Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1425: Mountain demon

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li ’s peninsula escape plan is to use a secret underground river to cross the peninsula and the inland boundary. The storm blocked the banks of the peninsula, and the seminars also have defensive lines on the borders. However, in my opinion, the strongest blockade on this peninsula does not come from the violent institutions of ordinary people, nor is it the end of the world ’s native truth. The support of teaching lies in the "mystery" that has already begun on this peninsula.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The plans of the mysterious organizations of all parties have come to a final juncture. Temporary data hedging spaces are happening everywhere on the peninsula. The fourth-level magic pattern is very sensitive to such an environment. There is no place for me and Dr. Ruan Li to escape. Data hedging may not be visible to the naked eye, but it feels so depressing, secret and dangerous. I do n’t know how feasible Dr. Ruan Li ’s plan is in the face of “mystery”, but by this time, I will always give it a try before giving up.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Until we passed through the woodland, there was no substantial danger. Perhaps Dr. Ruan Li's arrangement was very strict at this time. She found a relatively safe road in a way that I could not understand. However, such good luck seems to end here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In a remote corner where Dr. Ruan Li ’s friends are about to meet, a worn off-road vehicle is like a dying beast lying quietly in the muddy water. The flat ground appears barren, with fewer weeds than leaves blown by the wind. There was a disturbing breath in the air, not only me, but even Dr. Ruan Li felt that she had not been so nervous during her previous escape. She was about to move forward, and I held her, feeling her body trembling slightly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Gus, Gus!" Dr. Ruan Li shouted a few times. But there was no response. The human voice was so short, as if it had just appeared, it was broken by the wind and rain.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dr. Ruan Li glanced at me and took a deep breath. Calm down the body. I stood in front of her and shined with a flashlight. I didn't see anything wrong with the naked eye. The chain judged that there was no human figure in the movement. The fourth-level magic pattern seemed a little agitated. I tightened the suitcase in my hand, if anything happened. This is the weapon at hand.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I used my eyes to tell Dr. Ruan Li to stay in place. At first she didn't want to, but she didn't get past my block when she moved forward again and again. After hesitating for a while, she still defaulted my gesture.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I approached the SUV from the side. With the flashlight on the bottom of the car, the carriage and the driver's seat, such obvious light, if someone, it will definitely be alert. However, it was only a suffocating silence for Dr. Ruan Li and me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I have confirmed that there is indeed an exception here. Because human figures that can be observed by chain judgment cannot be seen with the naked eye. The place where I took aim with the flashlight should have been the location of these figures. But to the naked eye, there was nothing, as if these human figures had evaporated out of thin air. I can't help but want the "ghost" in mysticism. In fact, there are indeed things like ghosts and ghosts on this peninsula. When the seminar hunted down the "disqualified". Those mysterious experts lurking in the patients, such as joint people and Anna. He was attacked by those weird things, and even some people died.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Mystery experts are facing these ghosts and ghosts. Nor is it a solid victory.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dr. Ruan Li's friend probably has already suffered. I can't help thinking.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I pulled the door, and the figure in the chain judgment suddenly disappeared. The abnormal breath brought by the off-road vehicle suddenly disappeared, but the uneasiness that permeated this area became more intense. I carefully checked the vehicle, the engine was completely turned off, I do n’t know where it went wrong, and I could n’t start it at all. When I turned the key, there was no sound of a fire.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What did you find?" Dr. Ruan Li has come up, because the chain judgment has not observed those weird human figures, so I did not stop. If the danger has exceeded the observation range of the chain judgment, then no matter how far away Dr. Ruan Li keeps from this car, it is inevitable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Nothing." I turned over the locker in the cab and found only a few comics, I don't know what key to use and a box of gum. There was nothing useful left in the car, and people who came to this place took some self-defense weapons with them for granted, but now it seems to have been taken away.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Whether the owner is dead or alive, there is no evidence to prove that even, I can feel the tenderness of the seat cushion with my palm, as if the owner just left soon, but did not find any trace of him leaving the car.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is that friend's car?" I asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Yes, it's called Gus. He likes this car very much, and he will always transport it even when he is out of the field." Si is also a psychologist and understands his situation, so there is no room for correction. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "He was sitting here, but suddenly he disappeared." I described it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Maybe it was forced to leave. What happened here?" Dr. Ruan Li was also thinking hard. "Only he knows the situation of the underground river. Without his help, we don't even have tools." As she opened the door of the back compartment of the car, Xu Shi saw something unexpected, startled, and said to me, "His people are gone, but the tools are still there."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can see that such a change made Dr. Ruan Li a little uneasy. She is not only worried about the situation of the two of us, but also worried about the bad things this friend may encounter.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Are you going to find him around?" I asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "No." Dr. Ruan Li quickly made up his mind, "If he had an accident, then most of us would not be able to solve his problem. I know where the entrance of the underground river is, if the car can still drive, We leave immediately. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li seems to feel that his words are not human, but when he looked at me, he consolidated all the emotions on his face and became as cold and rigid as ice cubes. I did not persuade, I think I can understand why Dr. Ruan Li made such a decision, I think she abandoned this friend because of me. This guy named "Gus" helped Dr. Ruan Li in the seminar, and took risks and great energy. Such an escape route has been opened up, and no matter what kind of thought it has done so many things, it is indeed a huge relationship.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Now should Dr. Ruan Li make this choice with guilt? I have a position to persuade Dr. Ruan Li, how much to search around. Everyone is doing everything, but for me, of course, Dr. Ruan Li ’s safety must be above this Mr. Gus. Staying here for a while, the possibility of fleeing the peninsula will decrease.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dr. Ruan Li was the first to consider me. And I was the first to consider Dr. Ruan Li, so Gus was left aside, which was cruel and realistic. It is also our own choice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Got it." I answered dumbly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dr. Ruan Li seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing. Once again, she confirmed the tools in the compartment and signaled me to be in the co-pilot position, and then took the lead position. I wanted to tell her that this car couldn't start at all, but this scene was so unusual that I couldn't treat it with common sense. And the fact is just as I feel. Dr. Ruan Li turned the key to ignite, and the engine that could not start could start running.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp at the same time. Chain judgment once again observed the human form in the car. One is next to me, overlapping with Dr. Ruan Li, one sitting in the same position as me, overlapping with me, and the other three staying in the rear compartment. These strange things cannot be seen with the naked eye, as if they are in a different dimension from ours. Although the body shape overlaps, from my feeling. Did not feel the mutual interference of both sides.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "There are five people here." I said suddenly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li is about to step on the accelerator, and he could not help but hear a word. Looking at me suspiciously.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "There are five ghosts in the car, but I don't know who they are." I calmly described what I observed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li just frowned and stared at me with a thoughtful expression. I think she probably thinks again that I saw the illusion again. I think she frowned precisely because she felt that I had taken "Paradise" should be more normal than usual, rather than having "illusion" so quickly. However, Dr. Ruan Li said nothing, maybe she was puzzled by my condition and disappointed that the medical treatment did not achieve the expected results, but at this time, there was no more effort to investigate the cause of failure.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp We have escaped, she has lost the bargaining chips with the seminar and will not be supported by the seminar. If you want to check the test data, you must also have the opportunity to escape from the peninsula. Her eyes seemed to sigh, but she quickly rejuvenated, nodded, and stepped on the accelerator calmly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp buggy drives farther away, I am still using these five objects that can only be observed by chain judgment to attack them secretly, but they are like air, like the shadow in the mirror. Don't eat my means. My power seems to be helpless to them, but they also did not have any impact on me and Dr. Ruan Li.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp drove for a minute, and the terrain gradually fell, but instead the hills grew taller. Suddenly, the car radio turned on inexplicably on its own. When playing an old blues song, the woman's smoky voice turned into a beautiful rhythm, flowing in the car, but the environment was so dark and deep. Repressed, this sudden singing sounds strange and frightening.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I secretly guarded, but I can't see anything with the naked eye, and the figure in the chain judgment is still motionless. Dr. Ruan Li also felt this strange and terrifying atmosphere, and could not help pulling the neckline. I saw that her skin at the collarbone was faintly stained with something, but she looked at it but nothing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp She glanced at the rearview mirror, and she suddenly had a dumbfounded expression. I saw that there were no strange things in the rearview mirror, but she seemed to see it. However, in addition to this, no more substantive phenomenon has occurred.

