Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1024: The gap between reality and delusion

I have a bad feeling. There is a piece of information that does not match my memory in the past. The environment around me is more real than what I have experienced in the past, making it difficult for me to determine whether this is a fantasy-although rationally speaking, here It should be the illusion of the repeater structure, but the strong sense of reality is difficult to be convinced by reason. For a sober person, what does it depend on to judge the true or false of his situation? Is it memory? Feeling? Or is it a change that violates the continuity of the previous second?

When a voice told me that I really stayed in the toilet and smoked at the last moment, and the situation like the repeater was just an illusion throughout the daze process, then, how should I be sure that the illusion is true, And what happened at this moment is fantasy?

"A delusional experience ..." I subconsciously recalled Zuo Jiang's ability. Although I haven't tried the effect of that ability, the current situation is very similar to the effect of the ability as the name suggests. So, which of the toilets on this campus and the toilets in the building at the last moment is my delusion?

That extremely strong sense of reality made me unable to determine whether my current situation was a repeater attack. If the thinking is dissipated from this, the mysterious expert in the 51st district who seems to have lost his soul may be in my current state.

With the emergence of memory, the memory of a big adventure is becoming less real, probably because it is too contrary to common sense, and compared to the life represented by the old toilet on this campus, it is full of dreams. Right. I was a long, long time ago ... no. Because the memory is clear, so. It didn't seem that long. About a year ago, I stayed in this school as an ordinary top student.

Before hearing the weird talk about the toilet, everything here is normal and simple. There is no anomaly, no mystery, no dead parties and dead enemies. There are no dramatic provocations and counterattacks, no demons and no monsters. My body is also very ordinary high school student quality, without suffering from any malignant diseases, naturally, "jiang" does not exist.

I can't feel the existence of "jiang", nor can I call "quark", and I don't have the physical strength to exercise. There is no extraordinary talent and unusual mysterious power. The chain decision disappeared, and the super-sweep superpower no longer exists. In my memory, any ability and other things to prove that I am a mysterious expert have disappeared, and the only thing left is knowledge and experience, but. This kind of knowledge and experience is extremely ridiculous compared to the memory of ordinary life emerging in my mind at this moment.

just like--

I had a relatively realistic dream. After waking up, I left a pile of residue.

Very contradictory feeling. I was a little anxious.

I opened the doors of each compartment one by one, and finally confirmed. At this time, only me was in the old toilet. Soon, a boy ’s voice came from the door. A group of students were approaching here. Instinct prompted me to go back to the compartment and close the door. A voice was telling me that they came here to smoke, but the tacit understanding here was “ Try not to meet different people. "

So, I hide, this instinct is as strong as the fighting instinct, and there is no need to think at all. When the sound enters the toilet, they push the door separately. If someone is in the compartment, they will naturally lock back, and the latter will find the next one. If the person is full, they can only complain about bad luck and leave quickly, but in fact, During my time in this school, this old toilet was never full.

Therefore, these new boys quickly occupied their respective sites, and I heard the sound of their door lock and opened the door to go out. I don't know why. I subconsciously took my steps lightly, and even came to the door of a boy's compartment to stop. I was a little hesitant, and I didn't know what I was hesitating. Although people who smoke here observe the principle of not interfering with others, it is not entirely true to say that no one knows my identity. It is because of this friendship that it is natural to take an advantage in dealing with issues related to these students. of. However, this does not mean that I can freely break the rules here. When I stopped, the boy behind the door stopped talking. He seemed nervous, so I quickly left here.

I think all of this is extremely weird and extremely abnormal. If this is an illusion, how can we see through this illusion and leave it? Especially when everything is full of "reality", even this sense of reality and the memory in my mind make me have to wonder, which toilet was the last one I walked into?

Is it a toilet full of weird talk?

Is it a repeater trap toilet?

Or is it just a plain toilet?

First, I tell myself, as I told myself when I first went to the so-called "reality"-the most important thing is to know what I am doing and what I am going to do. I must find some evidence to prove that I am in an illusion of ideology. Regardless of the strong sense of reality in my current environment, the ideological world is less logical than the physical world. If here is a "cage" constructed by the repeater with my consciousness as the core in order to imprison my consciousness, then once I cannot find the flaws in it, the cognition will be imperceptibly imprisoned, and the imprisonment will be even more imprisoned. Powerful, and considering the ability of the repeater, this possibility is very high, which is extremely bad.

The sense of realism here is too strong, and with the involuntary questioning and answering in my mind, almost every moment is eroding my thoughts. The source of this voice is also logical. It makes me think that this is actually a self-protection mechanism. In order not to let yourself be confused between truth and delusion, it is something everyone must have.

I know very well that I have been subconsciously wondering whether everything in the Doomsday Illusion and the Hospital is just my own delusion.

I am destined to do nothing except observation today. As a habit of ordinary students, I am recovering in my body, and as a habit of a warrior, because of the decline of ability. Also began to become dull. Let me not really think that I am an ordinary student, at this moment. Only lies in the observation and analysis of the self-this is a set of self-cognition methods developed based on the experience of doomsday illusion One of the core.

