Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1230: Night talk

The phone was connected and there was silence in the receiver for a few seconds, only hearing Dr. Ruan Li's breathing. This voice is not fast, and it is no different than usual, let me feel relieved at once.

"Mom, it's me." I said.

"Achuan?" Dr. Ruan Li was a little surprised. She seemed to be working at this time. I heard the sound of a collision between a pen and a book moving on the table.

Her answers and emotions surprised me. According to my situation, I feel that Dr. Ruan Li's mood swings should not be like this. She was n’t worried, just wondering why I called her at this time, and it ’s not a matter of course for me to call her under such circumstances. I instantly realized that something went wrong.

"I ... remember this afternoon, the experts and I participated in the thesis report of the seminar." When I said this, I was interrupted by Dr. Ruan Li.

She didn't say anything at first, but the change in her breath made me really feel that she has some words to say, and these words must be the problem. She was silent for about three seconds before she said to me: "I understand, Achuan. You can call me, I am very happy, but what I want to tell you is that the time of your participation in the paper report meeting is not this afternoon ... but the afternoon three days ago. "

……what? I couldn't help but doubt my ears. In the afternoon three days ago? I looked around the clock next to the old telephone, and suddenly found that although the second hand was always beating, the minute hand did not seem to move at all. Maybe I remembered it wrong when I first entered the door. What number does this minute hand refer to? There is also a calendar. I scanned the whole room and found nothing in my diary.

My thoughts kept beating and I grabbed the phone on the other side and lighted the screen to check the time: there is really only time on it. The exact date cannot be found at all. I should confirm that the date of this phone should be complete. I think so, but some of the things in front of me are suggesting all kinds of abnormalities.

"Have you confirmed? What time is it today?" Dr. Ruan Li's voice rang over there in time. Her reply seemed to explain the anomaly I was currently aware of: "You can't confirm, do you? I don't think Strange. Because, you do n’t have an objective time and date indication. "

"What?" I could not help blurting out, wondering.

"You are sick." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Maybe it is difficult for you to understand, but it has happened many times in the past. You can imagine it: you are three days after the onset of illness. It is normal again, no, it should not be said completely. Normally, there are some side effects that remain, making you unable to determine the true situation you are in. "

I took a few deep breaths, and my mood gradually calmed down. As Dr. Ruan Li said now, I should have noticed it long ago. In her observation. There should be something wrong with me. The world I see is not the same as the world she sees. And this situation. It is indeed not the first time that the abnormality that I have noticed before comes from this.

"I'm in a hospital?" Although I looked around and couldn't feel it at all, I still asked. Two girls were yelling in the bathroom, and the boys started drinking. The neighbor outside the window was frolicking and ran a few people from the door. Was soaked with a large bucket of water. All this, although after the event. It seems very daily, but it's not without strange taste, especially the vomiting man I saw before. I can't explain this feeling, just like the decoration and decoration of this room. Although it has a strange and unusual feeling, unlike the preferences of normal people, it is also not a mysterious feeling full of mystery.

"Yes. I sent you to the psychiatric hospital two days ago. If you did not escape privately, then you should be in the hospital now." Dr. Ruan Li said unequivocally: "So, what are you in now?" Where? Where do you think you are? "

At this point, I have almost understood. From the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, what kind of situation is on my side: For Dr. Ruan Li, the report of what happened in the club, the attack from the 51st district, has been It is a "past tense" that has come to an end. At the time, I was in a state of illness. In order to facilitate care and diagnosis, she sent me to a mental hospital. Although I also mentioned to her long ago that I wanted to meet other patients on the same list as the seminar, especially Marceau, but I was sent off under the condition of being diagnosed accident.

The difference between the situation I describe now and what Dr. Ruan Li has observed must be in her eyes because of the side effects caused by "illness"-for example: I lost it within three days The memory of things.

I didn't answer immediately, but just asked: "Is there no specific date on my phone?"

