Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1232: Human scar

The long-distance drive quickly consumed the spirit of the passengers, many people were drowsy, and the view from the window was the same. It was impossible to tell where they were from. However, since the car is driving on the highway, it should not be Will drive to a strange place. `顶` 点 `-novel" x "thought so, but I couldn't calm down. At noon, it seemed that I was the only one who could see it. However, I am a mental patient's cognition, and these people have been registered in their hearts. No matter what I say, they are only regarded as hysteria attacks. Dr. Ruan Li had a discussion with other experts not long ago. There was a mental patient among the passengers in the bus. It seems to be quite unexpected in the eyes of other people. They are quite attentive to my situation. I think The biggest reason is that there is really nothing to pass the time in the car. These people did not consider the boring journey, and it was not the first time to go abroad to participate in the seminar, and it was not new to Paris. The original itinerary was intended to reach the destination in a short time, but now some The problem is that it is impossible to delay the trip. They didn't carry anything that could kill their time, the only thing that could make them refresh their spirits was only academic exchanges. As the only mentally ill patient in the car, they were regarded as the objects to relieve their fatigue.

Not all experts are interested in me. Even the psychology major will also be subdivided into different fields. To avoid some disputes, few people who are not in their own professional field will intervene. So, in my opinion, the passengers are divided into three parts, one part seems to be asleep, the other part is listening, and the last part is learning about my condition from Dr. Ruan Li. Dr. Ruan Li does not mind that other people are interested in my situation. In other words, I do n’t know when she started. She already felt that she lacked strength and needed the help of others to complete the research on my condition.

Dr. Ruan Li is the youngest of the experts present, which is an acclaim. But it also means that, compared to the seniors in the profession, some of the knowledge and experience that needs to be accumulated over time are lacking. Dr. Ruan Li is a person who is proud of herself. However, she repeatedly bumps into my condition and seems to make her a little anxious. Of course, I'm just guessing from her recent positive and risky choices, and I'm not entirely sure. That's how she thought in her heart.

"... starting from cognitive impairment, there have been a variety of complications ..." Dr. Ruan Li said with a sorrow as he handed over the data report he had calculated to others.

"Is the data correct?" The other experts who glanced at the data report looked at each other with weird expressions. One of them said, "Sorry, I mean, this is the patient with the most complications that I have seen. This data ... … Is it a bit exaggerated? You are sure that he has always been. Who still knows who he is? ”Several people looked to me as if they were examining some rare animal.

"Yes. Even if it is schizophrenic and he is in illusion, he does not have much problem with his perception." Dr. Ruan Li answered very positively.

"Your record is different from the schizophrenia I have been in contact with in the past." A kindly middle-aged woman said: "Divided out of different personalities, but they all insist on using the same name, and do not exclude other personalities from using the same The situation with the name. It was the first time I saw it. "

"A name is a mark by which humans distinguish their personalities from commonness and recognize their existence and independence." Another male expert interface said: "Generally speaking, a new personality will give itself a new name. It is different from the old personality, and this is also an important step for the new personality to break away from the consciousness and determine its independence and existence. In theory, I do n’t approve of the same name, but it is regarded as a situation of different personality. " He paused here, emphasizing: "Dr. Ruan Li, I ’m not saying that the data you recorded is wrong. I believe your professional quality is just that, when judging whether it is schizophrenic, maybe you should use more strict The definition of is not to be confused with other situations. The so-called science starts with the definition. We use the definition to divide the different components of a thing carefully, or take out a single component to study, or study between these components. In this process, the stricter the definition, the more detailed the division of things, and the more ambiguous, the more definitions that cross each other, the more they will be studied. Lost in the process. I would like to say bluntly, I think that the multiple cross-syndrome that appears on this child makes you panic, and in the process of dissecting these syndromes one by one, you have lost the definition that you should have. strict."

"I think so." Another expert agreed: "In terms of data, the child's condition is very complicated, but because of the complexity, these data are only problematic, too general. Although in psychology There are often many unclear things, and sometimes they have to be grouped together. However, if no solution can be found, then you can only think that your own subdivision of these things is not enough. "

"Thank you for your reminder." Dr. Ruan Li said calmly: "But my ability is not enough for me to subdivide his condition. My knowledge and ability have reached the limit of what can be done. So, I hope everyone can help. "

Her frankness silenced everyone else and read the data for a long time, as well as more experimental reports. After half an hour, she shook her head. They admit that Dr. Ruan Li ’s analysis of the existing data has reached a limit, and they cannot rely on these reports to draw more conclusions. If they really intervene in the treatment, they must have more equipment and time to think about another. Possible research route. Different people have different solutions to similar conditions. However, what Dr. Ruan Li provided is only her way, and on her own way, she has come to an end, and others have no way to solve this problem. Too much help on the way.

Dr. Ruan Li shook his head without disguising his disappointment.

"I'm fine." I comforted her.

Dr. Ruan Li cheered up and said nothing more. This toss made her look tired. She closed her eyes on the soft chair, as if she had gradually fallen asleep.

