Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1038: Exclusion

Misaki's voice was very wrong. I looked at Bajing and her expression became serious. Although the sound from the phone has been distorted, the hesitation and jitter of the sound are particularly obvious. Sakuya was very nervous. Something had happened, and it was probably in the house, otherwise, it would not be so sensitive to outsiders. However, since she can still talk back, how much can prove that her situation is not too bad at this time.

"I am Gao Chuan in the next class, a cadre of the student union, and there is also a Bajing classmate next to you, who is the squad leader of your next class." I answered seriously, "The student union has some important things to inform you, you can let us Go up? Classmate Sakuya. "

"Study, student union?" Miyaki was a little surprised, and the tension in her voice seemed to be diminished. She asked cautiously, "What will the student do with me? I'm just an ordinary student, and it's so late, I can arrive tomorrow Speak again at school? "

"Sorry, I should have informed you when I was studying late, but some things were delayed. We just stopped by. If I can, I hope to talk about it." I said an apology indifferently first, then Strongly said: "If you don't want us to come to your house, you can come down and we will find a pavilion nearby. It is just now that we will study shortly next night and tell the family that it is the student union, shouldn't we have problems? We Just downstairs, you can see us from above. "I said this, beckoning Bajing to stand beside the flower bed outside the stairs. Bajing ran to it quickly. There was a street lamp there. Although it was bright, it was because she was besides her. There is no second figure, but there is a strange sense of emptyness.

Misaki did not speak. I listened carefully to the voice from the phone. After I proposed it, she ran away without hesitation for too long. I think she has looked down from the window again, so I said, "Did you see it? The girl standing under the street lamp is Bajing Classmate." While looking at Bajing. Bajing was looking out, waving her hand vigorously as if she had seen Misaki Ye, but the fact should be that she could not tell the figure staying in the high-rise building at all.

Soon, Sakuya's voice came from the phone again: "I saw it. This will open the door for you."

"Thank you." I said, thinking, Misaki night in this world is also slightly different from her in Doomsday Illusion, especially in character, cautious and decisive, but it seems that Misaki in the Doomsday Illusion is the same period of weakness Quite a lot. During these days. Although I didn't make contact with Sakuya, I observed her secretly. In this world, Miyoshi has a cheerful personality, versatility, and good relationships. She can't talk about loneliness and cowardice at all. Her best friend is still Morino. But it was not simply taken care of by Morino. No matter in the illusion of apocalypse or in this world, Miyake ’s family situation is very good, but to be crowned with the title of "Miss Qianjin", Miyake in this world is obviously more in line, whether it is in family, literacy, personality or family education on.

Such Sakuya is undoubtedly a bit strange, and this strange feeling is placed on an object that should have been familiar for a long time, and it doesn't seem to be pleasant to me. At the bottom of my heart, the most reassuring Sakuya The impression of still stays in the illusion of doomsday, even so. Compared to Doom's Illusion and the night in the hospital realm, I prefer her to be the world from beginning to end-that means at least that her life so far is happy.

Cheerful, with many friends, no worry about money and future. Under the protection of their parents, they can do whatever they want without having to be locked in their lives by the most basic survival needs. She can travel, play music, look at the sea, lie on the soft and comfortable bed in the sound of the piano, without the need to invest her life and money into the strange and dangerous mysterious events.

Whenever I imagine that Miyake is living so beautifully, I can't help but have a smile of understanding. However, the appearance of Carmen has broken my speculation. Now, Misaki's performance has increased my suspicions.

What happened to her? After the safety door at the stairwell opened, I hurried in without hesitation. Bajing said in her ear: "She shouldn't have an accident, just be prepared for outsiders. Maybe, she feels that she will be threatened by outsiders."

"The question is, why did the problematic outsider find her?" My question may only be answered by Misaki himself.

We came to the door of Sakuya's house in one breath. Sakuya clearly put us up, but the door was still locked. I rang the doorbell, and someone approached immediately, but did not open the door. I saw the peeping cat's eyes The light was covered up, so he asked, "Sakuya? We are Gaochuan and Bajing."

