Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1129: Artificial magic eye

Although Dorothy said, the near river in front of him is strictly not a manifestation of "Jiang", but a "trap" created by "Jiang". Although I do n’t know how she and the color system were done, Kinki did give Jiang an illusion-this illusion is not serious, but observing the phenomenon that occurred when the teenager Gao Chuan just recovered, it can indeed produce effect. However, if Jin Jiang is completely a creation without an independent personality, it is definitely not the case. Just like the hesitation of the young Gaochuan at that time, when the prostitute Gaochuan faced Jinjiang, the smell of "Jiang" emitted by Jinjiang made the prostitute Gaochuan think that "Jiangjiang" is not "Jiang", and he still couldn't help but hold doubt.

Is it true that Dorothy and the color system successfully created such a "trap", or that the essence is still the "reverse trap" laid out by Dorothy and the color system in "Jiang"? In the face of the unrecognizable and incomprehensible existence of "virus" and "jiang", any doubt will naturally come to the maximum. In this respect, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan believes that he is not as firm as Dorothy and tie. However, he also feels that his hesitation is beneficial, as Dorothy and Tie Se, as formulators of the overall plan, need this kind of unshakable self-confidence, and as an executor, he is not relaxed about all the doubtful factors. Any vigilance is a relatively perfect fit.

Without thinking about Jin Jiang's role as a "trap", but simply to appreciate it as an independent intellectual individual, Jin Jiang is also a charming woman-of course, she is very different from ordinary people in personality and thinking. However, it is this personality and way of thinking that is her charm. She is in the memory of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. It has always been so special. Before the prosthetic body Gaochuan, Jinjiang and Gaochuan had a very deep relationship. When she came to the prosthetic body Gaochuan, although she and the past Gaochuan recognized "Jijiang", she had a lot of identity The difference, however. As far as personality is concerned, it is still full of sight.

Prostitute Gao Chuan could not express his feelings for Omi. And what Omi said to him clearly. There was a complicated entanglement between the two, which was once separated due to changes in the entire world and the death and rebirth of the "Gaochuan" personality. This past is so bizarre, to describe it as reincarnation. However, nowadays, they are reunited again, and this combination is also so sudden that people are caught off guard. What followed was a sharp turnaround in the world situation. And in such an urgent drumbeat, their wedding life is also extremely "unique".

In addition to "unique", the prosthetic body Gaochuan could not find other descriptions. because. For Omi, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is not just a "husband". Even, the proportion of the "husband" component in the relationship between two people is unclear. Instead, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan is a component of the "research object". It is more significant.

Both husband and research object. At the same time, he also serves as an assistant. These chaotic identities make the prostitute Gaochuan feel awkward and weird, but in terms of sensitivity and reason, it is not difficult to accept. In this messy identity and strange way of getting along with it, the prostitute Gao Chuan deeply realized what kind of character Omi was.

In the "legacy" left by the last Gaochuan, the description of the "Jinjiang" who married him at the time was: A crazy scientist-the prostitute Gaochuan felt that it was also extremely applicable to his wife "Jianjiang" in front of him. appropriate. Although her work at this time was not all scientifically logical and more biased towards occultism, while working for the Netball, her greatest research energy had not changed. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the construction of the repeater alone has taken almost all of her time to come up with today's results, and other research results are "by-products" born in the study of repeaters. ". However, Gaochuan, who has been her "research assistant" and "research object", knows that what occupies most of her research time is still the "gate of destiny"-an attempt that uses the "world line" theory as the core A plan of creation that affects the entire world.

Prostitute Gao Chuan knows what the "Fate Stone Gate" really is. Perhaps, in this world, except for Jiang himself, only he knows the most about it, because in the last Gaochuan era, Jin Jiang has already started this research. However, with the change of Doomsday Illusion as if “jumped into another world line”, this study by Omi continued, and because of her changing circumstances, it was closer to success than the last Gaochuan era. All kinds of instruments and various resources allocated to the network ball for the convenience of Omi ’s research on the repeater are used by her for her "Gate of Destiny." If not, the construction speed of the repeater should actually be increased by five times. about. However, there is no researcher in the cyber ball that can reach the level of Omi ’s so-called “mystery”, so no one can find the slightest evidence from the complex and unknown data and formulas. In fact, even if the evidence is found, Netball has no choice but to take her because although Omi works for the netball and understands many secrets of the netball, she is still not a member of the netball so far.