I am very grateful for Dr. Ruan Li ’s perseverance in my condition, although, from the beginning. I don't think she can solve my problem, but there is such a person who is troubled and worried for herself and tries her best to help herself, even if the direction is wrong. I still feel a heavy warmth from it. Dr. Ruan Li in this world of repeaters has more weight in my heart than Dr. Ruan Li in the hospital. In the reality of the hospital, her attitude towards me is a very simple relationship between doctors and patients, and in this world of repeaters, we are in a dilemma and have another closer relationship. When I think of it, this world of repeaters is bound to be destroyed. I don't know when, such a doctor Ruan Li will be in front of me for hours, I can not help but feel sad.

I am the executioner who is driving this to happen, so I never pray for their forgiveness in this world. But even with this consciousness, the pain and pressure that must be carried will still not be relieved.

The only thing I can do now. Just cherish every moment with them. The only thing I hope is that they are no better than other aborigines in this repeater world. It disappeared before my eyes earlier.

Dr. Ruan Li's body leaned quietly, her head rested on my shoulder, and the tangible touch made me feel quietly, and gradually calmed down.

When the sun was about to go down, fog began to appear on the highway, making people feel. These mists will grow stronger. Walking in the night road in foggy weather is a very disturbing situation, but in front of the bus, there is a vaguely resting point, just like the convenience store encountered at noon. It is also maintained by nearby residents. The rest point here is larger than that at noon. Five or six buildings are lined up along the road, with gas stations and hotels. However, not all of these facilities are open for business. People in every place have their own rules. These rules are very important in the long journey.

I do n’t know much about this matter, I just heard people say, but the long-distance drivers who come and go on this road are mostly people who understand.

The car stopped and the bald middle-aged middle-aged man briefly said a few words. The general idea is that the fog will not go forward until the smog is gone. However, if the smog is too long, you may stay here tonight, and, after us It is expected that there will be more vehicles on the same route so choose, so no matter whether you want to stay here, you must book in advance, just in case. Of course, the money is not paid out by those of us invited to the meeting, which is good news.

Although the meal has arrived, the middle-aged bald headed still went to the hotel first to confirm the reservations and seemed to be conscientious. The passengers also got off the bus one after another. I still paid special attention to the driver, but until all the passengers got off, he started the car and went to the other direction. There are some parked vehicles over there, which make people feel like a unified parking lot. I didn't see the driver get off in the end. When all passengers were going to fast food restaurants and convenience stores, there were several private cars parked here one after another.

The rest area, which was originally sparsely populated, immediately became bustling. With our group of people, at least more than 30 people will stay here, as the middle-aged bald man said, if everyone wants to Staying here, I am afraid that the hotel can not provide so many rooms. Because, in the following time, there should still be people docking here.

When we entered the fast food restaurant, the fog became deeper, and we can see a layer of veil with naked eyes, and the object 50 meters away, with only a hazy outline, in the current season, obviously in peacetime At this moment, the light will not appear too dim, but the dense smog, which is constantly engulfing natural light, even the artificial light, like the paint that has been scattered in the water, leaving only a piece of heavy yellow 氤氲.

This kind of weather greatly affects people's moods. However, for me, it is completely a manifestation of the "moment of demon" in mysticology. In my experience, the appearance of smog at strange times and places often means the arrival of mysterious events. What's more, before this, this bus has exudes a strange smell.

Just after Dr. Ruan Li and I ordered fast food, the bald middle-aged man who was in charge finally came over, but he still didn't see the driver. Someone asked a question next to it, and the bald-headed middle-aged answered: "He has an acquaintance at the gas station, and he should have eaten there." Others didn't care if they heard it, but to me, it was these seemingly coincidental The situation has been keeping the driver out of sight. The driver is so tall, obviously very striking, but because of this weird silence and coincidence-like disengagement. Let his impression become less weight in the hearts of everyone. In my mind, this is a very obvious flaw, but for others, it seems not so serious at all.

So far, I am still not among the passengers. Find someone who might be an electronic demon messenger. Their words and deeds are just as common as ordinary people. However, I think that the chance of an accident tonight is more than 60%. Once there is danger, people who can use the mystery cannot be indifferent.

I do n’t know who it is and what kind of mystery it attracts. However, the mystery is "chasing" us, this feeling is gradually deepening. Yes, it is not that we are accidentally involved in a mysterious event, but that we have been staring deliberately at some kind of mystery. At first, it was not powerful. Over time, it may be in a specific environment. Became violent and sharp. I absolutely do not believe that it is innocent and harmless, on the contrary, I think it appears. It is bound to bring death.

What are the benefits of killing the experts in the car? I do n’t know, but the mystery that is about to strike is indeed malicious. In contrast. Moving forward in the deep night haze, without making any stops, but instead I think that the best way out of the current predicament. In occultism, in a bad environment, no matter what the reason is, performing actions such as "staying" and "scattering" is dead.

I hope that after dinner, everyone and the driver who is temporarily missing will all return to the car and continue driving forward with full horsepower.

However, I also know that, according to the habits of ordinary people and the premonition of that, it is inevitable to spend a night at this rest point because of the heavy night haze.

"I think I will be staying tonight." I told Dr. Ruan Li.

