Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1136: 3-post ceremony

What kind of mysterious creation is the "Super Department"? So far, there is still no accurate judgment. However, because it is too mysterious, it makes people associate, but it makes the mysterious experts feel heavy. Showing their good side, they have the most profound experience. . uS. "Mystery" can meet many people's needs, but it will also bring equivalent danger. The more powerful the "mystery", the more intense the danger that accompanies it. Although the "Super Department" has so far shown to be beneficial to the network ball, the "wish" method means passive-catwoman or network ball, in the "Super Department" In front of the power, it has always been passive.

No one likes to survive in a huge oppressive environment, and no one hopes that there will always be a layer of shadow that he can't see clearly, but he can feel it over his head. However, the existence of the "super department" seems to prove that even the strong and powerful network ball is passively living in a cruel world with huge oppressions all the time, and this cruelty has been sliding toward the darker abyss. Anyway, struggling, everything is just part of a huge conspiracy.

"I can't remember how I got it." Catwoman said: "However, it doesn't matter anymore, I don't keep it anymore."

"Is that true? I wanted to ask you what happened before joining the Netball ... to be honest, when you found us without someone guiding you, it really scared everyone." Catwoman's expression, using words carefully, hopes to explain her, but from the other's expression, it seems that he doesn't need to do much. Although the Super Department occupies a very heavy position in her heart. But over the years, this kind of heaviness has no longer any compliment. The colleague in front of me, talking about his loss of the super department, seemed to get rid of a shackle.

"Nothing to say." Catwoman shook her head. "I can't remember it either."

"I can't remember ..." After thinking about it, I asked a question: "Don't you think this is weird? Before you get the super department. Your past has become a blank."

"Well, I noticed, but how can that be? If the Super Department also possesses the power of ideology, and has operated on my memory, and the consciousness check has not resulted in so many years, wheelchair people and Chang Waien It ’s not that I did n’t check it myself, so what ’s the point of tangling such things again? ”Catwoman looked very cheerful and realized some abnormalities in her memory. It is also after losing the Super Department that if there is no mind at all, then it is naturally self-deception, but, as she said, even if she minds, she can't save those things.

"Well, we won't say this anymore." Huo shrugged and took the initiative to interrupt the topic about Catwoman's personal consciousness and memory. Despite the strange origin of Catwoman, the Super Department is even more mysterious. However, both are already an integral part of the online ball. As a companion who has worked together for many years, it is understandable that the other party has any secrets. This is the case in this world, when like-minded. Any problem is not a real problem.

"Has the super department been handed over to Omi?" Asked Fu Shou.

"Yes, she seems to have shifted her focus to the research of the super department for a while." Catwoman nodded.

"I thought it was already her limit to make adjustments for Mr. Gao Chuan in addition to the construction of the repeater." The fire escaped with some exclamation. "I didn't expect to be able to do so many things at the same time."

"Actually, I have always felt that Omi helped Chang Huaien to integrate into the repeater. It was to prepare the super department to integrate into the repeater." Catwoman said: "After all, Chang Huaien and Marceau are different, he has Mysterious, and Marceau is just an ordinary person. "

"Maybe." Huo Huo smiled, undecided. Catwoman thought, did he have another view? However, she didn't intend to follow up with the fire.

"Our repeater structure is a three-pillar form, and the doomsday truth teaches a four-corner form ..." Catwoman hesitated and asked, "Will there be any impact on power?"

“It ’s influential, but it should n’t be big. The difference between the three meanings of“ three ”and“ four ”in occultism is not as important as their metaphysical meaning. The difference that may eventually result should be the effect of mystery The difference is not simply a surprise in strength. "Huo Huo said:" If it were not so, I would not have approved the construction plan of Omi. You should understand that whether it is in the East or in the Western mystics, it is derived from the "three" To "four", from "four" to "three", is actually a meaning of change from "limited limit" to "infinite". "

"I know, but, I still don't understand why Marceau was chosen." Catwoman said: "If the three pillars are mysterious to the degree of Chang Wyan and Super Department, the repeater should be stronger, but , Marceau is just an ordinary person. "

