Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1099: Call it by its name

Dorothy is the Mageweaver, and when she first saw her, she already existed in the Doom I environment in the form of "Morrowmaker". On her wrist, there is a familiar triangular prismatic magic pattern. Refer to the memory of the first battle with her. This bear puppet is definitely not all her means of attack. At least, like me, she has an angel. Mageweave Messenger. Dorothy is very strong. This kind of power is not how much power has been shown in a certain doomsday illusion, but a macro existence that runs through all doomsday illusions. Even if it is just a bear puppet shown here, the source of the abilities involved behind it is definitely not a magical superpower in the usual sense.

I lost the Mageweave super power and the electronic demon, unable to activate the knife-shaped critical weapon, and my own particularity could not be revealed by the mysterious power, so it was a matter of time before I fell into the disadvantage. After many dodges, he failed to find a chance to fight back, so he was ultimately seriously injured, unsustainable, and nothing surprising.

When the fist of the bear puppet was wiped across the waist, accompanied by a strong shock, I only had such a thought in my head: I still couldn't escape it. I bumped hard against the wall, only to feel that the skeleton of the whole body should be scattered, and the internal organs seemed to jump out of the throat. I kept vomiting blood, and the pain lasted only a blink of an eye, and only a piece of numbness remained-the feeling below the waist was completely lost. Even so, my mood is not as regretful and unwilling as I originally thought, and even when this kind of look is extremely bad, I still do not have any "I will fail, I will die" in my heart. a feeling of. It's just like the downwind at this time. But it's just an ordinary hurdle, as long as you work harder, you will definitely be able to pass by.

This kind of thinking is self-deception, or stubbornness that does not want to admit defeat, I thought about it carefully. I just think that there is nothing to care about. If you fail, then it must be the time of total death. And if you are still alive, no matter how bad it is, it means that you have not failed. For myself, before the spiritual consciousness is completely destroyed and dissipated. No, even death in the conventional sense is probably not the end.

I used my only right hand with a tactile feel to try to grasp the knife-shaped critical weapon. The second blow from the bear puppet, without any hesitation, followed immediately above the head. I inserted a knife-shaped critical weapon into a crack in the wall to act as a lever. Pulling himself aside, although he was not hit by the bear puppet's fist, however, with the impact of boxing, it was wrapped in a lot of structural fragments, and his head was covered with a face. I only had time to raise my left hand, which was only at the forearm, and was still in front of my face, curling up tightly. I felt seven or eight pieces cut through the skin, and the body immediately felt a sense of wearing.

I am still alive, but it is extremely difficult to breathe. Every breath I take seems to be squeezing my final strength. The feeling that the blood was flowing out of the body was unexpectedly clear at this time, and when you looked down, you could see a large area of ​​blood sinking underneath. However, the loss of blood did not make the body cold, but there was a needle-like burning. Every nerve, blood vessel, and every inch of skin that stimulated my body, the sound of my heart beating near my ears, and the sound of blood flowing in blood vessels roared a little. Finally, only this kind of sound was roaring. Obviously it is a very complicated situation, but it seems that it has reached a certain height in an instant. There is a huge gap between its own time and the time of the external environment.

It's just like the feeling produced when using the fast swept super energy. I knew very well that I didn't run at this time, but the time for my body's changes accelerated. It seems to drain all the blood within one second, and at the same time, repair the wound on the body within this second. I felt the illusion that the green seedlings were growing fast under the fast lens, and there was a sudden pain in my left eye. Before I pressed it, it had peeled from the eye socket and suddenly fell into the pool of blood on the ground.

In the accelerated state of time I can feel, the blood flowing out of me turned into a deep red sticky substance, just like consciousness, layered on top of each other, the left eyeball is located in this deep red sticky blood At the top, a sudden dizzy turn, the loose pupil suddenly filled with a sense of life. It is like an independent life, not a part of life. It turns, just like a transparent person is turning his eyes, looking at the surrounding environment. When this gaze fell on me, it quickly turned to Dorothy's direction, where the bear puppet still maintained a chasing posture, but the extremely fast fist had become extremely slow, even standing Dorothy above the bear puppet's head also became a shot of this slow-motion scene.

