Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1131: The most crazy, on the outside, the strategy of God

The retina screen of the prosthetic body Gaochuan reflects the battlefield filled with smoke. The black rain keeps falling, and the whole world is like **** described in mysticism. The deadly light and heat make people feel no warmth, because it is not the light of the sun The dark clouds are as heavy as cheese on the heads of all things. Every breath of air will make people feel suffocated, and the body will be destroyed from the inside. Blood and corpses ran on the ground, and in the next moment they turned into ashes in a huge eruption. Even in this harsh environment, there is life, but most lives can only spend their few lives in despair, death is visible at any time, and pain is more common than death. There are terrible monsters looting everything, and these terrible monsters themselves cannot get rid of the end of being looted. It's just that for humans, they are not happy because of the death of monsters, there is more intense anger, sorrow and pain, and they eat their hearts every moment, and for monsters, this is their best Habitat, plundering and being plundered, fit their nature, and feel calm and happy in this seemingly endless cycle.

Stepping into the gates of hell, we must give up all hope-the ancient mysteries engrave warnings that people cannot really understand, and when people really understand, they are already in hell.

The entire British peninsula has fallen into hell, and the sight before it has reached the end of human imagination of the concept of "hell". Moreover, it is even more painful because this is "hell" rather than the "doomsday" that ends everything. Hell is eternal, which inevitably means that pain and despair will be eternal, everything is circulating, and the equation of circulation is full of negative factors. Anyone who struggles with hope. It will usher in greater despair in a failed way. All trustees can only hope for the future that they cannot see-however, in the eyes of more people, why the future will not be the spread of **** ? In addition to hope. Such inquiries will continue to ring in my heart before the "future" arrives.

Three lines of defense remained before the Nazis captured London, and communications with the outside world had only just appeared to be restored. All over the world were deeply engulfed in war and haze. Even in the Central Duchy of the East, they must defend their defense lines and lifted Only after the crisis in Australia and Siberia can we travel across the oceans to provide reinforcements. Before that, they must first determine the information in their hands to ensure the eradication of the roots and branches of the Doomsday Truth on their territory. No country will let its imminent disasters go unnoticed, but free up most of its people to rescue people in other countries. The consequences of the lunar nuclear strike plan, as originally expected, have enveloped the entire world. The lack of long-distance communication methods, and harsh environments. The whole world is divided into relatively isolated islands-even if it is expected, this situation will be improved. And many people are doing their best, but before that change comes, every country can only rely on their own preparation and resilience.

The situation in Britain is not the best, nor the worst. Before London is captured by the Nazis, there will be no crisis of extinction, and everyone is ready to reproduce a "Battle of Leningrad" at a critical time and place. Although no one would expect the situation to be so bad. But it is indeed quite prepared for this possibility.

At this time, all lines of defense against the Nazi advance were part of the plan. The sole purpose of these lines of defense was to delay time. As in World War II, the Nazis ’offensive did not have any essential changes, so how long can it be delayed. The key to this fierce battle-the Third World War is coming as scheduled! It's now! At this moment!

"Underground shelters are actually fortresses. The failure of the French Maginot Line was that they chose to concentrate their efforts on one direction. Although the construction of the underground shelter was based on the Maginot Line, it was more optimized. Templates. What France could n’t do at the time was put in this century and there were enough technology and resources to do it. ”Before the prosthetic body Gaochuan was about to leave, he participated in a wartime meeting at the headquarters. This counterattack operation will With the King's State Legion of Knights directly under the Queen and the Magical Girl Crusader directly under the Netball as the main force, the Nazis' high-end combat power was targeted, but this action, like all defenses, was just to delay time. During this time, the British military and the cyber ball thoroughly evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of their own and Nazis. They agreed that such a proactive counterattack could reverse the situation on the battlefield by less than 30%.