Yes, first of all, I have to survive.

I walked back to the classroom following the memories of my student days, and found nothing abnormal along the way. Fresh and bright student atmosphere is everywhere in the field of vision. Neat school uniforms, active students, noisy corridors, only three or two people in the classroom are chatting. As soon as I entered my class classroom, the strong sense of life came to my mind again, as if I was not here after many years, but ten minutes ago. Sitting here, this is a daily brand, unconsciously, has already penetrated the body's taste.

Then, I recovered, and now it is time for school. Classmates will disperse in the next 20 minutes, leaving only the health duty team and students who are used to completing the day's work at school. I do n’t have anything, the student council has no job to explain, this time, I should have been home. After going to the old toilet to smoke, he will leave the school. Instead of going back to the classroom.

"Forgot to bring something?" Asked at the same table across the foot, as if asking "have you eaten"? However, this makes me feel a bit unnatural. However, I couldn't find any reason to prove that he was abnormal, not me. Under this ordinary and daily greeting, I think I am the one who is not right.

I didn't answer for a while, he didn't pay attention, just looked at me in a blink of an eye. I seemed to wake up all of a sudden and said, "Ah, yes, something ..." I flipped over my desk and schoolbag aimlessly, today's coursework is in sight, the course within a week, and the teacher and student will explain The task is also very detailed in my mind, and almost naturally comes up without much rummaging.

It's too realistic, too real, too ordinary and ordinary. When it's normal, I can't help but feel that the illusion of doomsday is delusion, and it's a superfluous thing to think about in leisure.

It's just that it's not easy for me now to accept this ordinary daily life. I kind of think that this is the conflict between reality and fantasy, simplicity and splendor. I shook my head vigorously, so at the same table I looked at me strangely again and asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Ah, fortunately, it's just a little sleepy." I replied subconsciously.

"That's really rare." He said casually at the same table, and then buried his head to continue the question.

"Right." I remembered that the toilet talk was first learned from his mouth. "Do you remember the talk about the old toilet in the school?"

"What strange talk?" He was a little surprised, his expression did not seem to be false, I believe his observations, he really did not know. However, he should have known, no, he should and must know! Following my thoughts boiling at this moment, I lowered my voice and said, "It's the strange talk about the old toilet. I remember you told me that there were several missing people in that place and I haven't been able to find it so far."

"Ah, did I say that?" Said at the same table in amazement: "I didn't say, where did you hear it from? If someone really disappeared in that place, it would definitely spread to the whole school." He said Here, looking around, as if to say something secret, said to me: "You are from the student union, don't you know? There is a place where poor students gather to smoke, and the information is well informed. The teacher actually knows the situation in that place, I heard that the school intends to take it down. There are new toilets anyway. "

It ’s also a rumor about the old toilet, but it ’s completely different from what I remembered, but if you think about it carefully, you feel that what you said at the same table at this time is more logical and more reasonable-this is based on this The world does not have any logic and organization on the premise of anomalies and mysteries.

Because the new toilet was built, the old toilet was abandoned, and it became a place where poor students gathered to smoke. The school could not know anything about this situation, so it was finally decided to dismantle the old toilet. This is a natural development. I rubbed my temples and only heard the same table saying, "Hey, are you okay? Your face is ugly. If it's really uncomfortable, would you like me to take you home?"

"It's okay." I smiled reluctantly and got up and said, "I'll go back first."

"Did you come to study at night? Should I ask you for a leave?" The same table asked again.

"No, just go back and lie down." I said. While stepping out of the classroom, I greeted a few passing students.

"Gao Chuan. The squad leader said he would adjust his position at night," they said.

"Eight scenes said?" I froze, asked. Yes, the Eight Scenes, an existence that should have been very important to me.

"Yeah, I heard that your position is going to move forward. She didn't notify you? Just one of you wants to move forward." The informed student said.

I remembered it, indeed, Bajing was still the monitor. No, it should be said that she had always been the monitor, but she was not a member of the student union. She told me about adjusting seats during the afternoon class. This is the decision of the class teacher, and it is also a common practice in the school. It is conducted once a month, mainly to improve the effect of mutual learning. And avoid premature love.

Unlike the memories in the doomsday illusion, in this school life with a strong and ordinary atmosphere of life, the high school and me and the eight scenes are not very familiar with each other, and we can't talk about good friends, just normal student exchanges. Far from the deep entangled relationship in the illusion of doomsday. Compared with the eight scenes of the relationship between ordinary classmates, the eight scenes that have a close relationship with my life are just like the characters that exist in my delusions.

I was a little distracted, but before I looked and looked further. Any judgment is wrong. I adjusted my mood and deliberately passed by Sakuya's class. He paused and looked inside. Misaki is not inside, but her position is very clear. I don't know what I think at this time. In this case, I really want to see her or not.

I stepped on the shadow of the sunset, looking for a clear memory on the way home. From the perspective of Doomsday Illusion, I have been away from this place for a long time, but when I think of Doomsday Illusion as delusion, I ca n’t give birth Miss, because, this is the road I have to step on almost every day. The surrounding scenery is so natural and everyday, just like when humans use their hands and feet, they never think about how the hands and feet move. The familiarity brought by the scenery here is also subtle in my heart, and I never need to think about it. , Why does it look like this.

