Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1187: Ghost contract

The girl who operated the electronic demon "puppet" was constrained by Marceau's ghost nightmare because of her words and deeds, which also meant that her consciousness was restrained. Although I had expected this to happen, I was still a little surprised when it turned out that the ghost nightmare could develop to such a strong level. This is a "contract" mystery in accordance with occultism. When I experienced Marceau's ghost nightmare, I already felt the power of this contract in detail, but, if the feeling at that time was already Marceau's This mysterious place has the highest intensity, so hunting middle-aged people and young people must have brought her considerable benefits. I do n’t know if Marceau is an example, or that the ghost nightmare of every electronic demon messenger has such a possibility of strengthening, but Zuo Jiang, who is similar to Marceau ’s situation, should be able to achieve this level.

So far, I still do n’t know. Marceau really realized where the bottom is. However, neither the electronic demon nor the ghost is a mystery out of nothing, but based on the characteristics of the subject itself-including Personality and personality, etc., can refer to my own traits to a certain extent-constituted by a series of mysterious operations. Coupled with this ghost nightmare as the center, the unity of Marceau's behavior manifested is enough to be regarded as Marceau's will feedback.

To put it simply, in the ghost nightmare of Marceau, the behaviors of the electronic demon and ghosts that look exactly like Marceau can represent Marseille's wishes. Of course, it is impossible to judge whether it is a subjective and superficial willingness, or a subconscious mind. Assuming that Marceau was implanted by Father Edward into the Mysterious Seed, I suspect that the consciousness shown by this behavior has been disturbed by the "Mysterious Seed".

The electronic demon summoning system is like a node, connecting the electronic demon, ghost nightmare and nightmare Las Vegas, the latter three have an impact on users. It should not be, but a progressive and interactive influence. If the "Mysterious Seed" interferes with this process of influence, then from the perspective of Marshall and Zuojiang, it is not by eliminating a certain element in this series, but by progressively and interactively The impact process is disrupted. There is even some kind of reorganization. Because of the error in the order, it happened that Marceau and Zuojiang were different from other electronic demon messengers.

From this perspective, Marceau's changes are undoubtedly faster and more complete than Zuojiang, and may even be more effective. If the spread of the electronic demon summoning system itself is for the purpose of spiritual erosion and mysterious transformation, then the mysterious species with apparently similar goals is an alternative competition. I think that the electronic demon summoning system is under the influence of the "Virus" by the Nazis. With this Las Vegas repeater as the core, I prepared a part of the long-term trap plan, and the whole plan is a conspiracy. All intruders want to do something with this repeater, and they ca n’t get it. If you have enough information, you have to step into the trap, and once you step into this trap. What everyone can do in response to the crisis will become scarce. At least, in the early stage, you can only follow the stupid method of burying the earth in the water. Until you have obtained enough information, it is possible to send a stranger.

The use of repeaters to arrange traps is a luxury. By doing this, the Nazis must have occupied a sufficiently large early advantage. Even if they are more familiar with the Nazis, the doomsday truth religion that has been set up for a long time cannot completely offset this advantage, so it is necessary to reduce the confrontation of peace. They are even willing to promote the development of the 51st district through certain lateral methods. Whether it is the 51st district, including the repeater technology, and some information on the Las Vegas repeater, it has been proved that it is not completely completed. Even, it can be said that if there is no "net-opening" of the doomsday truth, even if the two can be established, they will inevitably fall behind even more.

It is also because of the performance of the Doomsday Truth Church and the development of the 51st district that it is even more proved that in the beginning, the Doomsday Truth Church realized the intractability of this Las Vegas repeater, and they did not have enough Of faith against the traps laid out here. What I have observed gives a fairly clear signal that before the invaders represented in large numbers entered, even if the doomsday truth has already begun to act in this repeater world, this repeater world is developing and changing, In fact, it has always been in a strange state of stagnation, which can explain why the doomsday truth religion exists here in the form of "small denominations that depend on the family", because they can neither change the environment nor be limited by the environment. This environment does not refer to the substantive social operation and natural environment, but should be the factors that form the ideology of the aboriginal personality, memory and thinking of the repeater world. This world of repeaters, just like the Doomsday Illusion itself, can be divided into two states of matter and ideology for the people in it, but its essence is still ideology, and it is the composition of the repeater. The ideological power of the behemoth, coupled with the support of the Nazi Lunar Repeater, even if Doomsday Truth uses its own repeater, it will not have enough influence on it, and it will even directly start the Nazi trap.

