Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1156: Nightmare City

Let the ‘spirit’ patient temporarily sort out what he saw and heard through storytelling. This process was called “self-correcting method” by Dr. Ruan Li. It has extremely strict requirements not only for the storyteller itself, but also for the story itself. For the story, there is a key prerequisite before organizing the 'sex' and the story's 'sex', that is, "temporary creation". This story cannot be prepared long ago, after being sculpted, it should be immediate Formed, and the most important quality for doctors who implement this treatment is to clearly distinguish whether the story the patient is telling is "temporary creation", "prepared early," or "prepared early." , But pretend to be temporary creation. " Aiming at three different situations, during the final evaluation, a more complicated evaluation process will also be divided. The worst is naturally "the story is prepared early, but disguised as a temporary creation", but the doctor can not distinguish the situation, as long as the doctor can distinguish, then, even if the story is prepared early, it will still be There are gains.

The therapy itself does not mind whether the patient knows this therapy one step earlier. As I was doing this therapy, I knew very well about it. Dr. Ruan Li has mentioned the principles and cases of this therapy many times, enough To prove that she was aware of the patient, she did not care at all.

From time to time, Dr. Ruan Li will deliberately interrupt when I tell the story, and then ask some questions that are inexplicable or boring to me. In this regard, all I can do is to answer truthfully. After all, even if it is perfunctory, it does not have the role of "perfunctory". So instead of thinking too much.

At 11:30 in the evening, Dr. Ruan Li finally stopped the inquiry, sorted out the files, and said to me a little more seriously: "Achuan, I'm sorry, you can't go to school for at least one month, I will open it to the school Sick leave. "

It seems that in the diagnosis result of Dr. Ruan Li, my situation is quite bad.

"I don't think I have any problems, and I won't attack others at will." When I said this, my heart was very calm, and I thought it was my heart. However, Dr. Ruan Li still insisted on his own opinion: "This is not a question you want or not, whether it will attack others or not depends more on whether you feel hurt, and whether it actually hurts. It doesn't matter much. Being hurt itself is a psychological problem. Judging from the diagnosis results, your current state of "exquisiteness" is likely to magnify the mentality of being "injured yourself." Perhaps it is an illusion, or it may be an inadvertent one. Small movements, or whatever, will make you extremely sensitive and enter an extreme state of self-protection. "

"You mean, I now have severe delusions of murder?" I said.

"It's okay to say that, in fact, the delusion of murder was originally a part of your" spirit "divine state." Dr. Ruan Li said indispensably: "Of course, the actual situation is more complicated. You take it seriously before you The story of the end of the world, you experience all kinds of incredible things in the story, you think that all constitutes you now, which means that your heart begins to be unsettled, and the efforts we have made in the past have been destroyed. My heart is not calm, and the premise of a very conscious end of the world is that it is extremely dangerous to decide what to do with the "spirit" **** patient. I think, now you should know what I am talking about. "

"Mom, our differences only lie in the end of the world." I couldn't help saying.

"No, our disagreement lies in whether there is a very familiar end of the world." Dr. Ruan Li stared at me with a serious expression: "If in your story, the end of the world is due to a meteorite falling, causing the nth species The mass extinction may be better. "

"I don't understand." I told the truth.

"It's very simple. The common sense of the end of the world can be saved by common sense, but the very knowledge of the end of the world requires a person to do something very knowledgeable." Dr. Ruan Li asked me back: "You have seen many cases here, Knowing how terrible things are, you just subconsciously do n’t think about them. Human common sense has universal value and is a necessary condition to promote social coexistence. The world ’s values ​​and social concepts are separated, and all very conscious thoughts and behaviors are themselves characteristic of anti-social and anti-human tendencies. "

"Not so serious, mom, I still know what universal values ​​and social values ​​are. Isn't there also a lot of people's sexuality and positive energy in my story?" I argued.

