Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1248: Impermanence

Night Crow Quark was repelled by silence again. Although Silent is not my electronic demon, but it is as sharp as it can read my mind. Compared to when the night crow quark was used in the past, the transfer of ideas was slightly delayed in efficiency, but as long as the active operation was not continued, there was no problem. Silent is like a nail, only attacked at critical moments and parts, and then fell into my shadow again. I didn't plan to keep it fighting from the beginning, because its movement speed is too slow compared to me and the night crow quark, and the night crow quark has canceled the interference of Carmen at this time, and the movement is more than before. Clean and neat.

Although Silent once again used the mystery of the previous damage to the Night Crow Quark, this time it seems to have no visible effect. I do n’t quite understand it. However, if Silent really ca n’t sustain the attack strength, facing today ’s Night Crow Quark , I do n’t have much. I can rely on the advantage of quick swept to interfere with the movement of the night crow quark, which is enough to guarantee an undefeated place, but I ca n’t hurt the enemy, and of course I ca n’t win. If the other party can retreat by dragging time, that's it. However, where I can't see it, the "Alienated Youjiang" must be paying attention to the situation here. I have no way of estimating what kind of abacus it is, so I ca n’t be sure how it will react if the battle is deadlocked.

I do n’t understand Alienated Youjiang. Although I ’m not new to the name "Youjiang", the information in my memory is roughly what Carmen said and the part I analyzed. It's just that since Gao Gao had dealt with it before I recovered, it was in my mind. Leave a sense of sight that is unclear.

Both the name "You Jiang" and Carmen's description of it have a "Jiang" taste.

In the battle with the night crow quark, I gradually became accustomed to its style, and gradually used the invisible high-speed channel to interfere with its rapid swept movement. It can't hurt me. However, such tight entanglement also makes people unable to open their hands to do other things. This fog of death and the disappearance of Dr. Ruan Li from the convenience store beside me made me feel isolated. How long will this quarantine last, or how can it be lifted, so far there is no clue. Although I am a mystery expert, but the situation in front of me. It is not in line with what I have encountered and what I have read in mysticology. When faced with the first situation, even if it is a mystery expert who is helpless, he can only pray for luck.

If the power of "Jiang" can be exerted, it is probably very easy to break this temporary data hedge space. however. Let ’s not mention whether this power can be used at will, on the other hand. My instinct is warning myself that once I actively pursue and use the power of Jiang, something terrible may happen. What I envisioned, everyone here was eaten by "Jiang", which is nothing but horrible imagination, and there will definitely be more horrible things than this.

I know. I always need the power of Jiang, even if it is not at this moment, it may be at the next moment. I try to fight against all mysterious sources in a mysterious world, sooner or later. You will encounter enemies that you cannot defeat on your own, encounter strength that can destroy yourself in an instant, even if you are careful, death is still the sword of Damocles hanging above your head every moment. Unlike the prosthetic body Gaochuan, I have a strong body and reasonably intelligent knowledge. Sensibility will prompt me to make contradictory and self-satisfying behaviors, and these behaviors often give me a great chance of dilemmas and danger Increase, and there are too many things that can destroy my relatively fragile body.

My brain, my heart, and even the blood in the whole body will definitely die like ordinary people once there is excessive damage.

I have died twice, once in the illusion of doomsday and once in the reality of the hospital. I probably think that death is such a thing. However, because of this understanding and feeling, it will not resist the coming of death again. I'm still afraid that I will die. I obviously have a chance to come back again, but I repeat the same mistakes because of the problems in my action mechanism and my own vulnerability. Obviously, before he died, he had already realized consciousness. He never thought that he would recover, but he gave everything to the next Gao Chuan, but his own recovery turned that consciousness into a joke.

I do n’t think I should resist the recovery, but, in this kind of joke that I ca n’t control, I feel deeply malicious. If this kind of malice can save the person you love, then it doesn't matter if you turn yourself into a play --- even if you think so, you still fear death.

In any game, if you want to achieve a perfect ending, the death of the protagonist must be avoided.

However, if my life is regarded as a game, then there are too many traps that will lead to death.

In order to avoid triggering these traps, no, it should be said that triggering one or several mortal traps is almost inevitable. Therefore, a versatile amulet is needed to ensure that you can safely pass the danger.

The power of "Jiang" is such a thing, it can reverse everything when death comes, but if it is not triggered at the right time, it will lead to vicious death-this feeling, from the past doomsday illusion, has been Keep it up to now. Perhaps, in the "Gaochuan" behind me, who really found a way to actively trigger the power of "Jiang", but I have never done so. I have tried to use my own thoughts and feelings to talk to the "Jiang" who doesn't know what kind of existence is in my body, but I have never been utilitarian, and the idea is to try to bring out its power. But only passively, in some special, mortal situation, passively received its power.

Even now, I still feel that my choice is correct.

In any case, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not a good idea to "make every effort to destroy the night crow quark", and it is definitely not a matter of waiting for the arrival of the alienated Youjiang, and then vigorously triggering the force of "jiang" actively or passively good idea. In my mind, one choice after another came up, but it was finally erased one by one, leaving only the option of "luck".