The Doomsday Religion guides more and powerful enough intruders to come in, one is to relieve their own pressure, and the other is to divert part of the Nazis ’attention. And the 51st area, and even some mysterious experts who are powerful and have enough intelligence, have defaulted this way. Although there are also confrontations between each other, intentionally or unintentionally, cooperation in behavior may be achieved in a seemingly coincident manner, or a deeper exchange of information may be carried out. From this speculation, I believe that there is a connection between Father Edward and some other maverick experts who may be independent. Perhaps, I have been in the rivet army to be able to access these contact methods, but now When he came out, he lost a lot of information.

Even so, I still don't feel that I have made a mistake. In any case, it is an established strategy to refuse intruders to make their way from this city or even from Asia. I don't want to let my cherished places get caught up in the mysterious vortex because of the intelligence of every area. Maybe, I did n’t do those things in the toilet whisper, and Las Vegas at this time is the true portrayal of my city. In the description of the five electronic demon messengers I contacted last night, the situation in Las Vegas today is not good. Even if the mystery is unstoppable, the momentary chaos is inevitable, but the progress of Las Vegas is so fast that no one can judge what the future of that city will be. According to my plan, mysterious city. It should be more gentle and orderly to maintain a seemingly calm daily routine.

I do n’t know whether Father Edward appeared in my city and made such a move, whether it was his own idea or a tacit understanding of uniting with others. However, no matter what kind, it means that Father Edward may come with the will to cooperate. It is not purely malicious.

Under the premise of various assumptions, Edward ’s behavior of spreading the mysterious seed should be acquiesced by other forces. If the electronic demon summoning system is part of the trap, then the change caused by the mysterious seed is the targeted dismantling of the trap. . However, if only the mysterious seed is in operation, probably not what other forces want to see. Therefore, the situation of the mysterious seed will be referred to later. There are more unusual "nightmares". I think that the "smoky face" encountered by the girl who uses the electronic demon "puppet", even if it was a monster born in the nightmare Las Vegas, its birth is also a manifestation of the interference in the 51st district.

The origin and performance of the girl made me guess. She was attacked by a smoky face. Has it fallen into this area without being defeated, has it been guided by some people or some mysterious forces? If so, what is the purpose of the other party? Are you interested in me? Or are you interested in Marceau? I think. Since the girl has a certain understanding of me, it means that there is some kind of will standing behind her-the girl may not realize its existence, only feel that everything she has done is a completely autonomous action-actually want Get closer to Marceau, seeing it as a precious sample, and even think that she may be the key to the core of the repeater.

It is not surprising that Marceau would encounter such a thing. From the past to the present, Marceau ’s encounter has been a bit weird. Compared with her, the encounters of Misaki and Bajing are much calmer.

This also means that the girl in front of you may exist just like a "probe". There are not many things she knows. I told her a lot of things, just to let her know more things, and then "spontaneously infer" which person or strength is leading her own behavior, and in-depth exploration. Before mysticization reaches a certain stage, I have to sit in my own city. Then, I have to rely on others for retrieving intelligence, and girls are ideal candidates.

The girl fell into the trap of Marceau because of her carelessness. Although it was her own reason, it still met my plan. However, the premise is that I must stop Marceau from letting the girl get hurt too much.

After the girl listened to my explanation of the "contract" in occultism, it still seemed a little unbelievable. However, I think she had even the electronic demon and had experienced ghost nightmares, even if Marceau ’s ghost nightmares were somewhat special What is unacceptable? As I thought, she just thought for a moment, and said happily: "Even if you want to get paid, shouldn't the master come forward?" Her goal, really hit Ma Suo again, if she was aimed at the beginning Marceau came, it was really perseverance, but, I do n’t think she had anything other than her curiosity about Marceau. Judging from the various manifestations of her, she is instructed, or that the possibility of executing an order explicitly is very low.