"The basic structure of the story is based on a very conscious knowledge, and the means to solve those very conscious knowledge is also very conscious. This is the essence of this story. The plots of the" sexual "and positive energy of the people you said are also the same. It ’s full of very conscious factors. Achuan, have n’t you found it? This story is full of extreme characters and thinking, and a normal person ca n’t be so simple and extreme—these stories are 'color', except you In addition, it is more like a template that refines a certain type of consciousness. You have explained it in your composition class. This kind of writing will make the characters clear and representative. However, it is an art in itself. The result of the processing-you take what has been processed by art as something that actually exists, and based on such a thing, look at everything around you. What will the result be, do I need to say more? " Dr. Ruan Li said so.

I understand what Dr. Ruan Li meant. Observing reality from an artistic perspective will only make reality "ugly", but this "ugliness" is just an illusion of ideology. From the perspective of materialism, "world" is just a word of "sex", it does not have the "sex" of "ugly" or "beautiful", it is just a mechanism, complex and indifferent, without a specific margin, so It cannot be completely observed in a real sense. Therefore, the so-called "the world is beautiful or ugly", the actual situation is "in the eyes of someone," the world "is like this", without the premise of "in the eyes of someone", the meaning of the latter sentence can not be established.

My doomsday story made Dr. Ruan Li think that I now look at the reality around me with a negative attitude and perspective-if I say that everything around is just a fantasy, even Dr. Ruan Li in front of me, It is also just a phantom of ideology, which naturally proves the seriousness of my "spirit" divine state.

My position, my knowledge, makes me unable to refute Dr. Ruan Li. The "reality" between Dr. Ruan Li and me is quite different.

This is really the most impressive accident since I entered this world of repeaters.

"Before you can accept reality, I hope you don't just run around chaotically. Do you understand?" Dr. Ruan Li said seriously: "The sense of alienation, separation and even repulsion between you and the outside world will make you hallucinate, Those hallucinations will put you into a situation where you have to use violence. Maybe everything is normal in your eyes, but when other people look at you, they do n’t feel normal. "

Dr. Ruan Li said very reasonable, I am speechless. If I had to say that she had something wrong, it was just that there was a disagreement with me about the "common sense of the world". But I'm not sure if I'm biased. If I show the power of the magic pattern in front of her at this time, will it change her thinking. This idea was subconsciously rejected when it came to my mind. A strong intuition told me that this is useless, why it is useless in the end, and I believe that intuition still has no attempt.

The time is approaching zero o'clock at night. A series of treatments do not consume physical strength, but the ‘spirit’ god. Whether I am Dr. Ruan Li, I am really tired.

"Get a good night's sleep, A Chuan." Dr. Ruan Li packed up the materials and pushed open the study 'door' to go out. "Everything will be okay. Your condition has been repeated, but hasn't it been solved in the past? Same thing once. "

I sat on the chair until Dr. Ruan Li's footsteps completely disappeared, and then I got up and left the study and returned to my bedroom. When I turned on the computer, I immediately received many email notifications, a large part of which came from Sakuya, Bajing, Fujiang, and Zuochuan. However, there was no particularly important news. I replied casually, lying on the 'bed', there seemed to be a lot of things turning in my mind, but they were transparent, vague, and without a normal shape, like clouds and fog, they would dissipate when trying to capture, and then Another quietly gathered.

Wrapped in these unclear but existent ideas, I do n’t know how long it has passed, I do n’t know when, or why, when I am a little sober, I find myself standing on a long ladder. You can't see the head upwards, and you can't see the tails downwards. The long staircase is only two meters wide. On both sides is a deep and empty darkness. A red 'color' direction arrow is smeared on the centerline of the staircase, just like It's just brushed up, using very thick paint, and hasn't dried up yet.

The direction arrow is like telling me to go down. I did not consider whether I should do this. The body has moved and walked down. As if it took a long time, I was awake again and suddenly realized that I was dreaming. And when I came up with the consciousness of "dream", all the ‘mystery’ fog that hindered my thinking seemed to be blown away at this instant. I suddenly realized that this long headless and tailless ladder was filled with gray mist. These gray mists, like spring water, only ran over the knee, but they were quite deep.

