Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1084: countercurrent

The huge light beam ejected from the pupils of "" eyeball "" has already blasted on the platform without even blinking. This cylindrical beam is so bright and white that it is dazzling and cannot be seen by the naked eye. The senses of the crow quark can only be observed. The \ "Ping \" sandwiched under the rib of the night crow quark shouted with his eyes closed, his voice was covered, and the world whitened by the light seemed like a sudden All the shadows have disappeared, and the outline has suddenly become less three-dimensional. The volume of the light column has exceeded the platform, and the ground around the platform is sinking like a melting candle. This bright white scene quickly covers all the platforms. Things, body life can no longer be observed, and then in the observation field of view, all things are gone, leaving only a white piece.

I can't hear the sound, even if I know that everything is covered by light, but like facing the darkness, I can't see anything, I can't judge my direction, the sense of time becomes disordered, and I can't tell how many seconds have passed. , Or, how many minutes have passed. The night crow quark is still flying in one direction. Although the speed should not be reduced in terms of feeling, it is impossible to distinguish how fast it is because there is no reference, even the power of chain judgment It seems to be released in the empty space. It seems to be fast, but it seems very slow. Until a certain time point is reached, the other colors gradually appear in the field of vision, just like the ink has penetrated the rice paper, thickening and deepening a little.

Black came back first, then the three primary colors, and then merged into more colors, and the outline of things gradually became clear. It was only when the reference object could be locked that the night crow quark traveled closer than expected. . The speed of the night crow quark is very fast, just a scene of rapid retreat, occasionally reappearing around, which is obviously the mystery of the spatial attributes. The terrible shelling of "eyeball", constitutes the overall data of this area. Both had a temporary and strong impact.

Under this strong bombardment, if the life of the body is directly hit, there is absolutely no reason to survive, but this is far beyond the power that the third-level Mageweave messenger can release when using critical weapons. They can rely on it, I think also There is only that layer of hemispherical defensive net. It ’s just. The delicate and slender, fragile form all over the mesh. It ’s totally unreliable, even if you know it in your heart.

As time passed, feeling, vision and displacement were moving closer to "normal", at the same time. A strong aftershock shock wave chased from behind, the night crow quark clung to the ground, but there was still a kind of use The feeling of pushing a lot, followed by the feeling of shock throughout the body, my original body and \ "Ping \" body, instantly flesh and flesh, in the observation of the night crow quark perspective. The body surface and internal organs are seriously The damage was previously well protected by the night crow quark, but at this time it was finally beyond power. \ "平 \" has been comatose and the protective clothing on his body has broken. Exposing the **** cracked skin, my original The situation is even worse, except that my senses are carried on the night crow quark, I can't feel the pain of serious injuries, and I will not be comatose due to physiological factors, but in the observation of the night crow quark, the physical function is indeed in a dormant status.

It would have suffered such a serious injury when it was affected. Although it was also in the initial possibility prediction, in my opinion at the time, this was only a very small probability. However, after the fact, No matter how small the original probability was, it is now a 100% reality. From this perspective, all the judgments I made in this battle can be described as many mistakes and omissions. If you stay in the distance with \ "平 \", will the result be better ...

I shook my head and threw this assumption behind my head. Just as I thought at the time that serious injuries were only a very small probability, leaving the original body and \ "ping \" does not mean that it will definitely Better. Before the facts were presented, the original judgment could not be changed anyway, even if it was repeated once, under all the same conditions, I would still make the choice at the time, there is no strict sense at all \ "The premise of what can happen again \"

Yes, there were no changes to any conditions that determined thinking at the time. Back to the past, it was just the same mistakes. After all, the seemingly flexible ideas, when they are generated in real time, are actually \ "inevitable." Because, this kind of thinking is determined by various "past factors" that cannot be changed.

\ "Past \" cannot be changed, so \ "now \" determined by \ "past \" cannot be changed; and \ "now \" cannot be changed, \ "future \" determined by \ "present \" Unable to change. Destiny's observation from this perspective is already doomed, and thinking too much is meaningless.

