Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1374: Her paradise

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I deeply understand that for Dr. Ruan Li, she is not too concerned about what is happening on the peninsula. She knows she is in danger, but she is not desperate about the danger. What really upset her was still the sign of the end-time process that was revealed behind this incident. The "real world" in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li is the world where she exists, and in order to fully understand the threat that white Claudia poses to this world, people on the entire peninsula today, even if they were originally companions of the seminar In her eyes, she already possesses the nature of a test subject.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There is still a chance for human beings. Doomsday can be stopped. If you want to stop the doomsday, you must study the white Claudia. However, preventing the end and destroying Claudia, or replacing Claudia, is not necessarily direct. Connection. Treating Claudia White cautiously is a prerequisite for victory. In the view of Dr. Ruan Li, the experiments carried out by other people at the seminar today are all manifestations of carelessness. This kind of carelessness is not only because they have been infected themselves, but also become mentally ill. They also have the idea of ​​being careless and expanded after the infection.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Even if it is, don't blame them too much. This is proof of ambition, and it is also part of the current human nature can not get rid of and conquer." Dr. Ruan Li said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Seminar's research on white Claudia and the development of "paradise" have been biased towards a arrogant and manic direction. They think that the results they get will be the best of both worlds as they think. It is said that Dr. Ruan Li, who has always been cautious in denying these behaviors, is an outlier. He is retreating, conservative, and not aggressive. Even so, they still need Dr. Ruan Li's technology.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Similar to today's things, they have done many times." Dr. Ruan Li said: "They don't even bother to cover up. They leave me with enough research resources. At the same time, they will also let patients come over to harass and exert pressure. They deliberately created an extremely urgent environment. By stimulating my emotions, I accelerated the release of my creativity. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The mental patient's impact on the research institution under the intentional guidance of others-it turns out that in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, are these mysterious experts rounding up and impacting her? Although I judged that Dr. Ruan Li was only deeply under the pressure deliberately created by the seminar, and had to undergo transfer and lurking, but. The details are different, because at the beginning, they have different perceptions of the identity of the people involved in the event, and the things they finally see are completely different.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You came with those three people, in a sense, it was just the right time. I also want to actually look at what your interaction with these patients will look like. After all, past information, I They are all obtained through the analysis of your diary directly. I will not deliberately make your condition attack. I don't want to do this. Please believe me, Achuan. "Dr. Ruan Li looked at me with sincere eyes. Maybe she didn't know, even if she did it on purpose. I will never blame her.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I came to this place under her guidance, and the series of events that were produced were very clearly explained.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp My interaction with other mysterious experts, and even the final battle with the monster of Novsky, from the point of view of Dr. Ruan Li, it is what she guides, my special patient, and these are white Interaction between Claudia infected mental patients. And she monitors this interaction. Come to seek answers to some questions and verify the results of your research. I clashed with those people. It was totally as expected by Dr. Ruan Li, but. I would receive such a serious injury, but it was a bit unexpected. Even so, the biggest gain was not that I defeated those people, but that during this battle, the emergence of Zhenjiang and Fujiang.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For Dr. Ruan Li, "Zhenjiang" and "Fujiang" are not only the false existence that I constructed with my own illusions, but also have extremely strong and deep psychological phenomena and subconscious expressions, and more The interaction with other patients has caused the other patients to be extremely strongly affected, and thus showed interference with the white Claudia's mental erosion. This is the only time in all the existing programs that have actually been recorded, and it has a mental level effect on patients with white Claudia's mental erosion, and even abnormal changes have occurred.

