Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1281: Mental patient

The extension of the seminar to a week is certainly not untargeted, and this period of time is enough to cause any jaw-dropping changes. The study of "paradise" must also be subject to various dangerous prying eyes. When the two components of the seminar and the doomsday truth have already existed behind this seminar, it can already be concluded that almost all the names can be reported. The mysterious organization has already known part of the information. And are those people interested in "paradise"? The answer is no hesitation at all: of course they will be interested, whether it is white Claudia or paradise, they have already shown the existence of doomsday truth, and if they are regarded as opponents, they will never let this opportunity go, except In addition, I believe that many people also care about "paradise" itself.

According to my information, Father Edward ’s Sayya virus seems to have been researched out of the way during the manufacturing of the "paradise". In addition, even in the past doomsday illusion, although the character of Father Edward has not been heard, the Saya virus still exists. It is also the first time that it appeared from the territory of the Mar Jones family. The commonalities of the illusions have largely proved the relationship between "paradise" and "Saya virus". Then, add the "smoky face" of the 51st area-its original form, called the "Trojan virus", whose characteristics are very similar to the "Saya virus", can almost be regarded as the 51th area Evidence of cooperation with Father Edward.

In the nightmare Las Vegas last night, John Bull and Zuo Chuan have confirmed that the 51st district has reached closer cooperation with Doomsday Truth in this repeater world, which is undoubtedly a It can be imagined, but it still has the impact of influence. In the nightmare Las Vegas, their actions are enough to affirm their position. Whether John Bull is in the stand, or in the position of the netball. None of her attitudes can be ambiguous on this issue, but the 51 area, which must have realized this, can of course assume that it will not be the first two ends. Although regrettable, for many people in the circle. District 51, which has so declared its position, is already an enemy, and all subsequent actions will of course be examined with a hostile attitude, as will the 51.

That being the case, the above-mentioned organizations and roles will appear in this week's event of the seminar, which is completely confirmable. The only problem is, when and how they will appear is a strong attack. Or is it a euphemistic conspiracy? I think that although the real purpose of this seminar is to try to make a drug that helps to resist the end of the world with a more gentle and kind attitude, but Dr. Ruan Li ’s internal doomsday doctrine is divided. , May be intensified at the same time as the "paradise" is made. This also means that the members of the doomsday truth in the seminar can not all be viewed as their own. And get the support of mysterious organizations and individuals with different positions. The split and confrontation of the seminar itself are already foreseeable.

but. Perhaps the atmosphere will become more and more urgent, but the real danger that cannot be eased should be when the development of the "paradise" reaches a certain technical stage that can be confirmed to take effect. Whether there is a complete theory or just luck, as long as the first batch of "paradise" is created. Regardless of whether it is as expected in the seminar, it will surely attract hostile peeping, and then take away this technology and transform it, and finally form a future in this world that is more suitable for the form of doomsday illusion.

From some perspectives, "paradise" will definitely be created by research. And, it must be the kind of "paradise" in the illusion of doomsday, which has absolutely nothing to do with what it looked like in the first place, or the kindness of the people who studied it.

I couldn't help but touch the two bottles of "paradise" samples in my arms. According to Dr. Ruan Li, it is not a real "paradise", but in terms of shape and effect, it is already very close to the inference. On the basis of this sample, continue to study, the progress will be greatly accelerated. In this way, at most it will not exceed one month, and the changes I envisioned above will appear.

Until then, there should be no problem, most enemies will still choose to lurk in the dark. After all, they have no way to study "paradise" by themselves.

"Would you like me to give you a list of routine patients?" On the way back, Dr. Ruan Li asked me this way.

"If you can," I answered. I think that not only "paradise" will cause problems, but even routine patients may cause some unexpected changes. From the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, these patients, including me, are all mental patients affected by white Claudia, but from the perspective of a doomsday illusion, it may be confirmed that these patients are all electronic demons. The messenger, and because of mental and psychological problems, it is likely to be a specific electronic demon messenger.

I don't know many specific electronic demon messengers, but unfortunately, Marceau in this world is one of them. Moreover, counting the time she left, it was difficult for me not to rely on her situation at this seminar. If you think about it this way, there is a sense of "shouldn't it be so clever", but it is difficult to deny the possibility.

I would like to confirm whether her name is on the list of routine patients, and if so, who is responsible for applying. I do n’t know much about the reality of Marceau in this world. Even in the nightmare Las Vegas, I ca n’t confirm whether I ’m in contact with myself or anything. In that ideological world, such a specific electronic demon messenger, whether it is actively or passively disguising itself, should not be too difficult.

If there is such a person, putting Marshall's name on the list of routine consultations at least shows that this person has a certain relationship with Marshall. From this, I can further understand the situation of Marceau.

I do n’t think it ’s a bad thing to be included in the list of routine consultations, and it may cause some subjective and self-esteem damage. However, the patients in the list will be highly valued during this period. From a perspective, this kind of attention is of course more beneficial, and if there is any greasiness in it, I can definitely get confirmation from Dr. Ruan Li.

