Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1243: Crimson Night Crow

The situation is not very good, our senses are divided by hallucinations, which lays a deep hidden danger for team action. £ ★ Top £ ★ Point £ ★ Little £ ★ We said, ww ± w.∞∽m, we ca n’t distinguish between what we saw and what Dr. Ruan Li saw and heard, which one is true. Except for Dr. Ruan Li, everyone else should see the same scene as me at this time-again the fog, the strange silence, something has started to move, right next to the convenience store Here, the smell of hostility, some unknown, malicious things are gradually approaching in an unpredictable way. The gunshots from the previous water tower and all the seemingly normal situations are just illusions. The trap, in fact, our situation has not changed at all-even with everything I know, the biggest arrow points to the doomsday truth, assuming that they are holding some kind of sacrifice ceremony here, there is no need to pursue them Purpose.

No matter what they do, they can't find out the truth in a simple mysterious event. However, concatenating the mysterious events will only point to the "end of the world".

I know that the doomsday doctrine of the doomsday is different from the past. From the network ball in this doomsday illusion, they intend to promote the end in their own way, rather than passively greet the inevitable end. In the process, witness the truth of the end, and then become the pioneer of the new world-I feel that the term "being the pioneer of the new world" is not appropriate to put on the doomsday truth religion I know, and, listen It is full of those evil parties with classic art processing in the novels and comics, as if carrying a heavy fate, and trying to replace a inevitably bad result with a not-so-good result, so it will be washed away at the end of the story. Yes. It sounds like this, but I do n’t think at all that doomsday truth can really be washed away.

Perhaps this illusion was brought about by the Mar Jones family who controlled the doomsday truth. Although the Mar Jones family is one of the three giants of the doomsday truth religion-in the past doomsday illusion. This family does not have such a name-but as far as the Mar Jones family I know, they do not have the nature of devoting themselves to religious beliefs. Instead, it is their true face to form cults and use cults for personal gain. Anyone who does not report selfishness and confronts the faith is terrible, if the Mary Jones only disguise themselves as such people. Well, no matter how much they look like now, the ending will surely be hard to escape the disaster of the end.

In general, I do n’t believe that the Mar Jones family can control the direction of Doomsday Truth. On the contrary, one of the three giants is likely to be eroded by the beliefs of Doomsday Truth. Whether it is based on the private interests of the Mar Jones family, or based on the faith of the doomsday truth. The result of the action taken will still be the direction guided by the faith of the doomsday faith.

This means that, in fact, there is no need to distinguish between the three giants of Doomsday Truth, and how their internal structure has changed, will it be because of the change of the leader. And there are policy changes.

Yes, you don't need to care about this at all. Today's Internet sphere refines the internals of Doomsday Truth in order to devise various ways to break it. It is impossible to achieve the goal. Instead, they may be delayed by these trivial changes.

Perhaps, the situation in front of you, you can think that the style of behavior is seriously affected by the network ball, but has become dull. As far as I know, the internal structure of this seminar is not pure, just one of the sponsors. I think that the part that intervenes is not malicious to our team of experts. However, it is also possible that the other part has certain malicious and conspiratorial ideas about this seminar. Today's situation may prove that the Doomsday Truth has also joined the seminar, but it cannot be reflected in the first place. Let this modified itinerary become a place for these malicious and wanton actions.

I am very clear about the particularity of Dr. Ruan Li, and I have some guesses about where it will be. However, I am not sure that the current situation is due to the particularity of Dr. Ruan Li, who is perceived by the hands behind the scenes, but he is not so sure, so he conducted a trial. It is possible that they have another purpose, and we are only inflicting pond fish. However, whether it is active temptation or pond fish, in such a mysterious event of such intensity, Dr. Ruan Li ’s particularity will be noticed sooner or later.

I think that even if there are multiple black hands behind the scenes, the doomsday truth religion must be one of them. No matter what their goals, Dr. Ruan Li ’s particularity will attract their attention, and then make some conjectures. Then, use Verification of actual actions. Now, the hallucinatory differentiation between Dr. Ruan Li and us is precisely this kind of special performance. Once Dr. Ruan Li communicates with others, it will inevitably be exposed. From now on, whether she is willing or not, it is probably impossible to lead a peaceful life. Even if she succeeds in escaping from this mysterious event, any mysterious event that happened during the period before and after the seminar will surely turn her into an important and critical participant.

