Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1034: Ask for directions

As always, in all of my home talks with Dr. Ruan Li, I accounted for two-thirds. Even in the ordinary daily life, Dr. Ruan Li could speak out the flowers. Psychotherapy was involved in just three sentences. Words during surgery. However, I can't bear any resistance at all. The reason is naturally quite complicated. I just need to be sure that I don't hate such daily conversations.

After dinner, Dr. Ruan Li returned to the study room to continue working. I also went back to my bedroom to prepare for the evening self-study. However, this evening, for the first time, I stuffed my brain into the schoolbag for the first time. Although Dr. Ruan Li disliked my self-made weapons and disguise, but after that day, she did not confiscate these things, just not allowed me to dress like that and sway in front of her eyes. In this case, it is feasible to bring these equipments outside. In the past, it was not necessary to do so, because the world is normal, but since the doomsday agents have appeared, it is not clear which outsiders have invaded in secret, then it is necessary Keep fighting at any time.

Moreover, I also plan to tour the entire city during this time to see if weird and mysterious changes can be observed and partly resolved in advance. After Carmen left, I thought about every point of his words again. Although he maintained a secret attitude in many places, the part revealed from him only made me think that Carmen they contain this The restraining power of the world is not simply to facilitate your own actions.

For example, suppression can have an effect on weirdness and mystery. It can also be regarded as a movement of suppression. In the absence of weirdness and mystery, suppression is like the ocean and sea that surrounds the world. At this time, waves will appear in this sea. By interpreting this law of movement, we will find a way to penetrate the core of the repeater. It should also be one of their purposes.

There is no flaw in a world of stagnant water, so it must be operated more intensely. I think this is the real purpose of breaking the peace in this world.

The repeater is transformed from the special temporary data hedge space "Night of Valpus". Its strength is everywhere, and it is a huge mysterious field. Its core spiritual integration device. Hidden deeply in it, whether it is the ruins of Las Vegas on the surface or the upside-down city on the inside, or a deeper ideological world, can be regarded as objects of doubt before there is a definite clue. Under this premise, if there is a "channel" that leads directly to the location of the spiritual integration device. That should not be a specific clue, otherwise this hidden way is too obvious. If it means that in this "channel", it is easier to find the clue, that is, the clue of the clue, then the use of destruction to make the real clue emerge, should be the most concise and clear means. Of course, doing so will inevitably lead to a stronger counterattack of the repeater. It is just that, without taking risks, but wanting to reap, such a thing has never happened in the mysterious world.

I can roughly predict what will happen next in this world: after the intruder has destroyed the restraint of mystery to a certain extent, the mystery that can be used is here to cover the clouds. Hu stirs up the mess and makes the world as chaotic as possible. At the same time, the counterattack of counterattacks is waited for, and the counterattacks of the world are observed to determine a certain manifestation of "singularity" and "core" Like that, the most representative of the power of a repeater-it may be tangible. Or it may be invisible-then, capture and parse it. The world's entry into the doomsday track is just a side effect of this practice.

This approach does not guarantee that it will succeed. However, because there is no clue, any ideas must be tried. This is true for people like Carmen who try to fish in muddy water.

The purpose of our coming to Las Vegas is to capture or destroy the core of the Las Vegas repeater, but it is useless to confirm the target, no matter how many things are done and how many enemies are killed. Now that the world presents a specificity that can suppress mystery, then being observed, invaded, chaotic, and going to the end is the inevitable ending-unless all intruders are killed here, I think Probably the core idea of ​​this defense system.

The problem is, I do n’t think that this kind of defensive system of mysterious restraint can eliminate all intruders before they find a clue. Not to mention the team and those of Carmen, the "Jiang" with me is already beyond the existence of the repeater in various senses. Even though "Jiang" was subject to various restrictions and could not reflect its own will and power in the first place, both Carmen and I were already here, and there was a Jiang who didn't know which corner of the world There are many chips used.

