Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1066: Night Crow Tweet

The night crow quark's hair is a flame, and now the flame is scattered, covering its entire body and infiltrating into its smallest structure.

Each hair is like a catheter, from an unknown place, attracting endless light and heat. These lights and heat are first injected into the head from the root of the hair, so that every time the mind rotates, it seems to be splashing a big spark. Then, light and heat will flow through "nerves" and "vessels" and be injected into the "minimal constituent lifters" of the body and limbs similar to cells and atoms. At this time, the feeling brought by the night crow quark's entire body reminds people of "a nuclear fusion reaction is taking place all over the body."

Therefore, it is better to call it "ignition device".

Both light and heat can be felt, and my senses are carried on the body of the night crow quark. It is very clear how powerful this power is, just like a nitrogen acceleration device modified on a high-speed sports car, which can be based on the highest power On the outbreak again. But using this analogy, naturally, also shows that this super-powerful state cannot be sustained. My memory can't help but go back to the natural scene in the reality of the hospital. The feeling at that time was so similar to the feeling at this time. Spontaneous combustion is one of the last steps of patients with doomsday syndrome. In any sense, it means failure. According to the feeling at that time, it is probably struggling to the end. Although in the memory of death, the time in memory, It will condense again, maybe people can feel something, but if I can, I still don't want to go that far.

Because life is not the victory of a battle, it can be called "complete". I clearly remember that although I was conscious at the time, but. When the ego is gradually blurred, the unwillingness is still so strong. Even so, because he was about to "die", he had to let go of his unwillingness. Give everything to the next "Gaochuan".

I am pretty sure that if I can "exist", I will never give this responsibility to the "other" who started over.

Yes, power beyond the limit may get a victory, but. This victory will not last. If there is no miracle, then, when everything is burned out, it means failure.

"Ignition device." I call the Night Crow Quark's state at this time, either. It is a switch that turns on this state. I don't quite understand how such a state and how the switch appears and how it is turned on. However, it may be because I once "spontaneously ignited". Now that the senses are carried, I can feel that the "switch" exists. Moreover, after the switch is opened, the consumption in this spontaneous combustion state is also very serious.

What is consumed as fuel is not just as simple as physical strength and energy, but something more essential that constitutes the electronic demon, which is converted into fuel. Once burned out, probably-the Night Crow Quark will Die ".

The Night Crow Quark is an electronic demon once it dies. Whether it can be refactored is still a question, but it is certain that even if it can be repeated again. It is definitely something that has been lost.

I do n’t want the night crow quark to “die”, no, more precisely, I do n’t want to be forced into the old road of the past. Although there was no way back then, the strong emotional shock that resulted from it made me not want to experience it for the second time. If it is possible, I want to win in a more practical way, instead of burning everything, but there is still no way to change anything.

I clenched my fist hard, and the Night Crow Quark also clenched my fist hard. At this moment, our spiritual will blended together, and under the impulse of huge light and heat, we traversed between the dead soldiers at an extraordinary speed. The nature of the speed sweep super energy is "relatively fast", but in the case where the speed of the reference object is not satisfactory, the speed sweep itself also has a stable starting speed, and the current night crow quark is better at this starting speed Take advantage.

I waved my fist, that is, Night Crow Quark waved my fist, we drove, jumped, rolled, squeezed into the gap between my dead soldiers, and hit it with a hot fist, not even a weapon, as if I could not feel the depth of the body. The power emerging from the place poured into the fist like a long river, hitting the dead soldier directly.

A heavy blow sounded, and the dead body's hard body suddenly sunken, blackened, and was blown out in a blink of an eye, and where it was hit, there seemed to be a flame burning.

The night monster quark was racing on the ground, punching and kicking. I only felt that I had the power to vent. However, the experience of the speed of the past has kept me at the speed and rhythm of "just a line faster than the enemy". Although it's just going to the front line, because unnecessary movements are reduced to the greatest extent, the frequency is fast.

The barrage shot by the dead soldiers rolled in the air, just a momentary blast in the eyes of others. In the senses carried by the night crow quark, it was like a petal of five centimeters per second being blown from all directions.