Only my thinking and the movement of this eyeball are maintained at a normal speed. This has not happened for the first time. Although the phenomenon produced by the rapid swept super energy is also similar to this time, but since it is an anomaly involving "left eye" and "fresh blood", there is only one answer. Correct: "Jiang" appeared!

At the same time this answer came to mind, the female body "floated" on the edge of the blood depression, although it can be seen that these thick blood is forming her body, but the kind of "drilled out" from the blood depression Feeling is also very strong. At the beginning, it was just a human-shaped silhouette. The facial features, hair, and joints did not exist. I could only identify a female from the sexual characteristics of the chest and buttocks. However, after I blinked again, the hair lines and traces of the facial features, It has been outlined. For me, this presentation is at a relatively normal speed, but compared to the external environment, this presentation is extremely fast.

Just when the lower part of her waist began to show a line to distinguish her feet. Dorothy, who was originally in slow motion, suddenly jumped over the top of the bear puppet's head, and the speed of its jump and fall was no different from the normal situation. While falling, he stretched his feet and kicked towards the blood-colored figure. It was such a simple attack, but the blood-colored human figure did not have any resistance, and was directly kicked in the head, as if a bomb was embedded in it, and it exploded.

The scarlet human figure was broken by Dorothy's flying kick from the head to the position of the collarbone. So easy. Gives a very fragile feeling, as if the previous momentum is nothing but bluff. However, if this is the weirdness caused by "Jiang", it must not be so simple, right. I have the most direct experience. The kind of huge instinct that comes with "Jiang" doesn't end with the collapse of the blood-colored human form, but expands more and more. I think Dorothy must have felt it too.

Without any hesitation. Dorothy punched and kicked, completely destroying the human form, and then grabbed the knife-shaped critical weapon in my hand, just in front of me, opened it with the magic pattern permission. I have no power to stop her series of actions, just accompanied by the appearance of "Jiang". The kind of fear in the bottom of my heart has already made the already weak and numb body stiff.

The knife-shaped critical weapon made a buzzing sound, and the waves emanating from it made the spatial vision around the knife body distorted. Through this twisted part, looking at the **** viscous material, I just feel that it is like there are countless things that are trying to pour out from the inside. Only then did the sticky blood show such a weird twist.

"Sure enough! My arrangement is still effective." Dorothy didn't attack immediately, but observed the distortion of the thick blood-colored substance with cold eyes, as if to explain it to him as saying: "Jiangchuan is a man-made man, even consciousness Man-made, the deepest part of its consciousness, there is no connection with the collective subconscious, but a trap disguised as a collective subconscious. From the ideology, it is difficult to see on the surface, as long as there is no deep interference, it will not I ’m exposed to it. Of course it wo n’t activate. Actually, how much can I do to the trap itself, no, not even, how much the trap itself has hidden effect. I ’m not sure. ”So, she turned her head to me Say: "The" honeypot "trap created by using the mental integration device through the way of repeaters is actually already intended to be used as soon as you recover."

Listening to her explanation, I can't help but think of the strong, uncoordinated feeling that I felt at the netball base when I was just recovering. Until now, I feel that it is a trap, and I finally got it at this time. prove.

"Why should I say this kind of thing?" I asked with my remaining energy.

"Because this is a formal declaration of war, declare war brightly and honestly!" Dorothy said loudly and loudly: "Everything will begin, we are ready. This time, Jiang, we have a 30% chance to kill You. It ’s just an appetizer. ”As she said that, the thick **** substance once again condensed into a human form, but, for Dorothy, it was just a matter of squandering , "I know, you won't be killed that simple, but it doesn't matter, this time, it was just a test."

