Restarting the myth

Chapter 98 The Master's Mission

The hot wind swept through the shadowless spores, and green light that was imperceptible to the naked eye scattered in all directions.

Marina turned and left, waving for everyone to shoot.

Scattered gunshots rang out, and more were screams of terror. Marina's heart skipped a beat, and she turned around with her submachine gun in hand.

She was so heavy that her feet seemed to be stuck in a swamp. She turned around forcefully and lost her balance, falling directly to the ground.

Marina looked at the fungi surging on her body in horror. They were pale and slender, the surface of the umbrella was mixed with gray and white, the back of the umbrella had clear lines, and the color was as dark as thick ink.

The ground was covered with vines at some point, and they spread very quickly. They instantly wrapped around the bodies of the soldiers, binding them to the spot and unable to move.

On their skin exposed to the air, white umbrellas sprouted from their hair follicles, covering their ears and eyes, and covering their mouths and noses.

The realm of vigorous vitality and all things competing suddenly appeared, draining away their life, and each of them dropped their arms weakly, until their whole bodies were completely submerged in white.

He is a magician!

Marina raised her hand to pull the trigger and pull Wayne to his back. She lost sight of the other person's figure, and mushrooms grew, opening her mouth and nose and coming out. Before she had time to struggle, she was overcome by intense exhaustion. Lost consciousness.

Wayne stood in the corner and shook his head silently. Although he knew that this would happen sooner or later, as an outsider, he preferred that the Bart family kill each other.

At least his death was worth something.

After dealing with a group of ambushes, Wayne continued to move forward. He waved his hand to push away a piece of spores, and learned to use plants to expand his field of vision without any teacher.

Wayne had not formally studied the magic of the Natural Church, and developed several sets of formulas on his own based on the descriptions in the books.

The formula is not complicated and you can easily solve the problem and derive the answer.

This is for Wayne. With the help of the Book of Greed, he can easily perform magic linked to faith. If it were another magician, the problem-solving formula would undoubtedly be much more complicated.

In the center of the corridor extending in all directions, the hot environment is like a fire, and the red walls flicker on and off, like a silently beating heart.

If the complex rock mass is the heart, then the extending cave channels are the blood vessels.

After countless years of silence, the flesh and blood turned into solid stone, and the blood settled in it. Only the hot vitality remained unquenched.

The deepest part of the rock mass represents the position of the ventricle of the heart. Complex magic arrays are stacked one on top of another, with each layer ten centimeters apart, stacking a total of nine meters.

The magic array is like a funnel from top to bottom. The uppermost magic array draws fire-colored air waves. The bright red lines penetrate the layers of magic arrays and descend, precipitating the purest golden juice.

Reshape Dragon Blood!

The middle-aged man guarding the magic circle was wearing a black robe. He made a deal with the devil and not only regained his youth, but also obtained the magic power of blood.

Myron Bart.

But at this moment, Mr. Bart has nothing to do with the word youth. His hair is gray and his body is like a dead tree. The hot environment has roasted him into a mummy. His bulging eyeballs are dim and have no pupils, making it difficult to believe that he is still alive. .

The reason why he has not yet died is because of the power exchanged from the devil.

The green and black blood vessels in the body of the dead tree squirmed, and earthworms burrowed under the skin, making him feel extremely painful and uneasy, but it also relieved the heat that was burning his soul.

All I can say is that it hurts and makes me happy.

Bart regretted it very much at this time. He had indeed gained his youth. The devil did not break the promise, but the devil did not say that he would sacrifice all his youth!

The devil sells nothing but regret medicine. At this point, Bart can only go to the dark side and pray that the devil can fulfill his final promise.

Fragmented footsteps came.

Bart turned his head to look with difficulty, his eyelids cut through his dry eyes, and he saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition, led by his daughter Heidi.

Heidi was so hot that she threw away her coat and wore only a white shirt. She looked at the complex magic circle, her eyes flashed with greed, and then she looked at the black-robed magician sitting there.

"Father, I finally found you."

"Heidi, you shouldn't be here..."

Bart said hoarsely: "As you can see, this is the end of a deal with the devil. It's not that I don't want to share it with you, but the family needs someone to inherit it. You are the most outstanding successor of this generation. Leave and be a good businessman." , don’t set foot in the world of magic.”

"I'm afraid this won't work!"

Heidi's face showed enthusiasm, and she raised her hand to brush her belly: "The faith of blood has intercourse with me in my dream. Give me the dragon's blood, and I will give birth to a child of God, and the family will usher in unprecedented prosperity."

Bart was silent and didn't know how to deal with it. He tried to stop his daughter, but unfortunately, the other party still came over.

Making a deal with the devil is like betting.

Everyone knows that this is wrong. Happiness is only temporary. If you continue, you will only hurt yourself. It is too late to stop now, but no one can refuse the short-term temptation. Happiness lasts for one second.

Afterwards, they will fall into immense self-blame and regret.

