Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1071: 1 body

I have a question, it is because I affirmed in my heart that the other I was not a bad imitation made by mental erosion, but an existence generated by the mysterious power based on the killer Takakawa-as to whether it was me. The past and mental data, or other methods to produce such a result, can be put aside temporarily-so, this question arises.

"You really understand the current situation before you come to fight with me like this?" I squeezed the cigarette and asked the murderer Gao Chuan who had picked up the harlequin mask to the other side. As far as I understand it, since the guy in front of him is the murderous ghost Gaochuan, there is no doubt that he also possesses the essence of Gaochuan. What is the essence of Gaochuan and the essence of Gaochuan? Based on this essence, I have had a personal experience of what actions and ideas these "Gaochuan" will produce. That's even more so. Isn't it strange that the murderer Gao Chuan and I were fighting at the time and place based on the premise of life and death? Because, I think, even if I reverse the roles played by the guy on the opposite side and look at the battle from the perspective of the other party, I always feel a sense of violation ...

It's not that I won't make a choice between life and death, but that the reason for making this choice is not in harmony with each other's moods confirmed in previous exchanges. In other words, perhaps, the reason why the murderer Gao Chuan fought me was not based on the determination he had expressed before, but on some deeper reason. If he really is the murderer Gao Chuan ... it will be formed under the force of mental erosion, and it must not exist just for the reason of "declaring hostility and denying each other." Perhaps, initially, he was for this reason. It has been manifested by "mystery", but in all "Gaochuan", the killer Gaochuan, who also has the willpower of the best, will definitely not be simply eroded by this level of spirit. Position yourself as a harlequin like "mirror enemies".

Even if you wear a "harlequin mask" and become a murderer, it does not mean that you will become a harlequin, but just have the consciousness of acting as a harlequin. However, he is not wearing a mask at all.

This uncoordinated feeling. The contradiction in understanding seemed weak in the fierce battle, but I thought about it carefully, so I felt that I felt it. What is suspected is a real situation.

It is rare that the murderer Takakawa interrupted the attack on his own, and said to me "put on a mask", such a situation is rare, and conversely, it also proves from the side that my suspicion may be correct.

The murderer Gao Chuan attacked me with the feeling of killing me. There is nothing wrong with this. The situation he hinted at earlier, "I have already killed a lot of Gaochuan", probably does not lie. In any case, the determination to continue on one's own path, even if the other "self" is killed, is also very determined and clear. However, as I said before, the killing of the killer Gaochuan is not the result of advancing, but only the means of advancing, then. His ultimate goal was not something as simple as "kill me, kill those Gaochuans, and then allow himself to survive and continue on his own path."

I stood in front of him. Before me, there may be a lot of Gaochuan mirrors standing in front of him. For him, all this is a problem that blocks himself from progressing, and is already close at hand, so it is good to cut it off and practice again. However, this is the only thing that can be done on the premise that "after doing these things, you can indeed move forward."

Gao Chuan, a murderer, likes to cut the mess and achieve his goal through killing, but this does not mean that he only pursues killing, and he cannot see the road other than killing. When encountering the trouble of "killing, it will stop moving forward", choosing other methods will also be taken for granted. Of course, after making a choice, when walking on another route, it is inevitable that in the new choice, the means of killing is determined immediately, so it seems that there is no difference in peace.

However, the difference does exist.

The difference lies in whether the killing can really advance at a certain choice point.

So, does the murderer Gaochuan really understand his situation? Are you sure you can continue to advance by killing me in the current situation? If both of these questions are satisfied, you must then ask: If you understand the current situation, killing me can indeed move on, so choose to kill me-then, what if you ca n’t kill me. ?

Although the killer Gaochuan will choose to kill the first time, he will make the assumption of "unable to kill" the first time and make a backup plan based on it. After all, he is not only a rib in his head. Guy. The refined and stable style is not just a "killing" style, but refers specifically to all action styles.

"Kill me, you can move forward. In your understanding, is this the case now?" I looked at the silent murderer Gao Chuan, and Shen Sheng asked, "Why do you exist here? The form exists here? What is your relationship with me? Your actions will have a huge impact on other people. When you choose to fight, how long do you plan to solve the fight? If you ca n’t limit the time What will happen to the battle inside? "I paused, took a breath, and said to the man holding the harlequin mask:" I want to know, how do you understand your current situation? "

"Toilet talk ..." The murderer Gao Chuan really didn't do it in the first time. After a long silence, I replied like this: "This toilet talk is more difficult than the first encounter. The time is more serious, so I will appear here. My existence is an empty shell, and it only has meaning in the battle with Gao Chuan-the mystery here defines my existence in this way and separates me from yours alone It was dragged out of deep consciousness. Even if there is no definite evidence, this situation is still imaginable and understandable. I am an empty shell of Gao Chuan, driving my power, which originates from the mystery here, but at the same time, I am also a fragment of yours, the power that made me independent, also stems from the mystery here. Or. It is because of this situation, this time and place, I exist here. "

He said it was complicated and had too much meaning. Included in it, because the words are not good, he can only repeatedly mention this most fundamental situation: he can recognize how he was born and why he exists.

