Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1208: Paris Chinese Brigade

According to experience and information, this street and a nearby area may be the guild of the Goat Guild. However, it is difficult to determine whether the Doomsday Truth will send people here to worship. = If only the Goat Guild exists here, and the Doomsday Religious Church does not intend to do something deeper and more mysterious here, then I may find little information here. However, if the Doomsday Truth is going to do a big job here, it will inevitably pose a huge threat to this city, and the behavior of the Doomsday Truth will definitely not be untargeted. As far as my past experience is concerned, the Doomsday Religious Church does not arbitrarily hold sacrifices. Every large-scale operation involving middle- and high-level personnel means that the resulting event will have a strong mystery and even become more A link of the great conspiracy.

This is a fact that makes me feel entangled. Apocalyptic doctrines do not do anything, so they can hardly grasp their heels. If they do something, even if they can get many clues about them, it will inevitably bring disaster . It is difficult for me to determine whether I want to collide with the actions of the doomsday truth in the action tonight.

The "paradise" bar, if there is no awareness of the "paradise" of psychedelic drugs, then the name is quite common, and the location of the bar and their living will not make people doubt. The whisperer ’s information is locked here, and the name of the bar is full of coincidence, but it is enough for people like me who believe in intuition to make some associations, and then wear a pair of colored glasses when observing every detail.

For example, I think the bartender in front of me, the drunk woman next to me, and the **** who just sat on the left hand side. Putting it in a normal bar certainly doesn't produce this kind of delusional feeling, just. I came here with caution, and naturally I will watch every seemingly accidental encounter with a precautionary look.

I don't believe in accidents.

"Who are you?" The bartender asked an interesting question.

All the details on his body indicate that he is a veteran who confuses here. I didn't confuse his consciousness, so I don't think. He will recognize guests like me. My age, dress and behavior are too different from the guests in this bar. If it is out of place, it is not necessarily big. An unsuitable person, where he should not go, certainly won't get a good look. The slightly hostile look of the bartender ’s expression is not surprising, but if he is just an ordinary person, there are generally two things he will do: either ignore me. Or just throw me out of the door. I know how young my appearance is. For ordinary people, age can always explain a lot of problems. Well, without being confused by age, it means that the other party has some secrets so that they can get rid of the shackles of common sense. Perceived anomalies.

In the places identified by this information, there may be secret people. The Tenth Meeting is related to the Truth of Doomsday. However, I am not sure whether this bartender, the gangster and the drunk woman beside him, are all insiders, or they are the goat guild themselves. Even the doomsday truth. It is also possible that they themselves are not clear. They have already hooked up with a cult organization, and they are only treated with the attitude of doing business. In any case, suppose they have been in contact with the "paradise" of psychedelic drugs. Whether it has been taken, or just sold, or even, just subject to the trend of money, to be an uninformed person who breeds white Claudia, and no matter what their original purpose in doing these things, they can no longer escape the doomsday truth teach.

A lot of times, the doomsday truth religion plays a role of a huge source of mysterious infections, I think it will not be bad this time.

"Probably not a very friendly guest." I answered the bartender's question calmly, without concealing the hostility in the tone, staring at his eyes and continuing to ask: "White Claudia, Paradise, Goat Guild And Doomsday Truth, how much do you know about these names? "

The bartender's eyes flashed a little, and obviously, he was not very calm in the face of this problem. Maybe he didn't know too much, but it should not be ignorant. When I asked about these names, the bodies of the drunk and drunken women moved, the amplitude was not large, but it was very obvious in the observation of the chain judgment. I don't think this is a coincidence, but the two do know something as I guessed. He turned slightly to the side, and his movements were very natural, just like his personal appearance, he was unscrupulous and violent, but some small movements observed through the chain judgment made him It's not like there is no way to behave like ordinary bully.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The bartender picked up a wine glass and said in a tone of a guest, "I think you should leave."