The information recorded by & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp has an indescribable role in promoting the problem of "how to interfere with white Claudia".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although it is impossible to make everyone show their "real river" and "rich river", it does not make sense, but if it can be clarified, the essence of "real river" and "rich river" and me And others can see their reasons, maybe they can make medicines with fewer side effects. By taking the medicine, they can interfere with the white Claudia ’s mental influence a little bit, and make the patient produce “antibodies”-Dr. Ruan Li is quite Seriously, think in this direction.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In her view, the changes in my mental state and the spiritual level of interaction with other patients, all the data that may be collected are the keys to further perfecting the "paradise".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So far, she has studied two kinds of "paradise".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is superficial, the effect is extremely conservative, but also the one with the least side effects. Taking this "paradise" is like extending an invisible hand and gently touching the white Claudia, maybe This tiny and cautious behavior can avoid White Claudia's counterattack as much as possible. This kind of medicine, in fact, in terms of the expected effect, is also just a preliminary product that paves the way for further products. It is not really the final product of "paradise" in the true sense. Although the seminar was dissatisfied with such a conservative product, part of the relevant information was still inevitable. Because, what the seminar wants, the effect is stronger, although the risk is greater, but it belongs to the "paradise" of the expected effect of the finished product, and this part of the information is just needed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and the other one is covered under the "paradise" on this surface. With reference to the ideas of the seminar, a theoretical component called "Human Completion Plan" was added to create an alternative "paradise". Part of this "paradise" development thinking and route is taken from the crazy plan of the seminar, therefore. It cannot be denied that this drug is also very radical in nature. However, the effect seems to be different from the seminar research.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The biggest difference. It is because the drug's feedback on "" is stronger, in the expected effect. It will promote the changes in the body from the spiritual level, and use the spiritual changes as the driving force to perfect the defects in the body. This creates a "human" spirit and complete unity, which is uniformly exclusive to White Claudia.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp, Dr. Ruan Li has mentioned before, not knowing what its essence is, but it is also possible that the white Claudia of alien species is not only changing the human spirit, but also physically changing the planetary environment. So far, no method has been found to prevent and reverse. However, to look at the impact of white Claudia on human survival in this way, it has become simple-just like the extinction of species on the planet in the past, in the face of changes in the unchangeable living environment, humans have to let themselves go Adapt to the new environment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is hidden under the surface of the "paradise", which is more radical and integrated into the "Human Completion Plan" paradise, it is to gradually transform the human being from the spirit to the top. Let human beings better adapt to the environment strongly influenced by white Claudia and continue to survive. It is not a means of treating nature and transforming nature as in the past. Try to fight or use white Claudia.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The so-called "Human Completion" is the "Completion" for "White Claudia".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThis is one of the alternative plans made by psychologists, biologists and medical experts for "White Claudia".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and other scientific experts, such as physicists, philosophers, sociologists, mathematicians, etc., also have their own perspectives on "white Claudia" and alternative plans for targeted treatment, and It is also being implemented, but their plan, of course, will not be a "human completion plan."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This repeater world, when the doomsday process has been recognized. The series of actions that took place are indeed "worldwide."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and the human response of the whole world. And the number of ongoing experimental studies in the entire world, and even the troubles that were born because of these studies. Dr. Ruan Li takes it for granted that what is happening on this peninsula is actually not worth mentioning.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the final analysis, the seminar here is nothing more than a small research organization affiliated to the Doomsday Truth Church spontaneously generated by this repeater world. The high-level of the seminar seemed to be high and shady, but its human status was only the leader of a small subordinate organization.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspHere, this kind of intense struggle is only an insignificant link in the whole world pattern.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the case.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, from my perspective, the current situation is not normal. The so-called "normal" is just Dr. Ruan Li's own observation. I can't ignore what I can observe.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After all, I can only do what I feel I have to do.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "How does your right foot feel?" Dr. Ruan Li explained the current situation a little and did not continue this topic. Although she was inquiring about my injury, but what was my injury, in fact, she knew best.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "No consciousness at all. Really not crippled?" I couldn't help asking.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The operation was very successful." Dr. Ruan Li said, paused, adding: "It's just that there is one final treatment procedure that has not been carried out."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What?" I was a little surprised, but there seemed to be a voice telling me what kind of treatment procedures it was. The plan I will embrace here is actually decided by Dr. Ruan Li before I even stepped into this land. This has nothing to do with whether I have seen Zhenjiang and Fujiang, whether I have embraced a warm female corpse, and whether it has been a battle with other mysterious experts. As long as I have not died, it will not affect Dr. Ruan Li's plan.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Take a paradise." Dr. Ruan Li didn't have a joke color, staring at me and said, "It's time, Achuan. In fact, during your coma, the part of the paradise specially made for you, not only It has been completed, and the final data you brought, there are preliminary research results into the formula, which makes the effect of this special medicine more theoretically more obvious than originally expected. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "After taking it, my right foot will recover?" I couldn't help confirming.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Yes. It's not just the right foot. Your body, your spirit, everything about you will produce a change that exceeds the current human strength." Dr. Ruan Li said: "You will become under the influence of white Claudia , A new human being that can survive normally and grow constantly. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The new man ... does not sound like a good name. I remember in the story, such a person will always lead a miserable life." I ridiculed, but I would not object to taking drugs. Because this is a medicine specially made for me by Dr. Ruan Li, and what is contained in it is her greatest effort and expectation so far.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dr. Ruan Li listened to my ridicule and also showed a gentle smile. She walked to the instrument and fiddled with it, and took a test tube out of the air-dumping box.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The medicines contained in the test tubes are purplish red, but also bring a very clear and transparent feeling to the individual.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is the last step." Dr. Ruan Li stood in front of me and did not hand over the medicine immediately, as if to ask me to confirm again.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I stared at this fuchsia potion.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp——It's really like it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is awesome. In the past doomsday illusion, the "paradise" that you see, and even, is like the high-concentration "paradise" that Senior Shirai used to take, beyond the limits of his body.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp How can this be?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp What I foresee is that in the past doomsday illusions, the reproduction of the "paradise" of the doomsday truth is not in the hands of the seminar, but in the hands of Dr. Ruan Li?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough I think so, I decided to take it myself to determine the effect ~ ~ There is no doubt that in the past doomsday illusion, "paradise" is effective even for the third-level Mageweaver. And I have also experienced "Paradise" many times. Although the "paradise" is very unfriendly to ordinary people, it is also not friendly to the mysterious experts. However, in the face of over-spec enemies, all beneficial and temporarily beneficial must be used. "Paradise" is such a kind of irritating thing that clearly knows it is bad but can save lives when it matters.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I was silent for less than a second, and I resolutely reached out and took the test tube in the hands of Dr. Ruan Li.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The fuchsia liquid flashes cruel and cold light from time to time in the sloshing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is ... Paradise!" While Dr. Ruan Li was watching, I pulled out the stopper and drank the liquid in one breath. (To be continued)

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