Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1366: 4 out of 10

readx; Although it is theoretically an unlimited bombardment, it has no effect if you continue to attack. I feel the deep maliciousness from this dimensionality-reduced world. This is a more powerful "mystery" than the usual "intrinsic enchantment". "It must be the power of the repeater that supports it behind it. For the repeater I have seen, it is not difficult to complete such a special and unpredictable new world. The scale and degree of the "mystery" it possesses depend on Novsky's control of the power of the repeater, and in theory, all the "miracles" that have been shown by all repeaters have never arrived. Its limit.

Repeaters are so strong. And Novsky is as strong as he is, and it is not beyond my expectations, although this situation is really tricky.

Although did not escape, did it not do its best? Although he did not dodge, can he obtain intelligence if he faces the attack directly? In other words, it was deliberately not avoided. I guessed.

The actual destruction efficiency of the infinite gun in the world of dimensionality reduction, I was a little disappointed. Although the scale is magnificent, the armed looks are also full of shock. Whether you look at it with your eyes or feel the momentum, you will have more expectations for its power.

"But-it's still over." The base of ky3001 began to shrink, and it wasn't that the intercepted hedge data was exhausted. In fact, as long as this dimensionality-reducing world still exists, data hedging will happen every moment, just The high-strength shelling in exchange for the huge volume did not achieve the desired effect. In the next battle, the huge volume will become a burden and a weakness.

I have always understood that the real test is not from the beginning whether "Takakawa Infinite Cannon can hit monsters". It is because the monster's first blow after the counterattack can bear it.

——Four-level magic pattern is on

——Search the messenger consciousness, and connect the subconscious information

——Expand the preset mode and input it into the self-construction frame

——Cube system transformation started

The Rubik's Cube system reassembles the hedge data. Formed a heavy armor, wrapped me all around. The dust in the air was pulled by huge force and merged into the back of the armor. Form a huge flap.

Ky3001 builds the eighth model, using the strongest defense I have ever seen as a model, and the appearance is naturally similar to the one selected as the reference object-Fujiang in the form of a knight wing. Although the use of four levels of magic patterns, combined with the Rubik's cube system to prevent the wing knight dress. It is impossible to reach the level of the winged knight Fujiang in the illusion of the past apocalypse, but it is also the form with the strongest defensive power so far.

This is ... an arrangement made in advance for all elemental life and another Gaochuan's prosthesis in order to prevent some emergency situations. I always feel that it will be used one day, but I didn't expect that it would be so fast, that there would be no way to defeat the enemy. They ca n’t escape, and the chance of dodge is extremely slim. Instead, they need to improve their defense to save their lives. If there is no Level 4 Mageweave, now we can only sigh. The adaptability of Level 4 Mageweave to the combat environment is really second to none. It took only three seconds to complete the change of form.

The dust and smoke in front of them dispersed, and Novsky was inlaid on the square boulder.

This boulder does not exist originally, it is like a simple improvised city wall. Novsky was embedded in it, and huge cracks spread on the stone surface. However, it is such a thing that seems to be made of stone, which prevents the spread of the power of the "superluminal shell".

If we say that there is no constraint on the dimensionality reduction environment. I absolutely do not believe it.

Novsky's appearance looks a bit bleak, and the restraint has many damaged areas, but it has not been completely destroyed. The thing I am most wary of is the monster in front of me, although a "loser" gesture. Honestly embedded in the boulder, but it makes people think that it is intentional.

Deliberately presented this gesture.

Is like acting.

"Ah, ah! It's so strong! Since it can hurt me like this!" It suddenly called out loud, full of irony: "You think this should be my line? Mr. Gao Chuan."

"No ..." After three seconds, I spoke for the first time.

"The so-called caricature is the same thing. After the opponent releases a big move, if he is hit head-on, he must pose as the loser, in order to make people think-wow, that blow is so strong- And so on. "Novowski said," This is common in any country's comics. But on the other hand, in the end, in order to make people feel happy, of course it is impossible to end like this. Fighting, because, for a long time before, of course, it ca n’t be the plot to kill the miscellaneous fish. The worst should also be the plot of Qifeng ’s opponents, but if it is to surprise people— ”

In order to surprise people-I think so-activate power and reverse the outcome.

Novsky pulled his body out of the crack, and shattered the tattered restraint body, revealing a completely blackened but well-defined body, leaving only a mask covering the head of the nose. The previous dismalness, like disguised cloth, was shredded together by the connecting restraint.

"It will be like this." It said so, exuding a more oppressive momentum than before, "Intact, more upstairs, and then, the former loser will say--"

"The next step is forty percent of the effort." I went on casually, but the heart's beating rate has started to be abnormal. This is a fear of survival instinct. The most dangerous blow that was expected before is now!

"Just let you see the real strength!" It said so, as I thought.

Although it is fast enough in the eyes of ordinary people to complete the dress of the Fake Wing Knight in three seconds, but in the face of Novsky, who can reach the speed of light, three seconds is enough to kill dozens or hundreds of rounds. Since it has only been expressed now, it is of course intentional to let me dress. The possibility of obtaining information on Level 4 Mageweave messenger in District 51 is still further magnified. Perhaps in the eyes of Novsky, my performance disappointed him, but it may also expect it, just because I still ca n’t Use it for the strength of Level 4 Mageweaver.