I ignored it, and just continued according to my own thoughts: "I got information that the trading here involves the psychedelic drug" paradise ", so I would sit here. Know? You sell paradise in the paradise bar, isn't it It ’s an interesting thing. I ’m interested in the paradise, but more interested in the person in charge. Let ’s go to the door and talk, because I hate to look at the consciousness of others. ”I smiled at him and pointed my head, "If you know something, you should understand that the people living in this world are not all ordinary people."

The bartender's face became more gloomy, and the kind of resistance and as much restraint as possible kept emanating from his eyes, and said impatiently to me: "I said, get out of here. Or, I let people make You throw it out. "

"Are you sure you want to use violence?" I stared at him, ignoring the sharp eyes, and just calmly stated the fact: "I don't like violence, but, I am really good at violence."

The drunk woman on the right turned her head like she was a little bit bored with the noise around her, while the **** on the left stood up and stared at me fiercely, deliberately turning her body at an angle so that I could See more clearly those tattoos with a somewhat ridiculous taste. They are intimidating me, but it makes me more convinced that they are covering up, not just driving a normal guest. I have tried to use language instead of violence to negotiate with these people, but the result makes me feel that I am doing extra things.

I looked at each other, and opened the door of his heart skillfully. I tapped his memory a little bit, and turned his sense of secrecy into a door. Go find the hidden things. Our gaze is less than a second, but it is enough for me to find what I want. This gangster is not an ordinary bar beater, as I thought, his ideological world is much more weird and chaotic than ordinary people, and it is a very dangerous place for any intruder who enters his consciousness. Moreover, this ideological world is quite different from the ideological world I have entered in the past. That is color.

In the confusing world of ideology, there are blood-like reds, these reds are in different shades, like the difference between thick blood and diluted blood, these blood colors are sometimes in the form of mist, sometimes in the form of paint, but staring When it is red, there will be a restless emotion. The longer you stay in this ideological world. The more intense this agitation, the more aggressive it feels. After collecting the necessary information, I immediately withdrew from the heart of the gang, and the next moment, as I expected, the gang suddenly attacked me.

He seemed to be completely mad, and he suddenly rushed to me, with a terrible look. A low growl is like a beast. Bite my throat. His body temperature is rising, and in the observation of the chain judgment, he can vaguely see that there is hot air exhaling from his nose and mouth. It was only when I stepped back and dodged that his skin became a little shrunken, but this bad change did not weaken his strength at all. instead. Just like eating a lot of stimulants, physical activity becomes fierce. His rush, like a tiger descending the mountain, set off a strong air current.

This is a very typical thug who relies on taking "paradise" to gain extraordinary strength.

at the same time. I heard the bartender gently cursing "damn" and his face became particularly ugly. Only the drunk woman didn't respond, but my instinct still reminded me that I couldn't relax the monitoring of this woman. In the short moment of dodge back, I have gained more intelligence than before. He tried to catch me, his eyes were fierce, but his pupils were loose, as if he saw not me, but something else, I think, he saw the hallucination. He fought under an illusion.

I have also taken Paradise, and I know how it feels.

However, even if you use paradise to strengthen your abilities, stimulate fighting instincts, and use fanatic emotions to promote this power, it is impossible to cross the strength gap between us. Whether or not you have superpowers is a very crucial difference in battles involving mystery, because, how much represents the superiority of mystery.

I grabbed his fist with his full body strength and pressed this arm against the bar using articulation techniques. Although the level of mystery is the key to winning or losing, but after experiencing so many things and being trained by Fu Jiang, even simply using power and technology, it is easy to knock down such a paradise who takes a paradise. I'm not a genius. The Mageweave superpower was forcibly developed when I reached level three. Before that, all I could rely on were weapons, skills, and body.

The bar made a dull percussion sound, but it was overshadowed by the tumultuous music and vocals in the bar. Because of the joint technique, the half-body lie on the bar gave a painful growl, but there was no sign of regaining consciousness. The bartender took a step back and took a guarded posture, as if he was going to do something. The chain judgement observed that his hand had touched the pistol behind his waist. In such a fierce collision, the drunk woman still looks awake.

