Restarting the myth

Chapter 81: Stop arguing

Seeing Wayne mention the contact code of the Free Mage Union, Planck was very surprised and asked where he got it from.

Faced with such a kind old man, Wayne did not hide anything and told the truth about the cause and effect.

"Before I met my teacher, I met a gentleman from the Free Mage Union. He said that I had amazing talent and it would be a pity not to learn magic. Then he explained the advanced theory of the Free Mage Union to me..."

"Respect but not loyalty, faith but not absolute..."

"We talked a lot, and he also gave me a Bible to read when I have nothing to do."

"He is a good man. When I asked him what his name was before leaving, he smiled and said nothing, then left, saying that he was going to pursue the door of truth."

Wayne recalled the past, sighed for a long time, and asked curiously: "Dean Planck, what is the door of truth?"

"This is a bit complicated, you will know it later."

Planck said it in passing, and did not popularize the door of truth to Wayne. Even if he was born a freak, it was too early to contact him now.

He was very happy that Wayne had been indoctrinated with the beliefs of the Free Mage Alliance early on, and then asked: "If that's the case, why do you have a teacher who is a disciple of nature?"


Wayne said with a serious face: "People should be grateful and repay kindness, and can't take it for granted. The teacher helped me when I was in the most difficult time, provided me with food and drink, taught me knowledge, and helped me solve many problems. I remember this kindness in my heart, and I am honored to be her student."

Planck nodded repeatedly. In this materialistic society, there are not many young people like Wayne who know how to be grateful.

Bad news: Young people are grateful, and it's hard to dig corners.

Good news: Young people are grateful and repay kindness. They saved him once tonight. Moral kidnapping can dig people over.

Planck smiled innocently and patted Wayne on the shoulder: "How about joining our Free Mage Alliance?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Dean. My teacher believes in the Goddess of Nature, and I also..."

"You can continue to believe in the Goddess of Nature. The Free Mage Alliance doesn't care about that."

Planck raised his eyebrows and saw that Wayne had already been tempted. He had to stick to the bottom line because of the favor, and tempted: "Guess how many registered believers our Free Mage Alliance has?"


"So, it doesn't affect you. It's your business who you want to believe in. The Free Mage Alliance will not interfere. On the contrary, we strongly encourage belief." Planck whispered: "The Church of Nature has suffered heavy losses recently, and we have recommended many people to convert to the Goddess of Nature!"

Seeing that Wayne was still silent, Planck did not let Wayne make a promise on the spot. It can be seen that instead of expecting Wayne to break the bottom line, it is better to let the teacher change his mind.

Planck knows this job very well. He has a complete set of procedures. He sent several letters to the other party in the name of the director of the Red Leaf Forest Lunatic Asylum. He first threatened the other party that his condition was serious, and then said that he could still save him if he took action. After several times of tossing and turning, the other party had to give him whatever he wanted.

Planck knew why the Lord of the Void wanted to get Wayne at all costs.

It is not shameful to say that he is the same as the Lord of the Void, and he also covets Wayne's body.

At the same time, Planck is sure that Wayne's teacher is the same as him and the Lord of the Void. Everyone covets Wayne's body.

Bah, shameless, after all, he is a disciple of the goddess of nature, and he is the same as the Lord of the Void!

Planck can be double-standard. Others covet Wayne's body with ill intentions and are mean, but he covets Wayne's body with an open mind and is noble.

"Wayne, what's your teacher's name?"

"As a student, it's not convenient for me to call the teacher's name directly. I can only tell you her position in the Natural Church. The dean can find out her name by checking."

"Oh, she has a position?" Planck smiled slightly. It's better to have a position. His process is most suitable for handling civil servants.

Hehe, lady, you don't want to lose your job because of mental problems!

"High priest of the Windsor branch of the Natural Church and the headquarters of Lundan."

"Ah this..."


Natural Church, headquarters of Lundan.

Xifei sat in front of the spacious desk and wrote her name on the document with a big stroke of the pen.

The appointment letter of the four priests of the headquarters of Lundan.

Some time ago, she attended a party in the cemetery and learned that the two priests Lawrence and Dana colluded with the Church of Death secretly, intending to subvert the church regime with the hands of the Death Knight.

The two priests' methods were too despicable, so despicable that Xifei blushed for them. They directly detained two prisoners and sent the documents back to the church headquarters, which euphemistically expressed the prisoners' wolfish ambitions.

After the headquarters went through the process, the two suspects were taken back to the headquarters for trial. Xifei received four appointment letters and signed new priests.

