Restarting the myth

Chapter 88 Invitation Letter

Mr. Landau can live without you, but I can't!

Every word was so deafening that Fla's heartbeat quickened. When he thought of Megan beside Auston, he felt mixed emotions. ☞♦  ♦♦

When he was about to say something, the doorbell rang and the guests had arrived outside the manor.

"Don't worry about it. I don't care. As I said, time will prove everything."

Wayne smiled and asked Fla to get into work mode. It was the first time for the new home to receive guests, and there were three ladies. They must maintain elegant etiquette.

Fla nodded, bowed slightly and left.

"This is my first confession. Please don't dump me..."

Looking at Fla's back, Wayne whispered, and Auston's face appeared in his mind. He labeled him as a villain.

Wayne felt that he was cheated. Auston had always been the victim, but he didn't expect that today the identities were reversed and the victim turned into a yellow-haired man.

The pure love god of war was pressed by the minotaur step by step. At this moment, he came to the edge of the cliff. There was a deep abyss behind him, and he could not retreat.

"No, Fla is the steward of the Landau family. He came here first. I cheated on him."

Wayne changed his mind and suddenly realized that the pure love warrior standing on the edge of the cliff was not him, but Auston.

The minotaur god of war with a battle axe in his hand was him!

"So I'm not the pure love god of war..."

Wayne secretly said that it was bad luck. Although, life is like this. People often live the most annoying life.

"There is a guest named Landau among the guests tonight. The son pays for the father's debt. It's you. I'll give you two more glasses tonight to get back some interest first."


In front of the house, a black car stopped and three beautiful girls with youthful looks got off.

Two blondes and one platinum, let's just say they are three yellow-haired.

Willie looked up at Wayne's new home, holding her chest and said sadly: "Veronica, tell me the truth, he can live in such a nice house, did you spend money to support him?"


Veronica turned her head to look aside, it was not her who supported Wayne, but her mother.

"Damn, the guy who could only eat potatoes a few months ago suddenly became a rich man, I'm so sad!" Willie was heartbroken and vowed to turn grief into appetite, try to eat Wayne into a pauper in one night, and then move back to the downtrodden detective agency.

If you can't get poor by eating once, then eat more meals, and she will come every day in the future.

Anyway, the gym is not far from here, and it takes 20 minutes to get there by bike.

Chris smiled and looked at the two of them, her smile was somewhat lost. From Veronica, she learned that Wayne had joined the Church of Nature.

Moreover, Wayne's teacher is the new high priest, Veronica's mother.

Obviously she came first, she was the first to discover Wayne's talent, and the first to teach Wayne how to use magic.

Chris regretted it very much. If it weren't for something that happened more than three months ago, Wayne should have believed in the Moonlight Goddess like her.

Goddess, where can I find a time machine?

"Three distinguished guests, welcome to your arrival."

Wayne put on a custom-made black suit and came to the door with a dignified look. When he saw the three beautiful girls, he opened his arms and waited for a long-awaited hug.

Veronica looked contemptuous. What was she thinking? How could there be a hug?

"Ah, Wayne."

Willy rushed out with a brisk step, hit Wayne's chest hard, and gave him a very intimate hug.

Wayne was knocked back a step, and took Willy to pick her up and turned around. Willy, who had uncursed her height, was less than 1.7 meters tall, and her personality was very compatible, making the two of them look like a couple in the same frame.

Wayne put Willy down, turned to look at Chris, and opened his arms to prepare for another time.

Thanks to Willy for the assist, otherwise he would at most kiss her fingernails.

"Me too?"

Chris looked at Wayne in surprise, and when he nodded repeatedly, she smiled and gave him a hug.

She was very gentle, and her character was much more ladylike than Willy. The hug was not intimate, but she had a good sense of proportion, neither distant nor overly intimate.


Veronica mercilessly revealed someone's true face, and when she saw Wayne looking at her, she snorted coldly.

Willie was an exception, and Chris was embarrassed by her feelings. There were reasons for the two hugs. If she didn't, Wayne would never get her hug.

"Veronica, you are here too, the gift is great, I like it very much."

Wayne nodded and greeted, and the gentleman took the fingertips of the two beautiful girls and invited them into his home.

"When I was in Enrode Town, I found a new way to cook delicious food. I wonder if you like it."

"Is it delicious?"

"Very delicious."

"Then I like it."

Veronica: "..."

Why is there no hug when it comes to her?

Shouldn't she have sternly refused Wayne's request for a hug? Why did she just leave?

