Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1185: Puppet

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself lying in a long corridor. This channel is straight, with light in front, maybe an exit, but the outline is full of light clusters, it is not clear, the chain judgment has no effect, the body seems to be held down by invisible heavy objects, and even the fingers can not move. The appearance of this Yongdao was familiar, and it was the kind of Yongdao I saw when I first met Marceau. Someone came over, the footsteps were so soft, I could n’t turn my head, she was in the direction of the back of my head. I thought it was her, Marceau, and nothing else she did n’t touch, but I felt that she was staring. Look at me, after a while, the footsteps go away. I was a little surprised that she didn't even say a word to me. ""

About half a quarter of an hour after she left, the feeling of being crushed by a heavy object finally disappeared, and I quickly stood up, but neither the quick sweep nor the chain judgment, all abilities beyond ordinary people were unavailable . I think I was in a nightmare, the set that fell into the dark abyss is no longer novel. There are two kinds of nightmares that I have experienced. One is ambiguous, not just self-consciousness, even with everything around it, it is a bit elusive; the other is clear, the head is clear, and the foreign objects are clear, but even the clearest foreign objects will be There is a considerable gap from "real", such as the atmosphere, the details of the surface of the object, and even create a feeling of deep fog. In short, only ordinary talents will not realize that they are in a dream in the first place.

Realizing that you are dreaming is a basic skill that every mysterious expert must possess. In a mysterious adventure, this ability is not only needed when encountering the conscious walker. Too many mysterious environments will drag people's consciousness and let them jump into a pure ideology. Or in the strange world of half matter and half ideology. Even if it is not a conscious walker, it must be sensitive to the division of ideology and material state, not to try to understand and divide the difference between the two, but to have such a keen sense. Because, because of the "mystery" effect, the dividing line between the physical state and the ideological state becomes very tense.

Based solely on dreams and reality in the world of doomsday illusions. Dreams are the most common ideology, and reality contains the most common material states. Under the influence of mystery, it affects each other. It is a high-level problem that mystery experts often encounter. If it cannot be solved, burying is only the best end. On the basis of both, there is something like "temporary data hedging space". If the dream is "black", the reality is "white". Then "temporary data hedging space" is "gray". The mutual influence and transformation of ideology and material state have become extremely frequent in this gray area, and this kind of space has become extremely fragile. At present, the ruling bureau is a master of artificial temporary data hedge space technology, basically , Or the doomsday truth. Its development of "temporary data hedging space" and various mysteries extended from it. Only after accepting the technical heritage of the ruling bureau, it gradually developed.

It can be said that the temporary data hedging space is the most classic model to understand the problems of ideology and material state. The repeater is complicated, it is indeed very complicated, and its composition has too many secrets, in my knowledge. It is not artificial, but the product of the doomsday syndrome deteriorating to a certain degree, or that the growth of "viruses" may promote the scattered food like living creatures. It may be the case to condense in some way to facilitate eating, but it is just speculation, and it is actually impossible to prove. However, in the doomsday illusions earlier, there is no such thing as a "spiritual integration device" and a "personality preservation device", and I am quite sure of this.

If the "spiritual integration device" and "personality preservation device" are the products of the doomsday illusion developed to a certain degree, they can naturally be regarded as the products of the doomsday syndrome that deteriorated to a certain degree. The two may not be vicious. However, its birth will definitely lead to viciousness. The application of the repeater as a "spiritual integration device" is naturally also a unique product of this doomsday illusion.

However, in my understanding, if you want to briefly describe the repeater, you can also think of it as a device that creates a "temporary data hedge space", and this device itself is a special temporary data hedge component. . Moreover, it was made by man. Although the manufacturer probably does n’t know the distance, it ’s just according to the picture, even the drawings are not there. It was only born by accident through countless experiments and under some fate-like guidance. Such a thing. With the first one, as long as you find more materials, you can naturally complete the second one. This is also very consistent with the "mysterious" feature. It cannot be understood, but it can be used and may be replicable, but in fact, it is not technology but luck that is needed, and luck itself is a larger and incomprehensible. The product of a certain law. It seems accidental, but it is inevitable.