It seemed that everything was about to end at the moment of her wielding the sword, but even if Dorothy came, she attributed everything to the trap she had arranged. However, in my mind, there was still a doubt that failed to follow this The answer is explained. The cause of my powerless situation at this time is that I lost mysterious power, but in the whole process of loss, the electronic demon undoubtedly occupied a large proportion. If I said that I joined the Las Vegas Raiders, was involved in the trap world, and mystery was suppressed, it is a situation that must be encountered according to the "script", then, what about the electronic demon? The timing of the electronic demon summoning procedure is too coincidental, and although the heel of the agent "Carmen" left at the end of the day, the rear heel suddenly appeared in front of my eyes in an "abnormal" way, naturally becoming mine Power, but I still do n’t think that this is a masterpiece of Carmen and Doomsday Truth, and now that Dorothy appears, it does n’t feel Dorothy ’s plan.

The emergence of the electronic demon has a feeling of alienation from the current situation, but it is also a key factor in the development of the current situation-I was suppressed mystery by the repeater trap, and the electronic demon that can break through this suppression appears in my In front of me, my mystery was embodied through another way, which allowed me to go deeper into the ruling area in the later campus talks, and passed through all the difficulties. Afterwards, Zhenjiang was defeated with a knife-shaped critical weapon. This made me fall into the end when facing Dorothy.

However, if the emergence of the electronic demon is really not what Dorothy did, not "Jiang", nor Carmen and Doomsday Truth's attempts to invade the trap world, it is naturally not a plan. Then, the only thing that can be thought of is the "virus". However, the actions of Carmen and the Doomsday Truth are in my understanding. It is the behavior of the "virus", and this time, the "Electronic Demon" incident is not all linked by Carmen and Doomsday Truth, then what is the meaning of the "Electronic Demon" in this series of events? ?

in this world. All changes are meaningful and conscious, and all seemingly accidental is inevitable. The factor of "electronic demon" is also certain, and there is a certain targeted meaning.

If the progress of this world is a huge script. Then there is no "unknown future" in the normal sense, it is just that human beings cannot observe the complete side based on their own existence. Regarding the existence of this script, as far as I know, there are "hospitals", "color centers", "hacker Dorothy" and "viruses", but the most basic structure of the entire script. It is based entirely on "viruses", "hospitals" fill it with flesh and blood, and "color center" as the center should be responsible for regulating the connection and operation between flesh and architecture, while "hacker Dorothy" is in " In the "bone and meat" filled by the hospital, the back door that Gasser needs is theoretically. The only thing that can be changed is the details of the "bone and meat". However, in order to fight against "viruses". It is necessary to dig into the basic structure of the script. I do n’t know how "Horoth Dorothy" will do, but now, her behavior should be behind the layers. Decided to start trying to interfere with the basic structure, in this way, to find the "Jiang" that she regarded as a "virus".

Everything works have its own laws. Although it is impossible to see through all the laws from the existence of human beings, to study the progress of a plan from the human perspective is nothing more than two steps: "determine the goal" and then "interfere" aims". Before interfering with the target, it is essential to determine the target. "Virus" cannot be observed. From the perspective of the hospital's reality, it is only an inferred existence. Based on this inference, it is also possible to recognize the existence of "virus" from various phenomena and plots in the illusion of doomsday. When the "virus" is not recognized, even in a doomsday illusion, facing all kinds of mysteries and weirdness, it is probably difficult to recognize the existence of the "virus" at the end of the end. Even if there is a vague concept, it is a philosophical way of thinking, rather than determining the existence of "virus".

At least, in my life, the cognition of "virus", the cognition of "jiang", and the cognition of "doom illusion" were formed step by step in this way. Although it is not extremely recognized that "hospital reality" is the ultimate truth, without the experience of "hospital reality", the overall personality concept of "Gao Chuan" cannot be formed, nor will he recognize his situation from the current perspective.

The existence of "hospital reality" is the basis of recognizing "virus", and the recognition of "virus" is the basis of a series of behaviors so far. From a macro perspective, my behavior, even if it reaches " "Reality of the hospital" has not yet separated from the "script". Because I am a patient with Doomsday Syndrome. From the beginning, what I did, what I thought and thought, was theoretically included in the plot of the "script." And "virus" is the basic constructor of the script. So, the series of causes and effects that I am facing today, no matter how much they are planned by others, can actually be regarded as "script" destined?