What does that mean? Do you look down on her?

Veronica gritted her teeth and followed behind Wayne. It's fine if she didn't give him a chance to refuse the hug, but he even deliberately didn't hold her hand. This bastard is getting more and more hateful.

At the table, the host and the guests sat down. There was no complicated serving process for hot pot. The combination of meat and vegetables depended on personal preference.

Because the base was too greasy and the guests were three girls, Fla prepared another clear soup pot and arranged a small dining table with fruits.

When counting the family property, Fla found a secret compartment in the basement, which contained several bundles of cash, three boxes of jewelry and diamonds, and two boxes of gold.

The secret compartment did not exist on the legal bill, and Fla did not say or ask, and directly included it in Wayne's personal property, and made a financial list for the owner to sign.

Sidney's property must be more than this little money. Fla guessed that there were surprises elsewhere in the manor, and told Wayne this guess.

Wayne transferred the property, leaving only cash for the butler to manage daily expenses. He would leave the surprises to Abin, who was an expert in digging holes.

Back to the table, the three girls were not very interested in the rolling red pot, nor did they show a strong interest in the clear soup pot.

At least they were not as addicted as Wayne imagined, and they ate until they were full.

It has nothing to do with taste, it's just a simple eating habit.

The four of them ate and talked, and Wayne apologized to Chris for not being in Lundan some time ago and missing her birthday party.

Birthday parties are trivial matters, the problem is that you believe in the goddess of nature.

When Chris thought of this, she couldn't be happy, pretending to be indifferent, and congratulated Wayne on finding an excellent teacher.

"By the way, Veronica told me before that you have prepared a lot of teaching materials. It just so happens that I am still in the introductory stage of magic. Can you continue to guide me?" Wayne looked sincere.

"Yes, but does your teacher have any objections?"

"The teacher is very busy. I have been studying on my own. If you can help, it would be great."


A precise and pertinent comment was inserted into the conversation, but it did not affect Chris's reply. She once promised Wayne that she would tutor him in the basics of magic.

"Wayne, look here."

Willy took a banana from the small dining table, peeled it and ate it horizontally. Wayne did not understand, and Veronica and Chris at the same table were also puzzled.

"Is there anything particular about this way of eating?" Wayne asked curiously.

"I read it in the book. This is the way ladies eat." Willy said proudly.

You are worthy of it. It still tastes the same!

Wayne's mouth twitched. After Willy's guidance, he immediately understood the deep meaning.

Girl, I tell you dirty jokes to see your shy and cute look, not to let you tell a more dirty one.

And I haven't started yet!

Veronica and Chris are still full of questions. Seeing Willie winking and Wayne lowering his head to eat, they are even more curious.

Stop guessing, tell me quickly!

Veronica even picked up the banana and ate it sideways, trying to crack the mystery.

Chris thought for a moment, suddenly realized, pulled Veronica's sleeve, and whispered the reason.

Stop eating, you look like a fool!

Veronica's face flushed, and she angrily stuck the banana on the plate. Willie was very experienced, and seeing the situation was not good, she decisively ran away.

Unfortunately, she was defeated in the living room and was pressed on the sofa by Veronica.

"Wrong, wrong, Wayne, come and save me, my arm is about to break!"

"Hmph, no one can save you today, will you dare to do it next time?"

"I will dare to do it next time."



This is what a normal girl would do when she meets a dragon-blooded girl.

Wayne looked at Willy in amazement, who was proficient in 108 ways to make Veronica mad. With her around, Wayne didn't even have to say anything, and there was endless fun to watch just sitting there.


Living room.

Fla put down the black tea and left. As a professional butler, he knew when he should show up and when he shouldn't.

On the two sofas, Veronica and Willy got along well, and Wayne and Chris picked up the black tea at the same time, blowing in the same motion. This time, they looked more like a couple than a couple.

Opposite them were two naughty kids.

Wayne took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet. He was happy tonight and asked if anyone wanted a drink for adults.


Except for Willy who was willing to show up, the other two refused.

Wayne shrugged and put the red wine back into the wine cabinet. In fact, he didn't like drinking very much. It was just that the atmosphere was right and he felt that there was an opportunity.

Without the help of alcohol, the two reserved programs that Wayne was looking forward to were not very popular. There was no explosion throughout the whole process. After playing for two hours, he didn't take off a single piece of clothing.


"It's really interesting!"