If you look at the repeater from the height of "hospital reality", you can naturally think of it as a weapon that was born from the collective subconsciousness of patients and can affect the collective subconsciousness, but if you only look at it from the end of the illusion, then It is a kind of existence that can affect the state of matter and ideology to the greatest extent, and assuming that only the "material" and "consciousness" can describe the entire world, then it can also affect the existence of the concept of the world. Before this doomsday illusion, before I recovered, another time I experienced a "world line change", that encounter can actually be regarded as a repeater. Some people now guess that it is the doomsday truth. The teaching or the Nazi repeater released a power that affected the material and consciousness that constituted the whole world to a certain extent, which naturally included human and non-human things, so it produced the "world line jump". The change.

From the perspective of world line theory, no one can feel the jump of the world line, because at the moment of jumping, their own past has also changed, and then reorganized into their present, including their self-cognition and Cognition of the outside world. However, assuming that this "world-line jump" of Doomsday Realm is actually a material and conscious change of the world by the repeater, then it is still not enough to make everyone and every non-person unaware. The reason is simple, first. The repeater is only the product of the collective subconscious, not the collective subconscious. The influence of a repeater is not enough to interfere with the bottom of all consciousness and matter. Secondly, there is no lack of proximity in the doomsday illusion, the same or even beyond the repeater presence.

As long as it is not a complete and complete change. Anyone with a keen sense can perceive what is wrong, even if they cannot tell what is wrong. The "prophet" is such a person who is extremely sensitive to the overall changes in the illusion of doomsday. The prophet can predict "fate", or describe the "script" from a broad range of perception, therefore. For the Prophet, the influence of the incomplete Doomsday Illusion's entire scope is as dazzling as the torch. In, some people have speculated about the possibility of "jumping of the world line" and the reasons for this phenomenon, and doubted the doomsday truth.

Repeaters are one such type. They can be complex or simple. But no matter what kind of view, it is enough to make a certain change to everything. Although the Las Vegas repeater is in the intelligence. It was transformed into the performance of "assistant lunar repeater" by the Nazis, but did not have the independence of other repeaters. However, as a repeater, it should have the same characteristics.

This repeater builds a huge and relatively independent internal world environment, and in this world environment, the concept of material state and ideology is divided again. But in a sense, this division cannot be clearer, deeper and stronger than the outside world. This means that here, mystery is more likely to appear than the outside world, and it is easier to be controlled by the repeater itself. I think. This is the reason why "mystery" is suppressed in this world. In fact, "mystery" is not suppressed. It is only under the control of the repeater that it does not have a superficial impact on the entire world environment. The "mystery" of this world is like air and water, everywhere in every corner, but let people subconsciously ignore the past.

In this world of repeaters, the boundaries between the physical state and the ideological state are more blurred and unstable than the outside world. Things in dreams appear in reality, and things in reality are consciously manifested, some mysteries are restricted, and some mysterious effects are expanded, which is entirely possible. The nightmares I have experienced and the appearance of ghosts in reality all illustrate this point. I am now sure that I am in a nightmare, but I am not sure that this nightmare will only be from start to finish. A dream.

A preliminary judgment from the surrounding scenes should be Marshall's ghost nightmare. I did n’t enter my ghost nightmare, but it was not unexpected, because the last time I came in, my ghost was killed by Marceau ’s ghost nightmare. I had the idea that ghost ghosts and nightmares overlapped with each other. Appearing here today is just another proof of this conjecture. The power of this ghost nightmare seems to have increased a lot, because neither quick sweep nor chain judgment can be used, and it has been unable to move before. These restrictions seem to prove this idea. I suspect that the sound of the footsteps that approached me before was Marceau, but, I am not sure, but at least from the other party's departure, I can be sure that the other party has no hostility for the time being.