"I am a miracle, a special case. It originated from a very strong mystery, but this very strong mystery is not just the mysterious power here and now." He lifted the fighting stance, converged the sharp temperament, tired and again Ordinarily sit on the stone beside, "So. Don't worry about time. Before I met you, your time data has been hedged again. The environment where you and I are now is in the secondary space of the temporary data hedge. Temporary data hedging is a parallel temporary data space. It ’s cumbersome to explain, you can understand it literally. For example, when one of us leaves here, the time of the others will start to flow ... … "

"No, don't be so troublesome. Secondary data hedging. Separation of time and data, parallel construction of space, these words are enough." I nodded, and why it was difficult for me to be close to my destination before, and it was difficult to summon Night Crow Quark. Relatively clear perception.

The killer ghost Takakawa finally chose the dialogue, perhaps an alternative plan after "confirming the killing within a limited time"; or it may be the situation of "can't move forward by killing me" from the beginning, the previous life and death battle , Just to confirm this. So, after confirmation, such a choice was made. Anyway, if I can solve the problem through communication, I really prefer communication-after all. I am not a murderer now.

"Do you want to smoke?" I took the cigarette case and handed it to him.

"I have it myself." He said that, from the same position in the combat trench coat, he took out exactly the same camel cigarettes. Watching him ignite cigarettes and smoke, he felt a sense of staring embarrassedly-presumably because the feeling he and I exuded at this time was like it was created in the same mold Right.

"When will the secondary data hedging end? Is it caused by the mystery involved in the toilet whisper? I have experienced a mental erosion before, related to the current situation?"

"Although you ask me this way, I ca n’t answer all the questions. What I can answer is what I can feel ... I ’ve said it before, I ’m just an empty shell, a fragment, a The miracle can only exist in special time, place and situation. "He said:" Because I am Gao Chuan, I can get rid of the huge sense of emptiness produced by such an identity. Because I am you, so I must and You can really advance if you meet. "

"So, it would be great if I could move forward by killing me. But that would be the worst, right?" My guess finally proved from his attitude and words.

"Before you, I have killed many Gaochuan, I am not sure, what is the difference between you and other Gaochuan, but, only after fighting with you, I am sure of this feeling." The murderer looked at me calmly , "Only when I was about to kill you, did my instinct stop me ... In the battle just now, I had three chances in total to stop you."

I couldn't help being silent. I didn't feel the three chances he said. Although the previous engagement was very embarrassing, every time I was able to avoid the key points, I didn't feel like I was being drained. However, if the murderer Gao Chuan said so, then he should be able to do it-I have appeared three fatal gaps.

"I feel embarrassed when you say that." I don't know what kind of expression to put on. "But, embarrassing myself is just like looking back at me in the second phase after the second phase. . "

"Well--" Gaochuan, the murderer, just responded so dumbly, making me think that he could really understand my mood at this moment.

"So, instead of killing me, I can't kill me." I changed the subject and said: "According to my guess."

"Structured my strength, there is the mystery of this toilet weirdness today, but there are other mysteries besides it." Cigarette light, in the dark gray mist, illuminates the murderer Takakawa's face: "I think The Gaochuan that I met before should be the same, but I am still the most special one among all constructed Gaochuan. Because, I am the only one who survived. "

"Well ... from this perspective, you are indeed special." I admit.

"Although special. But because of the origin of the structure and the current form of existence, it is bound." The murderer Gaochuan raised his eyes and stared at me. "My original intention of the mysterious structure is very contradictory. It is also very complicated. When I saw you, I already felt it. After fighting with you, I was more certain. I was born for you. The strongest idea is to kill you. "

"I can understand." I did not avoid the sharpness emanating from him. Look at him as calmly as possible.

"..." The murderer Gao Chuan lowered his eyes and snorted in disdain, saying, "But, that strong idea, and the relevance of the original birth, were imposed. And, you are dealing with you Time to confirm, if you really follow these things and act, then you will run counter to your most essential mission. Although, I am a miracle constructed temporarily, it is an empty fragment, but. I am still Gao Chuan, this, I will not question myself, nor will I accept questions from others. "

"Yes, this is the proof of being Gao Chuan." I responded heartily.

"So, I am Gao Chuan first, so it will be targeted and become this temporary miracle. This is also confirmed." His eyes were very calm. This kind of tranquility will only occur after a deep understanding of the special situation you are in through your own cognitive perspective, and acceptance of this knowledge. I know exactly what kind of situation it is. In the reality of the hospital, I have the same experience-the situation is completely different from what I originally thought. The inherent cognition has become the biggest blow. Even, the reason for my existence cannot be identified. However, as long as you can find a foundation that runs through your life with a strong will, you will regard these originally unacceptable changes as a "test of destiny", which gives birth to great courage and anticipation of bad luck. Calmly.

In front of me, Gao Chuan, a murderer who claimed to be a "empty shell, a fragment of a miracle" without any cover-up, made me feel calm and courageous.