It was ten o'clock in the evening. Willy, who had been losing all the time, was still enjoying it. Chris looked at the time. It was very late. She should go back to the school dormitory.

Veronica, who had been winning, was also ready to say goodbye. Willy was not very happy and wanted to continue. It would be best if she could play until twelve o'clock.

"But, school will be back in a while..."

"It doesn't matter. I plan to stay here tonight. Chris, just stay with me." Willy hugged the senior's arm and begged.

Chris couldn't resist the soft and hard persuasion, and looked at Wayne awkwardly. The latter nodded seriously: "Willie is right. It's not safe to walk at night. I will ask the housekeeper to clean up the two guest rooms immediately. These two rooms will be reserved for you in the future. Remember to bring some daily necessities next time you come."

"Wayne is great."

No, no, I have to thank you for your help!



We agreed to come together and leave together, why did you change your mind?

Also, didn't anyone ask her if she was willing to stay tonight?

"Veronica, are you going home tonight? It's this late. If you don't go back, at least call home." Wayne took the initiative to speak.

"Humph, pervert!"

Veronica rolled her eyes at Wayne: "Where is the phone?"

"In the study."

Wayne stood up and led the three beautiful girls around the big house: "I guess you will come here often in the future. I will show you the way. Although it is deserted here, there is one advantage. There is no preaching from the elders. It doesn't matter if you run around barefoot in pajamas in the corridor."

"Great, I will move my family here tomorrow." Willy was overjoyed.

"Well, I'm afraid that won't work..."

Wayne's eyelids jumped. It was not that he couldn't do it, but that the gays didn't want to.

If Willy really moved here, this family would fall apart the next day, physically falling apart.


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No words were spoken that night, and the wind and waves were calm.

The maid drove the three beautiful girls away, and then went to the commercial street to move. When she came back in the afternoon, she brought Wayne a black invitation.

The wax on the back was printed with the seal of the White Glove Association.

Wayne opened the invitation envelope, which contained a document, a check, and a boat ticket.

[Dear Mr. Wayne, we have received your application for membership]

[We are very honored to inform you that you have passed the approval. You are now a member of our White Glove Detective Association. The membership level is not yet available...]

Wayne read it line by line. The meaning of the letter is very simple. Although he has passed the approval, he has not passed the review. The White Glove Association can revoke his membership at any time.

Without the certification of the association, detectives will miss a lot of benefits. The most intuitive point is that it is difficult to receive high-quality commissions from dignitaries.

In short, the income has dropped sharply.

If you want to receive good commissions, you have to improve your membership level. The White Glove Association does not charge money, and there is no window for recharging and upgrading members. The only way to improve the level is to complete the commission.

The letter arranged a commission for Wayne, the location is Longxin Island in the North Sea, the client is the family of a local tycoon, and the truth of the tycoon's accidental death is investigated.

Wayne can refuse, and sending the ticket and check back will be regarded as automatic waiver. After receiving the letter, the White Glove Association will also revoke his membership.

But if Wayne is willing to take a boat to Dragon Heart Island, after successfully completing the commission, not only will his membership level be upgraded, but he will also receive a balance in the form of a check.

"It looks so mysterious. This White Glove Association is probably not simple."

Wayne became interested and picked up the check. The amount of 20,000 Constitutional Orders really surprised him. The advance payment was so exaggerated, so the balance would be sky-high.

Wayne became more interested.

20,000 Constitutional Orders was secondary. Sidney's legacy was enough to make him free for a long time, plus the stockings that were about to be launched, it was more than enough to have three boats under his feet.

The key lies in the membership level of the White Glove Association. Wayne was curious and excited. If he was promoted to the highest level, what kind of commissions could he receive.

Wayne was somewhat tempted, and out of caution, he asked the omnipotent butler.

"Fla, do you know Dragon Heart Island?"

"It is an island located in the North Sea, with a very developed fishery, a suitable climate, and beautiful scenery. There is a primitive jungle waiting to be planned, and it is said that tourism is being developed." Fla did not disappoint Wayne and knew a little about everything.

"Is it safe?"

"There will be storms in winter, like the roar of a dragon."

"Do you know the White Glove Association?"

"I know a little bit. It is an officially recognized organization, and sometimes it is commissioned by intelligence agencies to conduct investigations."

"Oh, can you tell me more about this? What kind of investigations do intelligence agencies usually commission?"

"Generally speaking, the commissions of intelligence agencies are related to foreign spies."


Wayne's mouth twitched. He felt a little guilty recently and couldn't stand the word spy.

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