Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1044: Above the undercurrent

A student union that runs social activities with the school, and as a tradition, has continued from the beginning of the school to the present. No matter how many student union members and senior school leaders have changed during the period, the cooperation has never been suspended, just like there is a force to bond the two different natures together. This situation is very rare even if it is placed nationwide. Even in private schools, school operations are mostly prohibited by the student union. In contrast, the power held by the student union of this school is also rarely heard in this country. Generally speaking, the student union is more focused on student management on campus, but, as far as I know, our school ’s The student union, but even the "uncooperative" school leaders have a way to get rid of it and re-exchange one. As a public school assigned leaders and teachers by government departments, a district student union can actually do such a thing. When I heard it for the first time, I was also very surprised, and I didn't have too much sense of reality, just like listening to the fantasy.

In the doomsday illusion, I studied and lived in such a school and placed it in this world. As far as the current information is concerned, the situation of this school is not much different from that in the doomsday illusion. The power of the student union is so great that as a student union cadre, it is very easy to do something publicly and privately, and it is also a kind of "welfare" that is not publicly announced.

"It's really strange, such a student union." Bajing commented, "We are all students, aren't we?"

"It's not your turn to set up such an organization as a whisperer, you say this, in my opinion. You are very in line with the requirements of the student union in terms of style and ability. It is also okay if I recommend it. More resources than you think. "I said.

"It's still free. I don't like to join a long-established organization halfway." Bajing replied: "Unless, there are really things that make me feel unable to handle."

"Isn't the matter last night?" I said.

"That kind of thing, the Student Council can't handle it, does it?"

"I'm a member of the student union."

"But also a member of the Whisperer."

The whole morning passed in such a nutritious conversation. At noon after school. Misaki came here to find us, because the three of them made an appointment to go to my house to get a diary of Doom's Illusion. To say that after determining the relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend, I will definitely find a time and a scene to spend my time in, and devote my energy to the love. For me and Bajing, there should be no such opportunity. Because our school has set up key classes for further studies, and Bajing and I have outstanding achievements. It is compulsory to participate, and the four cores are opened from the first year of high school. Even on vacation, there is not much time left for extracurricular life. No matter how smart the mind is, the amount of work to be done is also there. The time it takes is calculated from the beginning.

In such an environment, if you want to make time, in addition to seeing the needle, you can only use the learning time. However, this way. Even if the test results are good, it will leave a relatively bad impression on the teacher. Compared with other people who are more "honest and serious", the degree of attention will be reduced accordingly, that is, it may be from the "trustworthy class" The status of "student" is degraded, and the benefits brought by this status will naturally be deprived. It is worth mentioning that it is because the student union and the senior management of the school have a long-standing cooperative relationship and have great power. Therefore, we must enter The student union is extremely difficult, not the student union can decide for itself.

At least, I have never seen that people with defects in learning, handling problems, interpersonal communication, and impressions can enter the student union-even if this standard is customized by people, it is naturally impossible to be strict to the rigid level, but One thing is for sure, not to mention the true face of the student union members. At least on the surface, they are "superior students in the orthodox sense", and the development of moral, intellectual, physical and mental skills is comprehensive.

To be honest, when I learned about the situation in other schools nearby, I also felt that there are such people in our school, which is very rare and abnormal. However, it is said that when the members of the student union will graduate from high school, the school and the senior level of the student union will jointly evaluate the three-year high school situation. If it reaches a value, it will be recommended upwards, and then obtained by some social organizations and management groups. Oriented training contract, obtain a series of rights and interests guarantee including college, professional and work. However, more relevant information in this area is still not accessible to cadres of my level.

All in all, the student union of this school, after eliminating the weirdness and mystery, is itself a spider with a huge web. Even for the social groups in this city, its potential strength is probably ranked high, although its social activities always try to avoid being too intense.