Even so, the determination to kill me should not change. It will be under the current constraints. Complete the strongest possible blow, and you will never intentionally keep your hand again just because you want intelligence.

In many stories, the plot develops to this stage. It must be very bloody. In the face of an enemy who is finally serious, if it is a qualified protagonist, of course it is necessary to "strike back in desperation." However, for me, this is not an exciting situation. Facing such a monster. It is not a normal combat situation at all, and has experienced too many things, but it makes me feel that there is something in the situation in front of me that can make my heart boil.

I don't feel excited, just trouble. Because, in terms of "script" and Novsky's "character identity", this is a battle that would never have won.

Yes, fighting monsters will not be fun at all. Stimulation is enough excitement, however, a battle that is impossible to win cannot be boiled. It is precisely because it is impossible to win, so the other party will be regarded as a "monster". The meaning of the word "monster" lies here.

Novsky's performance is more exciting than I am, perhaps in its consciousness, this battle should have been challenging. While challenging, it will also become the ultimate winner. Just because you can win. So we must chase fun and excitement. Conversely, if you know that you will only lose, and the probability of winning exists, it will never become a fact. Its attitude and my attitude will be exchanged with each other.

I am silent, the fully covered knight helmet, with another mystery, readjusted the connection and coordination of the visual field and the chain judgment observation. Although from the beginning, there were plans to incorporate such a function. It appears in this armor, however, how exactly it is done, I am completely unclear. Because although I have thought about doing this, I don't know where to start.

The current form is probably completely constructed by the four-level magic pattern running on its own-just because I want to do it, so it helped me complete it.

Ignoring the hustle and bustle of Novsky, it is possible to launch a blow at any time, and to talk to it is completely meaningless. It will not reveal information, nor will it be merciless, and the meaning that the conversation is trying to achieve does not exist in it. If it does not attack, I will not rush to attack, so and so, staring quietly at this monster.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ... Comprehensive observations began to stabilize, the scope of observations began to expand again, and soon a model was built in mind, drawing a conclusion: the actual area of ​​this dimensionality-reduced world It can be regarded as very small, but it can also be regarded as infinitely large, because in the area ten meters away, the same factors begin to appear repeatedly. From a scientific point of view, there will not be two identical lands in the world, nor will there be two identical rivers. However, in this dimension-reduced world, its area is as wide as it would be only one hundred square The areas are copied and stitched together.

Because, when Novsky operates dimensionality reduction, is it necessary to bear the load? When it uses "mystery", it is of course different from the situation that the Mageweave messenger uses its own superpowers, but is its excess burden caused by this difference? I thought calmly.

The fourth second from which it said "true strength" passed. In the fifth second, a terrible intuition prompted me to launch a quick sweep and barely jump into the air, but a strangling force still wanted to be one One hand grabbed my right ankle. The armor made an amazing twisting sound, as if it would be pulled down with the calf in the next blink of an eye.

The next moment, this part of the armor was lifted. I detonated this part, creating a lot of smoke and dust, and changing my direction of action in the dusty smoke at a rapid speed. If this dimensionality-reduced world has boundaries, what will the boundaries look like? How different are the strengths of the border area and the center area?

If I can, I want to try it and walk in one direction to the end. However, in the next blink of an eye, Novsky's figure was already on par with me.

"It's not over yet." It said so, I immediately felt it, another feeling different from the fifth second, but it was still very destructive. In the image of the mind, the extra "dashed line" suddenly appears around me, and the "solid line" that constitutes my profile is being "dashed". And the first place is the right ankle that was strangled by the strange power before.

The speed sweep has been forcibly activated. Although it surpassed the parallel Novowski in a moment and completed the steering, this relatively fast lasted less than one second, and the distance pulled was taken by Nov in the next second. Skye made up and came back. When I jumped into the air, the speed sweep was like a short circuit. For a short moment, I felt a sense of stall that I never experienced-I ca n’t control my own path as easily as I usually do. The sudden inertia caused his body to break away from the predetermined route. Although it was only a moment, the strong difference in the pool, and the excessively precise speed and route calculations, after the mistakes occurred, the huge errors that caused me were a bit distracted.

It took less than one tenth of a second, and I was back to normal, but for high-speed warfare, even if it is only one tenth of a second ~ ~ is already long enough.

Only exists in the observation images in my mind. The outline of my right ankle up to the lower leg was replaced by a "dashed line". it mean--

I seem to understand a little bit.

Novsky passed by me again, squatted down, turned around, kicked high, and hit my chin directly. This weird and tricky route was what I used to do when I was skimming. As long as the speed is fast enough, the angle is tricky enough, and the attacked part is the key, then even holding a small knife can kill the enemy well, without worrying about the enemy's counterattack after failure. First, the enemy cannot react, and secondly, even if it does, it is because the angle is tricky. In most cases, there is only the option of "prevent this attack first", and interception and cross-attack cannot be given priority.

Novsky does not seem to use this kind of trick, but it deliberately imitated my trick. It was like provocation.

Is just such a provocation, and it is of no use to me, but if this series of attacks is regarded as a cover for the first strike. Then, indeed, the real killer has taken shape. (To be continued.)


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