As soon as the **** worked hard, he heard the sound of his arm breaking. After using this method of self-mutilation to get rid of the imprisonment, he lifted his body again, and his big mouth seemed to bite my throat. However, he has no chance, I don't like to do this, but still put the dagger in his head. I knew early in the morning that the guy who turned into a mad warrior after taking a paradise had nothing to say. They were already part of the Goat Guild. Even so, my hesitation for a while still made me feel that I was softer than before. less. Clearly knowing all of this in my mind, the calm mind will not produce a different kind of thought because of the killing. However, things under this kind of calm seem to be no longer as hard as they used to be.

In the past, I was a person who was full of sensibility but could use a tough mentality to resist this kind of sensibility. Doing so would make me feel strong enough and sensible enough to be more like a warrior—for a strange warrior, for Doomsday warrior. Or as a warrior for life-I know that killing is not good, I will feel pain, sadness and regret for the dead, but I will never hesitate. Perhaps, rather than hesitating to kill, I would rather go for this after killing. This behavior hurts.

however. At the moment I killed the bastard, I sensed my change.

I do n’t think I ’m more vulnerable than I used to be, but when deciding whether or not to use violence, I do n’t put predatory behavior first — to plunder other people ’s lives, to plunder others ’consciousness — not to totally deny this. The approach, but only because of the emotional choice, before doing so. Trying more gentle practices first, even if you know in your heart, those gentle practices are simply useless.

Like now, I try to use negotiation to solve problems, but in the end, I can only choose violence-invade their consciousness, and then take their lives-and, I am actually not sure, if I use negotiation . They got their answers, and they confessed everything they knew. Will I let them go. Because once they are proved to be a member of the Doomsday Truth, no matter what the purpose is, once they are left, it may be a bomb for this place. People of the Doomsday Truth have never betrayed the Doomsday Truth, even Father Sissen and Father Edward. It ’s just a difference in ideas, not a denial of doomsday truth. Even people such as Father Sissen who are regarded as fundamentalists are still marked by the doomsday truth religion and they ca n’t really believe that he will not promote end. So, will the rest of the Doomsday Truth Church really be educated by me because I let them go, thus giving up the Doomsday Truth and turning to be an ordinary person, or even turning the head against the Doomsday Truth Church?

I think I probably won't try this chance.

This also means that even if I use intelligence to obtain intelligence, once the intelligence proves that these people are involved in the Doomsday Truth, I will still kill them to disintegrate this stronghold. Moreover, I cannot deny that even if the person in charge of a stronghold dies, it cannot prevent the Doomsday Truth from continuing to send manpower to re-establish the stronghold.

Therefore, the results are already obvious. I can get intelligence here and kill the enemy, but everything I do will resurrect after I leave, unless I can take over the city completely. On the other hand, I can't stop doing it because the other party will resurrect and my efforts will become useless.

"It's really no choice." I drew my dagger and smiled helplessly at the bartender. "Look, let me do it myself, or do you say everything you know?"

The bartender's expression stabilized, staring at me and saying, "Who the **** are you?"

"Assistant." I made up an identity for myself at random, of course, not completely fake, "I know that this guy took paradise, so it became this look." I patted the body cheek with a dagger , Said quietly to the bartender: "You thought I only came here by mistake, no, maybe you are hope, I came here by mistake. But unfortunately, I know something better than you More."

"If you know more than me, why would you ask me?" The bartender sneered.