The sound immediately came from the door. Because of the sound insulation, it looked dull and weak: "I know, but I'm sorry, I can't open the door."

"What do you mean?" Bajing raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It means literally." Saya should be able to see the expressions of the eight scenes clearly, but she didn't get out of hand. She put it in the illusion of doomsday, but she didn't have enough energy to speak. "I don't know why, the door cannot open . "

Bajing glanced at me stunnedly and repeated: "You mean, you can't open the door if you stay inside? Was it locked inside?"

"No, it's not like that!" Sakuya's tone hurried, "I'm pretty sure that there is no problem with the door lock, but, I don't know why, I just can't open the door, it's like ... it's like ..." she thought for a moment. , Described as: "It's as if the door and the space are tightly glued together."

For other people, it will definitely show a ridiculous expression. It feels that Miyake ’s head is faulty, and the situation that the door and space are tightly glued together is indeed not "realistic" at all. However, Ba Jing showed a thoughtful expression, pushing the door hard, and the door was not moving. There was no noise caused by the slight workmanship, so her face gradually appeared an incredible look, and then he kicked hard. At the foot of the door, the sound from the door panel is very strong, but there is a material that is not conducive to the sharp degeneration of the sound waves.

"Really motionless, Achuan, this is definitely not the case where ordinary doors are locked." Bajing said: "This kind of anti-theft door is worth thousands of dollars on the market and is well-made, but it has not reached the point where there is no gap. Use The sound insulation material does not make such a sound. This feeling ... I saw it for the first time. "Bajing said with surprise:" It seems to really stick to the space. "

"Great, classmate Bajing, do you believe my words?" Sakuya seemed extremely happy, and made me feel a little strange. Because, as far as the eight scenes are concerned, Miyake ’s emotions seem to be too high, and the tension she showed before appeared again in my mind.

"Sakuya, have you called others to help?" I asked.

"... I have paid it." Sakuya was silent behind the door. I just said: "But no one responded. No, I couldn't tell what it was like. The phone was clearly connected, but there was no sound on the opposite side. I repeated many times and it was like this. Everyone walked away after answering the phone. I ... I was scared. Why did this happen? I did n’t understand it at all. My parents were not at home for several days, so I was the only one. What could I do? I ’ve tried it, but it ’s useless. I ca n’t get out, and I ca n’t find anyone else! ”

"What's the situation? Do you mean that you didn't even go to the evening self-study?" Bajing quickly asked.

"Well. After I came home from school in the afternoon, I unknowingly became such a situation." Miyake's mood stabilized a bit, and said: "I don't know when the specific time occurred, I was planning During the self-study last night, I found that the door could not be opened, not only the door, but also all the windows, it seemed to be stuck to the space. I could not find anyone on the phone, I tried to be at home. Noisy. But neither the neighbors nor the people outside, there was no movement ... I think ... I think ... "She repeated several" I think "one after another, but didn't say her own guess. Instead, he asked: "Gao Chuan and Ba Jing, did you see anyone outside when you came?"

Me and Bajing looked at each other, and no one else could be seen in the streets before turning over the wall to enter this community. I always think this is an abnormal sign, but for Bajing, the slightly secluded street is not so strange. There is no one in the community where Miyake ’s home is at night. I ca n’t see the presence of the security guard all the way through the wall. Although it also makes me feel abnormal, relative to the area of ​​the entire community, ordinary people may think that It's too sensitive to be suspicious. Until this time, Misaki's bizarre encounter, involving these details, had to be speechless.

I had been mentally prepared for a long time, but Bajing was mumbling: "How is it possible? It's not a movie, how can there be such a thing?" After that, he pushed hard again, even lying on the ground, from Tear a piece of paper from the bag and try to tuck the paper through the door slit.

However, it failed.

The place where the door seemed to be cracked was blocked by something transparent. Miye saw the movement of the eight scenes from the cat's eyes and quickly said, "I tried it, but it seems that all the gaps leading to the outside are blocked by something. Well, although you can see the outside through the gap, you ca n’t communicate with the side of the gap. "

"It's so weird, Achuan, what do you do?" Bajing stood up anxiously, "Is this what you said is abnormal? Is it really there! I have to admit, Achuan, maybe you are right of."