In order to find evidence of truth and delusion, I specially made a long journey around the familiar, yet full-sighted flyover. I always did n’t want to look back. I always felt that Sakuya would be like that in the illusion of doomsday. In general, appeared inadvertently. However, she didn't show up, and there was nothing worth paying attention to along the way. Every detail was full of realism, and it couldn't make me think it was a fake made by the repeater based on my consciousness. The wind, clouds, sunlight, and concrete pavement here smell, because the air is not ideal because of industrialization, the sound and exhaust of cars passing by, and the conversation and involvement of people on the road are full of real existence. sense.

If you take all this as an illusion, maybe you will be treated as a lunatic by others. I know very well that I cannot do this, and I cannot treat everything here as a grand illusion, even if I am Such an understanding of idealistic philosophy cannot achieve the degree of "close your eyes and the whole world does not exist". However, I can't admit that this is the truth, and the adventure in the illusion of doomsday is just my wishful thinking, and myself, it is just a child immersed in the delusion of Zhong Er, almost caught in the fire, even Everything I have experienced is so cruel, as if there is always a giant net, weaving the lives of all people finely, even if the struggles of me and others are only part of the net.

In the illusion of apocalypse, my outlook on life, values ​​and world outlook began to grow, form, and fix. The cruel world made me try to think about fate, understand others, try to take my responsibility, in blood and fire, in battle In the life between the battle and the battle, taste the tranquility and safety. That is the worst world. I have always tried to change it, and there are also a group of like-minded people with different roads, who will come with me to face the result of success or failure. Now, I return to a comparison Everything in the past must be in the real world-although there is not enough observation, but the existing feeling has made me realize that this world may really be an ordinary and peaceful world, and it is probably me Fighting against those people, fighting against the end, and the world that you want to restore in the end-such a world, such a calm and daily life, should be better compared to the illusion of the end, but why do I think in my heart What kind of beauty is the life near **** step by step in the illusion of doomsday?

That is the worst world, and ... the best world? I walked on the way home, and walked a long way, looking at the city under the sunset, unable to calm the throb in my heart, but it was difficult to deny the contradiction in my heart.

I clearly know that no matter how peaceful the human world is, there will be darkness in the corners, but I ca n’t deny that the darkness of that level is also very good compared to the cruelty of the illusion of the end, at least ... Eight Scenes, Saki Ye, Marceau, Seise, Dorothy and ... Zhenjiang will be able to live a bland and everyday life in this world. Yes, compared to being a patient with doomsday syndrome, if you can get such a normal life, it is really too happy.

If they really exist in this world, then, whether it is illusion or reality, I want to meet them, confirm their existence, and then confirm my own existence. Regardless of whether the illusion of the end of the world is real or delusional, my responsibility in it will not change because of the changes in the world, unless, I am no longer Gaochuan.

Yes, that's what I think. As Gao Chuan, I have to find out what I have to do. It is actually a very honorable and fortunate thing to be able to give, struggle, and fight against all irresistible malice for the person you love. Because, too many people have already died without such an opportunity.

People are always dying.

Therefore, the only meaning of being alive is the way to death, and how to die is the meaning of the life that is bound to perish.

I really want to see what kind of life I love them in this beautiful and real world. Even in this world, they and I may no longer have the intersection points in the illusion of doomsday.

I walked into the park, left the stone road, and walked into the remote path that also existed in the illusion of doomsday. The place I am going to has special meaning to my life. In the illusion of doomsday, I found quark there, a crow pecking at the eyes of the dead-its existence must be special, and it has different meanings in different worlds, just as it is in the reality of hospitals, It's just my self-examination of human nature. So, does it exist in this truly incomparable world and does it have a different meaning?

I did n’t find it. I stood under the big tree. The darkness here came faster than outside. The afterglow of the setting sun had no power to penetrate this leafy forest. There are also a group of children playing on the flat ground without any signs of being excavated. In the illusion of doom, the crow quark was encountered when I was a child. At that time, a murder occurred in this place.

However, I asked the children that they showed enthusiasm for not knowing it. For them, the murder case is a very fresh and exciting story. I have carefully observed that this place has no signs of the events at that time-maybe the traces have been completely covered with the passage of time, but it may also happen that it never happened ~ ~ go back Too. Brother, we are going back. "The children said to me that they ran out of the forest with a smile before they answered me.

Yes, go home, I have to go home.

Perhaps, quark has been adopted by me at home, waiting to eat raw beef.

The darkness of the woods did not bring me any stimulation, and the abnormal associations that might occur. It was only dark, without any unique stimulation. Even when the street lights were on, the scenes of shadows and shadows could not make me "Something terrible is hiding in it and will jump out at any time". The intuition I cultivated in the illusion of doomsday has no effect at all. It seems that it does not exist, just because there is no need to exist.

In this world, there is no anomaly and mystery, so no power, instinct and experience are needed to fight against anomalies and mystery. In this sense, the end of the illusion is just a pile of delusions. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile users, please read.) (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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