My original body is on the other side of this fierce battlefield, watching the body of the active night crow quark, as if self-consciousness exists in both the original body and the shadow, looking at each other is a very strange feel. However, this sensational connection has also become the best aid for taking into account the original body. The dead soldiers seem to be aware of the connection between the night crow quark and my original body, so after being hit by five, half of the remaining dead soldiers ’attacks turned to contain the night crow quark, while the other half Raid towards my original body.

Their grasp of the details of combat is really powerful. Although the choice will appear a bit blunt when it comes to logical actions, this bluntness also creates their terrible execution power, which makes people feel tricky advantages. If you switch to other mysterious experts, maybe even if you pay attention, it will be a mess because of the speed problem and the other party ’s tight containment blockade. At this time, to be able to do it, I can only think of " Two methods of "coverage brute force attack" and "super fast speed". There may be other amazing ways to respond, but for me, "ultra-fast speed" is the biggest honor.

The attack of the dead soldiers changed neatly, however, even if they were allowed to take a step first. I can also come up later.

"Quark!" I called in my heart, and my confidence seemed to have become an additive to the fuel, further igniting the light and heat of the ignition device. No sound can be heard, the whole world. Quiet at this moment-the dead soldiers either jumped into the air, or were just hit and flew, or stumbled on the ground, and a few like wolves ran towards my original body-they were like this and that Attitude, at this moment. As if he was about to fall into the final freeze, he was only advancing at a very small speed, obviously with open teeth and claws, and the facial features with no expression looked even more terrible than usual, but he could not splash a little ripple in my heart.

This calm, extremely slow world is full of nostalgia.

"You guys. Welcome to my field!"

The invisible high-speed passage, which runs through these human-shaped abnormal dead soldiers, connects to my original body. Night Crow Quark's arms popped out of the blades and jumped into him, slashing and puncturing the moment he passed the almost solidified dead soldier. Cut, cut hundreds of times in the fastest possible rhythm. I didn't count, the beautiful and cold blade of light, flashing in the gray mist, drawn an arc that couldn't help but throb. When contacted with dead soldiers, it has been confirmed that their shells are as hard as before, but when the ignition is turned on. The burning fist, the cold blade of light, seems to be able to penetrate this shell.

The feedback is very stiff, and the naked eye can only see depressions and scratches, but. In my feeling, there is extra force penetrating into them. Speaking of which, the dead body soldier who was hit by a fist before, obviously the shell was damaged, but he has not been able to stand up to now.

Is this possible? Can you produce effects on the structure shells of dead soldiers without critical weapons? No, the electronic demon is originally a product that integrates the user's characteristics and capabilities in a certain sense and condenses in a mysterious way. Moreover, I had the feeling of "if it is integrated with the electronic demon, it is very similar to these dead soldiers and the life of the body". So, perhaps the electronic demon, when presented in this physical way, actually possesses properties similar to dead soldiers and body life?

The material that constitutes the body-unknown.

The essence of power-complexity.

The way to form the soul-.

It also proves that it has a mystery enough to harm the dead soldiers innately? Is it my case, or can every electronic demon be so powerful?

There are too many uncertain things. However, what is certain is that in the world's first mysterious event, it was really nice to have the night crow quark beside. Although intuitively, the critical weapon is still more powerful, but does Night Crow Quark also have the capital to defeat the enemy?

"Tweet! Quark!" I called out in my heart.

The blade light interleaved with the dead soldiers buzzed and instantly amplified into a sound like a group of crow owls. The gray mist flowed violently as if they were sucked away by them.

"Three Thousand World Crows Kill--" This rhythm echoed in my mind. As a result, the sublime light of the sublime seems to be a self-reproduction, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds and thousands of numbers appeared, and the night crow quark was used to blast away.

ended. Intuition tells me this, so the senses return to the original body, the night crow quark slowly landed in the air in front of me, and in front of me, the space filled with dead soldiers is like a spark blooming, visible to the naked eye, Covered by countless gorgeous blades of light. The body of the dead soldier became broken in a blink of an eye, and even had his hands and feet cut off, rolled up by the blade of light and a torrent of gray mist, pushed into the distance with a rush, and after landing, there was another violent impact.

