Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1133: Cat box

The sight of the airship falling is huge and amazing, just like a whale smashing into the water, the waves are like a turbulent wave, and it can make people feel the vibration of the ground even thousands of miles away. Fiction. . Although the prosthetic body Gaochuan took only a few breaths to solve an airship, people who have truly faced these airships understand that these Nazi airships are far from being so fragile, just the protective shields around them are not the technology at this stage. Weapons can be captured. Perhaps, these shields are far less powerful than the moon, but it is impossible for Britain to use a large number of nuclear weapons before they reach a desperate situation.

Just as the second airship began to fall, the third airship was also broken. The prosthetic Gaochuan Mercedes-Benz is in the airship, under the state of rapid sweep, all the Nazi soldiers have been approximately fixed, the chain judgment will mark the targets within the range of 50 meters, and use the brain hardware to carry out further scenes and data annotation. A cruel and efficient killing route runs through the entire airship, and the time, means, and methods required to kill a Nazi soldier are all fed back into the prostitute.

When the prosthetic body Gaochuan jumped like a sharp arrow from the gap of the airship, all the Nazi soldiers in the airship survived. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan firmly stood on the ground, a series of explosions not far away, set off a wave of impact, and swept around with debris. He didn't need to hide anymore. These fragments hit him and immediately splashed Mars flew away, even his clothes were not damaged.

The data on the retina screen is constantly flowing, and the battle is evaluated. The self-test data of the prosthesis Gaochuan is also adjusted slightly according to these evaluation data to more accurately reflect the state of the prosthesis Gaochuan at this time.

On the online communication channel, the heads of Jin Jiang and Dorothy are always on.

"There is no high-mystery individual, and the upper limit cannot be evaluated. I suggest going to other battlefields immediately to sweep the existing airship. Attracting the attention of the Nazis." Jin Jiang proposed.

"Can the strength of the prosthesis support the speed of light?" Gao Chuan asked.

"Theoretically." Jin Jiang asked, "Do you want to try it? If you don't have enough strength to strike, you can only rely on a long enough runway to get boost." When she said this, the retina screen was already A map of the theater of the entire peninsula is presented. An operation route runs through each red-painted area. This operation route is not the shortest route to those theaters, but it is calculated based on available information. Can allow the prosthetic body Gaochuan to obtain a "runway" with sufficient speed.

There seems to be no upper limit for the rapid swept acceleration of the prosthesis Gaochuan, but it requires sufficient time and scope. This is why he was selected as the first candidate to penetrate the ocean blockade line. With "worldwide" as the moving range, the speed he can achieve is extremely amazing. Whether it is classical or non-classical physics, the concept of speed will have a strong influence on the formula, and then form a terrible force. The strength that the prosthetic body Gaochuan used to break the three airships before was not mysterious at all, and he looked at it scientifically, completely satisfying the mass-energy formula, just. The way to form quality and speed comes from "mystery".

The prosthesis Gaochuan's prosthesis can be mysteriously combined with the crow quark "made by Dorothy" on the shoulder after being modulated to enhance its own "quality" in accordance with the rapid sweeping acceleration rule. When the speed increases in a power way, the prosthesis in the state of motion will also enhance the quality to a close degree. If you look at it from a scientific perspective, the enhancement of quality will definitely affect other factors that affect the movement. However, whether it is an increase in speed or not. It is better to enhance the quality, and its essence is not "science". It is "mystery", so this interaction is almost invisible throughout the movement.

According to Omi's calculations, once the speed of the prosthetic body Gaochuan reaches the speed of light, the gravity value generated by the mass of the prosthetic body Gaochuan's prosthetic body. It will be comparable to the entire European plate. This mass density and gravity value are compressed in a normal person's body, but they will not cause their own collapse. The improvement of quality, the first benign effect, is the improvement of prosthetic defense. In the frontal battle data of all mysterious experts collected by the network ball. The existence of the prosthesis has not yet been found. The material of the prosthesis itself is a structure with the life strength of the body. When the speed of the prosthesis Gaochuan climbs, the quality strengthened and the defensive strengthening will be Will far exceed the most solid body life in the current network ball record.