As she is now, she and us seem to be in different worlds, and they will appear repeatedly.

For Dr. Ruan Li, it is just the mystery of illusion, but for us, it is a real crisis. The mystery that she can't feel, can't touch, has no influence on her, but we can't regard it as air. For Dr. Ruan Li, it is a completely safe place, but for us, it may be in danger. However, even if we emphasize the dangers we face, in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, it is probably just a situation of "falling into illusion". Even if someone dies because of this, in her eyes, it will not be the death caused by "mystery". , And become another way.

I think that this situation is completely unacceptable for people who are deeply "mysterious". They would rather believe that the mysterious situation that they have personally experienced and are affecting themselves is the real reality, and Dr. Ruan Li is the one who has fallen into the illusion and pulled back. After such a deepening of knowledge, it was separated from Dr. Ruan Li, and even the brutal treatment of Dr. Ruan Li was almost an inevitable result.

With this development, today's teammates and friends. At some point, he will become the enemy of Dr. Ruan Li. Furthermore, anyone who is trapped in "mystery" will become the enemy of Dr. Ruan Li.

I do n’t think it ’s Dr. Ruan Li ’s fault, however. I also don't think she is innocent and correct. Even so, I still want to protect her.

"Let's separate." I said to others.

"What?" Mitsuzuka's expression was stunned.

"We act separately." I said, "Now, the world we can feel is different. And we don't have enough evidence to prove who is right. If everyone only believes in themselves, then, sooner or later There will be disagreements. It is better to separate here and act with your own ideas. "

"Do you mean to kick Ms. Ruan, your mother, out of the team?" The fitness coach's tone was not good. Although she misunderstood, this misunderstanding already proved her to Dr. Ruan Li. bona fide. Even if it is such a question. I don't care too much.

"No, my mother and I." I said, "I can trust her completely. But you can't."

Mitsui Tsukazu wanted to argue, but I was interrupted: "Listen, when you perceive danger, but this danger does not exist in my mother's eyes, this time. You believe in her and believe in yourself What about? "

"How about you?" The fortune-teller asked back.

"I will act according to Dr. Ruan Li's ideas." I answered very positively.

However, other people do not believe so much, they simply cannot experience it, in fact, the interaction between Gaochuan and Dr. Ruan Li. That's how it developed. Between us, there is enough tacit agreement between doctors and patients.

"If you are wrong, it is actually Ms. Ruan who is in illusion-you will become very dangerous." Soothsayer said so.

"I have the confidence to protect the two of us under such circumstances." I replied calmly. "Only in the case of me and my mother, I have my own method, but, plus you, it will be bad."

"I can't agree." The fitness coach refused without hesitation. She said to Dr. Ruan Li: "Unless it is a last resort, we should not be separated. Ms. Ruan, what do you think?"

"I agree with you." Dr. Ruan Li nodded and said, "Although, you don't believe you are in a hallucination, but I think it can still be rescued again. We have escaped the hallucination before, which proves that The medicine still has a certain effect. I need to observe your condition before I can make a further diagnosis. "

"What do you want to say? Classmate Gao Chuan." The fitness coach said with a strong tone.

"I still insist on my opinion. We should act separately." I said this, and looked at Dr. Ruan Li, but did not get her response.

I am not disappointed. Dr. Ruan Li ’s thinking and personality are very independent. In addition, the situation at this time, in her eyes, is completely her psychological professional category, not a mysterious event. As my attending doctor, I did not expect much, she would act according to my "patient". The previous proposal is just a proposal. However, I also firmly believe that it is a matter of time before the team splits due to certain conditions.

Since I cannot lead Dr. Ruan Li ’s actions, and subjectively, I cannot use violence to restrict her actions, so waiting is the only thing I can do.

