Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1347: Ghosts

There is not much that can be reversed in the current situation on the peninsula. Being able to protect some people is already my limit. Even if the opponent moves more than I can expect, even if I am close to full strength, the number of people who can protect linear decrease. This is both an unpredictable "mystery" and a disadvantage in human hands, and it also symbolizes the irreparable meaning of "lesions". The Doomsday Illusion itself is not a normal place, and there are too many conscious factors that determine the direction of this world. The things that mysterious organizations such as Internet **** can do are not something I can do. Just as I am not clear about the meaning and help of a large organization, if there are enough mysterious experts on my side, If they are closely organized, there will probably be more and better ways to deal with the current situation. In the past, I also thought about the meaning of Whisperer's existence and its development model. This time there are some differences between Doom Illusion and "Whisperer" in the past Doom Illusion, but the answer I finally got is still unable to turn it into A large mysterious organization similar to a cyber ball.

The whisperer is only a partial door, and it is more like a small mysterious organization that is more inclined to the meaning of the vocabulary of the "mysterious organization" itself. There are many factors that determine this result, the lack of ability, and a fate-like **** are one of them. Observing the doomsday illusion from the perspective of the hospital ’s reality, it is easy to draw this conclusion: the whisperer has an inherent disadvantage in developing his own organizational structure, and this disadvantage depends on the situation of the whisperer ’s members and the relative whisperer The meaning of "virus".

Obviously, the network ball and the doomsday truth religion can grow because it has such a meaning itself, not by someone, but a symbol of "disease". As long as the effective serum against "viruses" is not researched in one day, the Doomsday Religion will continue to expand. Although the online ball is also expanding and fighting back, it is destined to fall into the overall situation.

What about whispers? The whisperer has no meaning. From the perspective of "hospital reality", its core members, although they are also patients with special doomsday syndrome, are not able to have a stronger competitiveness by themselves.

If you want to put so much pressure on Misaki and Bajing with only personality fragments left, it would be too cruel. It also goes far beyond the "Gaochuan" idea. They can do their best to save themselves, but they are not rescuers. After I realized this, I was no longer keen to develop whisperers. The whisperers only serve as their shelter, which is enough for now. Assuming that the whisperer has the possibility of growth, I also refuse to let it bear the more terrible future that comes with this possibility.

This is an illusion of doomsday, not the theme of peace. Without any mysterious ideal reality, all struggles will face the evil of the end of the fall, and it is impossible to have a good ending.

Yes, doomsday illusion is determined from the beginning of birth. This is a tragic world. If you want to change it, you can't do it by relying solely on human resources to promote it from within. This is also the decisive difference between the cyber ball and the doomsday truth. No matter how strong the cyber ball is, how good and noble it will inevitably lag behind the doomsday truth, and it can only become a tragic hero.

It may be difficult to confirm this now, but I believe that many mysterious experts have already felt this kind of signs. This kind of struggle will only catalyze the fate of the vicious ending. From every mysterious event, there will be a hint of breath, and the more it is to solve the mysterious event. The more you will breathe this kind of breath, eventually leading any hopeful mysterious expert to step into despair.

For those who only regard the illusion of doomsday as their own world, most people will think that the chance of falling into the doomsday will not be 100%, and as long as they find the right opportunity to strengthen themselves. You can get a glimpse of the nodes that change your destiny, and this is the original intention of the establishment of the network ball, and whether it is the last doomsday illusion or the current doomsday illusion, are believed by many people. But the "script" of the Doomsday Realm is extremely cruel, much more cruel than what the prophets and mysterious experts in cyberballs can predict and feel.

The whole doomsday illusion is a tragedy with distinct roles. Each special role is given a special meaning, and these meanings are throughout the whole drama, just to strengthen the inevitability of drama and ending. The script strongly fiddles with each one. Characters, highlight their charm, and then destroy them in the final sense. This is a drama starring human beings, but not a human being.

"The real protagonist is the flying insect." I murmured, this is the whisper that has been echoed in the depths of the heart, and I believe this is the inspiration from "Jiang".

and so--

"The only thing that can really save humans is the flying insect itself." I said to Fu Jiang in this way.

However, "Fujiang", who is a humanoid river, seemed unable to understand. She asked, "What did you say?" She didn't seem to hear it clearly, which was very unreasonable. With Fu Jiang's own ability, he will never be confused. And such a situation is just one of the many special situations that I have verified in the past, and it has occurred to Renxingjiang. Renxing Jiang also has his own role, and the "lines" and "scenarios" outside the role have never affected them. From this perspective, although the human form Jiang is full of emotions, full of flesh and blood, distinct and unique, and with the ultimate mystery, but it is a role that has no change than anyone.

They will only be humanoid rivers, and will not become anything else. They will only do what humanoid rivers will do, but will not do anything beyond. This is completely different from the ideal human being who constantly transforms himself and tries to create miracles.

So, as long as they are not fooled by their human appearance, it is not too difficult to see through their "not human" nature.

They are not "puppets" but only "non-humans". Therefore, any answers obtained by observing them from human nature are actually mostly wrong. Instead of observing them from "human nature", it is something that cannot be done by human beings. Therefore, the conclusion that "Human Xingjiang is also a monster that humans cannot understand" is thus established.

My lover, my wife, my partner, my partner, my safety valve, my final weapon, this one in front of me is called Fu Jiang and has a healthy and beautiful female appearance. It's actually not a person, but a monster.

Because it is a monster, so think about what she does. Why this is so, why there are so many unexplainable situations in her, is meaningless.