As an investor at the time, Ms. Mayn saw the value of Omi ’s “World Line” in theory and promised to provide her with research resources so that she could take full responsibility for the repeater ’s status as an “external staff”. the study. At that time, Mine Mayn proposed that the transaction conditions were very loose in order to obtain the cooperation of Omi. From the perspective of Omi ’s responsibility, she only needed to complete the research of the repeater in time. , Will get the default and support of the network ball.

Now that Omi has completed the construction of the repeater, her incomplete attitude and misappropriated resources, even if discovered by others, are only part of the original transaction. What's more, the charisma and the reputation of Ms. Mayn and others who dominate the network ball are enough to ensure that the network ball will not tear up the original contract.

Therefore, when Omi made it clear that the following research will continue to focus on the "Gate of Destiny", even Catwoman will only be able to knock on the side. In an attempt to change her mind. Of course, the prosthetic body Gaochuan never felt that Catwoman could succeed. Others must understand this. Therefore, we can only adopt a silent attitude. Omi ’s attachment to the “Gate of Destiny” is not a joke. For such a mad scientist, whether his ideas can be implemented is even more important than whether the world will perish. If you must stop "the end of the world", then there is only the reason that "the end of the world will hinder your research."

Prostitute Gao Chuan always felt. The reason why Omi exudes a strong "Jiang" taste is precisely because Omi's research philosophy is already full of a strong "end of the world" feeling. Moreover, if "End of the World" contributes to the study of "The Gate of Destiny Stone", then Omi may become a part of promoting "End of the World". And this terrible possibility. But higher than others thought. If they think that they have engulfed Jinjiang and are confused by her assistance at this time, they might regret it.

Because, in the memory of the last Gaochuan, "Jianjiang" at that time really had the idea of ​​guiding the end of the world, using the power released by the end of the world through the observation of the end of the world to complete the "gate of destiny stone". In the study of Omi at that time, it seemed that only "the end of the world" could provide complete execution elements for the "world line transition"-including the vague concept of resources, timing and even "fate". The "door of stone of destiny" at the time was in the eyes of other insiders except Omi. It hasn't belonged to science for a long time, but a terrible "mystery".

Even if the entire world has undergone tremendous changes, Omi ’s route and ideas. Probably there will not be an essential change-the prostitute Gao Chuan thought so.

For the last Gaochuan and his doomsday illusion, why did this "world line jump" change occur? The prosthetic body Gaochuan from his own speculation, Dorothy's interpretation and the network that vaguely perceives this change On the ball, different conclusions were obtained-

Dorothy and Xie Se say that this is to prevent "Jiang", or rather. Stop a "virus" conspiracy and officially launch a counterattack plan. Thus detonating the chain reaction caused by the "fortune pen" set in the script. However, it turns out that this behavior does not cure the symptoms, and the mutation caused by "jiang" or "virus" is still spreading. Even, they cannot be sure, Whether to let the past be better, or the current better.

Netball believes that this is the doomsday truth religion launched a "repeater" attack for some reason, resulting in the impact of the human collective subconscious concept level, and then produced a "mysterious" chain, they even guessed that doomsday truth Religion has used "repeaters" more than once, so they as cults can develop so fast. After all, a common person who rules the world of superficial scenes, his common sense and ideas will never be left to the doomsday truth. Distorted beliefs are so strong, and the fact is that Doomsday Truth is already "unconsciously", it is already very large, which makes many people feel contradictory and confused. Because this speculation is so appalling, if it is true, then the repeater has actually achieved the effect that can be achieved by the "gate of destiny stone" in Omi, so it is only necessary to have your own repeater. It has become the most critical event, and now that the repeater has been built, the assessment that "The Gate of Destiny Stone is no longer necessary" is made. Of course, this assessment cannot prevent Jin Jiang from continuing to invest in the "Gate of Destiny." For this kind of "resource waste", the network ball must also bear, just as this is the price to be paid to complete the repeater.