"Because, although you do n’t know much, maybe you know what I do n’t know." I took out a cigarette from my pocket, lit it, and said, "And, I also hope you know, I know many things. I do n’t I hope your boss ignores me, you know? It ’s not really a bad thing to be followed, valued, and targeted by people. Just as the effect of force is mutual, when they look at me, it also means , I will be able to see them along this line. "

"Maybe. But before then, you have become a corpse." At the same time, the bartender took a step back, pulled out his pistol and pointed at me, shouting sharply: "I don't care what you know, here is Get out of my bar! "

I spread my hands, and in the next moment, several chains were suddenly ejected in the shadow of the drunken woman. At the same time, the rapid swept has already begun, and in the blink of an eye, I got into the gap between attacks.

These chains are very peculiar. Each one is like an iron-colored thorn, and if it hits a person, it will probably tear off a piece of meat. It is precisely because of the thorns, although the iron-like luster of these metals grows like a plant, it is full of living breath like a plant. The first batch of chains popped up, followed by the second batch. A total of thirteen thorn chains penetrated the wine cabinet inside the bar. From the attack direction, her target was me and the bartender-it looked like The third party, and its dress does not have the characteristics of a wizard, and its ability to display is not like a magic messenger, but like a mysterious system unique to this repeater world, an electronic demon messenger.

As I thought, the woman who launched the sneak attack lifted her sleepy, the noisy music continued, but the voice gradually disappeared. In the observation of the chain judgment, most of the guests who let go of the waves shut their mouths, stopped having fun, pushed away the overwhelmed people, and stood up like a line. A group of people went to close the front door of the bar, and another group of people went to close the back door. Their actions were clean and clean, as if they had practiced countless times. In the shadow of the woman, a huge metal ball slowly rose, and one end of the thirteen thorn chains was connected to this metal ball. The metal ball has a diameter of one meter, which is roughly the frontal position, and a simple smiley pattern is drawn with yellow paint. The woman's lazy expression in control of the whole face, sitting on a metal ball, let it hold the thirteen thorn chains suspended in the air, nailed into the wall and the ground, pulled out like tentacles, losing gravity, swinging freely in the air .

Her attack could not hit me, even the bartender was only a little cautious, and the clothes on her body were torn, but not injured.

"This will be taken over by our Paris Chinese squad." The woman looked at me and the bartender with a smile and announced confidently.

It was not until this time that I saw her for the first time.

Of course, she is a strange woman, and a beauty full of French style. But obviously, this is not the reason for her self-confidence. What she relies on is the power of her electronic demon. I think that even if there are electronic demon messengers among the group of people occupying the bar at this moment, this woman's ability lies in these people. Among them, it is probably one of the best, even overwhelming. It is not easy to gather a group of electronic demon messengers as their men. The emergence of this Paris Chinese squad is not surprising. The situation in Las Vegas is the blueprint for cities everywhere. It is an unstoppable trend that local electronic demon messengers constitute a mysterious organization. In the cosmopolitan city of Paris, it is probably not only their mysterious organization, but it is also possible that the Paris China Brigade is just a branch of a larger mysterious organization ~ ~ However, from the current situation Judging from this, they are not standing on this side, or on the side of the doomsday truth, but appearing in an independent posture, will occupy this bar, probably from where they got the information.

"This little brother, I am very interested in the names you said before." The woman smiled as she won. "After listening to your conversation, I realized that the world is really different from what I thought in the past. . White Claudia, Paradise, Goat Guild, and ... Doomsday Truth, right? It sounds like a cult. However, since even the electronic demon exists, then, a cult that has a long history and has incredible power, and -"She gave me a deep look:" Justice people who resist cults, even if they exist, are not surprising, right? "

"The Doomsday Religion never excludes outsiders, all strangers, even enemies, are our potential believers." The bartender has no shaken expression, "If you want paradise, I will not stop, nor I hope to carry out long-term transactions. Do n’t worry about being fraudulent, we are prepared to have multiple cooperation models that can maintain your independence and allow everyone to share benefits together. But as a premise, I hope you can solve this thing. ”His Eyes beckoned to me, "You see, I'm just an ordinary person, I can't stop him from doing anything, but if he really does, you can't get what you want." To be continued. .

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