Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1225: Safe Production

The appearance of the "play crew" is related to the 51st district. The smoky face is an iron proof. I don't think the 51st district will give away its own things in plain sight. Even if it is lost, no government agency like the 51st district will. It will turn a blind eye, unless "lost" itself or even the effects are within the plan. What's more, according to Gregia's information, the stronghold of the "play crew" has the ability to mass-produce smoky faces, and the necessary materials, technology, and equipment cannot be used in just a short time. The district's "lost property" is obtained. Even if it is not a different composition of the same organizational part, the "play crew" and the 51st district also have such a close relationship. As a result, mysterious experts from outside must be included in the hostile list to attack their stronghold.

The composition of the "play crew" may be adapted to local conditions to recruit the electronic demon messenger, but the new electronic demon messenger has very little combat experience on the mysterious level. Even if their electronic devil has strange abilities, can it be fully exerted in combat? , Still a problem. The members of the fifty-one district from the outside world, those mysterious experts, even if they transform their mystery into an electronic demon system, can adapt to it in a short time and play a high level.

In my impression, Area 51 is a new and mysterious organization. Although its prototype existed before World War II, it really developed after World War II. In this illusion of doomsday, the American government seized a large number of Nazis. The legacy of the next time, at the same time, cooperate with the network ball and the doomsday truth, only in a short time. Become a large mysterious organization. Speaking of it, both the 51st District and Las Vegas repeaters are in the United States. And still in the same state, naturally regarded as the Nazi heritage seized by the United States. Since they can build a 51-zone repeater, there must have been considerable research on the Las Vegas repeater.

Another of my related memories is not too clear, but another one I have been to Las Vegas at the time. Encountered the predecessor of the repeater "Night of Valpus", and contacted earlier. Clues of various mysterious events triggered by "Night of Valpus". With the passage of time and the heavy shadows manipulated by the national forces, perhaps I am not quite sure about the series of stories that occurred in the "Valpulas Night" around Las Vegas. However, District 51 has been glimpsing the "Night of Valpus" in Las Vegas. The encounter with this route from Las Vegas to the 51st District has been proven.

Even if Doomsday Truth really used "repeaters" to change the world from the level of human collective subconsciousness, resulting in an effect similar to "world line jump", so that some details became the first one I encountered The situation is not the same, but, from my observation. This "world line jump" situation has not yet reached the difference between the last doomsday illusion and this one. and so. Another impression I have left is still quite correct.

When I arrived in Las Vegas with the team, the advance team from District 51 was already in a heavy loss. Only two or two of the survivors are left. Although they are all mysterious experts, their miserable appearance makes people convinced that they have not been able to solve the mystery of the Las Vegas repeater. However, if this is only an illusion. In fact, the advance team of District 51. Already using the information known in the past about the "Night of Valpules" in Las Vegas, the team entered the world of repeaters earlier than the team, so the 51st district will have a time advantage.

From this perspective, it is speculated that the reason why the team respects the opinions of the few mysterious experts left in the 51st district and acquiesces in the smoky face is not only because the other party is a representative of the government, but also because The potential of the fifty-first area in the world of repeaters cannot be underestimated.

In the face of such a powerful mysterious organization with strong potential and intelligence advantages, an attack on its stronghold must be successful at once. One or a few factories that produce smoky faces may not be in the eyes of the 51st area, but the attitude shown by the whisperers will certainly make the other party pay attention. After all, I am a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, but a member of the Whisperer. The electronic demon messenger may not know the power of the four-level magic pattern messenger, but the 51st district must understand, and, in this world of repeaters, you can also use the original mysterious experts freely, the number is not large.

I am special. My name, my abilities, and my background will inevitably put me on the non-secure list of any mysterious organization. In this regard, I have extremely strong self-confidence.

In this case, the 51st district will inevitably adopt some strategies against me: disregard, better or hostile, no matter which one, there will be a series of evaluations, and if they are opponents, they will inevitably take the thunder. I think the reason why this attack plan may succeed is that the 51st District is still evaluating the whisperer ’s energy and stance, and cannot mobilize more power to encircle and fight back in a short period of time. Therefore, he abandoned these "strongholds" to gain a foothold in the sudden offensive.

I do n’t think that whisperers can defeat Zone 51. Although Zone 51 is also a mysterious organization that has only developed in recent decades, compared with them, whisperers are more immature as babies. The key to destroying an organization is not how many people are killed, but the destruction of those things that keep people "organized"-the heart, resources, talents, ideas, etc., but it is not limited to these. Although District 51 is not a pure mysterious organization, it is more of a government agency, but the power of "mystery" still makes it difficult to destroy. Even if the fifty-one area in this world of repeaters probably won't be able to get support from the outside world, and its headquarters is still in Las Vegas, the United States.

Unable to destroy the other party's headquarters, and cannot break the maintenance of their organization, is just to destroy several strongholds in the nightmare Las Vegas, which is the limit of the whisperer. This sense of powerlessness. Gregia will definitely feel it in the future.

Thinking like this, it's like, you can see Gregia's growth. My heart is so calm, as if through these conceivable changes, I have seen my past.