The former saint Flora occupied one position.

Flora's arrival stabilized the overall situation for Xifei. Whether Flora herself was willing or not, in the eyes of outsiders, she and Xifei were in the same boat.

At the same time, Flora's identity as the former saint was also very important, representing the headquarters' support for Xifei.

In exchange, Xifei handed a blank appointment letter to Flora, allowing the latter to choose a confidant as a priest.

Xifei retained the remaining two positions.

At this point, the Windsor branch of the Church of Nature completed the reshuffle, and the original four priests all stepped down and were replaced by Xifei and Flora's people.

In terms of strength, Xifei is a general among the dwarfs. The two new priests she selected are good at management, but their strength is far inferior to Flora.

With just a little effort from Flora, the two priests who had been sitting in the office for a long time would be like Priest Simon before him, who had to resign because of his poor performance on the front line.

And Flora is really smart. She arrived in Lundan one day in advance and located the coordinates of the Death Knight. She only needs to activate magic to explore the Death Knight's hiding place. She can oust the two priests at any time.

The reason why he hasn't taken action yet is to wait for the opportunity, an opportunity to drive Xiffy away in one fell swoop.

Furthermore, as a Frank, she was not welcomed in Lundan. A century-old friendship was not just talk, and her identity as a saint could not be concealed.

To reverse this disadvantage, Flora needs to establish a character, a character that is so powerful that everyone will subconsciously forget about a century-old friendship.

The idol route will definitely not work. A pure idol cannot support the box office. Moreover, as a former saint, she is a first-line idol of the Natural Church.

If the idol group wants to be fully recognized by the market, they must put aside their idol baggage, switch to a powerful group, and use their own strength to slap the little guys in the face and shut up.

Closer to home, Xifei and Flora are currently working closely together and jointly monopolize the upper-level power of the Lundan headquarters, which can be called the honeymoon period.

But at the grassroots level, both of them are currently at a loss as a large number of positions are vacant. No matter how unwilling they are, they have to appoint Sidney's group.

Heaphy made a promise to Wayne at noon and began to order the investigation of Joey Dobbin when he returned to the office. Due to the lengthy process, no definite information has been received yet. All he knew was that Joey had absconded in fear of crime and his home was empty.

Heaphy is ready to attack Sidney!

Ding bell bell~~~

The phone rang, and Xifei's heart skipped a beat. The situation had just improved, so don't let it take a sudden turn for the worse.

Heaphy prayed before picking up the phone.

"Hello, High Priest, I am Plank, the director of Hongyelin Lunatic Asylum."

"Dean Plank?"

Xifei was stunned for a moment, and then started to chat. She always wanted to visit this old man in the magic world in the lunatic asylum, but was too busy to make time.

"High Priest, I have brought you good news today."

"Please tell me."

"Sidney is crazy. He has always been in contact with the Lord of the Void..."

"Hey hey hey..."

"High Priest, I know you are happy, but it is difficult for us to continue the conversation when you keep laughing like this."

"No, no, Dean Plank was joking. I'm not happy at all. Sidney is a staunch believer. His contribution to the Lundan headquarters is unparalleled. I was saddened to hear the sad news about him. It's too late!" Xifei beat her chest, trying to calm herself down, but the corners of her damn mouth couldn't help but rise.

Good news, great news!

Sidney's forbearance, strength and power are the biggest stumbling blocks for the high priest to centralize power. Xifei has been worried about how to uproot the other party's power, and she even considers giving a good look to her asshole husband.

Unexpectedly, before she took action, the other party went crazy.

So crazy, so crazy!

Xifei was overjoyed and didn't know how to thank Gangplank!

"Dean Plank, how long will Sidney need treatment?"

Xifei held her breath. With the goddess on top, ten years is the best, five years is fine, she doesn’t choose.

"At least thirty years!"

"That's great, well, I mean it's such a shame, after all, Sidney is so...hehehehe."

On the other side of the phone, Plank said nothing, waiting for Xiffy to finish laughing.

Xifei laughed for a while and burst into tears. She realized that she had lost her composure and her image was almost irreparable. She decided to save her life and said solemnly: "Dean Plank, thank you for your timely notification and saving the Church of Nature from major losses." , to be honest, I don’t know how to thank you.”

She has to thank me!

