Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1236: Hallucinogenic reaction

We have thoroughly checked every room in the hotel and we are sure that there are no more people staying here except for the four of us, but we did not expect that after the beacon was released, the first person to come to the meeting was actually from the hotel. Ran out of. [顶] [点] novel. 3w.m This man named Mitsui Tsukazu grew up in the 11th district of the Central Duchy. Before he became an adult, the whole family moved to Canada. However, the name is good, and the habits of words and deeds are still there. There are quite strong characteristics of the eleventh district. It has been incorporated into the Central Principality, and is now called the Eleventh District of Japan. Because it has been independent of the Central Principality ’s history for a long time, after being incorporated into the Central Principality, its unique sense of customs and customs is still very strong, making it very easy You can distinguish people born and raised in that area from those in other areas of Central Park. This uniqueness is not only the difference in language pronunciation, but also the cultural similarities and differences.

However, faced with such a weird situation, Mitsui Tsukazu did not have a good idea. After we exchanged our experiences, we inevitably have more associations because of some coincidences.

According to Mitsui Tsukazu, he also encountered deathly silence under extremely sudden circumstances, and then found that the entire hotel was left alone, and the hotel was caught in a fire. Before this, there was absolutely no time and opportunity to be informed of this situation. Coming from the human world and the timeline, it can be regarded as incomparable with the strangeness we encountered. What is more worrying is that the time when the fire he experienced personally seems to coincide with the time when we burned the beacon.

As a result-

"Can it be the fire you ignited that didn't burn you, just burned me?" Mitsui Tsukazu laughed bitterly. However, this argument cannot be explained at all, why we cannot see each other. There are also many details in the experience of each other. At least, Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu had no time to confirm what happened to the people in the other rooms before the fire. But here we have found some dead. Moreover, these deceased are more like being murdered, and there is no sign of fire at all.

"It's like ..." the fitness coach said uncertainly, "parallel space?"

Parallel space theory, as a science fiction theory, often appears in works and is known by people, even middle-aged people of the age of Mitsui Tsukazu. Simply put, if the hotel where Mitsui Tsukazu is located is parallel to the hotel where we are. When these differences occur, it seems to be explained. However, this kind of speculation is nothing more than forcibly explaining the anomalies encountered without more evidence.

Just to get a seemingly reasonable explanation, proposing an unverifiable vague theory can be regarded as a way to stabilize one's emotions in the face of "mystery". Can think so. Even if it is not reliable at all, it is better than letting yourself be confused all the time. I think so.

"Does the things we do affect another parallel space?" The fortune teller joked: "For example, we have done fire prevention measures, but in the parallel space of Mr. Mitsui, we have not done a good job. . So it caused a fire? But I think that even the parallel space itself will not be so stupid. After all, the reason we came here is because we were invited by the seminar. We are all accomplished in psychology, Since we are here in parallel space, the details may be different, but for reasons, I do n’t think there will be much difference. "

"Since your brain is so big, why don't you assume that we are actually divided into parallel spaces, instead of parallel spaces, we did the same thing?" Dr. Ruan Li rolled his eyes, everyone knows She would never believe this kind of ridiculous assumption.

In fact, I think that since the fog has appeared, then, in a temporary data hedge space, experts have entered the hotels in different parallel spaces due to some mysterious effect, and what they have done between each other, Under certain circumstances, there will be intersections and chains, which is not impossible.

"Assume that we are indeed isolated in parallel space for some reason, and our own behavior will also affect another parallel space." I looked at them and said very seriously: "For example, we are here Lighting the beacon is indeed a fire that caused Mitsui Tsukazu's hotel in his flat space. Then, the murderers of the experts who killed our space may also come from other parallel spaces. It can completely explain why , We ca n’t find more people, and we ca n’t find more clues, and Mr. Mitsui will run out of the hotel where there should be no one at such a coincident time. Because, only when bad conditions happen, the two Parallel spaces. "

I am probably one of the five people here who will treat this hypothetical person with such a serious attitude. To others, I am so serious that it is obviously abnormal. Even Mitsui Tsukazu, who just met, looks at me with strange eyes. Dr. Ruan Li calmly said to everyone: "Sorry, Achuan is a mental patient."