I manipulated the Night Crow Quark to park in an abandoned building away from the battlefield, used the load-bearing column to resist the storm that had not stopped, and took the healing items from the original combat trench coat, and gave the original body and \ "Ping \" Rough hemostasis and bandages. I have no clever treatments. What I have learned is just ordinary first aid measures, and the material conditions at this time cannot support more in-depth treatment. I can only pray to the body's own fortitude.

The original body and \ "平 \" are inconvenient to move anymore. It is impossible to completely eliminate the load on the two in the battle state. Such a serious injury makes people feel that even if they hit again, they will never wake up again. Even so, I still want to return to the battlefield to observe the subsequent results. The possibility of the existence of "personality preservation device" prevents me from being indifferent to the situation at the scene.

If you leave your seriously injured body here, it is very likely that "wrong plus wrong".


This risk is worth taking, I judge it this way. Reason can only go from the "probability" to the situation with the greatest probability, but the perceptual judgment mechanism is not so strictly related to the "probability." Rationally, staying locally is the best guarantee. [,! ] The risky choice is just like the original decision to always carry the original body and \ "Ping \". However, unlike at that time, today ’s me, the sensibility should prevail, in the final analysis, but because of the \ "personality preservation device \ "The temptation is too great.

\ "It ’s really a bird to die for food. \" I laughed at myself, and drove the night crow quark against the wind and sorrow in the center of the battlefield.

The power of the shock wave has been weakened to the first third, but the raised debris still carries a sharp roar, the smoky smoke obscures the vision, and from time to time there will be huge hard objects. Under the environment. Using chain judgment to make a wide range of observations is more difficult than usual. However, the mystery of the night crow quark is enough to bear an extremely high load, and it is seriously injured in the original body. When the light is completely mounted on the night crow quark. I clearly feel the advantages of the electronic demon and the temptation to completely transfer my personality consciousness to this body. Even me. I ca n’t help but occasionally, \ "If the original body collapses ... \" like this Minor thoughts.

I still do n’t know how many people the Electronic Devil has allocated, and how many people will be. I will face this situation that seems to be \ "forced to make a decision \", I still feel that such a temptation, even if \ "forced \ "It ’s due to facts, and probably not a few people will regret it afterwards. Even the idea of ​​\" this is good \ "may not be.

Thinking this way, I am more vigilant against the behind-the-scenes hands of the electronic demon. What kind of purpose does the other party want to achieve? Before I can experience the end, I ca n’t make a positive judgment at all. In the illusion of apocalypse. The feeling produced when faced with such "coincidence" situations.

Not sure, everything is possible, whether your judgment is correct, but the probability is the biggest but not necessarily the facts, I clearly think that my judgment is correct, and I am determined to do so, but when I really did it, I met All sorts of \ "coincidence \", but make myself have to review his decision again.

Regret, hesitation, want to come again, this kind of mood is everywhere, but, if you want to live and want to move forward, you must harden your heart, bear the consequences of choice, and bear all the regrets and heavy to go forward. No, accurate In other words, when you accept those negative thoughts and decide that you must move forward, those thoughts that make people feel like "want to come back" will become a strong motivation to promote themselves.

Because, \ "has already reached this point, it is too late to regret. \"

So, I ca n’t regret it. I wiped it out before such an idea emerged, \ "forward \" or \ "death \"-to exclude various \ "possible alternatives \" from subjectively, leaving only these two .

I understand that this is a very subjective and extreme behavior. However, if you don't do this, I think I will escape. If I don't want to escape, I will force myself into an inescapable situation.This is my choice.

Therefore, starting from the time when this choice is confirmed, there is no choice.

I don't know if it is due to the weak function of the original body.In the short time that the night crow quark galloped, my thoughts continued to diverge, and I could not fully concentrate on the current situation. At this point, new power is released, and the spirit is quickly excited from unfavorable factors.

no choice.

no choice.

Can't escape.

Can't escape.

There are no mistakes in your own decisions.If the facts prove that you are wrong, you have to wait until the facts come to prove.Before that, you can't doubt your decisions, you can't hesitate, you can't look around, and you are indecisive.

Constantly thinking so, my emotions gradually settled down.