This girl is an aboriginal in Las Vegas who has acquired the electronic demon. If you think about it, her temperament, behavior and attitude are very consistent.

Of course, I do not rule out the possibility that she has a strong ability to cover up, but only tend to the former in the evaluation.

"I don't know if she will see you." I just spread my hands and said, "Look, I'm just a guest, explaining some rules for you, a new guest, lest you get hurt."

"I heard that you helped this girl solve the ghost nightmare?" The girl's eyes were puzzled.

"It solves some problems, but it does not mean that the ghost nightmare will disappear. If you believe me, don't expect the ghost nightmare to disappear when you still have the electronic demon." I said.

"You mean, ghost nightmare exists with the electronic demon?" The girl asked.

"Not only ghost nightmares, but even this nightmare in Las Vegas." I answered.

"It turns out that this is the expert's judgment?" She seemed to be talking to herself, so I didn't answer this question. She paused and asked again: "It looks like. The girl you helped mastered the ghost to some extent. It ’s a nightmare, so I thought I would ask for compensation? "

I did not answer, I think, she will ferment the answer in her heart. The girl saw me silent, so she set aside this topic and asked: "Can you help me? Just like this girl? You are a person who solves this kind of problem, isn't it?"

"Needs remuneration." I answered briefly. The girl's face began to ponder, she asked: "What kind of remuneration is needed?"

"That's a new deal." I felt that the information disclosed was enough, so I no longer obeyed her partiality and turned the topic back on track: "You first think about how to leave here."

"You can take me away." The girl said with certainty that the eyes with thick makeup were agile. Although the voice was soft, she exuded a little temptation. "I can give you some reward." She implied her finger impliedly The cleavage at the open placket of the leather was scratched.

"The contract cannot be crossed." I said indifferently, the girl's makeup was not in line with my aesthetics. He is not as good as Fu Jiang, and he is a stranger who meets for the first time under abnormal conditions. All three have decided that such a transaction must not be established. I don't think her behavior is slutty, I just think that she is making some obviously useless hints, which is really a waste of expression. Maybe, she feels good about herself? I don't doubt this because. As long as the appearance is not too ugly, women will always get the favor of men. Especially in some special environments. This young girl is likely to have encountered such a situation. In a similar way, she has solved some troubles. It may also just imitate the movie and hearsay.

The girl is very smart, but still very young. Put it in my school, probably at the level of an ordinary student union secretary.

"How is it possible!" She didn't quite believe what I said. "You pay me a little, take me out, and then I compensate you. Isn't that a simple matter? And, you saved the girl. Knowing what she likes-wouldn't it be too straightforward to say that? "As she said, she seemed to inadvertently glance around. Her movements made me think that she actually said it so straightforwardly. Perhaps, what kind of remuneration is not her priority, she just wants to see Marceau.

"This is not an ordinary transaction, but a mysterious contract." I answered calmly and tirelessly: "It must be done by the parties, which is why the contracts cannot be crossed."

"It's too rigid!" The girl showed an angry expression, and then begged me to say, "Help me, I have nothing but this body." She adjusted her posture quietly to highlight her body advantage. It's just that the movement makes me feel jerky. In fact, she has no practical experience. Compared with the top students in the school who pay special attention to posture performance, there are still many shortcomings.

nbsp; "You can give your body, as long as you want, maybe she will accept." I stared at her body and said. She seemed shuddering, her body tightened and straightened at once.

"Do I have to be willing to pay?" Asked the girl.

"No, just like before, as long as the verbal statement is accepted by the other party, the contract can be established and enforced." I replied.

The girl seemed to be completely gone. She grabbed her fluffy and dyed hair hard, a look of distress and frustration.

"What's your name?" I asked at this time.