Dr. Ruan Li calmly replied: "There is no time indication in the hospital. All the clocks and dates are incorrect. The purpose is to obscure the patient's sense of time. This is also for the convenience of treatment. You understand, Achuan . "

Yes, I can understand this.

"Your phone is the same. After entering the psychiatric hospital, we will give you a new one." Dr. Ruan Li said: "We think that this will make you less irritable."

"My previous performance was irritable?" I asked back.

"Maybe you can't use irritability to describe it, but your behavior seems to care about time." Dr. Ruan Li said: "So, I agree to make your sense of time blur."

It turned out that on her side, something like this happened. However, it is difficult for me to have a real sense of reality for these three days of vacancy. For me, after waking up, still in the conference room on the fourth floor of the building, it was a difficult situation to understand.

"When I was awake, I was in the conference room used for the report meeting." I shook my head and said to Dr. Ruan Li: "You think I ran over by myself, and then I forgot, but by myself. Is it? "

"It's possible, but I didn't see it with my own eyes, nor received a report from the hospital. Maybe you ran out of the hospital quietly tonight, maybe." Dr. Ruan Li replied with an obvious coping attitude. Then he asked: "So, Achuan, why do you think you are in the meeting room? Does that room have any special meaning to you?"

"Maybe." I hesitated. But I still repeat my cognition completely, including how we are attacked by the enemy, how do I break and defeat the enemy, and wake up after breaking away from the anomaly, it has become what it is today. I want to know, Dr. Ruan Li from his own perspective. How to observe all this.

After listening to Dr. Ruan Li, there was silence for a while. I can tell from the voice over the receiver that she was rummaging. After a while, she said to me: "It sounds like the influence of white Claudia. But there are also your own spiritual factors. At the report three days ago, the seminar guests did something. , Two people died. "

"What accident? The cause of death?" I asked.

"Someone's death is an accident in itself. The specific cause of death could not be found for the time being, but there are many signs that it is related to the influence of white Claudia." Dr. Ruan Li said: "The person who had hallucinations at the time. It ’s not just you, but it ’s not all people. The deceased should be the most severely ill, not just a mental illness. It also puts a huge burden on the physiology. Eventually, the body ca n’t bear it, and it leads to death. ”

"Not suicide?" I suddenly remembered the word "suicide".

"No, it's not that serious." Dr. Ruan Li said: "It's like a cold and fever, the body is hot and the endocrine disorder. Finally, due to serious physiological problems, death.

Her description can't help but remind me of one of the most typical ways of death for patients with doomsday syndrome. That kind of mental frenzy, but the body's physiological fever changes. Is a fairly obvious feature. In the reality of the hospital, the phenomenon of reaching the limit of the disease is placed in the illusion of doomsday, and there are many corresponding phenomena. For example, when taking "paradise", when using the super power limit, and when it is eroded by the infection of Saya.

"What was my performance at the time?" I couldn't help asking.

"Similar. I told you before that you were already a mental patient before being affected by White Claudia." Dr. Ruan Li said: "White Claudia made your condition worse, but it worsened The degree is not obvious. On the surface, it seems that it can have some kind of hallucinatory resonance and consistency with other patients affected by white Claudia. But in fact, regarding the severity, before you are infected, your mental state It ’s already pretty bad. Instead, during the period when I determined how much white Claudia would affect you, you only behaved like ordinary people. "

In the tone of Dr. Ruan Li, there is always a sense of calmness that “I have forgotten repeatedly and explained to me repeatedly, but I will forget again”. She seems to be accustomed to all this, of course, this is not good news.

Actually, I didn't forget too much. It's just ... What happened within three days of being sent to a mental hospital after the incident? If, as Dr. Ruan Li said, my memory stayed three days ago, then I should not have lost much. I took out my diary from my pocket and flipped through the contents, and said something to Dr. Ruan Li. She thinks my condition is not bad, but I don't think so.

Although he is still full of energy at this time, this break in the sense of time and cognitive deviations are very headaches.