In addition, there is one thing I care about very much. According to my guess about "Jiang" and "Virus", the two are one and two sides, based on the different appearances produced by the observer's observation of it, then, now that I have separated from Jinjiang, I have not found another Jiang in this world, Even, the existence of "Jiang" can only be felt from the nightmare. In this case, the "virus" should be particularly active. What will happen to the situation in the illusion of apocalypse because of the activity of the "virus"? I do n’t know, but I can be sure that there will be no good things.

The final weapon of the doomsday truth may have been dispatched. I thought about it. I took a mask out of the drawer and it was exactly the same one I wore in the original Doomsday Illusion, with the face of Harlequin painted on it. I once decided not to wear it, and use my truest side to meet all kinds of shocks. However, I was hesitating at this time. The signs of this weird and mysterious appearance have appeared, but the effect has not yet been materialized. Now, the fighting power of this ordinary body is still too weak, and the result has been fully reflected in the battle with Carmen. Ordinary people are much stronger, but there is no room to fight back against Carmen-but if you become a murderer, it will be no problem, even if you use the same body, the combat power of the killer Gaochuan ’s fighting consciousness increases, It's far from what top student Gao Chuan can match. Later, the reason for taking off the mask included its own mentality. But one of the reasons why the gap between the killer ghost Takagawa consciousness and the top student Takagawa consciousness was smoothed out is the manifestation of the power of the third-level magic pattern and the power of "Jiang".

The power brought by the third-level Mageweave, and the power that "Jiang" often erupts at critical moments, no longer have the problem of combat awareness and control. However, in this world, even if an intruder is destroying the suppression of mystery, it is impossible to let the highest strength of weirdness and mystery. Reach the level of Doomsday Illusion.

The physical quality of ordinary people, not so high-end mysterious power, it is impossible to eliminate the difference in combat qualities between killing ghost Gaochuan and top student Gaochuan.

It's just that the murderer Gao Chuan is very strong, but for me at this time, there are some mental barriers to going. After so many events. Even if my psychology is not mature, it is very different from myself when I just got mysterious power in the past. The killer Gaochuan was a special product for the first time when we realized weirdness and mystery. I think it was a manifestation of my immaturity, but it is also undeniable that I was more free than the wind. It is more fierce than the beasts of the flood, and has unparalleled intuition and decisiveness for fighting.

When I searched my room for the first time after I came to this world, I saw this mask lying quietly in the desk drawer. The position of the mask was not conspicuous, but it was obviously carefully arranged and important. Collection. It seems to be telling me something, but. I ignored it. Now, it still seems to be telling me something, I picked it up, and after thinking twice, I tried to put it on.

From the perspective of one's own feelings, there is no strong difference such as "transformation", it seems that the way of thinking and the state of consciousness. It's still no different in peace, but when I turned to the dressing mirror behind me and saw myself wearing a harlequin mask. The familiar, extremely intense impact immediately poured into my heart. I in the mirror, with a different kind of breath, the eyes hidden behind the holes in the mask are clear and cold.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Gao Chuan." It was clearly said from my mouth, but it was like Gao Chuan in the mirror, greeting me.

I did n’t answer. I was talking to myself, but I felt that once I answered, I would be completely transformed into myself in the mirror. After a while, I took off the harlequin mask and stuffed it into the schoolbag with the equipment.

Sure enough, this power must still be used. Because, in this world, there are also the people I love, Bajing, Misaki and they ... Doctor Ruan Li. In order to protect them, even if I don't want to, I still need his power, the power of the murderous ghost Takakawa.

"Leave, man." I said to the crow in the oil painting on the wall before going out. Although quark is just a painting here, in my heart, it is still a life leaping deep in the heart.

Dr. Ruan Li stayed in the study room after dinner, with few exceptions. The study was very quiet, I shouted outside the door, and she left the house in her simple response as always.