"Classmate Gao Chuan?" Sakuya's voice came out hesitantly behind the door: "Are you wearing so much, isn't it hot?"

"Compared with temperature, temperament is more important." Eight Scenes said: "Don't you feel that if you see Achuan dressed like this in such an environment, do you feel calm in your heart?"

"Ah ..." Sakuya was silent for a long while, and said, "Why do student union officials play dress-up games at such times?"

"So, this is not simply dressing up." Bajing looked directly at the cat's eyes, and I thought her eyes seemed to penetrate the cat's eyes, reaching Sakuya's heart. "Achuan is a professional, he has long been aware of the anomalies in this city. , Has been secretly monitoring. His appearance proves that he is not standing here as a student now. "Half of Bajing's words are nonsense, but I did not stop her voice and sentences. In the heart of appeasing Misaki Ye. A girl suddenly encountered this anomaly that called every day should not be called, every day, the anxiety and fear in her heart must have accumulated to a limit, and when we appeared, she was not even sure of our existence. Whether it is good or bad for yourself. After being locked in a closed room, people who could not find communication have always been able to find them. Under certain circumstances, there will be no such people, and suddenly there are two people who can communicate. Under such circumstances, it is possible to be extremely happy and vigilant, and the night of this world obviously tends to the latter.

Until now, Sakuya has not shown that "finally saved" excitement. I think her heart is too depressed. Bajing seems to think so.

"It's too weird." Sakuya's voice came from behind the door, full of doubts of mistrust: "Actually, I have met Gao Chuan, but I don't think that Gao Chuan would be dressed like that. Gao Chuan The classmates are cadres of the Student Union, and they are well-known top students in the school level. It is very unnatural to dress like this. Classmate Gao Chuan, are you really an expert? It is a student on the surface, an expert in solving anomalies? Is this too comic? A little bit? "

"Well ... Although I didn't believe it at first, I would definitely think it was mental illness in the first place." Ba Jing sighed. "But, after all, it is my boyfriend. Even if I have a problem with my brain , Can only accept. Plus you have encountered such a thing, fully in line with A Chuan's hunch, at least this time, except him, there is no more reliable candidate? "

"Wait!" Sakuya's voice was excited: "You said that Gao Chuan is your boyfriend? How could it be!"

"Yes, we are a relationship between a boyfriend and a friend, or more precisely, an unmarried couple who agreed to form a family in the future." Ba Jingli said sternly.

"When! I don't know how!" Sakuya asked excitedly.

"Just tonight, the relationship was suddenly determined. How? The reality is more dazzling than the so-called comics?" Bajing said, "With us as a reference, I believe that Achuan is an expert in this area, is it right? It ’s easier? Rest assured. We ’ll rescue you. We ’re here at this time, and it ’s our fate. "

In the face of the passionate mobilization of the eight scenes, Sakuya's voice fell silent. I felt that she was not completely silent, but whispered something behind the door, which made me feel a bad feeling. Sakuya's mood seemed even more wrong. And such changes are closely related to what Bajing said before. I couldn't help but think of Misaki's attitude towards me in the illusion of doomsday. In this world, does Sakuya like me? Like a boy in the next class who has not had in-depth contact? I'm not sure if I feel too good for myself, but, just in case, I stopped Bajing from continuing.

Bajing is a bit unpleasant. Some ideas are hidden in her eyes, which makes me unclear. Seeing me shaking my head, Bajing shrugged and set aside, and I knocked on the door of Sakuya ’s house, saying, “Maybe what is happening now is very strange, unbelievable, and incomprehensible, but, hope you can believe me, Sakuya . Even if this is a very unreasonable idea, I still hope that you can trust me and trust a strangely dressed person who looks like he has a problem with his head. "

"Don't, please don't say that! Classmate Gao Chuan!" Sakuya's voice sounded hurriedly: "I, I'm just a little overwhelmed, because classmate Gao Chuan and I know differently on weekdays ... but! Gao Chuan ’s. Gao Chuan will appear at this time, it ’s like a dream. In any case, I will believe Gao Chuan, even if I ’m trapped here, I have always believed! ”She is more powerful than the previous conversation Speaking, it's like trying to prove yourself. She was very excited, I do n’t know why she was so excited, but I can hear her trust, and it ’s a good feeling to be trusted.