The rising smoke engulfed the outline of the old toilet in the impact of the storm, and reached my front in between breaths, and was immediately divided by the night crow quark into two strands and passed across my sides.

"Ignition device ..." I looked at the scene of the destruction caused by the critical weapon, restraining the surging emotions, and said, "Shut down."

The flames of Night Crow Quark receded inch by inch, all condensing back to the state of fluttering hair. Before I experienced it myself, I really hadn't thought about it. I could wipe out all these dozens of dead soldiers with the help of the electronic demon. In the past, such results were usually only available when holding critical weapons, but now-I stared at the night evil quark without any shaking posture, thinking, the guy who created the electronic demon is really amazing. Even the enemy is really powerful. People hardly see the possibility of victory.

Want to defeat the opponent with the electronic demon made by the opponent? Even if the night crow quark condenses my identity, it is like my doppelganger and shadow, as it stands. Can't it be done? If the manufacturer is really a "virus" instead of "Jiang" ...

"Forget it, this kind of thing has been thinking for a long time, and I can't figure out a clue. Let's put it aside for now." I gave up. Although it is also very important to think about this kind of thing, but tonight's event is not over yet, we still put our energy on this side temporarily. When unraveling this tight thinking and emotions, I feel a strong sense of exhaustion as if coming from my soul, and it seems that I just need to relax a little more. You can't even stand still.

Is it overloaded? Is it spontaneous combustion? Ignition device is really a terrible means, but next time, it can be turned on or off. I thought so, holding my breath, grabbing the arm of the Night Crow Quark, sinking into the shadows as it carried it. There were no new enemies before the old toilet. Let's put those outside the school first.

I tried to make the night crow quark use the ability of the shadow jump to send them to the edge of the gray fog, which is the edge that the anomaly will affect. In order to avoid them being driven in by the experts, they delved into it again, so they used a little violent means. , "Hindered" their ability to move freely. However, in fact, the night crow quark failed to reach the "edge". The "feelings" it brought back were: The whole school had been shrouded in fog and could not reach the school gate at all. Moreover, even the teachers and students and staff in the normal residential schools are involved. For the time being, most of those people have fallen asleep, even if they are awake. In such foggy scenes, as long as no aggressive enemies such as dead soldiers are encountered, they will not have too deep an understanding of "anomalies".

If you find that you ca n’t walk out of school, you will just think that you are lost, and if you hear or see strange movements, you will also think that it is your own illusion. Even if you are driven by curiosity, go to check, as long as you do n’t find a substantial Things, I just think that this night is "somewhat wrong", most of them will not have a deeper association, even if they really think of some mysterious and grotesque stories, it will not be serious.

However, it is this phenomenon of unpreparedness and reduced vigilance that will make these people even more unable to react when they are in danger. Fortunately, this is at night, otherwise there will be greater disturbances? This campus will not be as quiet as it is now.

Nowadays, tangible anomalies such as dead soldiers really appear to be centered on old toilets. Before they spread, other people on the periphery should be fine, but before entering the old toilets, temporary Change the plan to allow those outside the school to help protect the safety of those inside the school. They have seen the mystery and have been hit once. After easing down, they should be able to use the abilities of an ordinary human combat expert in combat. Even if they ca n’t defeat enemies like dead soldiers, they may be able to do it with a delay To.

Even if it is only delayed for one second, the difference of one second is enough for me to do many things. Moreover, the scope of the fog spread is so large that the entire campus is dragged into the temporary data hedge space, even if it is not the center of the old toilet, but it may not appear weaker anomalies in other places, once I Being dragged down by the situation in the old toilet, these people must be troubled to protect the teachers and students in the school.

Although the plan has been made beforehand, the changes in the situation have indeed become a state of "it will be tricky if you only fight by yourself". In the plan, although it is not certain what action the student union and relevant social groups will take, but the arrival of these outsiders is indeed expected, and turning them into helpers is also pre-defined under the corresponding bad situation. In the plan.