"... Sure enough. Sometimes, is it really meaningless to choose?" I flashed the attack of the night crow quark again, and swept towards the ground rift not far away. When the night crow quark came, Give up all the forces that can maintain your balance and ensure that you do n’t fall quickly. It just fell to the bottom of the valley where I didn't know how deep.

The gray fog is like a cloud of smoke, and the wind is ringing in your ears, and you can feel the scene of the night crow quark spreading its wings without looking back. I opened my hands, closed my eyes, and imagined that I was standing opposite to myself, standing with another myself, and we were looking at each other. The feeling of falling is so real. When not using quick sweep, the night crow quark is faster than mine. Our contact will be within three seconds, this time is not even enough to let me fall to the bottom, it will be cut by his waist-and I try to forget all this.

Dr. Ruan Li said that all this is illusory, of course. For those of us who can observe "mystery" and be affected by "mystery". Everything is so real. I do n’t think Dr. Ruan Li is completely correct, but every sentence she says is inherently true, and assuming that she is a special presence in this world of repeaters, then her words. Nature also carries some meaning to describe this world. To open up this entangled situation, I must bet that, in this crisis of less than three seconds, try from her perspective, or. It is similar to her perspective, looking at the current anomalies and mysteries.

Although I do not fully agree with Dr. Ruan Li's perspective on the world, I also have a similar perspective. Even if the "hospital reality" is not a real reality, it cannot be denied that the natural height of "doom illusion" is observed from the perspective of "hospital reality". I can't really imagine that "everything in the illusion of doomsday is a complete illusion", but it is possible to imagine that "mysterious phenomena in this repeater world can all intervene from the conscious level"

The gray fog is an existence between ideology and material state. The temporary data hedging space has also been considered as a temporary product produced by the hedging of conscious information and material information. In the absence of conscious power, sensibility to ideology may not be sufficient to support ideology-based actions, and it is the most common practice to influence the level of physical consciousness from the physical level. Therefore, the conscious walker will show an amazing way of survival.

Yes, in the world where natural science and materialism are popular, in the appearance of the physical state, it is still easier to observe than the phenomenon of ideology. Even if the entire world is ideological, it is difficult for people to fundamentally, Recognizing this state, not to mention influence and operation. The inherent cognition and knowledge of patients with Doomsday Syndrome are basically natural science and materialism, even if there is an idealistic part, but those who prefer idealistic thinking and purely idealistic thinking, even if there are only a few. And these inherent cognitions and knowledge are just a part of the foundation for constructing the laws of this world.

These complex factors determine that even if you know the nature of the ideology of this world, it is difficult to view it simply by ideology. Mysteries without ideology are not conscious walkers. These situations may reflect their respective worldview foundations. I am also the same, totally unable to see the possibility that I can become a conscious walker, but this kind of me still gains the power of ideology under the influence of Jiang.

Therefore, I believe that I still have the possibility of interfering with the "mystery" from the ideological level.

What I want to do is to implement myself in the perspective of this world within three seconds, before being cut by the night crow quark, as close as possible to the adopted sons of the conscious walkers in their imagination-their recognition of ideology Knowing that they look at the world, what they feel is indescribable when they are walking in consciousness-although they are not conscious walkers, they have ideological mystery, and they have been closer to anyone than those who walked in consciousness. Conscious walker.

I closed my eyes tightly.

What I felt when I fell, I was overly sensitive because of the silence. The air is filled with gray mist, and it feels on the skin. Let this unnatural scene not have any unrealistic factors, such as smell, perceptual feedback, etc.

To give up all this material cognition and try to observe and recognize them from the conscious level, then they are defined as "false".

Not to deny their existence, but. Like logical right and wrong, observe it as two states of "false" and "true".

Because this is what I can understand, from a completely ideological point of view to describe the "existence" method.

In the material world view, "false" is wrong and does not exist. It is deception, and it is no. However, in the ideological world, it should be different. How do other conscious walkers observe and define it? I do n’t know. Even if it ’s clear, I ’m afraid I ca n’t repeat it, but. I have my own ideas, and I must be convinced that my own is correct.

In the ideological world, "false" should not simply represent negative meaning and meaninglessness, nor is it not non-existent, it is simply an attribute state relative to "true".

However, even telling myself this way, I still did not succeed.

Another me built by me. Staring at me in the shady curtain that was born after closing my eyes. I can't imagine. He is a "false" state, not a fictional illusion. No matter how many voices in my mind tell me to believe that he is real, but there is inner feedback. This authenticity is still denied.

How much time is left? I am not very sure. When eyes are closed, the concentration of consciousness seems to prolong the time, but, if it goes on like this. Beheaded by the night crow quark is sooner or later. Even if it is not beheaded, because it is impossible to regard this gorge split by mysterious power as false, it will definitely be killed if it falls down like this.

To deny something, it turned out to be such a difficult thing. The self-righteous understanding of the mouth and the heart has no meaning as long as it cannot be fed back to the real situation.

It ’s easy to say to yourself and others that “this should n’t be like this”, but it is not so easy to do “take everything as it is and act”.