From this conclusion, the prosthetic body Gaochuan in Mercedes-Benz will reach a state of "unsolved" because the strength of the structure is "mysterious", so whether it is a "scientific" attack or a "mysterious" Attacking, at present, there is no way to find an example that can break the prosthesis. And this kind of instant reinforcement, which is limited to the movement itself and theoretically has no upper limit, is the reason why the self-judgment level of the prostitute Gao Chuan reaches "outside the theory".

As for the "God strategy" that appears in the data of self-state detection, it is something that the prostitute Gao Chuan himself did not understand. Although it can be inferred that some arrangements made by Dorothy and the color system for the final enemy, this arrangement can only be used at the most critical moment. In normal times, its existence is in Dorothy ’s words, that is "Cat box state"-it may or may not exist. Only when it is opened can it be determined conceptually. This "cat box state" is precisely the application of Schrödinger's cat, which cannot be realized in the reality of the hospital. However, in the illusion of doomsday, according to the theory of "high dimensionality of consciousness", Xise and Dorothy finally completed such a Killer. Another targeted killer, "Jinjiang Trap", which was previously known by the prosthetic body Gaochuan, was actually sealed with a "cat box state". Only when "Jiang" and "Jiangjiang" produced some "direct contact" , The "trap" will start on its own.

In order to avoid the theoretically ubiquitous "Jiang", or the "viral", which is the most basic factor in the world, recognizing the existence of these killer skills, Sei and Dorothy are completing the "God strategy", In the process of killer skills such as the "Jinjiang Trap", they have adopted the "cat box state", which means that they themselves cannot be cognitively determined whether these killer skills really exist-it sounds very incredible, but, to The enemies facing are so powerful. Without this level of "uncertainty," opportunities will certainly not exist.

It is precisely because of the existence of the "cat box state" that there is the existence of the noun concepts of "Jinjiang Trap" and "Strategy against God", because if there is no "name". Then, the killer in the "cat box state" is no different from non-existence. These "nouns" are actually a cognitive positioning method-you must conceptually know what a "box" is and determine its existence. To find it and turn it on.

To be precise, the colors, Dorothy and today's prosthetic body Gaochuan can only clarify the existence of these two "cat boxes" through the "Tactics of God" and "Omi Trap", and only three people know their existence Once all three people have forgotten these two names. The two killers will lose their meaning altogether-it is not non-existent, but it is no longer possible to confirm their existence.

As for how to open these killer tools, even the producer himself does not have a clear understanding, and knowing their "name" and a vague opening condition are already the limit. Whether it is a "virus" or "jiang", the way of its existence makes people have to think that they may know what everyone in the doomsday illusion knows.

Even if the "God strategy" is a "cat box". Before starting, you can completely ignore its existence. There is no help for the battle at this stage, but in the research of Omi and Dorothy, as long as the prosthetic body Gaochuan can move, it should not even be able to effectively hit the repeater. The rapid swept itself is to transform the thrust by "bearing the blow". This transformation includes the power of the scientific side and the mysterious side. Therefore, in theory, there is no factor that can stop him from moving. This also means that as long as the prosthetic body Gao Chuan moves and has enough exercise time, he can theoretically defeat anything other than "Jiang" and "Virus". Of course, it also includes the young Gaochuan himself.

Excluding the power of "Jiang", the prostitute Gaochuan has surpassed the young Gaochuan from a theoretical level, which is also a prerequisite for starting the "Jinjiang trap" and "strategy against God". Only the prostitute Gao Chuan defeated the young Gao Chuan and forced him, even if he realized the existence of the "trap", he could not stop the appearance of "Jiang", and he could not prevent "Jiang" from making in-depth contact with the prostitute Gao Chuan and Omi-regardless Is this kind of in-depth contact erosion or direct attack-"Jijiang Trap" and "God Strategy" can meet the starting conditions.

It is not only the prostitute Gao Chuan himself who knows that his collision with the young Gao Chuan is inevitable, because the collision between the two has been included in the plan from the beginning. In other words, it was precisely because of the recovery of young Gaochuan and his clear relationship with Jiang that he finally allowed Dorothy and Tie Se to complete their plans. Before this, all plans were actually in a state of self-contradiction. From this perspective, although the recovery of young Gaochuan is unexpected and his existence is full of conspiracy, but his existence and recovery are essential, just like a gear of fate, whether it is good or not Bad, without him, everything cannot be advanced, and the end cannot be produced.