In the diary, there is indeed no content of "three days of amnesia". In addition, I don't seem to write anything in the three days of amnesia, and the transition to the present is very smooth.

I think I should be almost able to adapt to this slightly unprepared situation.

"Mom, what should I do?" I said, "Where I am now ..." I scanned the room again and said, "It doesn't look like a mental hospital." With that said, I will encounter five male and female students , And accompanied them to the resort full of wooden houses, and explained to Dr. Ruan Li.

Dr. Ruan Li did not express an opinion immediately, but sorted out the current situation: "When you are awake, you realize that you are in the conference room, and the memory stays when you escaped the monster attack three days ago ... "When she said this, I was interrupted. I said," It's not escape, it's victory. "

"Okay." Dr. Ruan Li's tone allowed me to imagine how she shrugged. "You think, when you overcame the monster and woke up. I don't think the time has passed too long-only about ten hours, right So? You feel like you were left in that place. After that, a group of people went to the building and tried to take risks, and met you. They took you back to their residence. It was like a resort, with many wooden houses. Place, right? "

"Yes." I said.

"During this period, you did not realize the real time and date at all." Dr. Ruan Li said: "You think this is an oversight that should not be, or some kind of mysterious force is making trouble. Is it?"

"Yes." I answered.

"So, how do you feel about the resort you are in now, and the people you are in contact with?"

"It's all ordinary people. Although the decoration of the room is a bit strange, it is acceptable. Although it has a little unusual smell. But it is not that dangerous situation, and I don't think that a monster will pop up suddenly. Just I met strange people, saw strange hobbies, this feeling. "

"Very good." Dr. Ruan Li's tone sounded very satisfying. After a pause, she said: "So, now I want to tell you something. Perhaps something that will surprise you."

"What?" I asked.

"The right to develop this peninsula is entirely in the hands of private individuals." Dr. Ruan Li said: "I'm pretty sure that there is no other resort area besides the villa area on the island."

Her words really surprised me a little.

"Only the villa can accommodate tourists?" I confirmed again.

"Yes, including accommodation, food and various recreational activities, only in the villa area." Dr. Ruan Li said: "On the peninsula, in addition to the villa area and the wild ecological nature reserve, it is the hospital District. If you see a house that is different from a villa. It is not in the wild nature reserve, it must belong to a hospital. "

Here-I looked around the room. Looking out of the house through the window-everything you see belongs to a mental hospital?

I couldn't help but say to Dr. Ruan Li: "I talked to those students, they don't feel like a mental patient."

"That's because. You are a mental patient." Dr. Ruan Li's answer made me speechless.

If the kind of day-to-day strange feeling I feel is exuded from the life of a mental patient, it seems not so difficult to understand. However, it is not so easy for me to treat the people around me as mental patients based on the current situation alone.

The three boys seemed to have forgotten that I was here, drinking a little bit of a wreck. Hearing the bathroom door ringing again, the two girls surrounded the bath towels and ran out, taking a large bottle of milk from the refrigerator and pouring it in one go. I couldn't help rubbing my temples. Is there anything strange about this situation?

"Are you still there? Achuan." Dr. Ruan Li's voice came.

"Ah, yes, still." I cheered up and replied: "But I heard that the mental hospital is not on the peninsula, but near the mainland."

"That was a long time ago." Dr. Ruan Li said: "After several expansions, alterations and relocations of psychiatric hospitals, they changed hands to the seminar ... No, it should be said that when they changed hands to the sponsor of this seminar, This is not the original state. In order to create a more open environment for patients, some forest areas have been purposefully added. Although I do n’t know, the specific location of this wooden house belt in the hospital, but it is estimated It should be in the newly added forest area. "

"Mental patients, do you really need such a large area of ​​environment?" I couldn't help but question.