I am very touched. Gaochuan, a murderer who can kill me three times, is such a guy. Compared with me who used to be a murderer in the past, he is indeed more worthy of the title of "killer Gaochuan".

"Yes, I am not Gaochuan, not determined by anything outside, but by my own heart." Originally, I also felt a little bit about having to fight the murderer Gaochuan when I had to fight him. I don't feel well, but now, I am very happy that I can meet him at this time. "Jiang" couldn't appear, quark was no longer there, Zuo Jiang didn't know where, or what the color and Dorothy were doing, Bajing and Sakuya were completely the existence of this world, which kept me from time to time Feeling lonely, but when gradually understanding the murderous ghost Gaochuan, the feeling of loneliness has disappeared without a trace.

If, he said he was a miracle, then, I am willing to believe that-he appeared in front of me in such a way and at such a time and place, which is really great.

"I am Gao Chuan, so I have to move forward. However, as an empty body born to you, a fragment of miracle, whether it can kill you or not, it is probably impossible for me to survive, let alone move on. "The killer Gaochuan said:" So, I decided not to kill you. "

"Thank you." I can only answer that.

"In exchange for conditions." The murderer Gao Chuan once again passed the harlequin mask in his hand and said, "Put it on." He stared at me, his eyes calm and condensed, as if, he would never consider the situation of my rejection , So said: "You also said before that you are a Gaochuan who can tolerate different wills and draw nourishment from it, and under the circumstances of last resort, Gaochuan is willing to commit responsibility to the new will. So, draw my will , Let me fight in this way. Until one day, you can no longer fight, then, entrust me, let me take the road you broke off and move forward in my way! "

His words were calm but with a strong will, like drumming, roaring in my heart. Let me fully feel that the will passed on is so heavy and full of power-when I reached out and touched the once lost harlequin mask, the extremely strong emotions, like lightning, penetrated me Whole body nerves.

this is--

I suddenly raised my head, and saw the murderer Gaochuan sitting opposite, like a firefly, the body was cracking into tiny spots of light, and then, so quietly, without any room to spread out. The whole process seems to be only a moment, and it seems that I can see every detail of his disappearance. I seem to see his smile at the last moment-it is very gentle, full of expectations and decisive smiles, His eyes seemed to be looking at me, looking at the harlequin mask in my hand, and he seemed to be wearing all this, looking farther away.

When he disappeared completely, like a bubble, in front of his eyes, the sense of flow of the gray mist suddenly became heavy and really cut. His temperature seemed to remain on the harlequin mask, and in my ears, his voice seemed to echo: "Put it on", no, maybe: "Bring him (me)."

I firmly grasped the harlequin mask, and tears came out, but my heart seemed to have been washed and became particularly clear.

The parallel space created by the secondary data hedging has been touched and can be clearly felt, but there is no way to affect my mood at this time. It is not sadness or pain. It is not intense but full, but it is not particularly hot. Just, people can't help crying. That's all.

"Damn-is it just this time?" I said to myself: "But, although it disappeared, it did not end."

Put it on-the voice said so.

I loosened my tight palm and gently and carefully covered the harlequin mask on my face. Suddenly, the presence of the night crow quark came from behind him. Even if he didn't look back, the hot flames in his hair seemed to put the fog and darkness all around him, so strong and so clear.

The light is shaking beside me.

"I can accommodate, and I am willing to trust. You are willing to be accepted, and you are willing to wait." I said to my shadow, "So, before I die, walk together. You become my power, and I become your Body. Now, we are one again. "

When I straightened my body, the fog in front of me seemed to be split by an invisible force, and it was highly uniformly carried into the night sky. The sky that was originally covered by the gray fog and appeared dark, so a line fell on me. Unlike the feeling when I was in the gray mist, the bright and clear outside the night space is like my heart at this time, as if washed by the clear spring water. The connection sound of the signal came from my headset again: sand, rustle ...


"Achuan ... Is it Achuan?"


"The signal is unstable, but it is connected."

It ’s the sounds of Bajing and Sakuya. It ’s this time. Did n’t both of them rest? As I said before, the shift system is used, and only one person is standing by the computer. However, it is really very happy to hear their urgent and surprise voices at such times.

"Yes ~ ~ is connected, this is Gao Chuan." I interrupted their voices.

As he said, Night Crow Quark grabbed my shoulder and drove towards the old toilet. When I was in contact with the night crow quark, I was already sure that what the murderer Gaochuan said was correct. When I met him, the time lapses inside and outside were different. Unlike the successive malicious attacks I encountered, Night Crow Quark did not have any trouble when he arrived at the dormitory with the group of outsiders. Looking back at me from its perspective, I can't detect that I have experienced so many situations.

Probably, from outside the normal school, you can't experience these changes in the school.

Including the Night Crow Quark, Saki Ye and the Eight Scenery, what I and I have in this sense has indeed been cut apart.

However, in any case, when it comes to contacting Bajing and Sakuya, there is a sentence that must be said to them.

That is--

"Everything is fine." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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