Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1411: The slit between dream and reality

Looking down from the high tower in the hospital, the scenery a few nautical miles away gives people an open aesthetic feeling. However, at this moment, in the heart of Dr. Ruan Li, he did not feel the leisure of this aesthetic feeling. She stood by the window sill, but all she thought was experiment. These days, she had dreams of similar content several times. The specific content of the dream, she can't remember after waking up, but generally there is a feeling of "the content of the dream is coherent, like a TV series", and there seems to be another person in the dream who is interested in- —The boy who has died.

Gao Chuan ...

Is it because the pressure during this period is too great and the energy invested is too much, which leads to daily thoughts and night dreams? Dr. Ruan Li thinks so, but in reality, she doesn't believe the idea of ​​daydreaming and dreaming. However, it is not consistent with her style to say that she is totally against it. It is just that the theory of "thinking of the day and dreaming of the night" explained in a popular way is actually quite wrong in her research theory.

Dr. Ruan Li is a psychologist who was employed on this isolated island to study the psychological impact of a strange condition called "dooms syndrome" on patients. Of course, using words to describe, it seems that life on the island's hospital is very ordinary, but the difficulties and dangers that are actually faced are far from being affordable by ordinary people. That is not because the harsh external natural environment brings people suffering, but because the things that he is studying have been accompanied by the research process, and those things that are gradually staged, people feel a kind of invisible, but it is like Noose gradually tightened the pressure.

At first, Dr. Ruan Li came to the island with a strong enterprising spirit, but now, Dr. Ruan Li does not think that something like "aggressive" is pushing his footsteps. I will not mention the frauds on the island for the time being, and the research projects on the island will naturally attract the sight of prying eyes. The members in charge of the project are superior in ability, but the heart is not uniform, however, compared to facing that weird and terrible. The so-called "virus", the situation gradually guided by these complex people's hearts, appears to be less unacceptable.

However, it is precisely because people's psychology and actions begin to give people a sense of "irrelevance". Instead, the threat posed by the "virus" becomes more scary.

Nowadays, almost everyone in the hospital, no matter who he or she is, no matter who he is for, no matter what kind of abacus. No matter how dull it is, it is impossible to ignore the panic that filled the hospital.

During this time, many things happened that almost changed everyone's mind. Although the situation is too complicated, not many people can sort out a clear outline in their hearts, but there are too many omens to let People have an unknown hunch. Just like an earthquake, mice and cockroaches will run out of a swarm of bees. What is about to happen makes people sensitive. As sharp as mice and cockroaches.

Because, it is a bad thing that happens to the "person" itself.

Dr. Ruan Li could not describe the whole situation in words. However, the death of his tutor Dr. Hawke and some inexplicable "legacy" left and right before and after the death were enough Dr. Li is more able than others to grasp the breath of bad luck.

Dr. Ruan Li ’s mentor is Dr. Hawke, however, the details of the two are different in the field of expertise. Therefore, the two have not worked together for a long time. Until entering the island, Dr. Ruan Li also retained the status of Dr. Hawke's student and held different positions than Dr. Hawke. For the patient, it is just a pure psychophysiotherapist, and then, further speaking, is the attending psychologist of the special experimental body "Gaochuan".

However, before Dr. Hawke died. Dr. Ruan Li did not intervene in the research on physiotherapy drugs, but only used the finished drugs, provided feedback after observation, daily psychological judgment and diagnosis and treatment of "Gaochuan", etc., without much research work.

Of course, in private, Dr. Ruan Li will also summarize his work experience and carry out some research involving his own clinical trial experience theory. However, because there is not much support, it is only a very small-scale trial.

All of this, within a short period of time before and after the news of Dr. Hawke's death, had a decisive change.

Firstly, driven by many complicated factors, he had to join the lurking team in the hospital, so that his research treatment has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Afterwards, the official official team recognized by the hospital, a front-line research team led by Dr. Ander, decided to transfer the responsibilities that Dr. Hawk had shouldered during his lifetime, and to make himself a heavy burden among the researchers in the entire hospital.

Both formal and hidden identities are so heavy, if only that, Dr. Ruan Li still believes that with his perseverance, he can overcome the difficulties.

However, the most critical point almost destroyed her confidence.

Dr. Ruan Li found himself suffering from doomsday syndrome.

Yes, just like her mentor, like the patients she had seen, she was infected with the "virus" and suffered the same terminal illness.

Compared with the cancer and AIDS known as the current terminal illness, the despair brought to the patients by the doomsday syndrome is unmatched by the latter. The more they remember this despair and terror.

In fact, according to our own investigation of existing patients, the conclusion is that "theoretically, no one in the whole world can be completely free from the interference of" viruses. " However, in the past, people who were not infected with "viruses" and did not trigger doomsday syndrome accounted for the vast majority, which is also a cause for peace of mind.

However, in case it is your turn, there is no such sorrowful mood.

After Dr. Ruan Li confirmed that she was infected with the "virus" and became a member of the patients with Doomsday Syndrome, the complexity of her emotions is difficult to describe. However, now she has adjusted her mind slightly. This is also due to her mentor, Dr. Hawke, who has preserved some of the latest experimental potions in the legacy left before his death. As the successor to Dr. Hawke, Dr. Ruan Li is qualified to preserve and use this legacy.