But anyway. From the perspective of the patients being studied, it is a group of extremely dangerous electronic demon messengers, and the people who study and treat them cannot be like Dr. Ruan Li, completely ignoring the mystery. therefore. The routine consultation itself is a risky test, and the invited experts may not be able to recognize this in advance.

If I can, I hope I can learn about Marceau and curb some malicious behaviors that she may have, and at the same time protect her from being violated by other people's malicious behavior during the routine consultation. To say whether I would like to see her name on the list of routine clinicians, my answer is certainly yes.

Yes, I hope Marceau is here. Although it is dangerous here, it is always "missing" to her and I cannot see it. It ’s better not to touch.

"There is a familiar stranger on the list." Dr. Ruan Li also hinted at something like this, and then took out a new mobile phone from my pocket and asked me to exchange the one I used. It turns out that patients like me also need to follow the principle of confidentiality during the seminar.

Without hesitation, I immediately sent a few messages outlining the current situation to Whisperer Headquarters, and I switched the phone over. Same as I thought. After opening the phone, the contact file is in. There is no ability to add new people at all, and all the participants and hosts have been recorded in the mobile phone system in advance. At the same time, they were unable to connect to the public network, and the seminar's local network had been blocked. In addition to using the phone and information that comes with the phone, it is completely impossible to communicate with the outside world.

"Can't the local network be turned on?" I couldn't help asking.

"Further permissions are required." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Officially joining the Doomsday Truth Church, and holding positions with high demands on the Internet, we can get more permissions. Moreover, although this phone looks like a smartphone. The system used is not optimized for intelligence. The whole system is very closed. I heard that experts in science and technology are trying to make a software that can monitor the change data in real time under the influence of white Claudia. The version is already installed in this phone. Of course, in the end, the effect must be collected enough data to convince the experts in those fields. "

"Simply put it, it's like bringing a dog tag." I said casually, and Dr. Ruan Li just laughed and said nothing.

I fumbled for about a minute or so, and found the roster of six other patients in the data archive.

As I thought, the profile picture of the girl with the name "Masuo" is in it. Marceau here is really different from what I saw in the nightmare Las Vegas. Specifically, she is more dreamy in the nightmare Las Vegas, and she is one more in the photo It's like a real person. This is not just a direct look and feel brought by appearance, skin and eyes, but also a distinction between reality and surrealism. However, in general, if I only look at the sides and the back, I can still recognize her directly.

The contents of these patient data are quite detailed, including the patient's origin, origin and past diagnosis. In this document, Marceau, who has always been mysterious, is no longer so mysterious when he comes into contact with Las Vegas. Her background is not bad or bad, but there are also many differences from the nightmare Las Vegas. For example, her parents were ordinary employees who worked in the bank. During seven years, the whole family Traveling to Las Vegas, her parents were killed in the car accident, and she suffered heavy physical and mental damage to her brain. In daily life, she showed extremely severe aphasia and bradycardia. Welfare agency care and stay in Las Vegas for treatment. Up to now, her life is only a kind of daily life in terms of the patient's condition, and her symptoms have improved slightly during this period.

Judging from this information, Marceau ’s life is much calmer than I thought. Of course, there is no report about her becoming an electronic demon messenger, but just looking at this report is enough to be sure, even if it becomes The specific electronic demon messenger did not allow Marceau to do weird behaviors in daily life. As if she had vented all extreme abnormalities to the nightmare Las Vegas.

Marceau ’s data looks harmless to humans and animals, but it does not mean that other people ’s data are the same. In the patient's age range, the youngest is Marceau, only eleven years old, and the largest is a sixty-year-old black woman. The age range between them is 16 years old, 25 years old and 40 years old, women account for a larger proportion, while men only have two, 40 years old middle-aged and 25 years old . Although the information has marked their brief life and medical history, but. Of course, what I want to know about the mysterious aspect is not there.

"Mom. If, my diary is the content of my own fantasy. Then, in reality, there is also Marceau, and, unlike the two Misaki and the Eight Scenes, I have no more practical intersection with her. Is n’t it strange? ? "I asked. If I was just in a state of psychosis, write down the content and use myself as a character in the story. Well, Marceau should only be the character of the story, at least, in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. After all, I have never touched her in the real world of this repeater world.

"I don't think so." Dr. Ruan Li said: "In your story, there is no original version of Misaki and Eight Scenes? Then, there is nothing surprising in the original version of Marceau in reality. I know you Meaning. You think you have been in contact with Misaki and Bajing, so you can become the reason for them in the story, and you think that you have not been in touch with the real Marceau-indeed, from the data, you are really nothing The reason and evidence for contacting her. However, think about it the other way round. Can you really confirm that you have never been in contact with reality? In my opinion, since she is mentioned in your diary, this book It is the proof that you have seen her in reality. Even if it is just a glance, she has also left a deep impression in your heart. Of course, I did not understand what was going on, but you should know it. So, if you ask why Marceau appears in your story, you are the real answerer. "

Dr. Ruan Li looked at me with calm eyes and said, "So, Achuan, why did Marceau appear in your diary?"