If I can, I certainly want to solve it myself, but if it doesn't work, I won't force myself. In combat, it is also very important to use the resources on the spot. What I have learned from other mysterious experts can also be used here.

The night crow quark led me out of the way of thinking.

Unlike the previous use of the magic quark for shadow jumping, the whole process is too short, only the feeling of "the scenery changes in a moment", and the dynamics of sinking and jumping out. In addition to this, it is difficult to have other observations. And feelings.

The same is the shadow jump, however. Very fresh feeling.

In my field of vision, there were fifty-six people outside the school who were trapped in their hands and feet and blocked their mouths, just like suckling pigs to be slaughtered. A few people piled up under the shadow of a dark tree, and met my sight, struggling violently immediately, expressing strong dissatisfaction and anger.

"Fashionable bundling, isn't it?" I said casually.

Hearing my voice, more people tried to look away. I was shocked when contacted with me, and immediately struggled like everyone else. What they want to express, I know very clearly. So many people were killed by a high school student. They have no power to fight back. It is difficult to endure the self-esteem as a combat expert. If you can. They want to "get serious and fight me once" to prove themselves? Although, in my opinion, the result will not be any different, but for them, it is still very imaginative. Moreover, even if it fails as much as possible, it feels more reassuring than the current result of "going lightly and destroying all"-

"No, there won't be any peace of mind at all?" I said to them: "No matter whether you try your best, failure is painful, especially in the hands of people you don't want to admit. Is it?" Here, the ripples of the chain judgment are constantly moving in the direction of the old toilet, constantly monitoring the area, assuming that the enemies are all big men like dead soldiers, then. It doesn't matter if the observation accuracy is reduced. As long as the observation accuracy is reduced, the observation range can be enlarged. This is something that the past chain judgment could not do freely, but the night crow quark can. Its mystery and cohesion of power should be higher than that of the third-level Mageweave messenger.

The old toilet was very quiet. The defeated dead soldiers were like large incombustible garbage. No one could get up and no new dead soldiers appeared. It seemed that the ones that had been knocked down before were all. I remember that the dead soldiers are also called security guards. The connection between them is through the "security network". Although the "security network" has been out of control, the coverage rate is quite amazing. A security guard gets it in one place. The information will be transmitted and backed up in the safety network at the first time. If the "other side" connected to the old toilet is really the ruins of the ruling bureau, then in this foggy environment, maybe even on this side, the security guard can also connect to the "other side" Safety network. I also believe that as long as the dead soldiers have been instructed before the action, or, in the current state, they still have the ability to connect to the network, then the next wave of enemies should come soon ...

However, the current situation seems better than expected? After all, there are no new enemies. From the intuition, there is also a feeling of "temporarily weakening the storm." In any case, it is better to use the enemy like a tide.

I squatted in front of the four leaders I knew, and took off the cloth in their mouths.

"Stinky boy! Hurry up and let us go!" The temper was slightly irritable, and he immediately screamed, because the subsequent spoken language ~ ~ is mixed with too many local slang, so I can't understand it at all, just imagine , That is definitely not a good word. However, if you do n’t understand, there is no effect of being attacked, is it? I stared at him indifferently, the night crow quark stepped forward, and the shadow covered his face, so his arrogance gradually weakened, and he finally used the sound of "chi" as the conclusion.

"I need your help." I said to them calmly.

Many people show weird expressions, and their eyes are more complicated, the most of which is cynicism, but it doesn't matter, all I need to persuade is the leader. It is a matter of course for a team that can really do things and wants to do things. It is a matter of course to listen to the leader ’s instructions. These people are not scattered. Even if something is unsatisfactory, they will not resist the decision of the leader. I have seen such a team. Anyone who can be a leader has a side that convinces others. The leader ’s ability and prestige add up to a very high command, which maximizes the execution and decision speed. However, because of the disappearance of the leader, it often becomes more lacking than other loose teams. Cohesion, if you want to reorganize, it will become a bit troublesome for the selection of new leaders.

Today, the convincing leaders of this team are here, waiting to make a decision. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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