I sometimes feel that, in those years of doomsday illusions, we did not find any weird events in the student union, which is really lucky. If such students will get the support of the mysterious power, even the Whisperer of the Eight Scenes will be broken in a short time. After all, the gap between the innate foundations of the two is too great.

Moreover, as the Eight Scenes said, the Student Union is an organization with rich heritage and long-term management, and has already formed its own set of rules and purposes. It will never change in essence because of who joined. If you want to rely on your own power to control the student union and take all the fields involved into your own, the time and energy required will be several times the difference compared to starting a new organization from scratch and creating a new organization from scratch. Not worth the price.

Therefore, for a whisperer to successfully gain a foothold, he must avoid being interfered by students in the field of activity. Once the student union is aware of anomalies and mysteries, it will definitely act in the first place, just because members with decision-making power are generally too sensible. Therefore, it takes a certain amount of time to recognize the existence of anomalies and mysteries. Before the students can get in touch with the mystery, they must be strangled in the baby.

This world is similar to Doomsday Fantasy, but there are many differences. Carmen's presence here will probably make this city a "heavy disaster area" for the weird and mysterious recovery. and so. Nor can it be guaranteed that there will be certain indigenous mysterious forces or outsiders who will meet by chance. Came into this city and focused my eyes on the student union of my school.

According to my understanding of the Student Union, once those mysterious forces, whether they are indigenous or foreign intruders in this world, will come into contact with students-whether they are malicious or not-they will let both sides understand their advantages and disadvantages in the shortest time. , And then reached cooperation under the initiative of the student union.

Once the situation develops like that, it is necessary to make a heavy effort to curb the development of the student union. Not to mention how much impact it has on the development of the whisperer. At that time, it was necessary to reconsider whether the student union should be started. "Patience for the sake of the overall situation" is something that everyone takes for granted when standing on a high place. However, in order to prevent the situation from developing into a situation in which one must be patient, one must monitor and adjust the situation from the beginning.

I have no opinion on the nature and operation of the student union, nor any malice. However, out of standpoints and personal ideas, I still don't think there is a second mysterious organization besides whisperers in this city, which is a good phenomenon.

"So, before the whisperers are strong enough, we must keep an eye on the development of the student union members. Especially the new members and some special foreign affairs work." Bajing said to me on the road to school: "If there is surveillance technology The talents are just fine, but before the whisperers are reorganized. Achuan you are already the highest-ranking student in the student union and the only member of the student union that you can trust. I have thought about eroding the student union in the past. However, after learning from Achuan , I think the risk is too great. Therefore, you will not be able to get support for your activities in the student union. "

"It's okay, I have considered these issues. Don't worry, Bajing, it's not just you who will manage your connections in your student days." I replied calmly: "How not to interfere with the normal work of the student union, but just observe the abnormal Somewhere, I already have a plan. "

"Ah, is that right? Then I'm relieved." Bajing smiled.

Misaki, who was companion next to him, always had expressions that he didn't understand, but he didn't see any discouragement. Instead, he stared at him with a happy face. It wasn't until my dialogue with Bajing came to an end that I said to both of us: "I have asked about Morino's things, but she refused, because she wanted to talk to Shirai about love, so there was nothing to do with this naive. Things-well, she said that, she doesn't believe in weird things at all. But it's not incomprehensible. "

Bajing looked at me and said nothing. Misaki got the answer from Morino, but he also felt relieved. Although I mentioned that Morano and Shirai had a bad ending in the illusion of doomsday, but it was still not enough to win the trust. Sakuya was the first time he encountered an anomaly last night and was properly rescued. So, the mystery The impression of the disaster is not strong. Just because of the "delusion" of a friend I just met, he involved another good friend. Even if he agreed verbally, he was still reluctant.

"It's okay, not joining is a normal idea. For ordinary people, these things are too difficult to understand." I replied calmly.