Night Crow Quark ripped open the muddy waves, and the outline of \ "eyeball \" has approached the platform even more during this time, but it still did not go above the platform, but hovered a few hundred meters away. In the air. In fact, only this huge volume, but also enough weight, directly overwhelm the body life. The body life is forced to station on the platform, losing its mobile advantage, if you can determine this in advance, in fact this \ "Eyeball \"-shaped fortress can choose more means of attack, however, that is already assumed. Aboriginals, like me, have chosen \ "I think it is the most safe \" among various possibilities The way, just, it turns out that not all \ "I think the most insurance \" is \ "the most correct \".

The night crow quark's approach was quickly noticed by \ "eyeball \", but the previous beam bombardment seemed to have consumed a lot of its energy, and ultimately it was just a missile, which is better than nothing. This orangutan bomb is even hitting the night crow quark And cannot destroy its body, not to mention, any moving object is only \ "reference object \", even under extreme conditions, maybe \ "light \" can also become a reference object-I subconsciously I feel that if it is not necessary, it is better not to do it so extreme. Consider the existence of the \ "wave \" and \ "electronic \" levels as a reference object. Even if the super power of \ "no limit \" is reached, Not necessarily without any side effects as before.

The night crow quark broke a gorilla shell at random, using the initial speed of the exploding fragment as a reference, and immediately entered the state. The distance of one kilometer passed quickly. When passing from under the "eyeball". The chain judged that it had touched the platform and will The situation in that area feeds back into my mind. Although it is a little vague. However, the individual life of the body can still be distinguished. Five people are standing, and the outermost defense network seems to have collapsed. A large number of particles are extremely Vigorous movement, showing a state of high heat. The surface of the platform seems to be smoother after the attack, but it has not been severely damaged, and the surrounding ground is like thick asphalt, no longer hard Feeling. But, people don't want to touch it at all.

There is a big in the air. [,! ] The sound of the exhaust, the dust, the gray mist that did not exist. It can be distinguished by the naked eye. Fortunately, the appearance of the fog is not due to \ "the structure is decomposed \", I do n’t know, However, this kind of thought is enough to make people shudder. When I use critical weapons, the biggest effect is just to smash the structure. The demon will become gray mist after death and dissipate, and the body life seems to produce similar However, I have never seen a non-living object formed purely by a structure, such as a row of buildings, destroyed and broken down into fog.

The feeling that came from the chain judgment convinced me that the five body life is still alive, even if it is seriously injured, it is still alive.

They didn't turn into gray fog, and their bodies stood firmly on the platform.

Closer, between breathing, I can see them clearly. The platform terminal has been completely contained by the tower-like body life, the indicator light flashes crazy, and the other body life responsible for protecting it, the whole body is cracked up and down The gap, the originally flat surface, seems to disintegrate at any time.When facing the two elemental lives slightly forward when the beam is bombarded, the waist is below the molten state, and the details of the waist and legs are already difficult to distinguish. It seems to be fixed in place.If you want to pull them up, you will only take the upper body-that's it.It makes people imagine it, and it feels very painful.

Although the other two body lives are not so seriously injured, they do n’t make people feel that they have much combat ability. Their mask-like faces have been cracked, like broken porcelain dolls, and they seem to move slightly violently. , Will further make the body collapse. Now they feel like my original body and \ "平 \".

The hemispherical defense net that protects them at the outermost periphery only has the bracket part adsorbed on the platform.Although the shape is miserable, it does eliminate the great power of the beam bombardment, so that the life of the body is not in the first place. death.

Even so, they are just the end of the story. \ "Eyeball \" after confirming this, released a large number of missiles, overwhelmingly covering the platform. The night crow quark approached faster, passing through the scorching outer periphery, tearing When gray fog and smoke jumped onto the platform and faced the life of the body again, the tenacious defense that could originally block yourself no longer exists.

The action of the night crow quark just let the life of the body slightly extend his hand, but this slight movement caused a burst of chain collapse, and the cracked parts of their bodies fell into pieces one after another. It is really miserable, but since they are going to die, Well, my promise of "ping" was completed. Although my intervention was not decisive throughout the battle, it was probably not as unbearable as "nothing".