Gangplank smiled modestly and said casually: "There is no need to thank you. If the high priest insists on thanking you, it would be simple. I have taken a fancy to a believer of the Church of Nature. He is still just a magician's apprentice. He is stupid. He doesn't look very smart. I plan to accept him as a student. I hope the high priest will let him go."

"It is his honor to be your student. Why should I make it happen? You just...wait a minute, what is the name of that magician apprentice?"



"High Priest?!"

"You old bastard, do you know what you are talking about? He is my student! I tell you as the high priest of the Church of Nature, it is impossible, it is impossible!"

Xifei yelled, knowing that she had been unlucky recently, how could there be any good news.

No, the legendary mage is coming to steal her students!


The camera turned and arrived at No. 13, Manor Street, West District.

On the sofa in the living room, Wayne was sitting upright, holding corn and wheat grains and playing with the white pigeons.

In the study next door, Heaphy and Planck were having a heated exchange of opinions, and from time to time a few famous quotes that started with "F" came out.

Wayne turned his head and looked around, then whispered: "Don't argue anymore. If you want to argue, go to the dance studio."


Xifei said with a straight face: "Dean Gangplank, I know you are a legendary mage. If Wayne can become your student, his future will be limitless."

"In that case, why doesn't the high priestess want to let go?"

"Because he has an unlimited future!"

"I admit this, but the High Priestess must also admit that I can teach Wayne everything you can, but you may not be able to teach Wayne everything I can." Unlike the strong-willed Sphy, Planck was much calmer.

It's so funny, the old man is so bold, do you have a daughter?

"What can the dean teach, the faith of the Free Mage Alliance?"

Sphy said with disdain: "Don't tell me your theory, I only know that most legendary mages are disciples with firm faith, you don't even have persistence, how far can you go on the road of magic?"

"Our persistence is to persist in freedom of belief!"


The two people's beliefs are poles apart, and they can't talk about the same thing at all. Even if Planck brought up the Life Alliance as an example, Sphy refuted it.

The internal learning of the Life Alliance is intended to make progress together, and the disciples will study life magic on the original basis. Life magic is closely related to nature, the sun, and the moonlight. It is the guidance of the three goddesses. It is different from the non-faith theory of the Free Mage Alliance. The two cannot be confused.

Plank knew that Sphy was adamant. He would be the same if he were in her place. Such an outstanding student would not be spared by anyone who came. He said, "Actually, Sidney's condition is not that bad. If I want, he can be discharged tomorrow. Moreover, only our Free Mage Alliance knows about his involvement with the Lord of the Void, and I am the only one who can testify at present."

"Why, Dean Plank wants to blackmail me?"

"Not really, it's just an exchange of interests between adults, well, that's all." Plank shrugged. How can adult matters be called blackmail? He would rather call it a compromise.

"Sidney is not worthy of being compared with Wayne. Dean, please let him out." Sphy was unwilling to compromise.

"Then there is no way, Madam High Priest, do you know how popular Wayne is?"

Plank stroked his white beard and laughed: "If I let the news out, not only the Heavenly Father Church, but also the allies of the Natural Church, the Sun and Moonlight Churches will steal people secretly. Wayne is still a young man, he can't grasp it, and can't withstand so many temptations."

Syphi's eyelids twitched wildly. This was the situation she was most worried about, and she could get Wayne by digging into the corners of the Moonlight Church.

"But as long as I keep it a secret, Wayne's talent is only known to you and me, Madam High Priest, why don't you cooperate once?" Plank made a promise. He is the director of the Red Leaf Forest Lunatic Asylum and has the right to operate many matters. Syphi had better give him a face.

Syphi was of course unwilling, and said coldly: "With Wayne's talent, he can become the son of the Natural Church after a little training. To be honest, I am planning this matter. If you are really for his good, let go now and leave."

There is such a good thing!

Plank's eyes lit up, and he was even more reluctant to let go.

It is true that the Free Mage Alliance has obtained a large amount of faith magic because they believe in everything, but in the final analysis, the major churches are not fools, and they have kept many profound faith magics.

It can be that they don't show it, pretending that it doesn't exist, or they can leave a formula backdoor when exchanging.

Planck knows this but has no way to deal with it. However, if Wayne can become the Son of the Church of Nature, he can use his identity to access the top faith magic.

If he is a little bolder, under his operation, Wayne will become the Son of several churches, and the Chosen Continent will usher in an unprecedented free mage.


Planck imagined the future and couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Madam High Priestess, you are right. For Wayne's good and for his future, I should let go. Take him away. I swear to God that I will never harass him again."


Speak clearly, which God is it!

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