After Dr. Ruan Li injected herself with the medicine, the stimulation caused by the changes in her body has been greatly weakened. However, she still cannot help but doubt that this may just be the illusion of "paralysis", not the medicine. The effect is really useful.

The dreams I have made these days. Make her have to associate.

Even so, Dr. Ruan Li did not give up his post and left the island hospital. The idea is not based entirely on the selfless idea of ​​"radiovirus. Benefiting humanity", but more complicated, full of personal desires, and obtained after repeated thinking Conclusion.

One thing is not for one purpose. But to achieve multiple purposes at the same time, including goodwill and maliciousness, under this premise, choose your own path-this is a true portrayal of Dr. Ruan Li, and she has always been implementing it.

Today's uneasy, probably because he started to shake? Dr. Ruan Li thought so. The cause was yesterday evening, and she, who had become a senior member of the research team, received information that most people in the hospital could not know. It was a report about the number of deaths in hospitals and the number of deaths outside the hospital due to conditions similar to those in the end-of-hospital syndrome, as well as reports and exploratory conclusions based on the increase in the number of people.

The content is complex, but it comes down to one sentence. That is, "the end-time syndrome is spreading all over the world, and the activation of the" virus "is leading to the end of the world, at least the end of humanity." This is ridiculous in terms of emotional sensitivity.

Even if Dr. Ruan Li thought that he was rational and had tasted the horror of the "virus", he never thought about the arrival of "the end of the world". And, in this way, at such a sudden point in time. When I was still studying "viruses", I made almost all efforts, then. Before drawing a conclusion, the world is going to perish?

Dr. Ruan Li reviewed this intelligence-related data report and inference process, trying to find a place to refute-in fact, as long as he did not admit it. Standing on the opposite side to refute, there are indeed many loopholes in this report-but, a few hours after doing so, she suddenly had the idea of ​​refuting the conclusions of the report with words and theory, to attack those loopholes, What's the point?

These people yourself. Probably the group of people in the world who know the most about "viruses". However, we have still not been able to find a cure for the doomsday syndrome. We are here, saying "the end of the world will not come", they are over there, saying "the end of the world has come", these words are weak, there is not enough evidence.

When the facts come true, it ’s natural to see who is right and who is wrong. However, at that time, if it is really the end of the world, can these people come up with ways to deal with it?

No, at least for now, it simply cannot be done.

Such a dilemma is the most urgent problem that needs to be solved urgently as a researcher and others. It is also the fundamental problem.

But can his body stay up to that time? Dr. Ruan Li's heart is mixed.

Even so, her rationality and actions are not disturbed by this complex emotion, and meticulously complete every detail of the research plan.

She carefully studied the results and deduced manuscripts left by Dr. Hawke, and reconstructed a little bit of the pilot projects that Dr. Hawke wanted to do but failed to complete. The new test is established on the basis of the old test theory, which is the core work of Dr. Ruan Li. In the end, the codename of this research project still maintains the name Dr. Hawke originally named "The Deepest Night".

In this test, an attempt was made to use a drug to test genes for a special patient with apocalyptic syndrome-named "Gaochuan Replica", but not a clone product, but only a by-product of the "virus" common erosion test Level of stimulation. In the past, there have also been experiments in which patients are stimulated with drugs to physically interfere with their psychology. However, this time the test subjects and test drugs are special. It is precisely because the universal sample cannot get the key things, so it is trying to find something that makes it "special" from the special sample.

No matter Dr. Hawke, or Dr. Ruan Li, who inherited Dr. Hawke, they are not sure what kind of thing it is, but they are equally certain that it must have a deeper connection with the "virus". By capturing and studying it, you can get closer to the truth of the "virus". Moreover, even if it fails, this kind of deep stimulation of special goals that has never been carried out will definitely bring new thinking.

This is theoretically an experiment that will pay off as long as it is done. I didn't do it in the past because the conditions were not met. Now that the conditions are met, Dr. Hawke has passed away.

As a successor, Dr. Ruan Li, whether for himself or for others, must promote this project with all his might.

Then, now, everything is ready, only waiting.

After the patient is injected with medicine, the patient's reaction must be observed. The various physiological changes in the body will be recorded as data, including changes in the thinking waveform caused by emotional feelings, and will also be expressed in intuitive data. Research the data, find a breakthrough, and then conduct targeted experiments ~ ~ so repeatedly, until you fully grasp the secret you want.

Dr. Ruan Li knows what she is doing, and knows that it is a very cruel and painful thing for Gaochuan's replica, but she also knows that she has no choice-now everyone must face such a possibility : Either defeat the "virus" or all will die.

Now, it is no longer a time to start from humanitarianism and enjoy the fun of research, but to race against time and fight against death.

So far, no one has observed the body of the "virus", and no one has been able to describe the complete "virus" through theory, but the impact of the "virus" on the world has been more strongly reflected than in the past. No one can guarantee that the "virus" will disappear by itself, and once again return to the inactive state, there can be enough time to allow human research to study again.

On the contrary, the activity of the "virus" has made everyone in the hospital aware that they are fighting against an unknown thing, and the "unknown" itself is the most terrifying place, and it also makes people feel that they are The reason for the difficulty of achieving the final victory. For scientists, conquering "unknown" into "known" is the best answer. However, if this time and opportunity does not exist, will it be destroyed by "unknown"? This is probably the greatest terror that scientists must face. (To be continued.)

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