Take Bart, for example, who longed for youth and gave the devil an opportunity. After the transaction, he learned all of the devil's plans and tried his best to push his daughter to safety.

It's not that he loves this daughter very much. It's just that his two sons are too useless. In order for the family to pass on, he must do this.

"It turns out that this is the answer to the mystery. An old father who regrets his deal with the devil, a daughter who is getting deeper and deeper into trouble, and an evil god who wants to come to the world."

A voice interrupted the father and daughter.

Kerr panted and walked into the ventricle from another corridor, unbuttoned his shirt, and complained about the bad environment.

The soldiers pointed their guns at Kerr, and as Heidi gave the order, the sound of bullets continued.

After a round of bullets were fired, Kerr stood on the spot unscathed. He shook his increasingly transparent arm and disappeared with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, another Kerr came out, smiled and said to everyone: "Stop shooting. In such a hot environment, exploding the barrel will only hurt yourselves."

"I didn't ambush you..."

Heidi's face was livid, her eyes were filled with blood, and after a low growl, she tore open the white shirt on her chest.

No round shape was exposed, green scales were attached to her chest, and her whole body swelled up, turning into a large crocodile walking on two legs.

In a way, this is also a dragon.

After the demonization, Heidi was over three meters tall. She was covered in scales and her limbs were strong. She grabbed a soldier with her sharp claws and bit off a piece with her open mouth.

The remaining soldiers did not respond at all, as if they were hypnotized, loading their submachine guns.

Kerr's expression was solemn: "Look at your ugly appearance. The evil god of hell also has aesthetics. He will not give you a chance to give birth to an evil spirit. He will only take over your body. Be sober. It's not too late to let go now."

Heidi roared angrily, and was greatly stimulated by the truth. She waved the bloody wave with her sharp claws and slammed into Kerr.

Kerr deflected the phantom, teasing Heidi, who only knew how to use brute force, like a bullfight. At the same time, he did not forget to uncover the scars and rub salt into it, mocking Heidi's wishful thinking.

Many beauties, like Heidi, think that their beauty and wisdom can win the favor of the devil, but they don't know that the devil never lacks beautiful lovers.

"Does the succubus know that she is a real beauty?"

As he talked, Kerr couldn't go on. The evil god who complained about hell had also been brainwashed by public aesthetics.

The hell of secularization will end sooner or later!


Heidi roared angrily, grabbed each soldier, chewed and swallowed them, her eyes turned deep red, so rich that she shed tears of blood.

After a heartbeat that accelerated wildly, the boss began his second transformation.

The three-meter-tall crocodile has reduced to two meters, with slender limbs and graceful figure. Although part of the body is still covered with scales, most of it has returned to delicate and white skin.

Especially the face, Heidi changed back to her original human face, with red eyes stained with blood and tears, exuding a coquettish and evil charm.

Kerr didn't know why, and Heidi's strength was a bit unexpected, and he began to believe that the devil was not just playing around this time.

He just didn't understand. Heidi had been transformed by blood faith to be extremely powerful. She had obviously found her father's hiding place and had the ability to enter alone. Why did she have to let two outside magicians do it for her.

Is there anything else to say about the entrance?

Or is this the master's task?

A strong wind roared in, and Kerr had no time to think and deflected the phantom to avoid it.

At this moment, strong heart palpitations came, and the blood in the blood vessels flowed back uncontrollably.

Severe pain swept through his body, as if a steel needle was inserted into the back of his head. Kerr's eyes were dazzled, and he was knocked away and slammed into the wall, and his whole body was directly embedded in it.

The blood dyed the white shirt red, Kerr gritted his teeth and did not faint, the holy halo bloomed, repairing the injured internal organs and bones.

The red blood shadow rushed toward him, and he got out of the way in panic. He then moved the old lady to get under the bed, and landed on her butt, grinning from the fall.

Heidi pulled out her right arm that was inserted into the rock wall. It was as slender and white as a normal person, and her red nails were slender as if she had done a manicure.

She glared at Kerr fiercely, her thoughts collided, she broke through the opponent's mental defense, and controlled the blood to flow backwards again.


Kerr was pressed against the stone wall, his neck was clasped tightly by slender hands, and he completely lost his fighting ability.

Heidi looked down at Kerr, stretched out her left hand to pull open his white shirt, and threw the cross pendant aside: "Magic, your blood smells very tempting."

She whispered against Kerr's cheek, flirting with her tongue and licking the blood.

Kerr's eyes twitched, and he calmed down for a moment before saying, "Don't be like this, you are the devil's mistress. If he sees it, he will misunderstand that you are cheating."

Heidi was stunned for a moment, turned Kerr's head to the side, aimed at the neck and took a hot mouthful.

At this moment, Kerr raised his hands flat, forming the shape of a cross. The strong holy light was released. The strength of the light overwhelmed the magic array. It was condensed and then released in the form of a holy spear, and it easily penetrated Heidi's chest. .

The palm-sized hole obliterated the sternum, spine, and heart, instantly withering Heidi's breath of life. She fell limply to the ground, and her body transformed back into a human appearance.