"So, just give it a try, what kind of state can I accelerate to." The crow quark on the shoulder of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is like a black mud, collapsed and merged into the prosthetic body, and the black trench coat looks deeper. Too. He turned to face the path in the retina screen and pointed out after blinking.

If there is an overlooked eye in the sky, you will see a black line spreading on the map. It passes through mountains, rivers, plains and cities, regardless of what obstacles will stop you on this route. go ahead. And its movement is so smooth, in the process of continuous acceleration, I can't feel any lag at all. One minute, five minutes, ten minutes ... The speed of the prosthetic body Gaochuan exceeded the limit of human eye observation. In the war zone he passed, even the higher-body, mysterious Nazi soldiers could not capture his presence.

No bullets are needed. The prosthetic body Gaochuan itself is the strongest bullet. After he passed by, the Nazi soldiers who had been substantially disintegrated were still in a complete and fixed state. When he entered the war zone, the retina screen began to mark the route through each Nazi soldier. At the beginning, the Nazis could react and set fire on them, and then they were destroyed by unreasonable forces like bamboo crackers. However, when they arrived in the third theater, all ordinary soldiers fighting against these Nazi soldiers had no idea what was going on.

When ordinary soldiers recovered, they were already taken off by a terrible shock. Sounds of muffled thunder came from the air, and a visible band-shaped twisted scene seemed to entangle every Nazi soldier like a python. Even more terrifying is that when they realized these strange scenes, the Nazi soldiers and the airship in the sky began to burst.

The fine flesh and blood flew all around like mud, and the airship began to twist into several segments during the fall. The sound of the explosion was endless, but no Nazis escaped from it.

The terrible, unexplainable sight left the survivors on the battlefield in a daze. It was unbelievable that they seemed to see something terrible and began to gasp and scream. It seems that only in this way can we express our indescribable emotions. Many soldiers were paralyzed on the ground and started to nausea, not because of the brutality of the scene, but because, even if they couldn't see the process of what happened, they still seemed to have something left in their senses. It is because there is no description, but there is substance. So there is a huge sense of depression. The physical and psychological impacts they suffered made them unable to fight anymore. However, they did not need to fight anymore. There was nothing left on the battlefield except them.

The fourth war zone, the fifth war zone ... The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not encounter the mystery that could stop itself. All obstacles become extremely fragile in the face of increasing speed and quality. Even those mysterious protective shields that look very strong have no chance of resisting one tenth of a second. The atmosphere seemed to be torn by a sharp knife. Although you can feel the friction on the prosthesis, there is no slight damage value in the self-state value of the retina screen. His voice had disappeared, and he was far behind him. The prosthetic body Gaochuan felt as if he was stepping in the air. Even if he stepped on the solid ground every step, he could not give him a substantial touch.

The world has become weird in its eyes, it is no longer as real as it normally looks, and it no longer presents the feelings of past cognition-such as the flu of water, the texture of earth and stone, the light and dark of light-just with the naked eye, also The true shape of the object cannot be observed at all. Prosperity Gaochuan's control of his own movement state has been completely handed over to the brain hardware and the magic eye. Only when the two cooperate with each other can the mystery be adjusted in real time to the details of the prosthetic movement.

At this terrible speed, the prostitute Gao Chuan can standardly run every attack on the established route, without deviating by a cent. It can be said that it has completely exceeded the scope of "science".

Prostitute Gao Chuan did not know whether what happened to the war zone he passed by had been reported to the upper levels of both sides of the war, nor did he know how tremendous impact his actions would have on the people observing the scene. For him, if the Nazis did not send stronger combat power, then on this day, all the Nazi troops that invaded Britain would be wiped out. Even if the Nazis dispatched a stronger combat power, it would only be ashes in a Mercedes that was faster than Thunder. Either the British Knights of the Kingdom of Religion or the Magical Girl Crusader of the Netball, they will not be able to get the scheduled results-in fact, they do not need to be sent out. At first, they thought that it was a good idea when they came over, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan also began to think that it might be superfluous and naive.