As for the prostitute Gao Chuan himself, he feels that the core of all these changes is not the "virus" but the "Jiang", that is, the "Jiang" that has always appeared on the young Gaochuan. Dorothy believes that "Jiang" and "Virus" are integrated. Rationally, the prostitute Gaochuan agrees with this view. However, from the perspective of his own sensibility, the prosthesis Gaochuan prefers the view of the young Gaochuan: "Jiang" It is two sides with "virus", "jiang" is "virus", but "virus" is not "jiang". Judging from a perceptual tendency, it can be concluded that the abnormality of the "world line jump" in the entire doomsday illusion is actually the pre-preparation made by Jiang for the recovery of the young Gaochuan, and the recovery of the young Gaochuan is further confrontation. "Virus" preparation. Nowadays, what Chang Huaian observed in the depths of the subconscious ocean seems to be evidence of this view: the reason why such a terrible "virus" and "jiang" is not more specific. A more direct way to interfere with the illusion of doomsday, which in turn causes a larger outbreak of disease in the hospital. It is precisely because they are equal and contain each other. This kind of containment just proves that there is indeed a difference between "Jiang" and "Virus", and the appearance of this difference is reflected in the existence of "Youth Gaochuan".

Since there are differences between the two, there are contradictions. Well, eventually it will happen more intensely. It is conceivable and understandable to carry out activities with the goal of eliminating conflicts more clearly. In fact, based on this assumption. Prostitute Gao Chuan understands younger Gao Chuan's thinking direction and action roots better than before. He has also admitted in his heart that the younger Gaochuan has a higher chance of success than he had inferred in the past. "Unrecognizable and incomprehensible existence can only be overwhelmed by the same unrecognizable and incomprehensible existence." This idea has been lingering in his mind for a long time, but he did not tell anyone. It has not been disclosed to Dorothy and the color.

Because Dorothy and Tie Se are so firm with their action plans and ideas. It seems that if they give up this view, they will become the walking dead of "collapse of ideas". Moreover, even if the young Gaochuan's direction is feasible, the prosthetic Gaochuan has no evidence to prove that Dorothy and the color scheme are wrong. because. Dorothy and the color scheme are equally feasible. The youth Gaochuan ’s plan is not foolproof, and even the consequences of failure are more serious, so the prostitute Gaochuan is firmly on the side of Dorothy and the color.

For him, this choice is a responsibility.

Perhaps, in the vision of juvenile Gao Chuan, only the "great consummation ending" is the only acceptable ending, but for the prostitute Gao Chuan, accepting the statement that "Jiangjiang is dead" bears the tie of saving and living , Dorothy, Misaki, Bajing and Marceau ’s responsibilities are more practical. To achieve this more realistic vision, it is true that Dorothy and the color scheme are more rational. Even if the sensibility returns, it is inevitably influenced by sensibility in many judgments, but the prosthetic body Gaochuan still prefers rational decisions.

Moreover, if you do n’t even stand on Dorothy and the color side, who else can help them and protect them? Such perceptual ideas also exist. Although the prostitute Gaochuan can understand the young Gaochuan, he cannot take on the role of the young Gaochuan. The deceased is already gone. He wants to save and protect his family who is still alive.

Prostitute Gao Chuan knew that the young boy Gao Chuan was always thinking and searching, and he paid a lot and endured a lot for this, but he also knew that he was doing the same thing when the other party was thinking about how to move forward, whether it was In terms of degree and intensity, they are definitely not weaker than the other party. Whether they give or take, they are also not weaker than the other party. It is impossible to understand which side is supported and which side is supported.

Prostitute Gao Chuan affirmed himself, just as he had dreamed of young Gao Chuan so much, he continued to think about it until now, even if he immediately faced the young Gao Chuan, he would never be shaken.

"I do n’t know what I ’m doing now, in the face of" Jiang "and" Virus ", in the face of the final battle, what effect will it have, or, in fact, it will be of no use at all. But this is what I can do I have to do it, so I have to do it. "Gao Chuan, the righteous body, said to himself in his heart that this was his attitude towards the" gate of destiny ".