I know that in Fu Jiang, relative to human logic, relative to normal people and normal mental patients. Even the mysterious expert human being with super common sense has many unreasonable and incomprehensible places. But now, I no longer care about this kind of thing, but only accept these situations as fait accompli.

Fu Jiang asked me what I plan to do next. In fact, I want to know more about her idea. I think her proposal must be meaningful from her inhuman perspective, although I may not understand it. But those ideas are useless and even unrealistic. However, since the premise is to assume that it must be meaningful, it may make people want to understand something.

Even if you think about it clearly, or think that you think about it already, it doesn't make any sense for the actual situation to change. But this is already a habit of mine.

"A Jiang, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"If you don't take the initiative to attack, you can only wait, see the tricks. Anyway, choose one of two. There is nothing to hesitate." Fu Jiang's tone was very casual, without any worries. She has no mission, idea or responsibility to save anyone, and I want to rescue as many people as possible while waiting for the mysterious organization's plan to be completed. The situation in which the two plans are in conflict is quite different.

I am a very contradictory person. And I observed Fu Jiang, but it was very clean, thorough, and free of impurities, which is also what attracted me to her.

"I thought a lot--" I said that. But she was interrupted immediately.

"There is no need to think so much," she said.

Of course I know what she meant, but the act of generating ideas itself was no longer under my control long ago. I can control the movements of the body, but I can't stop the thoughts like the eruption of a volcano and the turbulence of the sea. At every moment in my mind, there are unstoppable ideas, and these ideas are all divergent and cannot be concentrated on a certain problem. In such a situation, it seems that I am not alone in Gaochuan, but almost now, As long as it is "Gaochuan", it cannot be avoided.

This is not so much an inertial behavior or instinct, but rather a phenomenon of "lesion". As far as I know, the situation of mental patients with anxiety disorders is somewhat similar.

Even though the thoughts in my mind continue to spread, I still remain sensitive enough to the outside world. Therefore, I rarely neglect something because of my loss, and eventually fall under my own mistakes.

Ordinary mental patients cannot do this.

Although Fu Jiang told me not to think so much, I can only show my frustration. Fu Jiang didn't respond much, wasn't effective in his persuasion, and he didn't have any emotion of excitement, because the reaction was too dull, so it didn't look like a human. If it is a stranger, such a reaction is nothing, but she is my wife.

I ’m not complaining, because the human form Jiang is not a person, is it? Therefore, Fu Jiang's reaction is not the same as ordinary human love, but it is normal.

Fu Jiang sat by the window, as if listening to the rain, and the atmosphere in the house became quieter. The enclosed environment and the warm fire give people a particularly sleepy sense of security.

"Have you heard it?" After a while, the sound that got into my ears woke me up suddenly. I seemed to doze off, and I didn't know how long ago it was.

"It didn't take long, less than five minutes." Fu Jiang said, she didn't know when, she had come behind me, and I was being held in her arms. She was the most energetic guy in this room, and there seemed to be something that caught her attention. I listened carefully. Sure enough, after a while, I heard a sporadic voice. In such a rainy day, I did n’t pay attention. Even the enhanced facial features of the mysterious experts would ignore them.

The sound was very unique, and the location was irregular. Sometimes it was inside the house, sometimes outside. It was described as if the sound of something wet and soft was cut. But it is necessary to distinguish what material is cut, but it cannot be done. After I listened, I could only confirm one thing: the voice was approaching here.

Sparks and crisp sounds suddenly burst into the fire, the flames in the fireplace rose sharply, and the sound and shadow in the house shook violently with the sound of whistling.

Something strange happened! My body tensed suddenly, and the breath unique to the mysterious event was drilling through every pore of mine.

Looking out of the window, I saw one figure suddenly appeared like this, less than ten meters away from the wooden house, and it was blurred by the rain curtain. When and where were they? There is no way to judge.

From a distance, it looks like a tall, slender human, floating slowly, like a ghost. But that was obviously not a ghost in the sense of common sense. I felt malicious, and the warm and plump body behind it also became wet and cold at this moment. The person behind me hugged me tightly, but I was not sure whether that was Fu Jiang.

I feel the sight, they are staring at me, passing from behind, holding my power more and more, like a shackle.

"Fu Jiang?" I slowly turned my head.

"It's me." The voice said, but it wasn't exactly the voice of Fujiang I was familiar with.

I turned my head completely, but the scene in front of me was completely different from a minute ago.

Something like Fujiang ~ ~ seems to be the shadow of sitting up from a flat ground. Although the outline still has Fujiang's shape, it does not have more three-dimensional details and looks as thin and light as paper. But this is the kind of thing that hugs me tightly, or rather, wraps me with unnaturally long hands.

It is completely a monster. Thinking so, some turbulent emotions in my heart calmed down quickly.

It is impossible for Fu Jiang to be defeated in this way, so it is likely that I was isolated.

"Ghost nightmare?" I couldn't help but think it was intuitive, and I smelled familiar.

While thinking about this, the figures of Mitsui Tsukazu lying in different places, the fortune-tellers and fitness coaches also began to melt, faded, and turned into fuzzy shadow-like things. They turned around and looked at me.

The ghost nightmare, the mystery that accompanies the appearance of the electronic demon, is also the "raw material" for the specific electronic demon messenger to form its own inherent enchantment, and has a certain connection with the electronic demon messenger himself. And I remember that my ghost nightmare had already been destroyed. So, was it pulled into someone's ghost nightmare? I intuitively feel that it is not an inherent barrier, but a nightmare. (To be continued.)

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