Fitness coaches and fortune tellers have known this for a long time, but it was only at this time that the expression "it turned out to be really a mental patient" was expressed.

"Is it okay to say that? He is just a child." The fitness coach recovered, not very satisfied with Dr. Ruan Li's calmness and straightforwardness. She seemed to think that such words in front of me would hurt my self-esteem. But in fact, I don't care about being regarded as a mental patient at all, and I never thought about it. Others will immediately accept my statement. However, I have always believed that as long as I take something seriously, this serious and sincere attitude, even if it is considered to be a psychotic attack, can also affect other people.

I have always believed that what really affects others is not the truth in the words, but the emotions released from the words. Even if there is a congenital restriction on identity, as long as you can express your goodwill and let others realize that this is not joking and mocking, but that you really think so, you can definitely make others have to think in their own way.

"It's okay." I smiled peacefully and said to everyone: "I know that I am a mental patient, but I have a mental problem. It does not mean that my thinking is unclear. I only thought about the current situation before I did this. Kind of guessing. I know that it may be incorrect, but there is also the possibility of correctness. Is n’t it? "

"Sure enough, as Ms. Ruan said, your situation is a little special." The fortune-teller also smiled. "Be careful, Gao Chuan. Your situation is very dangerous now. You must know that those rational murderers are like that. , There are signs similar to yours. "

"I don't kill people casually. I never think that killing is fun." I replied calmly: "If I can, I don't like to hurt other people."

"But. When you are threatened, when you encounter terrible things, you will definitely resist, don't you?" Mitsui Tsukazu was still asking my fitness coach about my things. When I said this, I immediately responded I said: "The question is, under what circumstances will you feel that you are in danger of life. How to distinguish between the resistance and the resistance. I heard that you often have hallucinations."

"Yes." I have to admit. From the perspective of patients with doomsday syndrome, there is no hallucination. It is abnormal.

"Illusions may make you miscalculate your situation, and allow you to do things that you can't regret, and then let you escape and distort the error into a reasonable situation." Mitsui Tsukazu's tone is a little harsh. Every action comes from good intentions, but the appearance of hallucinations makes you more likely to make mistakes than ordinary people. For example. Think of a normal person as a monster that hurts itself ... "

He was right. After observing me, Dr. Ruan Li determined that I am a "dangerous severe mental patient" and "it may hurt others at any time" for exactly the same reason. My diary is full of inhuman killings, and the description of the mysterious world is full of blood. For me, this is the fact of personal experience, but in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, this is me full of attacks Proof of sex. A mental patient who may treat ordinary people as monsters at any time is calm and full of violence. In a world without mystery, it is naturally extremely dangerous.

The problem is here. In the eyes of some people, the world is always normal. Any abnormality is just an illusion produced by some clever criminal tactics. In the eyes of people like me, this world is already abnormal, and it is on the verge of collapse.

If, among the five of us, there are other electronic demon messengers besides me, then, what I said is more likely to be trusted, but I ca n’t tell, except for Dr. Ruan Li Others, who is the electronic demon messenger. Or, here, except me, are ordinary people.

Normal person? Normal vision? These words let some ideas come to my mind. Perhaps, the mysterious events that occurred during this journey are all for screening, and people who are in the "mysterious" but still unable to recognize the "mysterious"?

According to the previous inference, after the mystery has spread to a certain extent, people who still cannot recognize the "mystery", or something that has always maintained the phenomenon of "isolation of mystery" may be the world of relay Control core. So, in order to find out the core of this control, it is not too early to start screening people with possibilities from now on.

In any case, if the mystery is recognized, it has become the mainstream of the development of this repeater world. Then, in this trend, it is difficult to recognize the mysterious person, it must be special. This particularity may be negative, and may be regarded as a kind of "disability", just as there are people with disabilities in a healthy population, but it may also be positive because "mystery" itself , It is already special enough to make people think that "unrecognizable mystery" is itself an extremely precious mystery.