"Neither can I say that." The fire escaped and waved his hand. "Masuo is the person who foretold the first time after Ms. Mayn knew about the construction of the three-pillar of Jinjiang's repeater-even ordinary people, there must be her special place. Perhaps, if you lose Marceau, the resulting chain of events will lose the chance of building a repeater. You and the Super have been together for such a long time, you should have understood this better. "The tone of the fire gradually eased," Sure enough, you still can't let go of the Super Department completely. So, you participate in the three-post ceremony of Omi on my behalf. I am also very busy here, so I won't pass it. "

"Is this appropriate?" Catwoman frowned.

"Come on, Jin Jiang was too lazy to take care of these things. Even if no one went, she didn't matter." She smiled helplessly.

Catwoman thought about Jin Jiang's character, and she could only admit that the situation was just like what she said. Jin Jiang is not unclear about human relationships, but she no longer needs to care about these relationships. In her eyes, the so-called "three-post ceremony" is such a simple matter of tightening the last part of the repeater, which does not have the symbolic meaning above it. In the final analysis, the construction project of the repeater is just a transaction between the online ball and her. Compared with the "gate of destiny" she wants to do, the repeater may have a reference, but it has not been the center of gravity.

"The three-pillar ceremony of Omi is about to begin. I'm here to inform you. Are you sure you can't pass?" Catwoman asked again.

Fire escape looked at her seriously. After all, Catwoman has never been so repeated, and the impact of losing the super department is really great. Catwoman was staring at him, and he was also restless. Eventually, the fire broke out and said, "I'm going to see Ms. Mayn, think about it yourself, do you want to go?" With that said, he simply left the room. Leaving Catwoman alone in a chair, the shadow of the room filled her silhouette with hesitation.

After a long while, Catwoman got up and left the room. At first, her footsteps were a little slow and heavy, but after three or four steps, her footsteps became firm. She seemed to have exhausted all her strength and took every step. Go forward.

When he came to Jinjiang's laboratory, Jinjiang was talking to Marceau and Chang Huaien. When Catwoman came in, Jinjiang glanced at her without any special expression, disguised as a "super department" of a tablet Just put it on a console at random. Marceau is still an image of an ordinary person, which means that she is not in a working state, and Chang Huaien walks up quickly. Catwoman thought he wanted to say something to himself, but. Probably some unspoken words. Catwoman didn't give him this opportunity, she knew that whether the "super department" left her side was good or bad, it was a reality that she had to face. She thought she had already prepared, but after talking with the fire. Only then did I really understand the weight of the "super department" in my mind. Even if Catwoman thinks she is not a stubborn person, the "Super Department" is a very mysterious and dangerous creation. However, her past is closely connected with it, no matter what it is. To her, it was like her loved ones. Her past is an inseparable part of her life. Now, she is going to lose it, even if it is only integrated into the repeater, and the repeater is in the network ball, but this degree of separation is still not easily acceptable.

"Your face is not so good, have you ever seen a fire?" Although Catwoman didn't say anything, Chang Huaien, a conscious walker, felt the refusal of her consciousness for the first time. He knew that now he himself It ’s useless to say anything, if you can do it, the fire escape will do just as well—if she has seen it.

"Well, I chatted with him." Catwoman's smile was bitter. When she first handed over the "Super Department", she didn't have such a look on her face. Under the contrast between the two, it seemed that it was a wrong decision to talk with Huohuo. However, Chang Huaien knew that the depression and bitterness had always been in her heart, but at first, she didn't even notice it.

Even a powerful mysterious expert cannot truly and completely understand his own heart. All actions taken in accordance with feelings are actually a reflection of the subconscious, and a powerful conscious walker like Chang Huaien thinks, This kind of subconsciousness is not independent, but involves the collective subconsciousness of human beings, just like the same huge machine changes its operating state, it will let each tiny part adjust accordingly, and vice versa, the feeling of catwoman , The subconscious activity, and even the superficial behavior that caused this subconscious activity, is a symptom related to the change of the human collective subconsciousness-in the macro process of the human collective subconsciousness movement, Catwoman ’s own subconscious activity may be very small However, the superficial behavior that caused her subconscious activity—to integrate the “super department” into the relay—has relatively greater influence on the collective subconsciousness of human beings.