I don't regret it. After entering the mysterious circle, I encountered the strange scene. Suppose, I did n’t become the Mageweaver at the time. Will it still go to the "hospital reality"? Will you still know "Doom Fantasy" and "Virus"? From the idealistic point of view, if I did not encounter all that. So, for me, all that is just delusional and illusory things. But when I watched them. With them as the core, when they look at the world they are in, they become real.

However, regardless of the moment I see this "reality", it becomes reality, or it is a materialistic reality that is not transformed by people's ideas. I can no longer look away from this "real" body. I am in these experiences. Everything you get, those sufferings and gains, those sadness and joy. Those who love and the responsibilities that must be shouldered only exist on the basis of this "true" establishment. But it is these things that constitute my life and personality afterwards, so that I am no longer an ordinary top student. Such a big adventure. I don't think I need to regret it.

Unknown mysteries and viruses constitute such a rich and cruel career. It also makes it impossible for me to tell whether everything I have experienced today is really true. I sometimes think that the reality of the hospital may also be a nightmare, I just did not wake up. However, in many cases, doomsday illusions and hospital realities, mysteries, and viruses really exist, or, just in my delusions, they are no longer important.

Although there are many pains, even despair, I do n’t want others to suffer these pains, but for myself, I can walk in this huge adventure, and I can fall in love with Jiang Not happy with loneliness. Many people may feel that if they want to return to their calm and safe life, even if that kind of life is plain and even some pains that cannot be avoided in life, it must be more than this world that is full of shady and desperate. it is good. However, this kind of thought, in my mind, even if it is born, it will not exist for too long.

My heart was calm, and the blood in the blood vessels seemed to be agitated. My life is turned like a calendar. I focus on the smoky faces that cross the sky, but it seems that I am not paying attention to them. Under the observation of chain judgment, a wide area model is unfolding in my mind. The suitcase, already in my hand, rose silently from the shadow and hugged me from behind, turning the magic quark into a rotating cloak, wrapping me completely, and the next moment, I was already standing in the "factory".

Twenty minutes have arrived.

From the map, this stronghold of the "play crew" is a warehouse area. A total of five warehouses in parallel, together with the surrounding walls, occupy a large area. There are not many residential buildings nearby, all of which are old-fashioned old buildings. However, judging from the preliminary investigation, they are all houses for office use. Next to the warehouse area, there is an equally wide parking lot, but in the nightmare Las Vegas, these large trucks are all old and decaying, making people think it is impossible to start.

The so-called "factory" is inside the warehouse. The five warehouses are divided into different uses by the "play crew". There is only one warehouse inside, engraved with strange circuits all over the inner wall-like circuit board circuit, but it is full of strange symmetry of magic circle, not the fine sense of the electronics industry. I am no stranger to this kind of "loop". Although it is very different from the traditional magic array in mysticology, the effect is about the same.

When I saw it at first glance, it was confirmed that it was a sacrificial ritual that was full of Doomsday style in effect. Since the "smoky face" is produced here, its methods and processes cannot be separated from the best methods of nature and doomsday truth. Among them, sacrifices and fog are indispensable materials, only need to confirm this, then, Gregoya talked about their use of "humans" as materials, which can be roughly confirmed. Although this is just a nightmare, the nightmare Las Vegas is not the same as the ordinary nightmare. The electronic demon messenger who can enter this nightmare is also different from the ordinary people. Suppose that the electronic demon messenger was used as a sacrifice by the "play crew". In a way similar to the doomsday truth teaching summoning demons, the Trojan virus in the electronic demon messenger is forced to mutate at a high speed in a certain pattern, then. Its body in reality will certainly change accordingly.

After all, in this doomsday illusion, these gray mists called "gray particles" are originally an existence similar to the intermediate state of spirit and matter, which can act as a spiritual force in the ideology or as a certain Matter exists in a relatively materialized world. Their transformation and shaping. All require certain conditions, and these conditions. It takes "mystery" to achieve it.

The smoky face transformed by the electronic demon messenger through the sacrificial ritual, using gray fog as a medium, is theoretically. It can combine the power of electronic demon and ghost nightmare to get the ability to enter and exit the nightmare and material world more freely than the electronic demon messenger. In other words, these smoky faces are likely to have inherent enchantments, and even if there is no inherent enchantment, they can rely on the transformation of their own form to enter reality from the channel of "ghost nightmare". It is equivalent to a specific electronic demon messenger-of course, the defect is that there are too strong negative emotions to control its actions. And do not have too much intelligence.

What I saw with my own eyes, combined with the impression in my mind, and then recorded the information that Gregia had collected so hard, allowed me to infer all the ins and outs in front of me in my mind.

If the circuit in this warehouse is slightly modified, it may also be used by the Doomsday Truth to summon demons. This makes me wonder. Even in the world of repeaters, the fifty-first area is still to some extent. There is a deal with the Doomsday Truth. Moreover, the relationship with each other is deeper than the tacit understanding with the doomsday truth. If, during this raid, people who meet the doomsday truth do not feel strange.