Before starting Mercedes-Benz, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan couldn't imagine that Omi and Dorothy's modulation of the prosthetic body could achieve this intensity. At this moment, perhaps on this peninsula, there is a real "unsolved" existence. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan did not consciously think of it this way. Although he summarized the various mysterious forces he had come into contact with, he came to a set of rating system. However, in this In the seven-level system of "outside the theory," the difference between madness, deity, and extraordinary theory, but he does not even have a clear understanding of himself-can only confirm through his own feelings what kind of "madness" The degree, what is the degree of "God", and what characteristics should "Outside the Theory" have? The boundary between them is very vague, as if "crazy" can be upgraded to "God" at any time. "God" overlaps.

However, after having three self-assessment descriptions of "crazy first", "outside the theory" and "strategy against God", and carrying out this experimental long-distance raid, the prostitute Gaochuan finally responded to The three levels of "God" and "Extraordinary" have a clear understanding. When he did not launch a quick sweep, he had reached the level of "crazy" by relying on the strength of the prosthetic body, as he had previously thought. The strength of the prosthetic body equivalent to that of the body life is "outside the theory", which is actually not quite correct.

When he began to sweep quickly, along with the continuous strengthening of speed and quality, his own power began to move smoothly and quickly towards the limit of "crazy" level. If your movements are interval, then the description of "Madest" is indeed very consistent. However, once the duration of the exercise is long enough and the external pressure is large enough, then you will be closer to the "outside" level, rather than breaking the boundaries of "crazy" and reaching the "god" level.

The difference between "God" and "Mad" is huge. That is no longer described by the common sense concept of "power", but must involve the concept of "existence". It's just that the strength of the same "existence" is no longer meaningful, because this force simply can't act on another thing with a high degree of existence. The "cat box status" attribute of the "God strategy" already illustrates this point.

In terms of usual fighting games: "Mad" can make the character lose all his blood in a single blow, and even close to the moment of the battle command. With a sudden blow, the enemy character loses all his blood. Let the other party have no time to react, but these terrible performances are still limited by the existence forms of "opening", "attack action" and "blood grid".

The "God" level can be judged from the most basic game, ignoring the parameters of "opening", "attack action", "attack range", blood data, etc., before the battle has begun. The game is over and you win directly. This kind of behavior often leads to the collapse of the entire game.

As for "outside", it is equivalent to using a normal game. The design parameters that will not be adopted give "character" "attributes" that will never appear under normal circumstances. Once these "parameters" and "attributes" are activated, it will lead to confusion caused by the hostile character, and cannot be Effective judgments are made on actual attacks, and there is no power to fight back. However, these "parameters" and the "attributes" given by the parameters are still in the legal rules of the game program itself-just generally used for debugging programs, not for playing, it is a kind of routine character and game program itself. Detect something. Although the final result is like "cheating", it is reasonable to zoom into the entire program game function.

During the rapid sweep of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, the ever-increasing speed and quality will allow you to reach the "non-discussion" from the "crazy" level instead of reaching the "god" level ~ ~ There is no essential change in existence and attack form, only because his speed is too fast and the quality is too large, so the enemy cannot resist and cannot make judgments about his attack. Just like a normal fighting game character, the speed value is limited to a range, but, in order to adjust the gameplay, the speed value range of the game character can be more than a little when it was originally designed. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan used the speed sweep to adjust his value to the maximum value allowed by the game design, or to say, infinitely approaching the maximum value, but his opponent was still limited to the "normal value" .

The values ​​within the allowable range also approach the maximum and normal values ​​indefinitely, and there is a natural difference between them. This is the meaning of "outside the theory", which is completely different from the "god" level.

However, in this battlefield, if the Nazis did not have the role of "outside the theory" level, nor did they have the means of "god" level, the prostitute Gaochuan was indeed "unsolved", even if there were "outside theory" enemies, it was not used. In the case of a "god" class repeater, the prosthetic body Takakawa is still unsolvable. Because, "outside the theory" and "outside the theory", although they are both over-spec, they have the same "limit" at the same time. It is up to who is closer to the "limit"-in this perspective, the prosthesis is high As long as Chuan keeps running, he will definitely not be weaker than others. Even the strength of the young Gaochuan who is regarded as the "benchmark", including the abnormal true speed sweep, can only reach the limit that the theoretical body Gaochuan can reach in theory. (To be continued ...)

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