It's just that this flash of aura is just a conjecture. If you want to confirm, you need more evidence. For example, the perpetrator said it himself.

However, since I do not feel that the four people, including Dr. Ruan Li, have the breath of an electronic demon messenger, then I prefer that they are all normal people. However, at what stage will this normal continue? The mysterious event has appeared so directly in front of everyone. It is not so easy to ignore it all the time. I think at this time, some of the four people should have been shaken.

"Don't worry. I will be optimistic about Achuan, he is my child." Dr. Ruan Li stood in front of me and said to the three people: "In my research, he never mistaken me once, so once Just in case. I can also remind him when it matters. "

"Sorry, Ms. Ruan, I have no hostility." Mitsuzuka quickly said: "I just hope that this child can more clearly realize how dangerous his situation is. IMHO, although I am not a famous expert, However, I still feel that the next situation. It may intensify his condition. "

"There is such a possibility." The fortune-teller nodded and said, "If all the theories of fake sky are unbelievable, then-we all have hallucinations, what is the possibility? For example, we are on the way What did you eat, or, the environmental factors here. It has a certain kind of strong hallucinogenic properties. I personally think that these mists are weird. "

Both Dr. Ruan Li and Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu began to think about this possibility. Because the hypothesis proposed by the fortune teller is closer to the world of ordinary people than parallel space or whatever. Hallucinations are caused by the weird fog, and then a chain of feelings due to the actions of the people around. It has been recorded in some undisclosed drug research. For example, hallucinogenic pollen is scattered in the air, forming a mist, which is affected by the brain when people breathe in. And this situation. Fitness coaches obviously have similar experiences.

"I encountered this kind of thing." She said very cautiously: "However, the location occurred in a more remote mountain."

"Indeed, this possibility is more credible than parallel space." Dr. Ruan Li said: "However, although we are in a place where we can't reach the village or the store, we are still not a real barren mountain, this rest point It has been operating all the time, and there are many people running long distances on this road. Why have you never heard of such a thing before? Has anyone covered up the truth? This kind of place with a certain amount of traffic, once because of the collective Illusions and tragedies will surely attract attention. "

"But we are not local people, so we can't confirm whether the same thing has happened in the past." Mitsui Tsukazu said calmly: "If it really happened, and the local people are for financial needs, they do not intend to make the situation public. Then, the situation that hinders the investigation may also occur. The worst case is that the same thing has happened in the past, but no one has found the truth, and over time, it can only be gone, and we happened to be in the worst case. . "

"Is it a hallucinogenic pollen? I know one." I interjected: "Have you heard of a flower called white Claudia? Someone used this flower to make a strong hallucinogen called 'paradise' . "

Hearing what I said, the first reaction of fitness coaches, fortune tellers and Mitsui Tsukazu was to see Dr. Ruan Li. Dr. Ruan Li explained: "This is a kind of hallucinogen described by the child Achuan in an adventure novel featuring himself. Actually, I have not seen it or heard of it. 'There are other drugs of the same name, but there are white Claudia— "She shook her head and asked," Have you heard of this kind of flower? "

Both the fitness instructor and Mitsui Tsukazu shook their heads. They thought it was my mental patient's conjecture again. However, the fortune teller said at this time: "I have heard of white Claudia."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on her, the fortune teller was hesitant, but still said: "I like to travel around the world, using the identity of the fortune teller. In a very accidental situation, I heard from a guest After this flower-white Claudia is not an official scientific name, it is said to be a small white flower, Claudia is the name of the wife of the first discoverer, the discovery of this flower is a touching love story. However, I have n’t seen this in person, and all I know is heard from the guests. At that time, the guests also said that some people are cultivating and planting this kind of flowers, but planting and purchasing are very important. Private things are like the preferences of a niche. I did n’t care too much at that time. You know, some people like flowers that are inconspicuous and have stories. "

According to his own memory, the fortune teller repeated the description of the appearance of this white Claudia by her guest. Dr. Ruan Li showed a surprised expression because this description is very similar to what I described in my diary.