Twenty minutes are enough for the attacks launched by Zuo Chuan and Gregya to come to an end, and let the "play crew" know about some of the attackers. I need to launch another raid at this time to show my existence, so that the attention of the 51st district can be transferred to myself, and I can fight for the time for Zuo Chuan and Gregya to evacuate.

This timing cannot be too early or too late. I can't grasp it, but John Bull chose it for me. I do n’t know how she is determined, but since she is the main player in the team, I would like to believe her.

Zuo Chuan and Gregia probably put their goals on "people" and "equipment", but I put them on "circuits". Since it is similar to the sacrificial ritual of doomsday truth, destroying the magic circle is the most expensive way to make the ritual impossible. The magic array of Doomsday Truth will be made using some special materials and methods. Generally speaking, it is in the form of "light" without solids. Although there will be heavy and huge equipment, the light-like lines are still The most important and the least vulnerable. In front of me, the circuit spreading on the ground, walls and ceiling is also radiating a faint light.

It is certainly a feasible idea to destroy these circuits by destroying the building structure. However, since it is borrowing the technology of Doomsday Truth, then these circuits must also have the mysterious effect of maintaining the architectural structure. It is not a simple matter to completely destroy it. Many times, it will only produce the result of "like sticking to porcelain, cracked everywhere, but just not to collapse".

Compared to speed, my attack power needs to be maintained by external forces, such as ky3000 in my hand. However, the mystery of ky3000 is very low. Its mysterious core "s organ" cannot reach the level of a critical weapon. In most cases , Only possesses the level of a limited weapon, and has a better effect on "". I do n’t expect much of the effect of such a huge ceremonial project. In the past adventures, it has been proved many times that the results will not be too ideal.

I tried to use intuition to find the nodes of the magic circle. At the same time, there was a continuous stream of black smoke floating from the pool in the middle of the venue. I stood at the corner of the ring corridor on the second floor, overlooking the process of the staff making a smoky face. These workers are wearing heavy biochemical protective clothing. Of course, these people are all electronic demon messengers, and the biochemical protective clothing on them is not simple. At least, I do n’t know where these things can be found in the nightmare Las Vegas. Since these protective clothing ca n’t be good-looking, it means that they have a certain degree of resistance to the mystery of the smoky face .

It is these systematic and targeted security measures that prove the close relationship between the 51st district and these people. I think at least one of the ten people who are working is a mysterious expert in the 51st district. The entire production process is supervised and presided over by him, so that it can start so smoothly.

The spoiled electronic demon messenger showed no signs of struggling, but judging from the rich expression, it was absolutely sober. The staff or equipment responsible for transporting them should have the ability to "fetter" the effect. And I am partial to the ability of the staff's electronic demon, as for what kind of "bond", in addition to personal experience, it is difficult to judge. The electronic demon messenger, which was used as a sacrifice, was so easily used as a cart, pushed along a ramp to the side of the central pool, and just poured in.

The whole process is simple and rough, but it also makes people feel outrageous. Through the seemingly less complicated engineering, creating a powerful smoky face, the effort behind the scenes is absolutely unimaginable. Moreover, it is not complicated, which often means that the sacrifice will not be treated humanely. The whole process will definitely make him extremely painful and desperate. However, conversely, the pain and despair of sacrifices are often the best condiments for sacrifice ceremonies.

The electronic demon messenger pushed into the pool as a sacrifice finally struggled. It seemed that it took effort to break a certain invisible rope, but he lost the energy to go ashore. He found his body was melting, screaming in pain and despair in curses. From my point of view, I can completely see how his body melted, and finally turned into a colloidal substance, floating on the surface of the pool, and an oil film, reflecting the colorful light on the water surface. The melting of the offering made the curls of black smoke emerge from the pool and merge into the black smoke above. The black smoke is constantly changing shape, basically, it is a painful human face, but the outline is for a period of time, more like the electronic demon messenger that has just been melted, but in just one minute, it will no longer be The confined offerings look like-like they have been digested.

I think that before the sacrifice was pushed into the pool, it might have been modulated by the Trojan virus. The whole process is full of sight for me. Almost all sacrificial ceremonies have shadows of patients with doomsday syndrome collapsing in lesions in the “Hospital Reality”.

A large enough black smoke face, UU reading automatically moved to the platform groove beside the pool, at this time, the light of the circuit throughout the warehouse will bloom more intense light, and black The face of the smoke seems to be dried out by the groove, and gradually disappears. However, the light from the groove starting from the groove will bring a little dark spot. It should be these circuits, and the new processing and discharge of the smoky face, as to where it will be transported later, but it is not a chain judgment and eye can see.

Inside the factory, there are no more smoky faces except those who have not yet met the requirements and those workers. If the goal is to kill people and destroy equipment, even Gregya and they have a chance to do it. Whether it is successful or not depends on the ability of these staff members and the unformed smoky face.

This meticulous observation and thinking took me about five minutes, and I felt that no more gains could be obtained from observation alone.

Whether the enemy is strong or weak, since you are here, let's talk with a gun.

I buckled the switch of the suitcase, ky3000 began to reorganize the Rubik's Cube, and its momentum immediately caught everyone's attention. However, before they came back, the reorganization was completed.

The ten-meter-long heavy artillery was carried by me. To be continued

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