Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1054: Guai Tan

In an illusion of doomsday, what was your impression of the president of the student union when you were in high school? I can't remember it. I often boast that I have vivid memories of the past, but if I want to be more true, I just have a feeling of "remembering." I ca n’t think of things in my infancy, I ca n’t think of strangers I met on the way of understanding the world, even if they were teachers and students of the same school, if they did n’t happen to them In special cases, even the people I have helped, there is probably only a vague impression. Even if I meet again in this world, I will not think of it specially. The impression is probably only at the level of "this person is a little familiar". As far as psychology is concerned, the greater the stimulation and experience given to oneself, the deeper the ditch left in the cerebral cortex, but if there is anything in fact in a very important position, but its own words and deeds Not stimulating to some people, then the memory left in the mind will also become larger, which is a matter of course.

The position occupied by the student president in this school is naturally very important. In a certain sense, his decision will have an impact on the teachers and students of the school. However, although this effect is based on the student president himself The starting point, but in the entire process of change, his importance will gradually fade with the expansion of time and scale, and the fewer people he contacts, the more serious this will be. I think that the student president is such a position-to gather people's ideas, modify it in their own way, and then issue it as a decision, and in the process of implementing the decision. Even if you are not willing, you are in the position of the whole plan. Nor can it be defy, it will be affected by the subtle changes brought about by the ideas of others, so that there is a deviation.

This deviation is inevitable. Even if the power of the student union is greater, even if the student president is at the apex of the student union, the student president is only a "student being trained" relative to the level of the student union. This has nothing to do with whether he contributes to the activities facing the society. Or how well it can be done. Before he finishes his studies and devotes his life to the society, no, the simpler statement should be that before he turns 25, he can only be regarded as a child by others Of students.

Change of identity. It is very difficult, because it is not the identity but the concept to be changed. To be a social person is actually very simple, just let others admit that you are a "social person". However, to achieve it. However, there are many elements that must be completed, but this process is not simple. It can even be said that no matter how strong your will is, there will be situations where you can only wait and not do more.

Instead, you have to identify yourself. Changing from "child" to "adult" is even more difficult.

In this world. There is also the concept of not being recognized as an "adult" without becoming a social person.

Age, education, work, recognition of others, and self-recognition are all hardships that a real social person must face. To become an adult who really has the right to speak in his own life, he must first pass these Difficult to become a social person.

It is very difficult to become an adult. It's more difficult than regaining the innocence after becoming an adult. This is because becoming an adult is through the thorns of the unknown, and retrieving the past is only the process of retrieving what you once owned and actually did not lose from your own life.

However, without becoming an adult, many things cannot be changed, because human beings cannot do what many people can accomplish. That is to say, under normal circumstances, a human being, no, even a genius, cannot surpass plural human beings. As a human being, a defect is inevitable, and this defect is like a weakness that cannot be repaired by itself. In many cases, "irreparable" is a regrettable description, but it is a necessary advantage when placed on the human community.

I think so, and regret it. After all, everyone has thought of becoming a "superman". It is a common ambition for human beings, no matter how many years have passed, they can match or even surpass the entire humanity. However, if you think about it in reverse, if there is such a "superman", you can use hundreds of times more efficiency than the entire human to complete the things that all humans can work together. Has it become meaningless? And for those who are not "superman", the necessity of their own existence will also be on the verge of collapse.

This is really a terrible thing, because Superman can live well by himself, his own existence is absolute value and meaning, and ordinary people of the same species, after losing others, are like The broken lone part has no value and meaning-I think so, maybe it is a little extreme and simple, but I ca n’t say anything complicated, and if it is condensed, I think so .

Ah, far away. All in all, the student president is not superman. Although he is very good, so he can sit in this position, but he still lacks in various factors of becoming a "social person" and "adult", but can only be used as a "child" and " "Student" survival, this process will continue for several years in the future, until age, education, work, recognition of others, self-approval and other factors have reached a standard. "Children" and "students" are inherently unable to maintain an important position in a tightly complex social activity.

In the doomsday illusion, the student president and I will only have the opportunity to see from a distance in a meeting that most people have together. His decision will eventually give us the cadres and officers below, just like pieced together parts, a little bit completed, and then, in the process, the entire machine is already in operation. In this process, in order to overcome the difficulties to complete the parts, we have to adopt our own ideas to go round and round, which is the most familiar thing for us people, and in this process, how important the existence of the student president is, it must be more than me , The other is on the same level as me. Even the lower-level cadres and officers have a deep understanding of it-

simply put. His sense of existence will only be at the moment when the decision is announced, and then, like a punctured balloon, slamming away from our minds.

The student president of this kind is sitting on the desk opposite, looking at me with the strange and familiar familiarity. For the first time, I was so close to this student president, in the past memory. The vague impression of him was gradually filled up at this moment. However, in terms of appearance, the student president is not very impressive, that is to say, it is not handsome, but it is not ugly. It's just ordinary, and his majesty as a student president is also ordinary in my opinion. The way of looking is also ordinary.