"Why do you do this? You don't help." The girl looked at me blankly and asked again: "Don't you give a hint? Except for the body, if you want it, you helped her, she should Will you agree? "The" she "here refers to Marceau naturally.

"Maybe." I smiled, and she said that. In fact, I'm not too sure if Marceau, the ghost nightmare, will accept it. My relationship with Marceau is very delicate now. Maybe I was the first prey to enter here after her ghost nightmare change, but for various reasons, Marceau did not attack with all his strength and quickly reached an agreement with me. This attitude should be regarded as friendly, but even with my deep contact with Marceau, Marceau has a good first impression, but in this world of repeaters, we are still very new to each other. I'm not sure if Marceau will let me decide.

"Sure!" The girl seemed to perceive something, and her expression suddenly brightened. "Tell me, I can help you. Do you want information about the monster who just chased me, eh? I can help you. It It ’s a monster born in this nightmare in Las Vegas. It ’s so big here. It ’s definitely not easy for you to find it, but it ’s much easier if you have me. I know a lot of friends, and it attacks me once, maybe The second attack, you just have to follow me. "

I think the last sentence is her original intention.

"That monster is not normal." I shook my head and said, "That's why I pay attention to it. However, this does not mean that it is very valuable."

"Not normal?" The girl chewed my words.

"Did you ever wonder why it came to chase you, and why did you run away here?" I asked back.

"I didn't escape!" The girl was annoyed, but when she looked at me, the momentary arrogance fell down again, and she said frustratedly: "Well, I was running away, and I was almost killed. Thankfully, here 'S owner saved me. Can you tell me the girl's name? She can't even see anyone, can you tell me the name? "

Just after this sentence, Marceau appeared like a ghost, and suddenly appeared at the gate behind the girl. Then, she suddenly turned sideways, looking somewhere diagonally above, as if she noticed something. The girl noticed my gaze and couldn't help turning her head. She suddenly saw the figure of Marceau. Her body tightened and she seemed to want to scream, but she squeezed. Marceau turned back slowly. Her appearance was cleaner and tidier than when she first met. The clothes on her body, the long hair she had trimmed, and the face she showed had no ethereal temperament-she was wearing a sick suit, It was like the one I saw in the reality of the hospital.

I don't know when in the watch shop, surrounded by a dead and heavy breath, it seems to set off the conspicuousness of Marceau. The street scene outside the door became abnormal, from a gloomy day to a slightly clear dusk, the light of the sunset leaked out of the window, just like stage lighting, making her the center of all perception at once.

"This, this is ..." The girl's stuttering can no longer hide the true emotion in her heart. She was terrified, frightened, and made a slight but long breath.

"Yes, it's her." I said, "Don't you want to know her name?"

"Is she really human?" The girl asked nervously.

"These issues can become new transactions, but not now, you have to complete the contract first." I deliberately reminded ~ ~ The girl gave me a hard look before she was nervous like a ghost. Suo said: "Thank you for saving me. What do you want?"

Marceau didn't answer. Her expression was calm, but it was extremely alarming, as if something bad would happen at any time. She raised her hand abruptly, facing the girl. Numerous pieces of wood suddenly splashed under the girl's shadow, covering her footsteps all the way up, as if she wanted to be transformed into a "puppet" again. However, when the puppet was at the waist, her shadow swelled, as if the tentacles completely composed of the shadow came out of the shell. Before the girl moved with the air outlet of her feet, she rolled her chest and held her Pull into the air in one breath.

"What are you going to do?" The girl struggled, and the puppet dress seemed difficult to carry on, so that she was so frightened, she turned to look at me: "Quick stop her! She is not normal!"

But before I decided to do something, the shadow tentacle had been inserted into her mouth, drilling straight into her throat, and the undulating movement could be seen from the outside. The girl let out a suffocating **** and rolled her eyes. I also think that Marceau ’s behavior is very abnormal, but just before opening, the shadow tentacles have been retracted, and after putting down the girl, she fell into her shadow. The girl opened her mouth for a while, nausea and coughing desperately. She finally caught her breath and stared at Marceau, shouting in horror: "What did you do to me!" .

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