From this point of view, the meaning of "electronic demon" is at least one thing that can be confirmed: if there is no "electronic demon", then the plan that Dorothy showed at this time will not be the result of today. This leads to a conclusion: Dorothy's actions, and the results produced by the actions, have always been in the basic framework of the "virus" script.

Dorothy is not the same as mine. She firmly treats "Jiang" as a "virus", so the question comes. If "Jiang" is a "virus" and there is no difference, then, suppose Dorothy The current series of actions really have the lethality and influence on "Jiang", and this action is the basic structure of the script of "Virus", that means: "Virus" tried to understand itself from the beginning?

There is no doubt that I do not believe this conclusion at all. "Virus" is impossible to commit suicide, so backstepping from this conclusion, Dorothy's behavior could not achieve the goal she envisioned from the beginning.

This logic seems to prove from the side that "Jiang" and "Virus" seem to be one and two sides, but they are by no means completely identical. The existence of "jiang" is unfavorable to "virus", but it is not a problem that "virus" can solve on its own under normal circumstances. With reference to this situation, I searched for the most similar example in my cognition, and finally found only the relationship between "cancer" and "cancer patient", which can be used as a reference.

Patients with Doomsday Syndrome are patients infected with "viruses" and suffer from a more terrible terminal illness than cancer.

"Jiang" is a cancer cell of "virus", which is not good for "virus", but cannot heal itself under normal conditions. The existence of "Jiang" means that the "virus" also has cancer.

I do n’t know how much of the above inferences are close to the truth, but as a basis for my plan, it is enough. From the perspective of the hospital's reality, the "serum" that Gaochuan, patients and researchers all hope for should be something that can clean up the "virus". Because the "virus" cannot be observed, and the "doom syndrome" caused by it is too complicated, so that the production of "serum" has not made much progress from the beginning, even if there is a relatively special experimental body called "Gaochuan" It was only when trying to make "serum" that they accidentally got various "byproducts".

Therefore, in the absence of other methods, this "by-product" was injected as a "serum" into the body of the experiment: Bajing, Misaki, Marceau, Tie Se, and Dorothy, although in a certain way To a certain extent, the five people ’s “chemical collapse” has been prevented, but the side effects are also obvious. The personalities of Bajing, Sakuya and Marceau have completely collapsed, and the color and Dorothy have produced other alienation. This alienation is also The color becomes the "color center", and Dorothy becomes the basis of the "hacker Dorothy".

Although these practices and the results of practice cannot prove that "serum" cannot be produced, it is indeed a sad thing to produce "serum" in a targeted manner when the "virus" cannot be observed.

In contrast, if the same is to kill the "virus", then, assuming that "Jiang" is a cancer cell of the "virus", then the probability of "Jiang" killing the "virus" is better than making "serum", after The probability of killing "viruses" is higher and more direct.

Just like ~ ~ is to cure patients, rescue or collapse or alienate girls, and then escape from the "hospital", then it is not enough to have "serum" alone. Similarly, assuming that "Jiang" is a cancer cell of "virus", then "Jiang" at least on the same level as "virus" will increase the chance of success by several tens of percentage points.

Yes, if "Jiang" and "Virus" are treated differently, at least, they are not confused under any circumstances, then my plan is feasible, and all I have to do is to help "Jiang" better and faster. Land or erosion or killing "viruses", at least, cannot allow "viruses" to develop immunity to "jiang". I don't know how to do it, but if "Jiang" has such instincts and consciousness, then I only need to be responsible for "Jiang" and follow her guidance.

According to my understanding, to look at the things I have done so far, even if they are contradictory, ridiculous, cruel, or even seemingly meaningless, in fact, they have a real meaning, " "Jiang" did get help. Moreover, it is precisely because "Jiang" has grown in my behavior, that is why the condition of Gaochuan, a special subject, deteriorated so drastically. The factors involved are very complicated, but one of the factors is also There must have been a "virus" counterattack. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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