This is an anomaly. Although it is impossible to judge whether it is caused by the repeater defense mechanism, whether it will be a "mysterious" spread, a mysterious phenomenon related to the electronic demon, but I am in a "ideology" as the main In the abnormality of the expression, it is something that can be affirmed. Moreover, from the past experience, the ideological expression with "dream" as the main body will often evolve into a nightmare, especially in the case of this deep fog phenomenon, some inexplicable situations will appear, For example, the phenomenon of supernatural phenomena that cannot be explained by rational 'sex' cognition.

This abnormal environment often allows contacts to generate a lot of negative emotions in a short period of time. The sudden danger will make the contacts have no time to prepare, and, to meet specific requirements-this requirement is often not Only those with logical 'sex' can escape, and if you are lucky, the only thing that can comfort you is that this nightmare does not happen once in a "dream death reflected in reality", that is, Death two or three times in a nightmare will not produce irreparable results.

Is this nightmare aimed at me personally, or is it a ‘spread’ anomaly with a wider range? When I thought about it, light appeared in front of the seemingly endless stairs.

When I walked into the light, a dazzling white awn was in front of me. After the light disappeared, it was a gloomy and dilapidated city scene. Grayness doesn't just refer to light. Although there is always a 'yin' cloud above the head and no heat of sunlight can be felt, the grayness is more prominent, it is a kind of sensory factors emanating from smell, vision, feeling, sound, etc. atmosphere. The street is very quiet, as if there has been no people for a long time. When the wind blows, the flying paper scraps and the tumbling trash can make people feel the decline of this place. The shadow of "Yin" shadows the building , But even in the dark that you ca n’t see, it ’s empty. You do n’t have the feeling of being “peeped by something” that often appears in nightmares in the past. It only makes people feel that there is really nothing here.

Because the air is 'dangling', because of the silence, when there is a sound, even if it is slight, it becomes particularly loud, and this sound is empty 'hole', there is no maliciousness, and there is no other Something that deliberately 'excites' emotions. No one will be scared by the sudden noise in this silence, because there is no room for imagination. But this kind of emptiness makes me feel that there is something in my heart that is inflating. That thing has been hidden deep in my mind in the past. It is the part that is forgotten by instinct, just like filling the emptiness of the outside world, it is Floating, rising, to break my head and jump out.

This feeling is not pain in common sense, but it is more uncomfortable than the pain that any body can feel, and it also makes people feel terrified.

Fear comes from the depths of the human heart, and the external factors are only ‘inducements’-this perception becomes particularly clear in this dark and rundown city. I endured this deepening of my inner heart and carefully observed the details around me. Only from the details can I deeply understand where the feeling of "running" came from. Although I knew it was a nightmare, the details of the scenery were not obscure, but the delicateness of the "lu" reached the extreme point. When I looked closely, it didn't feel realistic. It was like a picture that was too focused on detail. But the paintings are extremely rigid.

The "color" color of the whole city is thick and cold. I seem to be walking in a panoramic oil painting that wants to express extremely negative emotions. It is both unreal and empty. I just feel that the whole person's emotions are more exciting than usual. 'Strong-I think that this emotional' excitement 'is just an illusion, but, under normal circumstances, there is too full of information to fill the heart, but instead the emotional' wave 'movement is covered up, and now, Without that kind of cover-up, the emotion of 'naked' waves will make people feel extremely uncomfortable.

There is nothing here. I walked from the street to the end of the alley. The fog will be in the range of 20 meters, causing a dramatic change in concentration. The scene "color" 20 meters away will quickly become hazy, leaving only The next general outline, but the fog within 20 meters is very thin, can make people notice, but can not cover the field of vision. Of course, these mists are also gray. The process of changing the store from blur to clear is very abrupt, and it is obvious that you can feel the turning point at the distance of twenty meters.