"Itinerary takes one day and night, and it is good to stay overnight at the break." Dr. Ruan Li stretched his muscles and bones: "It feels too bad to sleep in the car, I would rather spend more time, and hope that I can lie in bed at night . "

"There will be an accident tonight." I said very bluntly: "However, don't worry, I will protect you, mother."

Dr. Ruan Li's eyes were a bit stunned. Her disbelief was understandable to me, and as I thought, she said what I said: "Then I'm relieved, Achuan."

Dr. Ruan Li did not struggle with this kind of topic. After dinner, he had planned to interview a few friendly experts, but I just stayed by worryingly. She did not object to my statement before, so she cannot object to my personal protection now. Dr. Ruan Li was a little ridiculous, but still did not brush my will. In fact, while in the car, other experts have also made it very clear that the information brought by Dr. Ruan Li himself cannot allow others to go further than her. If you want to make progress, unless Dr. Ruan Li finds a breakthrough on his own, he must start over from the other direction, and many things cannot be solved in a day and a half. It is common sense to face long-term observation and testing when facing mental patients.

So, instead of going to those people again, it is better to accompany me to investigate the situation of this break.

After the meal, the passengers in the bus all dispersed one after another. They also talked about the haze weather and felt that it was impossible to move forward tonight. When Dr. Ruan Li and I passed the hotel, we saw several people staying at the door, looking sad, including couples with children and young couples. I think it is probably because they can't reserve a room.

Couples with children are still looking for ways. The couple has left the parking lot. In fact, if there are only two people, lying in the car for one night is also a good choice. However, the parking lot seems a bit remote, not from the distance, but Popular. There is only one street light in that area, which is much more gloomy than other areas. The unpleasant environment makes people repel activities in the area at night. It seemed that the couple felt the same way, so they would rather breathe more and more fog and plan to continue on the road.

I think that if something mysterious happens, their choice may be more correct than others. Of course, if they eat dinner-no, take the dinner directly to the road, it is easier to avoid the danger that will appear. If the mystery comes from entangled with our bus, then all the people who collided with us will probably be the pond fish that was affected.

Thinking about this, Dr. Ruan Li held my arm with one hand and pointed to the gas station with one hand, saying: "Aren't you serious about the driver? He's there, shall we talk to him?"

I looked in the direction she pointed, and I saw the driver, who was carrying a lunch box, sitting with a gas station employee in a dark blue uniform, talking about nothing. Judging from this picture alone, there is nothing weird about those two. The anomalies that I felt in the driver before seem to disappear at this moment.

When we walked over, the staff at the gas station noticed us quickly, because few people coming and going needed gas, and few people except me and Dr. Ruan Li came to this place. Here The air was filled with a smell of oil. These small breaks are often not very clean, but since you can't go on the road, you have to endure this environment. Even in recent years, I have heard from time to time that there are news that a driver has suffered a tragedy while resting on a long distance. Unfamiliar, remote and unclean places often make people subconsciously look at the people here with colored eyes.

Gas station employees, in my mind, have such a vicious nature. Although, his dress is actually neat, the whole person is very capable and gives a spirited spirit. He is about thirty years old, and has the characteristics of the common appearance of Westerners. In my opinion, he can also play more than sixty. He greeted us very actively: "Good evening."

"Good evening." Dr. Ruan Li also responded politely, and then told the driver very straightforwardly: "Mr. Driver, my child has something to say to you."

I never thought that Dr. Ruan Li would be so straightforward, but the bizarre encounters over the years also kept me from being frightened at such times. In the surprised eyes of gas station employees, I asked the driver: "Who do you work for ?, Doomsday Religion, crew ... Dallas?"

After Dr. Ruan Li and I came over, I kept my head down, and let the black driver with the brim and shadow block most of his face raise his head, letting me see him clearly-very ugly, vicious, and more importantly, he There is a large scar on his cheek, which should be a scar, but its shape makes people think of another small, greasy face.

Probably anyone who sees this scene will subconsciously think that he deliberately avoided people's attention ~ ~ is to prevent people from being affected by this appearance, but, I think, that look It looks like a scar on a small face, which is the most critical problem. Is this mysterious? I thought to myself, but my eyes did not retreat because of this appalling appearance.

"I don't know what you're talking about, kid." The driver said with a thick voice, and then lowered his head again, said to Dr. Ruan Li: "Ma'am, I advise you not to let your kid get too close to me It will scare him. "What should have sounded like a threat, but because of the thick voice, turned into a kind of good advice.

However, Dr. Ruan Li obviously didn't mean any response. She just showed a plain smile, just like saying that she didn't care or interested in what he said. I know that Dr. Ruan Li brought me here to get close contact with this driver, just to prove that I was wrong, not for other people and other things. She didn't intend to have further contact with the driver. In her eyes, was the black driver grievous, was the voice special, was it good intentions, and was not worth mentioning.

His performance made me wonder if I should find some time to kill him and do it once and for all, but then I noticed it. Although I think of this driver as a "murderer" when I connect the quirks of the past, is he really? Even if he really has mystery, must he be part of the danger that may come later? (To be continued ...)

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