Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1283: Brain hardware pioneer

The structure of the building makes me feel cluttered, and the wood texture is quite deep. It's almost like swallowing all the sunlight. There will be a smooth, cold and hard texture that is different from the wood texture. The person who introduced the building said that this is because a special coating is applied on the surface of the building material to facilitate the maintenance of the building material. At the same time, it is because of the touch and appearance. Differences can create a strong contrast, highlighting each other's characteristics-it sounds like nonsense to me.

Just listening to the boring propaganda, turning around in the lobby, it was regarded as tourism. Then went to the second floor. I was walking in the back of the line, but when I turned back to look at the stairs leading to the third floor, the figure of a girl passed by. I was shocked, just a moment, clearly replayed in my mind: she jumped down from the stair platform, holding the handrail, as if gliding down with the handrail, the speed is very Quickly, like an elf, brushing the long hair of her face, people can't see her vague appearance. However, the figure was familiar, so that I could call her name the moment I saw her.


I left the team and rushed towards the stairway, obviously not even a second, but when I arrived there, the figure that was supposed to be under the staircase disappeared, and the chain judged that no similar contours were observed. Instead of being an ordinary person, you probably doubt your own eyes, but for mystery experts, this kind of "it seems to be seen but not found" is not too rare. Contradictory phenomena may not only be their own illusions, but also from mysterious existence. Marceau is a specific electronic demon messenger. No matter what happens to her, she must assume that it is possible.

As now, I must consider. What she saw before was not her own illusion, but that she really existed in this building in some way.

Dr. Ruan Li and I have mentioned that all six patients except me have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Taking into account their living conditions and condition, they are basically not allowed to leave the hospital. Suppose Marceau left the hospital and arrived at this place. There are only two biggest possibilities: one is that she uses the electronic demon to escape, and no one knows it; the other is that her behavior has been monitored all the time. She came here, and it can naturally be regarded as tacit.

The second situation appears to be more dangerous. Ignoring the purpose of Marceau, who must be there, and is interested in what happened at this place at this moment, so I did this.

What will happen at this time and place, in addition to the paper report we will participate in. I can't think of anything else.

Although many tourists are still visiting the building, the entire floor has been booked in advance by the seminar, and visitors are prohibited from entering or leaving.

In any case, I can't see Marceau's figure here as an accident.

However, on the other hand, since it is impossible to capture the movement of Marceau in the first time, then. Even if the interior of the building is immediately searched, it may not be very effective. In a mysterious event. If certain conditions are not met, the action itself may not be able to affect the progress of the event, just like an outsider, passively accepting a certain result. I think this is the case with Marceau. A glimpse of illusion here is just a reminder.

"What's wrong? Gao Chuan." The fitness coach and others looked over. While complaining, "When did you come here?"

"It's nothing." I took a deep look at the top and bottom of the stairs, and again confirmed that there were no ghosts in both places. "I seem to see another patient."

The fitness coach, the fortune teller and Mitsui Tsukazu looked at each other.

"My mother showed me the patient's information." I explained: "They should have stayed in a mental hospital at this time. But I just saw one of them, a girl called Marceau."

"Is it wrong?" Mitsui Tsukazu said: "Since Ms. Ruan said, that should be correct. At this time, they should not be able to leave the mental hospital at will."

"Maybe there is a guardian?" The fortune teller said: "Gao Chuan is also a routine patient. Didn't Ms. Ruan's laissez-faire just follow him?"

"It's possible, but I didn't see it." I also agree with the guardian's statement, but, compared to the guardian's positive language, I am more inclined to be a conspirator and a watcher.

"Since you can't find it, stop looking." The fitness coach said: "The team has to go further."

We looked at the team of experts who didn't realize that someone had left the team. The people at the head had turned to a corner at the end. We nodded to each other and quickly followed.