Was it Maso himself, or Ghost Marceau, or the electronic demon Marceau, after eating my ghost, and the middle-aged and young people I lured, how much stronger did it become What kind of further mystery? How do middle-aged and young people eaten in nightmares become in reality? This is something I am very curious about. Marceau ’s situation was so special. I saw it for the first time. There was this ghost nightmare that hunted like a trap, and the whole ghost nightmare showed deep controllability. Suspected ghosts and The electronic devil Marceau also possesses wisdom and knowledge.

As far as I know, ghosts and electronic demons, including myself and five others, do not exhibit this characteristic. Electronic demons can be controlled by their own consciousness, and they can also perform activities through some instinctive mechanism when they are not under control. However, communication is impossible. Ghost image is more like a combination of negative consciousness. Its influence on the users of electronic demon is closer to the psychic phenomenon in occultism. According to the five electronic demon users who have been in contact before, ghosts For the shadow to have a substantial impact on the user of the electronic demon, it will take some time to complete the "approach" step. Just as when I first encountered ghosts, I was not directly attacked, but were under the influence of hallucinations, and every ghost nightmare after that would bring ghosts closer to myself. Maybe there is a way to kill it before it touches itself, but I did n’t find it.

Among the people I know, Marceau and Zuo Chuan seem to have done this, and they have adopted some methods. It has an impact on ghosts and interferes with the ghost nightmare. However, even Zuochuan himself cannot explain the process and the necessary conditions, which is more like a "because I can do it, so I did it" a feeling of. We suspect that this is due to the "mysterious seed", and ordinary electronic demon users are unable to break the ghost state of ghosts. When the long and thin ghosts approached. I also made a counterattack, and the effect seems to exist, but this does not prevent the ghost from attacking in the second ghost nightmare, and, at that time, there was no injury and weakness, even More powerful.

I can't help guessing. Under normal circumstances, the growth rate of ghosts. It is much faster than the growth of electronic demon users. This means that most electronic demon users can't actually escape the ghost attack, and some changes have occurred. After passing through the ghost nightmare, you will arrive in the nightmare Las Vegas, a public nightmare. It is not a safe place. Let's not mention camouflage hunting grounds like Maso's watch shop. The shadow masses born in the corners are definitely not a good thing. The electronic demon users who broke into the nightmare Las Vegas last time were attacked in places I could not see, and fighting broke out. I always thought that that was the ghost of the shadow group.

Assuming that the electronic demon summoning system was created by the Nazis with a repeater and has a special purpose, perhaps a mystery for military recruitment, then what is the meaning of being attacked by ghosts and shadow groups, respectively? Furthermore, if you can't protect yourself during the attack, what will happen to the actual electronic demon users? In order to study this point, I deliberately sent Zuo Chuan to John Bull some of the information concerning middle-aged people and young people. Words, it still has observational value.

This time, I want to try to enter the ghost nightmare of other people, figure out their actual identity, and pay attention to their changes in various dangerous situations. Whether killed by ghosts or killed by shadow masses, if it is impossible to lock the victim's reality, it is difficult to judge the impact of these two conditions on reality. In addition, if someone can continue to break through the blockade of ghosts and shadow groups to survive, it is also a valuable sample. However, the intelligence of these people should get the attention of rivets and other people. The relevant information can be passed by John The cattle traded.

I was thinking about what I had to do to enter the nightmare Las Vegas this time, while walking towards the light. Yongdao, as in the past, has many branches, but the general exit of the light group is straight ahead. Such an obvious reminder is not something that is hostile. The exit, as always, is the back door of the watch shop, including the labyrinth of Yongdao and the watch shop together, is the ghost nightmare of Marceau. However, I guess that the part of Yongdao may be the original ghost nightmare, and the watch shop is the connection point of the ghost nightmare and the nightmare Las Vegas. However, it was completely eroded by the ghost nightmare. Other electronic demon users who can reach the nightmare Las Vegas, the ghost nightmare is probably the same, occupying a place in the nightmare Las Vegas.