I took a few steps silently, raised my eyes, looked at her firmly, and replied: "Because, she has always been in my heart."

"... Good answer." Dr. Ruan Li did not reprimand me for being cunning, but instead smiled with understanding. I don't know if what she thinks is the same as what I want to answer, but I think this smile, even if it is not correct, is definitely the most appropriate answer.

From the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, I cannot explain why Marceau appeared in my diary. However, for me, the truth is not only the truth of Dr. Ruan Li. No matter how the way Marceau appears in my mind, this question is completely meaningless from other perspectives. She is already in my heart, this is the point.

Since Marceau is here, then I have to take care of her.

"Who was she brought over with?" I asked.

"Unclear, I came with the host of the seminar. This time the host is a man named Dallas. Well, it is my old friend. However, Marceau was not recommended by him, but someone. Recommend it to him. After all, Dallas spent a lot of time in private to prepare for this seminar. Of the seven cases, he brought four. ”Dr. Ruan Li said.

"Father Edward ..." I said, "Perhaps it was sent by Father Edward." In the past, I had also imagined whether there was an inevitable relationship between Father Edward and the specific electronic demon messenger. Seeds are planted in the consciousness of these people. Moreover, after entrusting him to conduct an investigation on Marceau, he had nowhere to go. To say that he had no relationship with Marceau at all, it made people feel unacceptable.

"Oh-another story character." Dr. Ruan Li asked me back: "Do you think that as long as it appears in your diary, there must be an original version in reality?"

"Yes." I took it very seriously and answered rightfully.

"Then it proves that you have forgotten more things than you thought." Dr. Ruan Li said: "I don't know Marceau or Father Edward, just from your diary. Have been to these two roles. Now, I see Marceau, but it does not mean that I will also see Father Edward. "

"You will see, I think, he will come here." I said, "Maybe he changed his face and made it unrecognizable, but I think he would appear as an expert. I believe that in my He described in the diary must have similarities with him in reality. This similarity is likely to be expressed in knowledge. He is a theologian with rich knowledge and experience. Such a person must be He is also a very good psychologist. "

"The same is true. Nowadays, without a good eloquence and a little psychology, you cannot become a qualified evangelist." Dr. Ruan Li let out a sigh of relief. "So, what do you want to say to me?" A Chuan. Even if Father Edward is an excellent psychologist, he will participate in the research and play a positive role in the research itself. "

"No, you still don't understand, mother." I said to her as seriously as possible: "Father Edward's attitude towards Marceau, and the paradise he wants, are not the same as the seminar, and they must be different from you. . He is dangerous. "

"... I understand, I will pay attention, but I also want to emphasize to you, A Chuan." Dr. Ruan Li said rightly: "The role in the diary is just your dramatization based on the original reality."

Of course I understand what she means. She wants to say that the characters in my diary are not exactly the same as those in the reality of the repeater. Even from the perspective of doomsday illusion and the reality of the hospital, Marceau, Misaki and Bajing all prove this point, but the intruders are different. It ’s hard for me to separate Father Edward from this world from Father Edward in Doomsday Illusion, and as I ca n’t think, the self in Doomsday Illusion is different from the one who is now integrated into the world of repeaters. What is the difference between the original version and the revised version.

To look at any situation based solely on the authenticity of the world of repeaters, or to say, that there is only one kind of real Dr. Ruan Li cannot be understood. But this may also be an explanation for "Why the world of mental patients is difficult to understand".

Although Dr. Ruan Li's compromise was not because she believed, but simply because she would rather think about my personal problems from another angle, I did not blame her for it. This is something that cannot be done, is it? No matter whether she cares about the matter or not, she can still handle it, but I am still the only one.

I believe that Father Edward must know that I am here and know that I have noticed his existence.

Marceau is like a buffer zone between us.

"Can other patients also get this information and mobile phone?" I asked about the issue of Father Edward.

"Of course not. However, I insist that you have a mobile phone and information, so the seminar also made concessions. If you are given this information as a kind of diagnosis and treatment, it will be okay. Not to mention, I am your doctor in charge and have the most say in your situation. "Dr. Ruan Li said.

"So ~ ~ When can we reach the patient?" I said, "I hope to be with Marceau."

"It seems that you really care about her, but it is also an expected thing." Dr. Ruan Li listened to me, but did not mean to object at all, just said: "In this way, you can stay in a mental hospital in advance During the routine consultation, other people can freely travel between the villa and the psychiatric hospital, but if you want to stay in the psychiatric hospital, you can only stay there before the routine consultation. Of course, I will go every day See you, and during the seminar, no matter whether you live with me or not, the time we meet will not be reduced a little bit, because, I am your attending doctor, whether it is routine diagnosis or paradise development, Achuan you Is a very important role. "

Dr. Ruan Li ’s answer made me feel happy. I could n’t help thinking that since no other patients got the information, then she would be surprised when I appeared in front of Marceau. But she couldn't help worrying about how to communicate with her. Because, as far as I am concerned, she is already a very important and familiar family member, but for her, is this not like a friend you met on the Internet, all kinds of embarrassment at the current meeting? (To be continued ...)


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