In private, I want to see what happens to Dr. Ruan Li who sees and recognizes the mystery. On the other hand, I vaguely resist this kind of situation, because, intuition tells me that it will cause Bad situation. I have great strength, but I am limited by this wavering mood. This makes me think of some better actions, but I have always felt overwhelmed and unable to perform. But on the other hand, I do not resist this sense of restraint, because the decision made soon is not necessarily the best decision. Moreover, I feel that there must be a situation that forces me to make a choice.

I chose to wait silently for the event to be pushed a little bit until it ended naturally, or I found the key to the solution.

"So, go in and see." The team's atmosphere was not as harmonious as before, but the fitness coach still broke the silence.

Dr. Ruan Li glanced behind him as if someone was saying hello. In our eyes, Dr. Ruan Li just nodded to the empty distance, pointed to the convenience store, and took the lead

"Is that the person in charge?" The fitness coach asked casually. Her expression didn't believe that the bald middle-aged man stood there.

"Yes. This night is really restless." Dr. Ruan Li frowned, and whispered to us: "They were injured."

"Don't you ask who the enemy is?" The fortune-teller asked, turning his head to look in the direction Dr. Ruan Li said, and smiled bitterly. I think she also didn't see those people.

of course. me too. At the place Dr. Ruan Li pointed to, there was only a thick fog. The place where the sound was made was only in the convenience store, and at this time, even the movement in the convenience store also disappeared. This world is quiet again. I can't help but think, is there really a deep cognitive gap between us and Dr. Ruan Li? I believe that I am in a temporary data hedge space. It is not an illusion, but assuming that Dr. Ruan Li will not be affected by "mystery", then what she sees should not be an illusion. What we can see should not be "to a party, it is completely present. And yes On the other hand, the situation does not exist at all.

E.g. Since Dr. Ruan Li saw the person in charge of the middle-aged bald head, and she was not affected by the "mystery", then for us, this person in charge should also exist, just as "influenced by the mystery". Appeared in front of us. It's like, turning into a monster, or perhaps, showing mysterious power.

Today's situation is more like that. One of us is really out of illusion.

As I racked my brain to think, the roller shutter door of the convenience store was shaken a few times and made a clicking sound. During this late night, the store door was of course locked, but fitness coaches and others did not mean to break in immediately. It was like throwing a stone to ask for directions and beating the snake, making a noise, and listening again.

In silence, we only heard our own breathing. For a while, people just felt that there really was no one in the convenience store.

The fitness coach frowned and shouted, "Who is inside!" And shouted again, "Who is here?" It looked like a lunatic.

Dr. Ruan Li seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned his head and talked to someone, and the voice in my ears suddenly became harsh and noisy, and he couldn't understand what he was talking about. I suddenly had a headache. I couldn't help but pressed the temple. The convenience store in front of me was like an old black and white TV, flashing from time to time, full of noise.

"What the **** is going on?" I subconsciously grabbed Dr. Ruan Li's hand, and a strong intuition struck my heart. What happened?

There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the air seemed to turn into a gel, so thick that it was difficult to breathe. The ground resembled a shaking blanket, and immediately split, and the fitness instructor, fortune-teller, and Mitsui Tsukazu wobbled and had to support the ground with both hands to stabilize the figure. In such a strong upheaval, Dr. Ruan Li seems to be unaware. In our eyes, her body has swayed with the vibration of the ground. She looked like a nail rooted at the edge of the crack.

The ground was torn between breathing, and a gorge was torn apart. The road in the distance was completely broken. At the next moment, Dr. Ruan Li's footfall collapsed completely. Even so, she still stepped on the void and did not fall at all. sign. However, I can feel that gravity is trying to drag myself into the depths of the cracks. The fitness coach, the fortune teller, and Mitsui Tsukazu are also pale, and they are also affected. Therefore, when I looked at Dr. Ruan Li, Showing such a horrified look.

"How is it possible!" Mitsui Tsukazu exclaimed. I pulled Dr. Ruan Li back from the void outside the cliff and stood on the ground that only we could see. However, although Dr. Ruan Li did not resist, he stared at the other side of the big crack with a look of consternation. . I don't know what she saw, but the next moment, she ran me up and seemed to want to go around the convenience store.