Although there are only five electronic demon users in contact with me, I believe that other people will be aware of the regularity while frequently entering and leaving the nightmare. There must be someone like me who wants to enter the ghost nightmare of others, or hope that others can help in their own ghost nightmare. The information I gave to the five people will inevitably be spread out among the five people. Although they all said that they do not intend to jump into the vortex of Las Vegas, no one can be sure of the actual situation. As an electronic demon user, is it a matter of course to meet other companions in a place where the electronic demon summoning system is spreading on a large scale?

The middle-aged people and young people were killed by Marceau. Assuming that they did not die in reality, it might cause me some trouble, and I have always been taboo. But from another perspective, if they spread the news and gather more people to find fault, it is not entirely a bad thing. I can also get more information from this hostile response.

I sat in the watch shop for a while, and wanted to stay in wait for a while, to see if anyone got the information here. There is no longer a shadow group in the watch shop. Although the light is dim, the scene is quite normal, both inside and outside the store. No moving objects can be seen on the street, and no sound can be heard, as if completely separated into two worlds by walls and stripping. Under the gloomy sky, the gray fog is more dense, and the field of vision is only 100 meters away, and only the blurred outlines of large objects can be seen. The only difference is that the nightmare of Las Vegas in the past was a complete silence, but now, in the silence, there is a sense of something in the place where it is not clear. It feels, but it is also very different. The deadness of "there is no ghost" is completely broken, and the hazy changes are closer to the world of ideology.

The feeling of "it seems that there are monsters hiding in the shadows and a little wind and grass moving like they are approaching step by step" is really nostalgic. Even if it makes people scared, it is better than the feeling of being in an empty and dead state, with their own emotions expanding and thinking confused, as if they want to break through themselves. At least for me.

I watched every shadow inside and outside the watch store, trying to find more precise dream characteristics, until a figure suddenly fell from the air and made a loud noise in front of the store. The figure kept rolling, turning over a trash can before stopping at the plant belt beside the road. It's a puppet-like thing. It's very rudimentary. The spherical joints are very obvious. The hands and feet are all oval strips, but they don't have fingers. The body has a slightly human outline, while the head is only carved with facial features. There are no specific details.

This thing is obviously an electronic demon. So, what about its owner? What is it fighting? Is it a shadow group? What kind of monster hatched in the shadow group? There was no sound floating in the shadows below me. I still didn't leave the watch shop, but the doll suddenly turned around and hit my eyes.

It started jetting on its back and pushed it up at once, followed by jetting at the ends of its limbs. It seemed to rely on this jet to travel, but when it was just started, its body wobbled, far from being imagined So fast, maybe there is enough time to accelerate to a faster level, but before that, a shadow suddenly blocked the light in this area. Is it the clouds or something else ~ ~ I can't see it, the roof obscures the view, and the quick sweep and chain judgment have not been restored. I hid in the shadows of the corners, avoiding the puppet ’s sight. Although it only had the outline of the eyes and no eyeballs, its previous reaction made me think that it could "see" me and the shadow outside Something.

The pose of the puppet finally adjusted, and the shadow-causing thing swept down with a hula, and I discovered that maybe it should be called a swarm. The whole cloud-like group is like thousands of insects gathered together, but at this distance, the tiny individuals can't see at all with their eyes, but the whole cloud makes people think of the cover of nature. The earthly swarms of insects, so this term is used. The attack of this cloud is roughly similar to that of insect swarms, relying on the accumulation of a large amount of damage. As long as the damage caused to the enemy is greater than the damage caused by the enemy to the group itself, victory can be achieved.

However, in this nightmare Las Vegas, every active individual should be more or less mysterious. The puppet is obviously mysterious, so those things that attack it and occupy the upper hand should also be mysterious. The puppet tried to dodge with a jet, and the clouds swept down, suspended in mid-air and transformed into the shape of a face. It can't be said that this face is good-looking or not good-looking, but the face made up of countless tiny individuals is very cruel, as if it is suffering. This face can't help but remind me of the "smoky face" made by the Trojan virus in the 51st district. (To be continued ...)

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