Of course, this influence will be fed back to Catwoman's subconscious, which will make her surface consciousness fluctuate, but this fluctuation is difficult to eliminate. Not to mention whether this perspective and theory are correct, as an expert who often conducts deep consciousness, Chang Waien strongly believes that this perspective and theory is even one-sided, but it is not wrong-after all, this is his mentor ’s wheelchair People first started the research, and after inheriting the mentor's mantle, he further used his own actions to find evidence.

Just because of the habit of dissecting a person's consciousness from a macro level, Chang Huaien felt that Catwoman's situation was quite difficult, and finally chose to let time solve everything.

"You don't want to look at me with such a weird look." Catwoman was stared at Chang Huaian a little hairy. However, the distress in his eyes made her feel a little soothed, because this kind of distress is only revealed to those who care about themselves.

"If you decide to stop the three-pillar ceremony, I will agree. And explain to the fire." Chang Huaien finally said.

"Don't say such childish words." Catwoman rolled her eyes at him. "My mind is not so fragile."

"No, you don't understand, your situation is special. I can't even judge, once the super department is really integrated into the repeater, it will have a huge interference on the collective subconsciousness of human beings. How much impact on your subconsciousness. Chang Huaien said cautiously: "Although we need repeaters, I also need you."

"..." Catwoman couldn't look directly at Chang Huai's serious eyes. Although the relationship between the two was not ordinary, this kind of serious care was not the first time, but still filled her heart with fiery, but, the environment at this time And status. She was unable to respond directly to her as usual, and she could only set aside the topic and said, "Come on, I'm immune to your sweet words."

Chang Huaien didn't mention the matter again. He was silent for a long while before saying, "I will protect you."

"Listen." Catwoman wrapped his neck around, but her arm passed through him as if it were just a piece of air. Only then did she wake up. Yes, he is no longer human in the normal sense. It only depends on the power of the repeater to maintain the "philosophical ghost" of the existing form. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad. When the "Super Department" was still around, she saw such things happening to him with her own eyes, and she was not as sad as it was at this time. She could not explain what she thought and why she was born after everything had passed. Instead, he felt more sad. Perhaps it is because both of them left themselves in this way, so does this sad emotion stack up?

"I'm okay. Often. I'm really okay." When she said that, Catwoman felt her cheeks were a bit cold, and wiped them hard to realize that it was her tears. Then, like a little girl, she lost her beloved doll, choked with tears, and the tears flowed uncontrollably.

This was the first time Catwoman had left tears after everything had happened, but when Chang Huaien leaned against her in an embracing posture, the worry in her heart was gradually washed away by these tears. Just because of seeing Catwoman's uncontrollable emotions vent, he was able to calm down.

Weeping because of sorrow, crying because of what I lost, the lost thing is a very heavy and important thing in her life, so this is a must and should cry. It's unnatural to lose something so important, but can't cry, and appear extremely calm. Chang Huaien understood the crying, he wanted to comfort her, but he could not touch her, he could only stay beside her in the same way.

Catwoman saw Chang Huien ’s movements in her dim tears. Although she did n’t even touch each other or her body temperature, she still had a warm power, dispelling the haze that was constantly growing from her heart. , As if there was a piece of sunlight coming in.

"I'm okay, really. I'm okay." Catwoman sucked her nose hard. She thought her crying was really childish and ridiculous. In her memory, she had never done such childish and ridiculous things-she She has never cried like this, and scoffed at similar cries on TV. When she did this, she felt incredible and uncontrollable. However, it is not a bad feeling.