"Hurry! Hurry!" She shouted to the others.

The fitness coach, divination master, and Mitsui Tsukazu are unknown, but the upheaval in front of him and Dr. Ruan Li's anxiety still allow them to follow. However, Mitsui Tsukazu, who fell behind because the reaction was a little late, suddenly fell and immediately screamed. He was holding his feet in agony, his thigh was injured, and soon a blood stain oozed out. Dr. Ruan Li pushed me to the corner and turned back to try to help Mitsui Tsukazu, but on the way she ran to the ground, the surrounding ground and walls seemed to be hit hard by something invisible. The next eye.

It ’s a gun!

But why can't we see the attack?

"Are you crazy?" Dr. Ruan Li shouted to the air.

Danger! The dangerous taste has reached the highest concentration since this rest point has changed. The mysterious and strange situation, although it is still impossible for people to see through the truth, but the crisis is imminent. We were attacked, and it was the attack felt by both Dr. Ruan Li and us, at least to prove that although it was invisible, it should not be an illusion.

The chain judgment cannot be used, only the eyes cannot determine the attack direction. However, compared to speed, I am not bad.

The fast-swept high-speed passage spread to the place where Dr. Nguyen Li and Tsutsui Mitsui were in the mud and stone splash. I jumped into it, and instead saw that the turbulence in the air caused by the object flying at high speed revealed a trajectory in the naked eye. I opened my eyes vigorously and looked in the direction of the ballistic shot. After several blinks, there was twitching pain in my left eye. Then, I saw the person standing there.

Although, from Dr. Ruan Li's cry, it can be speculated that those who saw the return of the gun battle launched the attack, however, in my field of vision at this time, only one humanoid stood opposite.

Its figure was blocked by thick fog, and only a rough outline remained, but its back had a pair of wings, and the figure alone gave a heavy sense of oppression.

That is definitely not human.

Under the absolute speed gap, the running Dr. Ruan Li and the miserable and wailing Mitsui Tsukazu were both posing as if they were stuck by the air, but the thing moved suddenly. Its movement is like a falcon bird and a snail compared to Dr. Ruan Li and Totsuka Mitsui. The strong sensory contrast proves its speed.

It was like a high-speed passage that tore through the speed, and it was a strange feeling. However, the relative speed difference with me was even in the blink of an eye. In the same slow world, we are approaching at a normal speed, no, it should be said that it is faster than me. The torn gray mist is like a curtain that has been uncovered, revealing its full appearance, it is an extremely familiar look--

The flaming hair and the mask in the shape of a crow's head are stiff and cold, and the facial features, slender body, hands and feet can not be seen in the part of the face that is not covered. It floats in the air and looks very light, and the crimson suit that seems to be red with blood is full of unknown killings, and behind it are a pair of crimson and near-black wings.

"Night Crow Quark?" I exclaimed in surprise.

How can it be? Such thoughts revolved in my mind. I never thought that ~ ~ The electronic demon "Night Crow Quark", which had been destroyed by Jin Jiang, would appear in front of me again in this way. It is an enemy. I will never feel wrong about this. The malicious, cold and cruel it carries makes me feel a familiar sense of fear.

Although the fear from the "virus" or "jiang" is not as strong as when facing the "jiang" directly, the essence of the taste is the same.

The ultimate weapon? Such thoughts, like electric currents, move in the nerves of the body. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, the Night Crow Quark is evidence in itself. This kind of nervous feeling is definitely not an illusion. There must be something else, something very close to Jiang, right here!

Holding Ruan Li and Dr. Mitsui Tsukazu, I retreated sharply, like a crescent moon, and cut the gray fog in front of me. At the next moment, I felt the pain in my chest, and the blood had oozed.

Night Crow Cook spread his hands, suspended in mid-air, and the blade of his arm was faintly visible in the dark night.

I couldn't help but jumped for a few steps before I stopped and left Dr. Ruan Li and Toshio Mitsui aside. The Night Crow Quark did n’t chase, just stared at me diametrically—although it had no facial features, I could still feel this gaze. (To be continued ...)

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