The reason is that the Nazis occupy the popularity of "mystery", and each of their soldiers has the "mystery". Although this mystery is not too high on ordinary soldiers, it is enough to offset the quantitative advantage of ordinary soldiers. Compared with its own "mysterious" fighters, it has quantitative advantages. Even a three-level Mageweave messenger has an 80% chance of dying in a battlefield in which 2,000 Nazi soldiers and a large number of airships are invested. In fact, when London insisted on defense, it had already been tested. The way of investing fifty or more second-level Mageweave messenger level or above, but there are only seventeen people who survived and can still fight. Such a huge battle loss is really chilling.

Initially, when the Nazis landed on the peninsula, only 2,000 soldiers were dropped. However, in a short period of time, the number of soldiers began to surge, and the number of airships was always maintained at about 2,000. The Nazi channels of combat power are full of mystery. They may be sheltered by lunar relays and cannot be cut off in the normal way. So far, there is still no proper and effective way to prevent the reinforcement of the Nazi side. Compared with their own need for a large amount of material to maintain the most basic social activities, the Nazis did not need to consider material issues. They were not afraid of the current harsh environment and could eat on the ground. Humans are their most delicious food. Even, the research department of the network ball suspected that these Nazi soldiers might not need to "eat" in the conventional sense to maintain their activities.

The mystery of the Nazi soldiers gave them the inhuman lethality and combat endurance, and the latter is the most critical.

"Each underground shelter is a coordinate. When these coordinates are concatenated, a network covering the entire peninsula will be formed. Each coordinate will become a source of soldiers. But relative ..." The intelligence commentator looked around the crowd, A low tone said: "Once the shelter is broken, there is no possibility of evacuation. The captured means that the source of the soldiers is completely lost. They will be slaughtered and eaten, no matter whether they are men, women or children. This time, the Nazis no longer set up concentration camps. They do not need to be captives, because ordinary people simply cannot contribute to them. "

Yes, for today's Nazis, ordinary people are cumbersome. They don't need ordinary people to pick up weapons and turn around to attack London. They have never thought of ordinary people as a condition for negotiation. This is different from World War II. During World War II, ordinary people still accounted for most of the main forces of the Nazi war, and this became one of the important reasons for their ultimate failure. No ordinary person could bear the Nazi actions, even if they succumbed under violence and fear. , Also because of seeing a glimmer of hope. This time, the Nazis produced enough mysterious soldiers to wage world wars. The basis for their blitzkrieg was deeper than during World War II. No one even knew how many soldiers the Nazis had, so that they were so convinced that they could attack the entire world except Asia at the same time.

The facts are already in front of us. These Nazi soldiers are indeed capable of attacking, even if they are very fiercely resisted in some places. However, the entire frontline remained at a stable speed. At this time, even if I was convinced in my heart that the Nazi soldiers would eventually have time to make ends meet, but before that time came. Whether the country still exists is a question that has already been put on the table. The Internet Sphere is a British government cooperative organization. It firmly bases the base on this land. It also needs to face the problem of the survival of this organization.

"The advantages of Nazi soldiers over ordinary soldiers are comprehensive, including physical fitness, fighting will, fighting experience and sacrifice spirit." When talking about "sacrifice spirit", the commentator showed a wry smile of self-deprecation, but the person who knew the truth But he does n’t think he ’s satire. The so-called “sacrifice” is just as it literally means. Those Nazi soldiers, like the believers of Doomsday Truth, do n’t hesitate or doubt this war, nor do they think they will Dead and dissatisfied and hesitant on the battlefield, they are willing to dedicate their lives as if they are chasing a great ideal-and this ideal is absolutely distorted and deadly for ordinary people.

"Excluding physical and mental factors, their most dangerous place is still their mystery." The commentator seemed to have a dry mouth, paused, and swallowed a spit before continuing to say: "They can stay for a long time Maintaining their peak activity state, the shortest can last for a week, but in fact, they are not always in this peak activity state, which means-they will not be tired, they can continue to fight until death. "

"They don't need energy at all?" A male "magic girl" asked.