On the way to school, I deliberately passed by the park and the overpass. The atmosphere of the street seemed a little different, but it seemed to be no different from usual, but the news brought by Carmen made me extremely sensitive. Along the way, I saw black cats squatting on the wall, flocks of flying birds, and dogs running silently. No matter what they were doing, they made me feel that they were staring at me until I was so confused. Wake up in a state. Then, because of all the normal worlds, I felt that it was just a neurotic illusion-in fact, I am not sure whether it was an illusion, but there is no evidence to prove that it happened.

The black cat trot on the wall and disappeared around the corner. The birds fell down and pecked on the roof. The domestic dog made a big gasp and ran forward with the owner. Everything was so natural and harmonious.

I also saw the words on the billboards, the flashes of lamps and lanterns, the words in people's conversations, and even the shadows that seemed indistinguishable from the past. I just felt that there was also an unknown atmosphere in them. The peaceful world seems to be suddenly enveloped in huge maliciousness at a certain moment, but at the next moment, it returns to its original appearance.

No one except me has noticed this. In other words, someone else will definitely think it is their own problem, but I feel that this is a sign that weirdness and mystery are trying to get rid of inhibitory interference and appear in this world. It is now like an illusion in a trance, but it will inevitably become more and more profound, more and more obvious, and more and more persistent.

The evidence is: Carmen, when leaving, can already use the mysterious power.

This strong sign accompanied me all the way until I entered the school and it still did not disappear. The atmosphere in the class was not affected. Everyone is doing their own thing. Although the eight scenes are lying on the table and writing something, they are obviously not homework exercises. Since I talked to Bajing about the whisperer, out of my deliberate avoidance, our relationship has not made any progress, even if she is sitting beside me, one third of the day. Spent together. Bajing does not interfere with my life, and I do not interfere with her life. These days, we are like two parallel lines close together.

It ’s just that it ’s different today, I think. Eight scenes will be involved in mysterious events again because of the whisperer, just like in the illusion of doomsday. The reason is actually very simple. The whisperer is too active. This is an organization looking for excitement in the ordinary. Once the weird and mysterious existence spreads out, it is inevitable for the whisperer to get into it. And the eight scenes-maybe it will become a prophet again? Only this point, before it becomes a fact, I can't tell. After all, the prophet also bears an important and unique meaning in the various mysteries of the illusion of doomsday. And this world, although it seems to intersect with the end of the illusion and the reality of the hospital, but it cannot be simply thought that the world will be in the end of the illusion. Or the reality of the hospital is exactly the same.

Since Bajing and her whisperer will be involved in the change anyway, then I don't have to keep avoiding it.

"Eight scenes." I stopped her during class. "How is the whisperer?"

The expression on Bajing's face suddenly became alive, and she looked at me with a profound eye: "Are you going to join? Gao Chuan."

I nodded and said bluntly: "I have something for you to help."

"No problem, as long as you can join the whisperer. Everything is easy to say." Bajing replied without hesitation: "Your fame and position in the student union are needed by the whisperer. Of course, if you refuse to provide these resources If there is no need to join. "

The eight scenes are straightforward. The exchange of interests is indeed necessary, and I have never expected that Bajing and her whisperers will help me unconditionally. In this world, my relationship with her is not so close, even in the illusion of doomsday. My true friendship with her started only after the whisperer was overthrown. With the opening of the grand mysterious curtain, it gradually became closer, especially the encounter in the hospital, which made me understand that She has a deeper relationship-if you don't have these, I am afraid that she and I will go to separate things after graduation. At this moment, she and I are just classmates.

But now, my emotions towards her are beyond her understanding. If it is possible, I hope I can look at her so far away so that she will not wake up in a nightmare. However, this world, after all, will not be as I wish. I was sad. Bajing seemed to perceive something. He was a little surprised, frowned slightly, and looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"Do you want to chase me?" Before I spoke, Bajing asked with a strong attitude.