I mentioned the trash cans, and there were loud noises on the streets. These trash cans were as light as paper, and the trash that leaked when the trash can rolled over was like a leaf blown by the wind, floating in the air. 'For a while, it seemed that their gravity was only one-tenth as usual, but I didn't feel the change in gravity myself. In contrast, the trees rooted on both sides of the street are hard, so hard that it feels that it is not growing wood, but something fixed in the space. This strange feeling is only in Only when I tried how hard was it before I felt it. I can't tell the clue if I just look at it. Outside the first time, some stores can enter, and the walls and 'doors' windows of some stores seem to be tightly fixed with the space, making people feel that no matter how hard they try, it is impossible to open and destroy them-this part Stores, like video games, are banned from traffic and have no background on the texture of the actual content.

No, or in this nightmare city, the whole scene is like an artificial video game scene. If you look at it this way, you will feel that the abnormality here is no longer abnormal.

Such thoughts remind me of the electronic demon. Although there is no evidence for the time being, but the electronic demon appears in the nightmare like a video game scene, is it not a good match? Perhaps this nightmare city may become the root of the spread of electronic demons.

I came to the bottom of a city map and finally determined that this city is based on the "Las Vegas City" model, and the English place names above have been written very clearly. However, at this moment, it seems that I am the only one who comes to this nightmare in Las Vegas. Of course, this city scene is very big, if there are people coming, it is also likely to be scattered in different corners, but it ca n’t be maintained in such an empty “loose” state forever. ——This nightmare Las Vegas must have meaning, and this meaning will also be reflected in the way of “people”.

When I looked at each place name on the map, the light of the sky seemed brighter. Although overall it was still dark, this change was particularly noticeable in the empty scene ‘color’. I raised my head and saw that the "yin" cloud was blown away by the wind a little bit, and the higher part "exposed" the corner of another scene "color". It was not a natural scene of sky, sun, cloud, etc., but a cold and hard artificial silhouette.

"Las Vegas?" Although in this nightmare, any weirdness is not surprising, but the things I saw suddenly reminded me of more things. I ’m sure I ’m not mistaken. The other side of the sky is another Las Vegas city. Although it ’s not too long to see because of the relationship between the “cloud” and the distance, it ’s better than where I am. The ground is more ruined, and the scene like ruins overlaps with the scene I saw when the large army first broke into Las Vegas.

I looked over there at the moment, and there was a strong sense of immediate sight. It was like that time, when I stood at the corner of the ruins of the building and looked at the upside-down city of the sky. Perhaps, where I am now is the upside-down city we saw at the time? And where we climbed to reach here, the upside-down building that was connected to the ruined building was somewhere here? I recalled the general location of the building, and swept away quickly.

If the actual situation is consistent with my guess, then the act of climbing the building at that time was actually the process of entering this nightmare scene from the outside reality. The ideological dream and the non-ideal city are connected in a weird way, and it can completely explain why the team finally failed to climb to the seemingly distant top, but instead troublesome Some of them were directly involved in the world of repeaters like me. Another group of members led by rivets, but through other methods, UU reading www. entered the ruling bureau, using it as a springboard to find a way to enter the world of repeaters.

If the upside-down city we saw at the time was this ideological nightmare city, if the electronic demon is really part of the safety mechanism of this repeater, and the "mysterious" proliferation that has appeared in the world of repeaters, and speculation The spread of the electronic demon is as expected, so that there is indeed a relationship between the electronic nightmare and this nightmare city. If all these factors have been identified or just conjectures, all of which are regarded as facts, then this nightmare, there are nine The possible 'sex' is where the core of the repeater is.

No, it is not appropriate to describe it like this. Perhaps it should be said that the core of the repeater "the" fine "god integration device" exists anywhere, but it can really touch it and really let it use a kind of "touchable object". This is where the form appears.

Although the names of the "Jing" unity device and the personality preservation device are similar in name, their performance forms should be different, otherwise, the competition for the repeater should be more intense and direct, and should not be like this, even Entering the world of repeaters still has no clue how to start. The reason why they are sure that they must enter the world of repeaters to implement the Raiders of Las Vegas repeaters, it also means that they each have a repeater network ball and 51 districts, learn from themselves The particularity of the repeater that I have has a deep understanding of the "must do this".

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