"They can eat people to make supplements. Such scenes can be seen everywhere on the battlefield. I hope you are mentally prepared. Many soldiers collapsed after going to the battlefield. Now, we are not worried about the shortage of ordinary doctors, but psychological Doctors are indeed very lacking. It is not an easy task to unblock the fear of soldiers ... Moreover, according to the latest research, there are also saying that they do not need energy supplementation in this visible way at all. "The commentator looked at this The eyes of the male "magic girl" are a little weird. Anyone with a normal brain will not be indifferent to men wearing women's clothing.

"This is really not good news. I don't know how they standardized and mass-produced the mystery." Some people said, but they glanced at the leader of the magical girl crusader, known as "Xiaoyuan" "On the girl's head, weird creatures like cats and rabbits. Many people here know exactly how the Magical Girl Crusader was successfully formed-that weird creature called "Chubi", through the approximate mass production mysterious method, "made" the magical girl in batches, except that it must be worn There is no gender requirement outside the uniform of the light and magical girl skirt. The so-called "magic girl" does not necessarily need a "girl". At this time, the magic girl crusade is also a female, but there are quite a few people who are no longer "girls", and the ratio of men to women has reached the right Half, really shattered a pair of glasses. There are really so many eccentric men in this world who don't mind wearing women's clothing.

"Um--" Chubby said in a coquettish tone: "I don't know, but if there is a repeater. There are infinite possibilities."

Prostitute Gao Chuan has been thinking about his past in knowing Chubby. There are too many details to show that Chubby has a very close relationship with the London repeater-let him feel that in fact Chubby and Maso, Like Chang Wyan, they are actually part of the repeater, an important structure. Moreover, in terms of time, before Marceau and Chang Wyan became part of the repeater, Chubby was already a "great predecessor." Chubby's ability, if it is really related to the spiritual integration device, then it appears in Las Vegas, and the Nazis have a power similar to Chubby, it can be said.

but. At this time, even if someone thought of these, they did not ask questions openly. The theme of this meeting was the war with the Nazis, not the question of Chubby and the repeater. Even if the Nazis mass-produce soldiers in the same way as Chubby, knowing this situation will not bring any substantial help to the upcoming battle-the current situation, it is impossible to launch an attack on the Nazi moon base, naturally It is impossible to make any arrangement for the repeater over there. Action against Las Vegas repeaters. It is already the most feasible of all the fundamental plans to combat the Nazis.

The narrator coughed twice. Interrupted the whispering of the audience and continued to say: "Nazi soldiers have terrible combat endurance. Not only do they have nearly unlimited physical strength, but they are also more tenacious than ordinary people in life. There are many Nazis Even if a soldier is cut off his head and pierced his heart, he will not die immediately. Even if he is cut off his hands and feet, as long as it is connected in time, it will only take a minute or so to completely recover. For ordinary people. Close to immortal form. And what's worse is that their combat endurance is also reflected in their ammunition reserves. "

In this way, the narrator played a video, fast-forwarding the whole process, in which the Nazi soldiers marked as the key picked up a submachine gun of ordinary soldiers, and shot at the trench while advancing and facing the face. He didn't even do dodge in the coming rain. The bullet quickly hit him with holes, but the wounds healed at a rate visible to the naked eye, and did not affect his actions at all. But the person watching this video soon noticed that the most important thing is not his self-healing ability, but in the length of the video-one hour and thirty-three minutes, the soldier just deducted it like this With a submachine gun, he fired uninterruptedly for so long, never changing the magazine once.

"This is a very typical Nazi soldier, look at his badge, the rank is sergeant." The commentator said: "The number of sergeants is less than ordinary soldiers, this is for sure, but in a large army, but It ’s hardly a minority, and any Nazi sergeant has this ability. When they pick up weapons at will, the materials of these weapons will be automatically strengthened by one level, and the amount of ammunition is almost unlimited. This situation , Including when they were operating the artillery. "The commentator said so, showing an unsightly smile.