Dr. Ruan Li did not apply the brakes, but increased the speed of the car by one gear, and the bumps of the car body became intense.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Achuan." She said wearily.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What's wrong?" I asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I think I might have a problem, eroded by white Claudia." Dr. Ruan Li's voice was heavier than before, "Just now, I saw Gus sitting behind us, but, Of course he is not there? "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Her description is not difficult to imagine, and for me, it is not a weird thing. I have always felt that Dr. Ruan Li is a "mysterious" insulator. On the way to the peninsula and the days in the peninsula, there are many details that highlight her particularity. I even think that she is the core of this Las Vegas repeater, just without this consciousness. Dr. Ruan Li has his own unique world view, and does not feel that the original "mystery" exists, but even so, she has been troubled by white Claudia.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The end-of-the-world crisis of the repeater world, in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, is based on the two word concepts of "white Claudia" and "mental erosion", and extends outward. For her, white Claudia is not the inexplicable "mystery", but a heavy reality. She can't face the "mystery" squarely, but she has to care about any weird phenomenon caused by white Claudia.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Yes, he is not." I gently comforted.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, one of the humanoids observed in the chain judgment disappeared. It's like responding to my denial.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li started mumbling, and could not hear what she was talking about. The sky was suddenly white, and the lightning flashed through the clouds like a python. Dr. Ruan Li stepped on the brakes at the same time. I did not feel surprised. At this time, no matter what strange things happen, it is not worth the accident.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I saw a woman ... a woman in red." Dr. Ruan Li explained that she saw it from the rearview mirror.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Where?" I asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDr. Ruan Li turned her head ~ ~ In my gaze, her face began to deform, her body and clothes also began to deform, and she became a woman in a red dress.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's here." Her voice is completely different from that of Dr. Ruan Li. The exceptionally low alcohol is like a good wine that has been brewed for many years, exuding an intoxicating taste.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I didn't speak, just stared at her like that. I need to let myself know that she does not exist. It is Dr. Ruan Li who is sitting there.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The body of the girl in red becomes hazy, her appearance becomes hazy, and all her impression is the only mouth covered with her mouth. She embraces me with such an illusory silhouette. Moving, the wind turned out of the window. The thunder and lightning exploded again, and Dr. Ruan Li ’s body was stiff and trembling. She showed such a fear for the first time in front of me. (To be continued)

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