In addition to accidentally glancing at the figure of Marceau, he did not find a specific location. No strange things happened afterwards. The team arrived at the large conference room at the end of the fifth floor, and then everyone sat down in divided sessions. There are a lot of people who have relationships, but some people do n’t have a group at all, just choose a place in a slightly remote place. The seats below the podium are almost double the number of people present, so even if everyone is not sitting close together, there is enough room. When we first entered the building, the team was still quite silent, but now, after sitting down, the atmosphere gradually increased. The seminar has finally started, maybe there are many people who think so? Although strictly speaking, the seminar was officially started at the morning meeting, but for the participants, it was really such a formal event, in order to give people a feeling of opening.

As for the morning meeting, that was just a tidbit before the opening.

I chose the corner. In this building, the central location surrounded by layers of people gives me a feeling of envelopment. The unexpected appearance of Marceau also gave me a hunch that this paper report will be interfered by some mysterious force. I have always believed in my intuitive hunch. Even when I judge something to happen, even if my ability can In the first time to break away from the crowd, unwilling to choose such a position.

The fitness coach, divination master and Mitsui Tsukazu did not choose to mix with other experts, but sat beside me. Each of them took a file bag, which should be their own papers, but unlike the others who immediately took out the papers for inspection, the three of them did n’t move, so they sat like that. As if thinking about his own affairs, he was silent for a while.

Before the start of the report meeting, the atmosphere in the conference room had gradually warmed up. Experts checked their papers a little, and their faces returned to their original confidence. In this place, any person's small movements, sounds and facial muscle activity. It is possible to disclose certain personal circumstances, because no one knows how strong the people around them are in the field of psychoanalysis. I saw someone start to change seats. I think it was probably because I suddenly realized, or suddenly realized, this, and then quickly shifted myself out of the eyes of others. Make yourself feel free from the uneasiness of being observed under a microscope.

I also guessed that the fitness coach, divination master and Mitsui Tsukazu realized this in advance, so they chose a remote corner with me.

"How do you feel? Are you sure?" The fortune-teller suddenly asked that she didn't specifically name it, nor did she say what it was, but put it in the moment. Everyone can understand.

"It's still close." Mitsui Tsukazu said: "If you give one more day, no. Half a day is good. I can take papers that appear two or three times better."

"It doesn't make sense. It can only show that your thinking efficiency is not strong enough in a short time." The fortune-teller shook his head and said, "I think they like their brains to move faster."

"It's like a top hit by a whip?" The fitness coach made a joke with a malicious tone, but the fortune teller didn't seem to care.

"So what about your paper?" The fortune-teller asked.

"It's okay." The fitness instructor raised the report in his hand. After he finished speaking, he paused and emphasized again: "I think it's okay."

"The thesis is not first handed in. After being judged by highly qualified industry experts, the masterpieces are selected, and then are the participants voting?" I interjected: "In such a short time, the reviewers need to read so much Paper and give a pertinent comment. Is it a bit unrealistic? "

"There will be a solution after all, otherwise I won't tell us in advance." The fitness instructor looked open, she said: "Now I am only worried that other people's reports are too boring, and listening to their reports may doze off .

While listening to the playfulness of the people around me, I started the chain judgment to observe the surrounding environment. However, basically did not see anything valuable. As the volume of the conference room gradually increased, the lights gradually dimmed, the entrance door was automatically closed, and the podium was more conspicuously reflected by the difference in light. Then, a middle-aged man walked out from behind the scenes. Announced that the report will begin.

As Dr. Ruan Li said, the people at the seminar walked down to collect their papers, but the experts responsible for the first round of review did not show up. The papers were taken behind the scenes. The speakers on the podium began to combine the video records to introduce the origin, purpose and position of the seminar to the public, as well as the life and achievements of some representatives. The flat and straightforward content, the undulating voice, and the rigid image, make people feel that there is no style, but the problem is that even if the report will not be styled, the status of the seminar and the excellent members are well known. Moreover, in the past seminar records, there are not many cases of "seemingly boring activities, but their essence is a psychological test".