It is natural that his face is ugly. This mysterious expression is completely fatal to an army composed of ordinary people. Ordinary people need to eat and drink, and there is an upper limit for mentality and spirit. Before reaching this upper limit, what prevents them from fighting is either death or depletion of ammunition. The manufacture and delivery of ammunition requires manpower. The bullets fired by each soldier cost more than the resources needed to manufacture the bullets. This means that every ordinary person's war requires careful calculation.

However, for the Nazi soldiers, any factors restricting their combat have been infinitely close to zero. They do not need to worry about resource issues, and even no longer have resource constraints from the beginning. They can use their bodies, spirits, and weapons profligately, regardless of exhaustion, and the only possibility that can stop them is "death." In the past human tactics, the consumption of enemy resources was extremely important, and even a crucial winner. However, in this Third World War, the enemy ’s deficiencies in this regard seem to have disappeared.

"... I doubt why these Nazis have not yet arrived in London." In a dull atmosphere, I wonder who is muttering.

"No need to doubt!" When the commentator answered, the expression was solemn and firm, full of intuitive determination, "This is because, even in the face of such a powerful enemy, our soldiers are not afraid. The Nazis could not The rapid advancement is because our soldiers are fighting as hard as they can — not at the level of any war in the past. This kind of effort is unquestionable, the strongest human will so far. We are here, we should not ask Why the Nazis have n’t arrived in London, but should respond to the soldiers who are still on the front line with actual actions. Those monsters ca n’t easily reach London! When they arrive in London, it ’s the moment of their destruction! ”

The narrator's voice is very clear, like a substantive force. After his words fell, the scene was quiet, and then an applause rang, followed by countless applause. Everyone was solemn and uplifted, because the facts were in front of them. They needed to fight resolutely and forcibly, as he said, to win the final victory. For human beings, there is no longer a way out. The failure of the Third World War is the most complete demise-regardless of the country and race, because the Nazis launched a war of extinction against all mankind.

A large amount of data flows on the retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan. In his mind, what appears different from the content in the brain hardware. This battlefield is the most tragic and cruel battlefield he has ever seen. Before this, any battle he had experienced could not be called a "war". He saw the soldiers fighting and dying, seeing the Nazi's cold and decisive killing, his emotions were unprecedentedly heated, but also unprecedentedly cold.

He no longer needs to consider the question of "if he takes a step early", because he can never "take a step early". The battlefield is so vast. Before him, countless soldiers died in all corners with the same miserable posture, and after him, countless soldiers still died like this. All he can do is kill every Nazi who exists in his field of vision.

He must take revenge as a human being.

The Nazi captain's dagger was stuck on the body of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. He could not feel the pain, but he could understand what kind of pain it would cause when the dagger was inserted into the body of his soldiers. This is a spiritual empathy ~ ~ is also the most intense and direct empathy. Because of this, he wanted to make these Nazis understand that when they stood in front of them, they were as vulnerable as ordinary soldiers faced them.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan stepped out, the quick swept start, and the strong physique, so that his speed completely exceeded the Nazi captain's vision capture range. Prostitute Gao Chuan knew that his start-up would never be as fast and mellow as that of young Gao Chuan, but when he ran, he would still be one of the fastest people in the world.

As the Nazi captain slowly tightened his muscles, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan grabbed his head behind him, pulling back with force. The Nazi body twirled, the neck and neck were broken, and a head was picked off by the prosthetic body Gaochuan, just as easily as picking grapes. When the prosthetic body Gaochuan squeezed this head without hesitation, the Nazis who lost their heads were still running forward. As explained at the meeting, these Nazis have unsurpassed survivability and activity capabilities of ordinary soldiers.

But what about that? Perhaps they are stronger than ordinary people and don't know how much, but that is only based on ordinary people. At this moment, what they need to face is a deeply reformed Gaochuan that is more monster than monster and more fierce than evil.

Demon Eye Messenger, Prostitute Gao Chuan, self-judgment level: the most mad, outside the theory, the strategy of God. (To be continued ...)

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