Because it is impossible to do it, it is not possible to become a conscious walker when obtaining mystery, and it is difficult to become a conscious walker afterwards.

At this moment, I deeply feel the difficulty.

I have never heard of anyone who can do this kind of thing.

Even so, I have to do it. Because the "impossible thing" before me is not too much. After all, is it impossible to fall in love with "Jiang", make "serum", and overcome "viruses" than "become a conscious walker"? Now, my opponent is only my own consciousness, at most it is a collection of other people's consciousness concepts, and "Jiang" and "Virus" are completely above the human consciousness, monsters that can not be observed at all.

Me and the one in the shadows looked at me, he was not vivid at all, his body was full of rigid hypocrisy, and even the body shape and details were a little hazy. I only concentrated all my consciousness to shape his left eye, which is what my left eye should be in my understanding-full of viciousness, cruelty, pain and unification The anomaly of it becomes indescribable-if only the color is said, it is dark red, the color fills the eyeball with texture, not too hard, like a thick liquid that can flow at any time.

I felt it, as if from this eye socket, a lot of **** liquid would flow out at any time.

Then, I stared at the "Gaochuan" I saw in this eye. That's me, but it's not exactly me. It exists in a "false" state. He exists. The left eye proves that "Jiang" is there, staring at me with that eye. . I think, I feel that the fear that spreads out, that extremely deep maliciousness, that there is no abnormality of human nature, and "love". In this case, I can push the door of his consciousness into my own heart.

So, doing so is like being guided by some kind of sound that can't be heard from the darkness, but can be felt, walked into my eyes opposite, and pushed open the door to consciousness. With the opening of these doors, the sense of falling disappeared, the sound disappeared, and the feeling of death disappeared. It seemed that the body in crisis was just an illusion, and standing here, pushing the door open, is the real thing— Both the consciousness and the body can be seen, touched, and full of reality.

When I realized it, I walked in a long corridor with a light in front, as if I could see the exit, and on both sides of the corridor, there were doors embedded in darkness. Some doors are quiet, but some are rumbling, like something behind the door, striking fiercely, and some liquid oozing out of the door, but you ca n’t find the color to describe it Words of shape and shape, some doors exude a strange smell, some doors are mottled and defective, like they will collapse at any time, some doors are magnificent, but full of maliciousness.

I know what I did before I came here, and what kind of situation I am now. Simply speaking in terms of cognition, I know very well that this is the world of ideology, but I cannot feel the hazy and frivolous illusions and dreams. I pressed my hand to one of the doors, the cold and hard touch, as if telling me that everything here is not ideological, but material.

When such an idea came into being, I knew that I had to leave. I walked, the movements and phenomena behind the door became more and more intense, the sentence seemed to be something, was chasing through the door. I do n’t know what that is, and I do n’t want to know. In this place, the only thing I can believe in is intuition, and this idea also comes from intuition.

It seems dangerous here, no, it should be said that danger and weirdness are quite normal. I do n’t know how deep I am from the ideological level. I'm also not sure whether "Jiang" is here, or in a deeper place than here.

I was just like that, running towards the bright place.

Intuition tells me-

The reason why I came here, the situation I finally wanted to achieve, already had a result when I entered here. However, whether this result is what you think it is can only be confirmed after going out.

Even if the consciousness walk is completed, it may have been aided by the consciousness walk. From the consciousness level, it interferes with the temporary data hedging space where it is located, and it will definitely cause some mysterious change. "Favourable", but still need luck. From the time I decided to do this, I knew that my efforts and perseverance were just a stepping stone, and only luck and a certain will in my life determined whether I could succeed.

This is an adventure, but it is as close to the "best" approach as I can think of.

At the same time, it is possible to remove the temporary data hedging space, throw away the night crow quark, and avoid the alienation of Youjiang.

I have already thought about what happened to me after I walked out of this passage.

Thinking about this, I stepped into the light, and after that, everything in front of me suddenly fell into a dim darkness. It was not that my fingers were out of my hands, and the outline around me was covered with a black veil, but not without light . However, the light source is a little dazzling. I blinked and suddenly turned around, looking around.

The fog is gone.

There are winds and movements around ~ ~ Although the moonlight is not obvious, but you can see that the bright moonlight shuttles through the clouds. The ground is not cracked, and objects damaged by the battle are also intact. The night crow quark seemed to have never been there before, and it was missing.

"There is no anomaly." I feel like telling myself that I have indeed got rid of the anomalies of the previous environment-just like that is really just an illusion, and now I see the reality, as if it was really like Dr. Ruan Li said.

However, with a clear memory, I clearly remember the cause and process of the entire consciousness walk.

Therefore, all this is not an illusion, but a change. From the level of consciousness, it interfered with the mystery in the whole incident and got rid of those troublesome situations at once. Although it is unclear how this change will affect other people, there must be no feeling of being strong like alienated Youjiang. Moreover, if the other party continues to struggle, this seemingly restored scenery will naturally become abnormal again.

Before that, it was better to find Dr. Ruan Li as soon as possible. It would be better to leave at night. I thought so, and walked towards the place of vocals. (To be continued ...)


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