"So, what about paradise?" Mitsui Tsukazu asked.

"I haven't heard of it." The fortune teller said: "I didn't think that the client knew more about the conversation at that time. As for this kind of flower transaction, it was even more uncertain whether it was for the manufacture of new drugs. It ’s unclear whether this kind of flower has hallucinogenic effect. And. It ’s hallucinogenic, is it just in the adventure story of this child, Gao Chuan? ”Her tone increased a little in the“ adventure story ”, like Emphasize that the story itself has the same artistic processing.

"Perhaps, we can find out if there are such flowers around. If it is really pollen, which has caused such a large mist and illusion." Mitsui Tsukazu suggested: "And, for so long, everyone else Without confluence, I feel that there is no need to wait any longer. If they are also hallucinated, it is possible to see us. "

His proposal was accepted by everyone. During the time we talked. If someone finds a beacon, no matter how hesitant, it should not be like this, the surroundings are still dead. What's more, with the joining of the man Mitsui Tsukazu, the team feels a lot more at ease. As long as you do n’t place an order, you might be able to deal with it even if you meet a murderer-I believe it. This mentality is more or less everyone. Before the arrival of Mitsui Tsukazu. We are either women or children here, and children are mentally ill. From the appearance only, there is really no deterrent.

"Before that, I think we better check the situation in the room again." The fitness coach also suggested. This is a good way to confirm whether it is an illusion, and if it is an illusion. Although, this time. Everyone is more inclined to the possibility of hallucinations, but what causes the hallucinations, and whether there are human factors, still have a more vigilant idea. If it is a large range of hallucinogenic drugs artificially distributed, then its risk will undoubtedly increase greatly.

We work together to extinguish the flames and throw everything on the ground to prevent the resurgence of the fire from damaging the building. After that, go back to the hotel together.

This time, what we saw inside the hotel was different from what we had seen before. There are a lot of blackened places in the hotel, like it was really a fire, but the fire is not big, and even the wooden door failed to burn, but only a part of the charred. In the nasal cavity, there is a faint smell of burning odor, and the heat seems to have risen. However, these feelings are dim, and it is impossible to confirm whether it is true or just an illusion caused by a common sense. However, since everyone can feel it, there is some consistency in the situation that everyone encounters.

"Mr. Mitsui saw a big fire?" Asked the fitness coach calmly.

"Yes, flames popped up in almost every room." Mitsui Tsukazu was still worried, frowning at the scene.

"There is no fire on our side." The fortune teller said: "But what we see now ... flatten the fire in the two scenes?" The following words were full of self-deprecation.

Indeed, no one thought of the changes in the hotel today. I'm not surprised at this, but for others, maybe I should be a little surprised.

"You said ~ ~ Will you meet new survivors this time?" Dr. Ruan Li said: "Although A Chuan is a mental patient, the sensitivity of mental patients is not always wrong. He previously said that only when a bad situation occurs, the two parallel spaces will overlap, I think there is a certain correctness. It is likely that once a new situation occurs, another group of people will be found, just like us Meet Mr. Mitsui. "

"Is anyone there?" Mitsui Tsukazu uses actual actions to verify this guess.

At the same time, the fitness coach kicked the door once again when passing the room. Although she had done this before, the changes in the scene made the rooms locked again. Of course, when calling the door, there is no response, so it is necessary to use such a brutal method. Although the fitness instructor is a female, it can be stronger than ordinary men in leg strength.

There is no one in the room, and there are signs of burning everywhere, but even fabrics such as curtains have not been completely burned. It seems that before the fire increased, it was extinguished due to certain factors. Generally Speaking of water and fire extinguishers, there are no signs of both in the room. The fortuneteller unscrewed the faucet, except for a few drops of water, and the faucet made a shattered air.

Water stopped? Everyone looked at each other, this is a new situation. (To be continued ...)

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