Especially the indifferent report meeting at this moment makes people unable to imagine in this respect-maybe these images, music and the voice of the host are deliberately arranged like this, and those who are responsible for reviewing everyone Experts, carefully observe the performance of everyone behind the scenes at this time. There are many reasons to say "Why do you have to hold the seminar like this"? However, most people should not believe it. This is because the seminar itself lacks qualified hosts and sufficient funds. Of course, for me, I do n’t believe it either.

In fact, the facts are exactly what everyone thought. Dr. Ruan Li told me that in this thesis report meeting, the seminar deliberately used some small measures to put everyone in a state of a little slow thinking, which will deepen their impression and sense of presence after taking office. In this state, how much they can use what they have prepared will also be a part of the review.

Moreover, even Dr. Ruan Li is not sure whether the host will suddenly change the order of activities after arriving at the scene. For example, before the thesis is reviewed, a part of the participants will be selected to talk about their thesis.

I looked around the people. When I saw Mr. Mitsui Tsukiko lifting his head from time to time, it was like trying to get rid of drowsiness. At this time, the host's speech on stage just passed fifteen minutes. This influence affects the entire audience, and almost two-thirds of the people are the same as Mitsui Tsukazu. Even worse than Mitsuzuka's condition. I paid attention to it and found that the affected women are significantly lower than men in both degree and quantity. The fitness coaches and fortune tellers around me, although with a bored expression, did not look sleepy.

They also seem to realize that the report meeting is getting tired, and when I met my eyes, the fitness coach sarcastically tickled his mouth. The fortune teller gave Mitsui Tsukazu a elbow, probably because of the pain, although Mitsui Tsukazu did not call out. But he was completely awake, and hugged his stomach with cold air.

"... They really dare to do this." The fitness coach said softly: "No one likes being hypnotized for no reason."

"It's only mild, it shouldn't matter." The fortune teller said with little certainty: "I didn't dare to look at the images again after realizing it was hypnosis."

"If the video contains half a frame of information, it is really difficult to see, but if you really think so, the sound needs to be paid attention to." Mitsui Tsukazu took a breath. Say to us: "There is a part of the sound of the band, which is inaudible to the human ear. But it can convey the information to the brain and let the brain execute in the subconscious mind. With the normal voice and a certain rhythm, it can really be done, Even the victims themselves have not been aware of it and have been brainwashed. "

"I hope this just scares myself." The fitness coach said: "If this kind of voice is really used. It is only assumed that they are actually not malicious. Isn't it?"

"Not exactly." Mitsui Tsukazu's face shined: "I used to think this kind of hypnosis method is very powerful, so for the special research, I also made a reverse cleaning device to allow certain sounds for a period of time. The implanted information is invalidated-if you can trust me. You can try it when you go back. "

"Hah ..." The fitness coach was confused with a light smile, but even I could see that she was not interested in Mitsui Tsukazu's installation at all. The things I said before are just to pass the boring talk.

"Tao Chuan, do you want to try it? Maybe it will help your condition. If it really works, help sell it." Mitsui Tsukazu's enthusiasm was a little strange, and he was judged to be two in peacetime.

"... Mr. Mitsui. Now you are like a salesman at the Mouse Club." I said, "Can you talk to me?"

Mitsui Tsukazu's expression was stagnant, like frost hitting eggplant, his body lingering down. The fitness coach and the fortuneteller looked at each other, and everyone's eyes conveyed the same meaning: Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu was really affected.

After a large expanse of boiled water, the middle-aged people on the stage looked around at the audience, and they said with a plain voice: "Next, let's take a look at the latest results of the seminar." After a while, I said to everyone, "I think everyone who can see it has already seen it. Although it is a pity for those who cannot see it, you are also very lucky, because when you realize it, You will find that your thinking speed has increased significantly compared to the past, this is because you have been updated with the thinking algorithm. Yes, a thinking mode that is better than the thinking mode you have now can also be continuously updated, To become a better thinking mode again, it is universal and basic, and can also be called 'thinking template', 'thinking algorithm'? Just how you define it, we have now designed such a thing, and supporting The instillation system can instill and reform thoughts harmlessly, wirelessly, and without side effects. "

Speaking of which, his voice has a little emotion, making people feel that his emotions are high.