In this world, there are still many similarities with Doomsday Illusions, including the seemingly different personal relationships and emotions. I still remember when she focused her eyes on Sakuya for the first time in Doomsday Illusions. which performed. Although one expresses it more strongly and the other is slightly cowardly, one thing remains the same. Both Misaki were in the first place and showed surprising trust to me, which is not to treat a less familiar The attitude of classmates next door.

Residence, anomaly, Misaki ... The wonderful atmosphere composed of these three factors once again made me feel immediate.

Just when I was in a trance, Bajing asked: "So, expert Gao Chuan, what should I do now? Will you have any abilities or magic, open a hole in this room at a stretch?" Bajing's voice heard It looked a little teasing, but her expression seemed to say, "Can you really do it?".

Sakuya behind the door also became quiet, and seemed to be waiting for my answer.

"I used to have super powers, and as the anomaly intensifies, I will probably return to me, but now I can't show it." I said seriously: "That's a power called the magic pattern, but, In terms of attributes, it is not directly offensive. To use violence to solve the anomaly of Sakuya, even if I recover superpowers, I ca n’t do it. "

Bajing stared at me with suspicious eyes. He had said such a big call before, but in the end it was still impossible. I think that Misaki behind the door was also watching me with the same eyes.

"I can try using mystic knowledge, but it may not be effective." I said: "If we combine the unmanned situation around us, this anomaly will cover a wide range, but because of this, its weaknesses must also be very strong. Obviously. Eight scenes, you look at the situation of other people. I will draw a magic array that can theoretically open the door. "

Bajing nodded hesitantly, walked to the opposite door and knocked, and I took out a special piece of chalk from my coat and drew a magic circle on the door of Sakuya's house. In the illusion of apocalypse, occult knowledge must be learned by every mystery expert. Although in most battles, violence can be used directly to pass, but occult knowledge can make people ’s horizons wider and not easy. Affected by abnormal conditions. Mystic knowledge is not omnipotent, and most of them are not completely consistent with the actual situation. Mystic knowledge that can play a role in anomalies and mysteries is by no means inflexible, but based on intuition and taking known occult knowledge as a reference To temporarily construct the corresponding mysterious phenomenon-the neutralization of the two mysterious phenomena is the way that the mystical knowledge cracks the mysterious event.

The magic array is also a kind of occult knowledge. By constructing the magic array, triggering a temporary data hedge is my understanding of this power. However, in most cases, the possibility of using the magic array to form a temporary data hedge is extremely small. Even me, it has only been successfully used by other experts. This time, it was a situation where I had to come by myself ~ ~ Carmen, hourglasses, hallucinations, and current anomalies all prove that weirdness and mystery can already be manifested in a more practical way. Then, theoretically, mystic knowledge is no longer just delusions, but something that can really form strength. I concentrated my mind and freed my thoughts. Under the influence of intuition and instinct, my right hand moved as if I had my own consciousness. Chalk painted a complicated pattern on the door circle by circle. These patterns completely outlined by arcs are like every piece is incomplete, but when combined, they have a regular beauty. I actually do n’t understand the specific content of this magic circle at all-it is just a "construction of the door" as a junior high school, combined with the subconscious movement and mystic knowledge, temporarily constructed something. It is not recorded in any mystic knowledge, but it does not deviate from those knowledge theories. Its ability is not omnipotent. If it is effective, it is probably only in the present.

When I stopped the chalk, Bajing did not know when he was standing behind me. Before that, my focus was completely on the magic circle. The eight scenes stared at the magic circle that I framed, and seemed to be delving into the truth. However, this thing was something that was incomprehensible. Even me, I actually did n’t understand what each of the complex lines meant, although based on mystic knowledge Constructed, however, this knowledge is only used in the subconscious mind, and superficial thinking has always been empty in this process. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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