The first impression is ordinary. Can't find other more suitable descriptions. What kind of person is inside, it becomes difficult to confirm. I used to mentally profile him to infer his next thoughts and actions, but. There is no characteristic reference in him at all, as if. It's enough to put the term "ordinary person" on it. However, I understand very well that even ordinary people will have their own characteristics-in today's situation, if it is not my strength, this student president has transformed himself with a deeper psychological knowledge.

His "smell" is too light to be considered an ordinary person. Of course, if the person who came is not me, but other ordinary cadres, you might think that he is no better.

"Classmate Gao Chuan, have you heard such a sentence?" The student president observed me for about two or three seconds after I was seated, and asked questions first, but I didn't finish talking.

I can only put together the rhetorical question "What's the matter?" Because of his pause, it seemed like he was specially made to cater to him. If this judgment is true, it will subvert the previous "ordinary" sense. because--

It's really ordinary, there is no slight characteristic, the ruled guy, the personality must not be so stingy, right?

"Well ..." The student councilman said slowly and without any tone of voice: "What's that? Vice president, come on, I have forgotten."

Forgive me for not being able to describe my feelings when I heard such words.

The vice president should be accustomed to this situation, so there is no change in his face. It is still a serious and serious expression. When he said: "After the soup bag is bitten, when someone **** the internal body fluid, it will be Are you proud of your own deliciousness?-What the chairman wants to say, is this sentence? "

The student president ’s expression is still the ordinary look, no surprise, no embarrassment, and no surprise, said in a voice that makes people want to sleep, not big or small, without fluctuations: "It is So. "Then, his eyes fell on my face again, and I couldn't help thinking: Is it my turn again?

The atmosphere is a bit cold.

"Cough ... um ..." I clenched my fist, put a cough in my mouth, and sorted out my thoughts, saying: "Is the soup bag's mood more important than the missing student of the school? President." Such words , A straight ball into the topic.

"Yes ..." The chairman is still a plain and slow statement, "I think that those students are like soup dumplings, we should try to figure out and understand their ideas before we can make the right decision. I do this So, I think my decision is correct. So, what about you Gao Chuan? According to Jun C, your behavior itself represents a skeptical attitude towards the decision of my student president ... "

Turns out, is this the case? I heard this kind of questioning like no question but without any emotion.

"The soup dumplings that have been eaten with viscera ... even using such a brutal analogy, it seems that the rumor is really a matter?" I asked.

"Yes." The President replied simply, "I answered, now, please answer my questions. Are you dissatisfied with the fact that you have been concealed after thinking carefully? I think, yes For cadres at the level of Gao Chuan, it is necessary to block the news, because the situation is so serious that it is too serious for our student union to intervene. "

Is it so serious? Obviously it happened on campus, but even the student union was excluded? So, who knows the seriousness of the situation and interferes with it? Or, what kind of organization? There is only one organization that I can associate with students who actually have control over the school ’s situation. That is the network of relationships that graduates have built in the past. It is not clear whether there is a core organization in that network. However, judging from the current information, it will be like that. Coupled with the weirdness of the school ’s operation, then the origin of this core organization in this country may far exceed the general “corporate enterprise”.

Has such an organization become aware of the existence of "mystery"? Was the "abnormal" in the old toilet just confirmed within a short time after Carmen arrived?

It was incredible. This world has never been weird and mysterious before. Generally speaking, people will not directly associate with this "unscientific" situation because of accidents. Even if it is said, it is just casually talked about. People do not take it seriously and treat it as special. The chairman should understand the situation at the scene. But at this time it is unclear, what kind of cruel scene will make some big people feel that this is a non-scientific phenomenon and they are fully taken over?

The first scenario I thought of was naturally in a doomsday illusion, when I personally experienced the toilet talk. In the huge data hedging space that is similar to the daily environment but tends to collapse, the demons eat people. The canine demon with transparency has eaten the students who strayed into its nest. Without digesting it completely, just excrete it-the stinking and finger-pointing scene. I still smell the same in my head until now.

That is indeed not a scene that can be seen by ordinary people, but it cannot be made sure that it is abnormal-no, it is beyond ordinary sense, but it is not enough to be weird and mysterious, and completely scientific. This world has become a proof of weirdness and mystery.

"I don't understand." I settled down and asked, "Since it's a situation where even the student council can't intervene, then, why is the information spread in a rumored way? This kind of thing should have been prepared and guarded against. Yes, with the ability of the student union, it is possible to eliminate the source as early as possible. "

"Yes ... it can be done ..." the chairman said expressionlessly, slowly and monotonously: "But, I think that's too boring."