When she wiped away her tears and stood up again, the conversation between Omi and Marceau was over and she was looking at it. Catwoman was a little embarrassed, but there was no superfluous expression on Jin Jiang ’s face. As always, she was calm and indifferent. Instead, she felt that her behavior was not as bad as she thought. This is just a matter of course, just like ordinary people who want to eat.

"Are you ready?" Jin Jiang asked.

"Ready." Catwoman answered seriously.

"So, let's start the ceremony." As soon as Omi's words fell, the layout of the research room changed, which was different from the past, which was more full of mechanical changes in the future. This time, it was more "mysterious". Phenomenon-some objects disappear, some objects appear, the device is turning, and it becomes other devices during the rotation, and there is no visual trajectory when the positions between each other are reorganized. It was like the scene in the original research room was just an illusion, and at this time the illusion was unraveled to show a different reality.

In a few breaths, an empty space was created in the center of the research room, surrounded by equipment, and the pipelines were entangled with each other, appearing heavy and messy. Some light began to flow on the walls, quickly forming a complex circuit shape, and in the center of the research room. On the open ground, the pattern that constitutes a group of cores-like three squares overlapping at different angles, although portrayed in a plane, it is full of three-dimensionality, and it rotates irregularly at the core point. At this time, all the light is radiated to the surrounding as if the pattern is the center.

This is a magic array that is very rich in the characteristics of a network ball. In essence, it is not essentially different from the more traditional magic arrays used by Doomsday Truth. The only reason it is like this is actually derived from Omi's own style preferences. The faint light seems extremely intense at the edge of the entire circuit pattern, and the things behind the light cannot be seen at all. Catwoman, Omi, Marceau, and Chang Huaien are standing in the center of the magic circuit, and the tablet-like "super department" has been suspended at the core position.

Although I have thought about what the so-called "three-column ritual" will look like, the whole process has no thrilling phenomenon. The "Super Department" is decomposed a little bit. Seeing this, Catwoman silently said in her heart: Goodbye. Then, she suddenly had a feeling that it seemed that the "Super Department" was responding to herself, saying "Goodbye".

The more intense light, accompanied by the decomposition of the "super system", is constantly condensing to the core of the magic circuit, which makes people wonder whether the entire magic circuit will suddenly explode. If something goes wrong with the ceremony, the energy released from here will make Catwoman dare not guarantee that she can save Omi. However, the ceremony went very smoothly. Although in the whole process, Jin Jiang just stood by and silently paid attention, but this proves that she has prepared enough for this, so she is confident that she does not need to do more.

The "super department" disappeared in the core of the magic circuit in ten breaths. At the same time, the bodies of Marceau and Chang Huaien emerged from the light, and were instantly pulled into the interlocking core pattern of the square. Seeing this scenario, Catwoman's heart could not help but jump, and this change was very sudden. If you can't understand the "Three Pillar Ceremony" in advance before you start, you will almost feel that the ceremony will fail, so it will only affect the peace. Marceau and Chang Huaien, the fusion of the relay.

However, Omi's expression was still calm, which made Catwoman's mood slow.

"It's just resonating." Omi said: "The three pillars must complete the adjustments in details to stabilize the repeater."

"What happens if you fail?" Catwoman asked ~ ~ The repeater collapsed. "Jian Jiang said casually:" However, it will not fail. "

This sentence is not so relieved. Catwoman wants to believe it, but her heart is still stunned.

"What makes it a failure? Can you tell from this phenomenon?" Catwoman asked again.

"I don't know what kind of phenomenon will happen, but the omens will definitely appear." Jin Jiang is still the calm tone.

The magic circuit began to turbulence, not only the changes in the lines, but also a force that was pulling the entire room, making it almost untenable. Because the reaction was so violent, Catwoman could not help but be ready to take Jinjiang away at any time. Then, she discovered that the whole space was distorted, even in the vicinity of Jinjiang, her body and face became a weird look. . She glanced at herself and found that she had also become this look-this visual anomaly really made people unable to calm down.

Catwoman put her hand on Omi's shoulder, and the tactile sensation was quite normal. It seemed to be only a visual change. (To be continued ...)

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