"I, I will try again." Sakuya heard me say this, and there was a tangled expression on her face, probably even if it was reluctant, but the terrible result is still very reassuring. Just like divination, on the surface, the result of divination is nothing but illusory things. You can't believe it, but there will still be a stalk in your heart. Saki Ye ’s mood at this moment must be like this.

"Do n’t be too reluctant. After all, it ’s something that has n’t happened yet. No, it ’s not sure whether it will develop like my delusion. Since we have noticed it, we wo n’t relax because nothing happened temporarily. Come down. "I comforted Miyuki with the gentlest possible tone and said:" Since Morino has no results, why not try Shirai? It is a good man who is dedicated to Morino, as a boy to protect the beloved girl, is There is no obligation to look back. "

"Huh? But Senior White Shii ..." Sakuya's account has revealed that she already knows the fact of the two from Morino, is it still similar to the development in the illusion of doomsday?

"... I made a mistake and talked to the boys. It should be me who is also a boy." I said, "Sakuya, don't care, just interact with Morino as you did in the past. Shirai's business I."

"But ... am I useless in this way? Achuan." Sakuya showed a frustrated expression.

"No. Your emotions are very slender, which is a good thing." I retorted: "Because of slenderness, I will think about a thing from all aspects and want to get a suitable answer. However, people are always impossible All-round, many times, it is impossible to achieve perfect results without others and luck. I have n’t told you yet? Misaki. I care about you and care about you very much, as Bajing said Like that, the story about you in my head keeps me paying attention to you in secret. This mood is very real. It ’s a bit shy, but. If you can, please rely on me as much as possible. "

"Hey, hey ..." Miyaki was stunned. The stiff expression on her face was like a huge shock. She turned her head. He glanced at the eight scenes like a robot, and made a huge "huh" sound. I know her concerns because the serious girlfriend of Bajing stands beside me. In front of her girlfriend, go and say to the second girl, "I care about you. Please rely on me as much as you can." Is somewhat inappropriate. Moreover, I ca n’t guarantee that there is no other emotion in it. After all, in those days of the illusion of the last days, Misaki really has more weight in my life than the eight scenes at that time.

Even so, I still hope that I can pass on my feelings to her in a timely manner, not like the TV series, because of some unexpected coincidences, I have no chance to say anything that has not been spoken. For me, for them, life and time are so short, precious and fragile. Only now that the maliciousness of the last days has not yet fully arrived, they have the spare power to worry and anger these things. I think that for a life that does not know when it will die, it has such an opportunity to think and vent. Is very precious.

Therefore, even if it is shy and feels improper, I still said so, and Zhengda said it brightly. Of course, I feel that I am well prepared for the consequences.

"Eight, eight scenes ... Ah, Achuan ..." Miyaki looked like she was about to cry. The emotion in her eyes was so complicated that I couldn't even interpret it. I can guess how much she was thinking, although for me, that kind of thing did not matter to her in a timely manner, but Misaki at this time was also very cute.

"Dare to say, Achuan." Bajing's smile was a bit scary, and his brows were frowning, as if a huge anger broke out at any time, my heart was beating fiercely, and I wanted to flinch and avoid, but this is me The problems to be faced have already been decided, so it cannot be avoided.

"Sorry, Bajing, but I still think that Sakuya should understand this kind of thing." I said cautiously, "because it is not important for people who care about themselves to know what they care about?"

"That's what I said, and the truth is clear, and I agree with it." Bajing approached with a murderous face, and the terrible face was almost coming to my face, but it came out of her delicate lips. The breath made my heartbeat also seem to be stained with some crimson, which almost made me forget why she was so angry.

"What are you thinking about? Achuan." Eight Kings scolded severely.

"Eight, eight scenes ... no ... Achuan he ..." Miyaki seemed to be frightened by the fire-like atmosphere between us, and suddenly choked up, "I really like Achuan a little, but Achuan chose Eight scenes, I know. So, eight scenes ... "

"Huh? So what?" Bajing interrupted Miyaki and turned to ask her, "Don't think I have been silent for a while, just don't understand anything."