"Who knows? I haven't studied this area, but maybe Dallas has it." Dr. Ruan Li paused and said: "And, even if it is really useful, it probably won't be reflected in the impact of the natural environment on the patient's psychology. It ’s a less humane place. "

Dr. Ruan Li's suggestion is obvious enough. The seminar clearly pointed out that the activities of experts and patients should be concentrated in mental hospitals. As far as I know, this mental hospital is conducting research related to ‘paradise’. All this shows that this vast hospital area actually exists to cover up some dark conditions. The historical criticism of this psychiatric hospital is not too good. Every expansion will be accompanied by some tragic events. Despite this, it is still preserved, and although it keeps changing hands, it doesn't mean to close at all.

The history of the towns in the surrounding area and the many strange behaviors of the townspeople can actually be traced from the history of the mental hospital.

With this in mind, Dallas expanded the mental hospital again. A lot of "natural wild" factors have been added, which is actually not so difficult to understand. Whether it is to cover private research, or if something goes wrong, if you want to destroy the dead, this spacious natural mountain forest. All are great places.

"So, I was actually taken back to the psychiatric hospital by a group of mental patients?" I said that, and I always felt a little weird.

Dr. Ruan Li couldn't help but remain silent for a long while before saying: "... In short, you probably answered the hospital."

"But. Can the hospital allow patients to come and go as they please?" I asked, "When I returned with these five people, I didn't see the cordon."

"As far as I know, this psychiatric hospital will decide whether they live in a more free place or a more closed place according to the different conditions of the patients." Dr. Ruan Li quickly answered: "The question of how to place patients , It's very free here. "

"Is it too much freedom?" I said.

"From the researcher's point of view, a high degree of freedom means that you can try more details and more possibilities. Now that you are raising cattle and sheep, are there also centralized feeding and open grazing?" Dr. Ruan Li said : "Assuming that the people you encounter are really psychiatric patients, then. Probably not dangerous patients. This place is not far from the resort area. In development, the actual safety and security of guests It must also be considered. "

"That is to say. Those who stay here are some mental patients who look similar to ordinary people and have a mild condition?" I concluded.

"Yes, so you can stay there for one night with peace of mind." Dr. Ruan Li said: "There is nothing you need to worry about. Everything that has happened has happened, and it's all over."

Although she said. Everything that happened before is over. but. I have no real feelings. On the contrary, I now have a very strong feeling. There is a deeper continuation, which is gradually infiltrating. This shadow makes this seemingly relatively safe place also become less safe. Everyday and weirdness are intertwined, and there is no mysterious anomaly, which has begun to change the taste.

Three days.

I lost three days.

The enemy is enough to prepare for another attack in these three days.

Although, logically, if they need a "paradise", they should not interrupt the research here before the "paradise" is tried successfully. However, there are precedents in the 51st district. Who can be sure that they have other ideas, and whether they need to put "paradise" on the first goal? Even if the factors of Dr. Ruan Li and I are excluded, just mentioning the seminar already has enough factors for other mysterious experts to act, because the doomsday truth is indeed here.

Similarly, because the doomsday truth religion is in the seminar, the seminar must be extremely unstable. The doomsday truth religion observed by Dr. Ruan Li is also undergoing structural and conceptual changes, and Dr. Ruan Li, who is one of them, must be clear about this.

"Is everyone else okay?" I asked about the situation of fitness coaches, fortune tellers and Mitsui Tsukazu ~ ~ They and I personally experienced the abnormalities on the third floor of the building. How did they interact with Ruan? What did Dr. Li say? What happened to their cognition after they were rescued?

"Well, it's okay. They are worried about you." Dr. Ruan Li just said so.

I couldn't help but ask again: "Mom, do you think they are also influenced by white Claudia?"

Dr. Ruan Li was silent for a moment and replied: "How they think it doesn't matter. Don't forget that they are not the first time they have happened. On the way to here, they also took your medicine."

"Is there hallucination, must it be White Claudia's reason?" I asked back.

"The key is that after taking the medicine, there is an effect." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Obviously, in them, there is indeed a little effect, which is why I look forward to them, but for now, they It is still not possible to get rid of the influence of white Claudia completely. Their mental state is collapsing little by little. "(To be continued)

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