"It's not just thinking patterns, instilling knowledge and interfering with the information processing part of the brain, we can all continue to go deeper. And this epoch-making achievement, a series of brain engineering, we call it: the pioneer of brain hardware. And We plan to design this system as plug-in hardware within a year, which can be implanted in the brain stem and used as a backup brain. "So, he picked up the electronic pen and drew it on the screen Simplified diagram of the combination of brain and chip, and part of the characteristic data.

"It is true that we must admit that if everyone uses the same set of thinking patterns, it will be a devastating disaster for the future of mankind." The middle-aged man's voice calmed down, saying: "So, we hope to develop There are more modes of thinking than are currently known. How many types of modes of thinking do people think? Many? Or very few? Although everyone knows the famous saying that there are 10,000 Hamlet in the eyes of ten thousand people, However, for us in psychology, this is the biggest lie in history. The fact is-"He paused here for a while before saying:" Under the influence of socialization, the thinking mode and human behavior that lead humans to behavior The knowledge they possess is stronger and more prominent in terms of commonality than personality. This also leads to the fact that human thinking patterns are not as colorful as they think. In many places, humans use the same set of methods and the same thinking , The same idea, and even the same knowledge, to judge the same thing. Then, if these parts that represent the commonality are changed Become more efficient, they also can not accept it? "

The scene was very quiet, and it seemed that even my breathing stopped. I only heard the host on the stage say in a calm voice: "The idea of ​​the seminar is to unify and optimize the commonality, and as a part of the personality, whether good or bad will stay, but I personally think that the optimized commonality and personality The inferior root of reservations will definitely create conflicts, but will lead people to self-destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the personality to the commonality. "

After all, he looked around the audience and bowed into the background.

The audience remained silent until someone made the first voice: "It's a funny joke."

Then I applauded and thought: Yes, it is really a doomsday truth.

Before my applause fell, the atmosphere in the conference room seemed to be detonated. Everyone whispered to each other's ears, and their faces were rich. Even if they couldn't hear the sound, they could fully understand his views and positions. People who had fallen asleep before were awakened, and in a few people's strange and scrutinized eyes, they asked the situation with a stunned voice. If according to the previous host, these people are guinea pigs whose mindsets have been updated, but only for a short time, it seems that from their conversations, there is nothing wrong with the previous conversations.

"Hey ... isn't that a joke?" Mitsuzuka looked at us, his forehead slightly sweating, "I can't feel that there has been any modification of his head."

Although he said so ~ ~, I, the fitness instructor and the astrologer looked at each other, and also thought of the subtlety of his previous speech. According to the moderator, human thinking patterns and psychological issues are composed of commonality and individuality, and commonality occupies the largest weight because of human's own sociality, so updating commonality will not immediately cause people to produce Significant changes, this kind of change is probably only to show a better side in social collaboration and life, but it is not against it, and even more, it is more inclined to "treat the personality gently and only let the personality The contradiction with the commonality is magnified, and people's behavior tends to be self-destructive. "

This cannot but be reminiscent of Mitsui Tsukazu's situation.

"It still needs observation." I said to Mitsui Tsukazu this way, "The moderator's point of view has not been generally recognized by the seminar, but only represents the ideas of some members. Therefore, in the overall name of the seminar, the action It will not act against the discipline, at most it will just hit the side ball, and it will not be too hard. So, now you can put in an information erasing device in your brain, you can come in handy. You do your best. It is possible to defeat the non-mainstream seminars that do not work hard. However, I believe that if you really made such a device, then the seminar will definitely leave you behind. "(Unfinished ...)


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