The night crow quark looked at the only tower-like body life that was still vigorously active.After it merged with the platform, it was not the body but the consciousness data and the like, and the cracking of the platform terminal seemed to have reached the final juncture. It hasn't stopped it.Although its injuries are lighter than others, it seems that it has completely lost its humanity now, and it feels no longer necessary to manage it.

on the contrary--

Under my control, the Night Crow Quark flew upwards suddenly, detonating the missiles covering the platform in mid-air. The body life has no sense of uselessness, \ "Ping \" is also in a state of severe injuries and coma, such a fierce battlefield , The other guardians will not venture to dabble, no one can stop me until the "eyeball" fortress restores the energy of the beam bombardment again.

The indicator lights on the platform terminal suddenly all turned on and all turned off. The subtle movements of the tower-like elemental life stopped. The night crow quark broke the missile group, and when it fell back on the platform, it felt heavy. The sense of shock. The elementary life is still one step closer to its goal, although they are exhausted and do not see any signs of reinforcement.

Of course, for me, this fisherman ’s benefit is also close at hand. The only thing that can be done at this time is not to completely destroy the life of the body, but to pray that there really exists \ "personality preservation device \". Say, \ "quality transfer instrument \" does not matter what, but \ "personality preservation device \" is a must-have object.

A crack appeared in the center of the platform, like a door that was pulled left and right, and light emerged from the gap.

\ "Eyeball \" fortress also seems to have reacted, a large number of guardians ejected from its body, just like spores splashing. For them, even if the life of the body is already embarrassed, it should still be full of deterrent I was also impressed by the fact that the missile was shot down by the night crow quark, and the fight between the night crow quark and the body life chamber. So their movements made me feel stiff.

It ’s really enough to be able to survive the terrible shelling. Night Crow Quark ’s intact return is also a threat to them. If you do n’t hit the missile, you choose to stop it. The tower-like body life, if you kill all the body life, maybe the situation will be different-after such a fierce battle, and finally being hammered by an outsider, this is also a "" vote ". .

However, I do n’t need the goodwill and recognition of the gathering place. What I need is \ "personality preservation device \"!

The door opened, and the light became more and more attractive, however, when I saw what it was, I manipulated the night crow quark to quickly retreat.

At this moment, the condensed light beam passed by the night crow quark, and then more beams directly penetrated the platform, just like a spear pierced from the inside. These beam rays completely missed the body that was on the verge of collapse. Life is only for the night crow quark.After I finished evading, I cut off the only visible head of the tower-like elemental life.

This series of operations is extremely quick and simple. When the night crow quark draft, immediately hit the invisible shield. Ripples on the shield were only observed by the naked eye, and the area has covered the entire platform. Such a shield style overlaps with the wizard's magic spell in the impression. Together.

\ "Apocalyptic Truth! \" I am sure in my heart. Night Crow Quark raised his hand again and waved, the arm blade slashed, so that the shield shattered suddenly. And the guardians who reached the attack distance were already in the second wave Under the cover of the missile group, the weapons are connected to each other to form a larger and more powerful weapon form, and the aim is completed.

However, just in this time difference, the wizard spell has been released, and the "snake" condensed by the gray mist walks on the remnant of the life of the body, quickly binding it and wrapping it into the form of "cocoon" , The wizard who jumped on the platform was carried behind him. Look at the costumes of these wizards, they are all above the "formal wizard". They have come to the front desk, and they have the same costumes as normal people. The masks have a more peculiar personality. "Elite Wizard \". Then, the more powerful guy jumped out from under the platform, which was the heavy armor of the whole body structure material, and there was a wing in the back \ "Flying Wing Knight \", which is better than \ "Elite Wizard" \ "The existence of the upper level. I have only seen it in the old nest of the Marl Jones family. Its combat effectiveness is quite amazing, but at the time, I encountered a pair of wings \" Flying Wing Knight \ ", which means \" One of the four knights of the Apocalypse. The current one, but in terms of the number of wings, it gives a feeling of "semi-finished product".

The gray-black carapace bionic armor, regardless of color or style, is very different from the regular style of the ruling bureau.It can be distinguished at a glance.They are not locals.

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