Her mind is really sensitive, but although we have a relationship that only I understand, my love for her is by no means what she thought. Who I want to save is actually a very subjective and stubborn idea. This kind of idea is actually unfair to her without knowing it. Even so, I have never changed my mind. In this world where everything seems to start again, everything I see is not exactly the same as everything she sees, so it is not surprising that she will give birth to such an idea.

Her question is indeed not easy to answer. Bajing's emotional problems are different from those of ordinary girls. I have to consider the words. However, before I answered, she said this by herself: "Look closely, Gao Chuan, you are really pretty good, and your personality and my appetite, in terms of ability, are also outstanding stocks. It seems that I did not refuse. Reason-Yes, I can be your girlfriend, and I will be your wife in the future. Although it is still a few years before the legal age for marriage, I have confidence in seeing men and educating men. " Then, she stared at me with a searing gaze that looked at the delicious snacks. From head to toe, she didn't seem to let her pores pass. This aggressive look was never seen when she was with others.

Sure enough, this is not what ordinary female high school students, especially good students praised by teachers and students, what a good class leader would say.

"I--" I hadn't had time to say anything, and was interrupted by her again: "The conditions have changed."

"What?" I failed to react.

"I think you seem a bit regretful." Bajing didn't give me time to speak and said bluntly: "But I have decided that if you refuse to associate with me and refuse to marry me, you will not be allowed to join the whisperer, I wo n’t help you with what you want to do. What do you think? "

I was simply caught off-guard, and the eight scenes were pressing hard, but things that I had never experienced in the past, but it made me think that she was such a character, put in the illusion of doomsday, if Our encounter, as in this world, will surely evolve into this state. I suddenly felt like I was playing a text adventure game. The different action options at the beginning of the game decided which heroine was the first to develop a relationship with me. In the illusion of apocalypse, my actions made me encounter Fu Jiang first, followed by Misaki and Bajing, and in this world, my first choice was to erroneously lay in Bajing.

I can't talk about the mood at this time, but it is definitely not something like regret and remorse, and there is no luck or joy. The biggest ingredient is probably shock. Although it was clearly felt afterwards that such a development was taken for granted, it was still not possible to cover up the kind of shock in my heart when I experienced it myself.

"Humph, it seems that I'm right again." There is a penetrating power in Ba Jing's eyes, "How? Gao Chuan, but a good business in front of you, as long as you enter my house, you can get a smart and capable person. , The beautiful black long straight beauty, any hard setbacks will disappear, and tonight will be able to get rid of the virgin identity, will always be envied by the FFF group envy and jealousy. But, if you refuse ... "she smiled somberly Although the pressure is low in order to prevent the sound from spreading out, it is extremely creepy.

"Is this kind of relationship developing too fast?" I was once overwhelmed by her ambition. The experience that had been **** and rainy had never been a white man who did not understand the relationship between men and women. However, such knowledge and experience, Facing the current eight scenes ~ ~ doesn't work at all. Her neatness and aggressive advancement, in a sense, made me feel that my understanding of her was extremely one-sided, but there was no sense of disobedience. I have n’t encountered such a strong woman in the past. I ca n’t help but think of Fujiang. However, although there are similarities between the two in some respects, there are still essential differences in temperament and mode of action.

It's just that these flashes in my mind don't help the present embarrassment at all.

"Quick? What's fast? I hate procrastinators the most." Bajing didn't care. "It's totally unnecessary to talk about feelings or something. It's just hormones fermenting. You don't think that those who love love Is the whole person sour? Since it ’s appropriate to take it off, this is the right reason. As for worrying about the lack of feelings, and regretting breaking up in the future, it ’s really shitless. The real mistake lies in the unknown person at the beginning-"She Pausing here, staring at me with that kind of creepy eyes, said: "I am confident in my own eyes on men. Gao Chuan you are a pervert who values ​​responsibility more than emotion!"

"Change, pervert?" I think she was talking more and more, just like the unthinkable idea of ​​silting up the weekdays to play a good student, a brain is released here. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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