No matter the repeater, the gate of Destiny Stone, the Omi trap, the persistence of the network ball, the plan of Dorothy and the tie of the color, until the fact proves that they are useless, the prostitute Gaochuan will not give up anyone. He was thinking seriously, to dilute those contradictions, to maintain those relationships, to find any piece of jigsaw he could find. In this process, it comes from rational judgments and emotional judgments, but it doesn't matter what it is from.

He can defeat the Nazis, fight back against the doomsday truth, and save the world and people in deep water. This is what he can do, whether it is emotional or rational, whether it is because "want to be a hero", or it is to "plan" "Because you can do it yourself, why not do it under the pretext of" for the end that is coming, there is no point in life or death today "? Dorothy did not stop, the color did not stop, Omi did not stop, and Miyake, Bajing, and Marceau did not stop, so why not do it?

The prosthetic body Gaochuan opened his eyes vigorously, and a large number of bubbles appeared in front of him. Through the brewing chamber filled with nutrient solution, he saw the faces of Omi, Dorothy, Fire, Prophet Mayn, and Catwoman.

With the exception of Chang Huaian and Marceau, everyone has returned from the world of repeaters, waiting for his awakening-yes, the prostitute Gao Chuan has always known how he is in these days.

The constant adjustments made him more powerful than in the past. As Dorothy and Omi said, there is no limit to this adjustment, but when he is needed, he will wake up.

The nutrient solution was falling, and a dull sound came from his ears. The green light is on, the valve is unscrewed, and the restraint on the body is also unlocked. The prosthetic body Gaochuan walked out of the modulation cabin and greeted everyone's eyes. When he took the first step, his body was covered with an opaque film. When he took the second step, the film gave birth to armor. When he took the third step, the black trench coat covered his body. When he took the fourth step, The hair around the waist was broken and scattered, and the hood covered his face. When stepping out of the fifth step, the bear puppet in Dorothy's hands soared into a crow resting on his shoulder.

"The target has been determined." Xia Huo handed over a handheld terminal, which was received by the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, embedded in the arm armor, and the data cable popped out of the garment and inserted into the data interface behind his neck. His left eye has been taken away by Jiang, but Dorothy and Jinjiang created a new left eye. At this moment, it seems that there are countless data flowing in the pupil of this artificial eye. Has completed the heavy film screen, showing a temporarily new system interface-magic eye.

The digital scene that was revealed in front of the eyes only because of the presence of brain hardware was completely combined with the function of this "magic eye", and the newly born crow quark is also part of this linkage system. The crow's head is turning, and the black feathers are completely free of the color of normal feathers. They are more like a flowing thick liquid substance. When you see it at a glance, you will never be mistaken for this to be a real bird. class. Its anomaly shows its strength. Regardless of the magic eye, the brain hardware, the data system and the crow "quark", they are full of the rich style of the engraved messenger-this kind of pertinence is so obvious, perhaps, in Dorothy In his mind, the figure of young Gaochuan has always been a symbol of "the strongest Gaochuan".

Prostitute Gao Chuan doesn't care about this similarity ~ ~ He admits that young Gao Chuan is powerful, but he doesn't feel inferior. Because he understands the young Gaochuan and understands himself better, but today's posture is not simply imitating the strength of the young Gaochuan, but what he really reflects is Dorothy's determination. In such a gesture, he will face the most terrible enemy from another angle-another himself.

This is the battle between "Jiang" and "Virus", it is the battle between Doroth and them, and it is also the battle between the Mageweave messenger Takakawa and the magic eye messenger Takakawa.

"I can start at any time," said Yichuan Gaochuan. "Actually, not many people are needed. Even me alone is enough to drive the Nazis across the sea."

"It looks like you are confident, but this may just be an illusion." The fire escaped, saying calmly: "You just finished the modulation, and I feel good about myself, I can understand. However, the whole of Britain is sheltered by our cyber ball, we You must take your own responsibilities. The next action will be completed by you, the Knights of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, the Magical Girl Crusader, and Mr. Gao Chuan. Strength. Dorothy and Omi will provide technical assistance and observation to you. After the goal of this counterattack is reached, you need to go back to Asia. The Central Principality has resumed the connection with our information, and the whisperer ’s meeting Ms. Chang Bajing recommends you as the first option to open the air route between the two countries. "To be continued

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