters.

Because of this, the Windsor Division has gathered a large number of Marshall's disciples.

Marshall has a disciple named Sidney, who is one of the four priests in the Windsor District and is also famous. If the teacher had not gone crazy and betrayed his faith, and the stain was too big to wash away, Sidney could have been promoted to high priest.

According to the above meaning, although Sidney's teacher was crazy and openly betrayed the goddess, causing an uproar, Sidney was a devout disciple of nature. The church recognized his faith and allowed him to continue to serve as a priest.

Sidney is not a child. He knows that such words are enough to listen to. His inability to become a high priest does not affect his exercise of the power of the high priest. Joining hands with three colleagues, holding on to power, and pretending to obey the new high priest Xifei.

Seeing that Xifei had no way to deal with it, Sidney secretly thought that this was a sure thing.

Not happy for two days, he was cheated by the teacher again.

The Geocentric Sacrifice Incident broke out in Enroard Town. Sidney was accused of being involved in the cult and was suspended and went home to stare at the owl.

Whether there is any specific involvement and whether Sidney provided protection for the Earth Center Church is still under investigation. It is inconvenient to disclose the matter because it is a big deal.

But Sidney's corruption, bribery and keeping a mistress have been thoroughly investigated, and the evidence is irrefutable.

In the power field, the truth is often not important. What is important is that Sidney stepped down.

Heaphy took the opportunity to regain some power, and received a congratulatory message and commendation from the headquarters for crushing the evil ambitions of the Earth Center Church, saving the townspeople and preserving the reputation of the church.

On that day, Heaphy took advantage of the situation to suppress the three priests and regained some power again.

She is a very capable woman. She cuts the Gordian knot quickly and uses the simplest and crudest personnel transfer to support a group of frustrated marginalized people in various executive departments, which makes the three priests breathless. They can only fight together.

Failure is a matter of time. The day Sidney lost power was doomed. The three of them either surrendered or were thoroughly investigated for their moral corruption.

For example, today, Xifei summoned three priests and asked them to explain their incompetence.

The Dark Knight is undoubtedly powerful. If they can't beat him, they can't beat him. The three priests can put the blame on the previous high priest. It's not that they are not good enough, but that the high priest's strategy is wrong.

But the Death Knight can't be blamed. What else can he do if he can't supervise well? Is he just eating?

The Church of Nature doesn't keep useless people. If it doesn't work, it will replace them with a group of people who can both eat and do things.

"I'll give you ten days to find the Death Knight's warhorse and the Shadow Nightmare..."

Xifei glanced at the three people and threw three thick file bags on the table with a snap: "After ten days, if you don't bring back the warhorse and the sword, I will contact the headquarters and handle everything impartially."

The three people were cold in their hearts. It hasn't been long since the vicious woman found evidence to frame them.

What's wrong with being greedy? After so many years of life and death for the church, isn't it okay to earn some hard-earned money to improve your life?

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