"So, eight scenes ..." Sakuya repeated a few times, but in the end, he couldn't say what he was saying, just dropped his head deeply.

After seeing this quail-like Misaki, Bajing sighed heavily and said, "This is not enough. Misaki, as a woman wants to be happy, the most important thing is competitiveness and competitive thinking and actions."

"But, eight scenes, we are friends, aren't we? I, I like eight scenes very much!" Saya yelled hard, "I don't want to let the three of us just start to be destroyed because of this kind of thing. , I really like the feeling of three people together! Although we have just met each other, but ... but, I think we feel like we have lived together for a long time. I, I do n’t know what to say, However, I think three people will be together in the future! Achuan said everything is for me, I know, Bajing also thinks of me everywhere, and I know it, but if everything is messed up because of me, then It ’s better not to say these things to Achuan! ”Sakuya finished her words as if venting her emotions, but immediately looked at me with anxiety and said with a whisper:“ Yeah, sorry, Achuan, I ’m not saying that Achuan ’s behavior is Wrong ... No, of course it's not correct ... Ah, ah, ah, ah, I can't figure it out, I'm such a fool! "Sakuya cried with his head in his arms.

"Yeah." I looked at each other with Bajing and said, "Sakuya is a fool."

"Hey? Hey!" Sakuya said dejectedly: "Although it is true, don't say it so consistently!"

"Forget it, there is nothing to dispute about this matter. Although it is impossible to give up your boyfriend, and there is no such idea, but my boyfriend and caring for you, in my opinion, are two different things, no Maybe because I care about you, I am no longer my boyfriend, and Achuan will not break up with me for this reason. He is such a man, and he pays more attention to responsibility than emotion, so I chose him. "The anger on Bajing's face, as if disguised, suddenly disappeared, and he said calmly.

"But, is it a bit bad in this way ..." Miyake's eyes moved between me and Bajing hesitantly.

"It's not good, but, I'm not a woman who doesn't have this kind of strength." Bajing said in a tone that he decided to sum up: "And, I don't quite understand the feeling of jealousy. Jealousy is that others have obtained what they want The emotions that arise when you ca n’t have things, but Achuan cares about you, does n’t let me lose anything, and does n’t just ignore you. I ’m the one who should be jealous of cruel words, Saki At night, because of what you want, I got it as early as last night, and, because of this man ’s temperament, there is no need to think about losing it. So, in my opinion, he cares about you and becomes my man Friends, it is not a matter of conflict at all. "

"Yes, is that true?" Sakuya's voice was a bit tuned. "It's too weird, although it seems reasonable, but it's really weird. Bajing, is your head really okay?"

At this moment, Bajing seemed really angry. He slapped his face across Sakuya's neck and drilled her head with her fist. "It hurts so much—" Miyaki wrinkled her entire face uncomfortably.

"It's a fool ~ ~ When grabbing a man, even his own friend can go without hesitation, this is a qualified woman." Bajing said with a lesson. However, judging from the cause of this dispute, if you have taught her so much, how are you going to resolve this matter? I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. Sure enough, at some times, the eight scenes that had been very reliable also became unreliable.

Until the eight scenes let go of Sakuya, Sakuya ran to my back with fear, and treated me as a wall, blocking the sight of the eight scenes.

"Anyway, I'm a fool anyway." She asked carefully: "So, are the three of us still good friends? In the future? Won't there be problems with this kind of thing?"

"This kind of question is so straightforward. It's so emotional. It's like a flat drama. It's almost unnoticed." Eight scenes thought, "Isn't drama dramatic?"

"No-" Saki Ye seemed to hear clearly, and immediately resolutely rebutted: "If you don't know, try to figure it out as soon as possible. I don't like the plot that is dramatized for dramatization, although I also admit, that The story is really beautiful, but I do n’t want it to appear in my life at all. " My biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile phone users.)

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