What, what? Because it's too boring? Although this is also a reason, does it contradict the previous statement? But because he felt that it was necessary to block the information, he only had the current conversation, but the emergence of rumors was naturally an unfavorable result of the blockade of information, but this was his interest.

This guy ... really is the type I hate the most. His self-contradiction in his thinking and behavior has become almost uncontrollable. It is like a sign of mental illness.

"I think you should go to see a psychologist, president classmate." I summed up my thoughts so straightforwardly.

"Psychologist? ... Why?" The chairman's face slowly appeared surprised, and he glanced at the vice president next to him, as if his mood had changed, and his tone was generally slow.

"Because your mental state is out of tune." The vice president said bluntly, as if he had said with one arrow, but such a language attack obviously has no effect on the chairman's classmates.

The president said slowly, "Oh," he continued, "It's not a big deal. All in all, classmate Gao Chuan, please answer my question, are you dissatisfied? Are you against my decision? Although the reason you are here at this time , Just because of dissatisfaction with my decision, but now that you know the seriousness of the situation, you still feel that you should tell you more details? Or, should you tell cadres and officers with a lower rank than you? " At that moment, I felt that the president ’s eyes were sharp.

I did n’t hesitate at all, because I could n’t prejudge the thought of this student president, nor can I judge his personality from the words and deeds so far, so there is no way to accurately implement all targeted programs. At this time, I think Or, it is more appropriate to obey your own heart and to say your own thoughts directly.

"Yes, I think that as the first cadre of the first grade, it is necessary for me to understand the rumors that have spread in the first grade. It is because this rumors are unusual and involve the personal safety of the students. Rumored to look at it, and therefore, I stand here. "I said this way:" I feel that I can bear the facts and should bear the responsibility of the facts. As for whether I want to tell others about the specific situation. " There was a pause here, and I decided to say according to my inner thoughts: "I think this is not something I need to think about, but the judgement you should make. President's only dissatisfaction is only that 'being the highest grade one The fact that the cadres are excluded from the truth is only because it does not correspond to the identity of the highest cadre in the first grade. "

"... Hmm." The student president and vice president stared at me together for a long while without talking. Afterwards, the student president said: "We have already understood your sense of responsibility and self-improvement. Although it is only the first grade , Will not have direct contact with our work, but C, who has direct contact with us, has said a lot of good things for you. This can be regarded as how much, even the highest cadre is only a first-year student. , You can participate as a supporting evidence. "

"That means ..." I think the student president has already made a decision.

"Yes ... Vice president ..." The student president knocked on the table, and the vice president handed me the files he had been holding in his arms. Then, the student president continued and said silently: "Although Intelligence is also blocked to the student union, but, after all, what happened in the school, so the student union has to save the first-hand information, this point, no matter how outsiders object, no matter how the school object, it is also invalid. This is the tradition , We should all appreciate this tradition and carry forward it. "

"In other words, this information about the student's disappearance case has been hidden by the student union? Is the student union still following up the incident in private?" I couldn't help asking.

"Yes." The president nodded and conceded without concealment. "Simply put, we do ours, they do theirs, but they interfere with each other, destroy and compete. But there is no doubt that people outside the school have more With many resources, our student union is nothing more than a subordinate organization that depends on their existence ... I think that Gao Chuan ’s classmates should realize this? "

"Yes." I answered.

"So, their progress is faster than ours. Conversely, the first things they discover will be blocked or destroyed in the first place. There is not much information we can get in the first place, except for the first ones. It ’s just that they have leftovers leftovers. But even so, we have n’t given up. Classmate Gao Chuan, you know, in a race that does n’t know where the finish line is, should you catch up with other players and reach the finish line first? ”

"Persist ... and luck?" I said.

"Yes ..." said the student president: "Perseverance and luck ~ ~ is the most indispensable. There are a lot of people with the ability to do things, but there are many, which are not precious. Classmate Gao Chuan, you think you are Are there people who insist on luck? "

"Yes." I can answer this question without thinking, although, in terms of luck, from another perspective, it is a person with strong doom. However, doom is also a kind of luck, as long as I am here, I often have a feeling that the world revolves around myself. Even if various things happen later, this feeling disappears for a while, but it just disappears for a while. That's it. The more you know about this world, the idea that "you must be a very unique part of the world's operation" will become stronger and stronger.

I, the student president and the vice president stared at each other for a long while, and when the bell sounded at 6 pm, the student president said in his unchanging tone: "Now that classmate Gao Chuan has made up his mind, he has also obtained the vice president. Alternate C's recommendation, then, please take a closer look at this file before going home tonight. Because this is top-secret information, you ca n’t bring it out here. "

I nodded without making a sound, Lisuo ripped open the file seal, and took out a thin stack of reports and photos. However, in the first moment I saw my eyes, I saw the familiar symbol and name—The Doomsday Truth. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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