"Ha ha----"

Kerr panted heavily and stood supporting the wall. The holy light traveled around him, repairing his scarred body bit by bit.

"Blood magic is still so tricky. Are those old guys right..."

"Human beings have limits."

Two minutes later, Kerr shook his groggy head and barely recovered 80% of his combat strength. He turned to look at Myron Bart, who had been sitting motionless: "Mr. Bart, if I guess correctly, my client It was you, not your son Hayden, who gave him a nice dream."

"Yes, I very much regret making a deal with the devil. My body is gradually losing control of myself, and so is my family. The deal with the devil has made family members dream about the devil, especially outstanding family members..."

Bart sadly looked at Heidi's body and continued: "I hope you can stop me. The devil is awakening in my body. I can feel that he has arrived at Dragon Heart Island."

Kerr's eyes narrowed suddenly, thinking of the mural of the evil god coming to the world, and his little heart beat faster and faster uncontrollably.

He took a breath and tried to suppress his chaotic heartbeat, but soon discovered that his heart was out of control and beating faster and faster.

Kerr fell to his knees clutching his heart.

On the other side, Bart's haggard body stood up, his eyes were blood red, and with a slight flick of his fingertips, he lit the golden ray at the bottom of the magic circle in front of him.

"Human beings lack faith too much. They clearly signed a contract and swore not to go back on it, but they always try their best to find loopholes. Unlike us, we respect the sacred contract and only act within the rules." Bart put the golden dragon's blood into his mouth , close your eyes and enjoy the strengthening of your physical body.

To be precise, his mind was replaced by the evil god of hell, and he was no longer Bart.

Just like human beings are duplicitous towards the devil, the devil doesn't trust humans very much. Regarding the big plan to come to the world, the devil chooses to do it himself.

For now, the Evil God of Hell has been 80% successful.

After entering the golden blood, Bart's withered body quickly became fuller, golden lines traveled under his skin, and a bloody streak suddenly appeared on his cheek.

"It's still too weak. This body can't carry more of my thoughts, nor can I control the dragon's blood..."

The Evil God looked at Kerr intently. The Silver Mage might be average, but he was definitely much stronger than Bart physically. As a means of transportation, he could support him in returning to Bart Manor.

There, there is a perfect body of the Holy Spirit that can carry most of his thoughts.

Then his power will be more fully unleashed!

Speaking of power, the evil god couldn't help but think of the Death Knight. He wondered why there were two Death Knights, and hoped that the next time they met, the impostor would still maintain a tough attitude and not get weak due to a casual scare.


The sound of footsteps came, and the evil god looked intently, and a black-haired magician appeared in front of him.

Small role!

With a thought, the evil god controlled the reverse flow of blood and waited for the magician to die from a heart explosion.

But it didn't happen. The evil god gradually couldn't sense the opponent's blood, and his hollow body was like an undead, with no flesh and blood.

"The disciples of Death are in some trouble..."

The evil god held his five fingers and pulled out a blood-red crystal sword from Heidi's body: "The disgusting breath of death, kneel down, in the mercy of God..."


There was a gunshot and the bullet hit the evil god's eye socket, interrupting his arrogant speech.

Wayne's eyes flashed with gray mist, and his whole body was filled with the eternal tranquility of death. He held the pistol and pulled the trigger while walking forward.

The evil god was beaten and rolled all over the ground.

After Wayne got close to the Evil God, the bullets in his pistol had been exhausted. The Evil God raised his head with a ferocious smile, and his punches quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.


There was a muffled sound of skull cracking, and half of the evil god's head was smashed into pieces.

Silent roars resounded in all directions, and numerous blood shadows flickered. However, this was the God's Chosen Continent, not his territory. He could not do anything with his mind.

Wayne shook his head and waved his fists, continuously inflicting heavy wounds on the body of the evil god. He felt that the devil in hell was very wet, and it was a million miles away from the Lord of the Void.

Kerr struggled to open his eyes and saw Wayne pressing down the evil god Fatty, muttering something in his mouth, and drawing a simple magic circle on the ground with the blood on his body.

"Don't let him leave, he found a way to come to the world..."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and fainted.

The holy magic circle spread out forcefully, severely damaging the blood shadows, forcing the evil god's mind to return to his host body.

Wayne punched down and smashed a piece of blood crystal.

A bloody vortex condensed not far away, and the evil god reorganized his half-human, half-crystal body. A sword of blood condensed in his hand, and his ferocious face was full of resentment.

The script shouldn't be like this!

Well written, that’s what a script should be!

Wayne's face was solemn, he took out his other fist and stabbed it in place.

The Evil God roared angrily, swung his long sword and struck straight down. After five moves, Wayne grabbed the gap and threw him to the ground.

Wayne threw painful punches one after another. His forehand was weak, his backhand was not precise, his steps were loose, and his reactions were slow. Such a weak god would not be polite today.

Kill him while he's sick!

With the fist raised, death comes like a shadow...

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